Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.

Only stupid ignorant trolls like you and Frank defend the corruption of reagan.

The people that lived through it actually remember how bad things really were back then.

Its only the young brainwashed nutbags that listen to that idiot box in the living room and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh who fueled it all right after he got out off office that believe all the lies made up that he did.:cuckoo:

the ones that grew up during the Reagan era are the ones that remember how bad it obviously did not despite your lies.:lol:

Your just as much of a fucking troll is that idiot retard frank is.The proof is in the pudding on that the way you worship the lies the CIA media has spun about him in the lamestream media all the years.:lmao::lmao:

Dante proved it earlier posting facts that Reagans popularity throughout most of his two terms,that he was very unpopular with the american people.:lol::lmao::lmao:

Hate to break your heart idiot,but Jfk was easily the greatest president since Lincoln.Unlike your bastard murdering idol,he actually tried to get rid of the CIA like the patriot he was and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had despite franks lies in his avatar.

The CIA is the reason WHY the world is in the mess it is today and Obama just like every president since that bastard reagan,has been following the gippers footsteps sending jobs overseas and betraying the middle class.:cuckoo:

STOP THE RW PREVARICATING!!! The Gipper was a tax-raisin', terrist armin', death squad fundin', deficit spender. Accept it and choose another rw dear leader to idolize because the Gipper doesn't hold water


The comparisons between Obama and Reagan were inevitable. Reagan took over from Jimmy Carter and inherited an economy that was in shambles. Obama

Uh actually those are lies that have been spread by the CIA media ever since Reagan left office.Carter was the one that took over an economy that was in shambles thanks to the prvious administration.By the time carter left,the ecomony was actually booming.Inflation was high but the ecomony was doing great under Carter.

Reagan got in and after his first term like you said,we were no better off that we were under Carter.It was Carters appointee Paul volker who turned the economy around in Reagans second term.Thanks to carter and his appointee,the economy turned around.Reagn just took the credit for it all.

"Unpopular Reagan 1984 Map"

Count 'em he won 56 of our 57 states


I voted for Reagan, twice, it was better than what the dems had to run for office.
"Unpopular Reagan 1984 Map"

Count 'em he won 56 of our 57 states


showing the reading comprehension problems you have as always I see:lol::lmao: a normal trait with reagan trolls.:lol:

I made it perfectly clear Reagan was unpopular DURING his time while in office,not before idiot.:cuckoo: oh and elections are rigged-have been for DECADES,even my hero Jfk I can acknowledge unlike you can with reagan,I can even admit he stole the election from Nixon.:cuckoo:

you however will never acknowledge elections have been rigged as far back as Hoovers days at least which included reagan stealing it from carter.:cuckoo:

oh and when dante pointed those facts out to you,you even acknowleded it back then saying-"it was a good thing reagan did not listen to the people,"shall I find that quote of yours? I will be more than happy to do so if you wish.hee hee.

as always,you demostrate what a joke you are and your hypocrisy acknowleding back then to dante that he was unpopular with the people,and then when I mention that,you get desperate and try and say he was popular after saying he wasnt.what a total troll you are.:lol:

Ah, Sparky? That map is from the election leading to Reagan's 2nd term! How do you correlate THAT with your claim that Reagan was unpopular DURING his time in office? Reagan was incredibly popular DURING his time in office. His landslide victory over Mondale illustrates that fact. Now do yourself a favor and go do some RESEARCH on these things before you embarrass yourself further....

Mondale made an ad slogan the phrase of the decade, Where's the beef!?
For a liberal to accuse a conservative of revising history is just plan ludicrous I not only remember Reagan but also Nixon. As I look back at it today things were not as bad as some people wanted it to be. Some of the things that we thought were so terrible then ended up being the very thing that ended the very thing that brought the cold war to an end. As I look back at my liberal friends I see that many showed signs of co-dependency. Let’s start with the in “God we trust” starting in the ‘50s then why is it that the 1943 edition of the Blue Jacket Manual has all three verses of the National Anthem the last three lines of the last verse reads “And this be our motto: in ‘God we trust ‘ and the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave”. The lies that are coming out of the left are astounding. In the ‘30s Disney mad a cartoon on Chicken Little. It is on U tube watch it!
March 16, 1984 Fuck Ronald Reagan

didn't know you hated old people so much

Proclamation 5161 -- National Employ the Older Worker Week, 1984

March 16, 1984
By the President of the United States

of America

A Proclamation

Older workers today represent a national resource of incomparable knowledge, judgment, and experience. In the coming decades, it is likely that older workers will constitute an increasing percentage of our population. Therefore, it is vital to the future prosperity of this Nation that these workers be encouraged to continue to make their considerable contributions by remaining in the work force or by serving their communities in voluntary roles.

Many employers have already recognized the potential contributions of older workers and have initiated hiring, retraining, second career, and job retention programs. In addition to these significant private initiatives, the Federal government has been active in promoting opportunities for older workers through a variety of efforts, including the recently implemented Job Training Partnership Act. These various private and public sector efforts have successfully demonstrated that, if sufficient opportunities are available, older workers can continue to make useful and valuable contributions which enhance the quality of life for their communities and which develop a renewed sense of their accomplishment and self-worth.

The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 205, has called for the designation by the President of the second full week in March, 1984 as ``National Employ the Older Worker Week.'' Recognition of this special week presents an invaluable opportunity to focus public attention on the accomplishments of older workers.

Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate the week beginning March 11, 1984, as National Employ the Older Worker Week, and I call upon the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. I urge all Governors, Mayors, and other public officials, leaders in business and labor, voluntary organizations, and private citizens to give special consideration to older workers with a view toward expanding the opportunities available to them.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth.

Ronald Reagan

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 12:03 p.m., March 16, 1984]
March 16, 1984 Fuck Ronald Reagan

didn't know you hated old people so much

Proclamation 5161 -- National Employ the Older Worker Week, 1984

March 16, 1984
By the President of the United States

of America

A Proclamation

Older workers today represent a national resource of incomparable knowledge, judgment, and experience. In the coming decades, it is likely that older workers will constitute an increasing percentage of our population. Therefore, it is vital to the future prosperity of this Nation that these workers be encouraged to continue to make their considerable contributions by remaining in the work force or by serving their communities in voluntary roles.

Many employers have already recognized the potential contributions of older workers and have initiated hiring, retraining, second career, and job retention programs. In addition to these significant private initiatives, the Federal government has been active in promoting opportunities for older workers through a variety of efforts, including the recently implemented Job Training Partnership Act. These various private and public sector efforts have successfully demonstrated that, if sufficient opportunities are available, older workers can continue to make useful and valuable contributions which enhance the quality of life for their communities and which develop a renewed sense of their accomplishment and self-worth.

The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 205, has called for the designation by the President of the second full week in March, 1984 as ``National Employ the Older Worker Week.'' Recognition of this special week presents an invaluable opportunity to focus public attention on the accomplishments of older workers.

Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate the week beginning March 11, 1984, as National Employ the Older Worker Week, and I call upon the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. I urge all Governors, Mayors, and other public officials, leaders in business and labor, voluntary organizations, and private citizens to give special consideration to older workers with a view toward expanding the opportunities available to them.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth.

Ronald Reagan

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 12:03 p.m., March 16, 1984]

Something else happened on that day.
March 16, 1984 Fuck Ronald Reagan

didn't know you hated old people so much

Proclamation 5161 -- National Employ the Older Worker Week, 1984

March 16, 1984
By the President of the United States

of America

A Proclamation

Older workers today represent a national resource of incomparable knowledge, judgment, and experience. In the coming decades, it is likely that older workers will constitute an increasing percentage of our population. Therefore, it is vital to the future prosperity of this Nation that these workers be encouraged to continue to make their considerable contributions by remaining in the work force or by serving their communities in voluntary roles.

Many employers have already recognized the potential contributions of older workers and have initiated hiring, retraining, second career, and job retention programs. In addition to these significant private initiatives, the Federal government has been active in promoting opportunities for older workers through a variety of efforts, including the recently implemented Job Training Partnership Act. These various private and public sector efforts have successfully demonstrated that, if sufficient opportunities are available, older workers can continue to make useful and valuable contributions which enhance the quality of life for their communities and which develop a renewed sense of their accomplishment and self-worth.

The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 205, has called for the designation by the President of the second full week in March, 1984 as ``National Employ the Older Worker Week.'' Recognition of this special week presents an invaluable opportunity to focus public attention on the accomplishments of older workers.

Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate the week beginning March 11, 1984, as National Employ the Older Worker Week, and I call upon the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. I urge all Governors, Mayors, and other public officials, leaders in business and labor, voluntary organizations, and private citizens to give special consideration to older workers with a view toward expanding the opportunities available to them.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth.

Ronald Reagan

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 12:03 p.m., March 16, 1984]

Something else happened on that day.
Yea he nominated a person for a science appointment.

Nomination of John P. McTague To Be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy

March 16, 1984

The President today announced his intention to nominate John P. McTague to be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. He would succeed Ronald B. Frankum.

Since 1982 he has been serving as chairman of the National Synchrotron Light Source Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is also adjunct professor of chemistry at Columbia University. Previously he was a professor of chemistry and member of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at UCLA. In 1964 - 1970 he served as a member of the technical staff at the North American Rockwell Science Center.

He is the author of numerous articles on physics and chemistry. He is a member of the American Chemical Society and a fellow of the American Physical Society, and has served as associate editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics. He received the A.P. Sloan, John Simon Guggenheim, and NATO Senior Fellowships.

He graduated from Georgetown University (B.S., 1960) and Brown University (Ph.D., 1975). He is married, has four children, and resides in Santa Monica, CA. He was born November 28, 1938, in Jersey City, NJ.
didn't know you hated old people so much

Something else happened on that day.
Yea he nominated a person for a science appointment.

Nomination of John P. McTague To Be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy

March 16, 1984

The President today announced his intention to nominate John P. McTague to be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. He would succeed Ronald B. Frankum.

Since 1982 he has been serving as chairman of the National Synchrotron Light Source Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is also adjunct professor of chemistry at Columbia University. Previously he was a professor of chemistry and member of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at UCLA. In 1964 - 1970 he served as a member of the technical staff at the North American Rockwell Science Center.

He is the author of numerous articles on physics and chemistry. He is a member of the American Chemical Society and a fellow of the American Physical Society, and has served as associate editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics. He received the A.P. Sloan, John Simon Guggenheim, and NATO Senior Fellowships.

He graduated from Georgetown University (B.S., 1960) and Brown University (Ph.D., 1975). He is married, has four children, and resides in Santa Monica, CA. He was born November 28, 1938, in Jersey City, NJ.

Nope, keep digging.
Something else happened on that day.
Yea he nominated a person for a science appointment.

Nomination of John P. McTague To Be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy

March 16, 1984

The President today announced his intention to nominate John P. McTague to be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. He would succeed Ronald B. Frankum.

Since 1982 he has been serving as chairman of the National Synchrotron Light Source Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is also adjunct professor of chemistry at Columbia University. Previously he was a professor of chemistry and member of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at UCLA. In 1964 - 1970 he served as a member of the technical staff at the North American Rockwell Science Center.

He is the author of numerous articles on physics and chemistry. He is a member of the American Chemical Society and a fellow of the American Physical Society, and has served as associate editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics. He received the A.P. Sloan, John Simon Guggenheim, and NATO Senior Fellowships.

He graduated from Georgetown University (B.S., 1960) and Brown University (Ph.D., 1975). He is married, has four children, and resides in Santa Monica, CA. He was born November 28, 1938, in Jersey City, NJ.

Nope, keep digging.
I dont really like conspiracy theories created by panty wastes so why dont you just tell us this horrible thing so I laugh and ridicule you
Nope, keep digging.
I dont really like conspiracy theories created by panty wastes so why dont you just tell us this horrible thing so I laugh and ridicule you

Ridicule this one. Oct. 23, 1983

Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

No, I'm not done posting. Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean it means nothing. I'm guessing there are others with the ability to figure out what I am doing. Sorry you don't recognize the dates.
Nope, keep digging.

Ridicule this one. Oct. 23, 1983

Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

No, I'm not done posting. Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean it means nothing. I'm guessing there are others with the ability to figure out what I am doing. Sorry you don't recognize the dates.

You should check if you have dain Bramage
Every POTUS makes mistakes...some more than others. Sadly, now that we have a huge, unlimited, and omnipresent federal government, those mistakes cause greater and greater harm to the people.

If we had a limited small central government, where the POTUS's power is extremely limited (for that matter, all branches of government should be extremely limited) as was envisioned by the Founders, we would be in much better shape. Sadly, we will never experience a small central government again and this could lead to America's demise.

How the Founders could believe that the Constitution, just a piece of paper that has become a dead letter, would limit the actions of power hungry dishonest men, is hard to accept.
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Nope, keep digging.
I dont really like conspiracy theories created by panty wastes so why dont you just tell us this horrible thing so I laugh and ridicule you

Ridicule this one. Oct. 23, 1983

Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.
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