Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Nope, keep digging.

Ridicule this one. Oct. 23, 1983

Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

You'd think Obama would have learned from that, right?
Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

You'd think Obama would have learned from that, right?

This is not about Obama. It's about Ronald Reagan. Obama nor any other President in American history has ever shown the disrespect, disregard or distrust of The United States Marine Corps to send them into a combat zone with orders to keep their weapons unloaded so as not to cause an accidental incident that would anger an enemy or in this case, a terrorist organization, specificly Hezbolla. His stupid fear of pissing off the enemy and stupid order to send those guys into that situation without the chance to defend themselves is one of the things I remember about that POS. Fuck Ronald Reagan.
Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

You'd think Obama would have learned from that, right?

This is not about Obama. It's about Ronald Reagan. Obama nor any other President in American history has ever shown the disrespect, disregard or distrust of The United States Marine Corps to send them into a combat zone with orders to keep their weapons unloaded so as not to cause an accidental incident that would anger an enemy or in this case, a terrorist organization, specificly Hezbolla. His stupid fear of pissing off the enemy and stupid order to send those guys into that situation without the chance to defend themselves is one of the things I remember about that POS. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

Everytime Retard Frank is cornered with facts he cant refute,he evades them bringing up how Obama is ruining the country.:lol:

Fuck Reagan is right.

Frank is the biggest hypocrite troll at USMB.He does the same thing Pale Retard used to do when he was here.Ignore the atrocities that republican presidents commit calling alex jones a loony for saying they are corrupt,yet Frank praises Jones NOW all of a sudden because he is shitting on obama ,a subject near and dear to him,after Jones made the documentary The Obama Deception.:cuckoo:

Jones tells the truth in that video that JFK was the last real president we had,Frank thinks he is lonny for saying that,yet according to his warped brain,Jones is all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama now.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

cant have it both ways you want it retard frank.Jones is either right about BOTH Reagan AND Obama,or wrong about both.cant have it both ways you want it hypocrite.
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The same "Experts" who called Reagan a War Monger and Ronny Raygun for challenging the USSR are now saying "well it would have collapsed anyway"


The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.

While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.
The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.

While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.

trolling with lies as always do the reagan lovers.Raygun struck a deal with them not to release the hostages till after his election in exchange for weapons to be given to them to fight the so called evil communists.

the hostages were delayed troll so actor reagan could fool the american people into making him look like the genius he was instead of the traiterous scumbag bastard he was..just a bizarre coincidence according you reagan lovers warped conspiracy there at all.

Him being the good actor he was,he did just that.fooled everybody with his performances.No conspiracy there at all:cuckoo::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:
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The same "Experts" who called Reagan a War Monger and Ronny Raygun for challenging the USSR are now saying "well it would have collapsed anyway"


The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

which it did.I have said this a million times only to watch the fact get ignored by the reagan idiots that it did not matter who was president back then,that because of arms buildups over the years,thats what led to the collapse of the soviet union was internal strifes that went on which led to the end of the cold war.That even his long time pal Dick Nixon said it would have happened anyways no matter who was president and gorbechev when asked if reagan had a hand in it replied saying-are you serious?:cuckoo:

If someone like Reagan had been President instead of that KC crook Truman, the Cold War never would have gotten off the ground. Using our monopoly on nukes, he would have forced Russia out of Eastern Europe and made it too costly for them to create an empire.

With all your refusal to trust incompetent and dishonest official sources, you can't come up with a rational alternative. That is what the Conspiracy conspiracy is all about, as proven by how much money is spent on your websites.
The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.

While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.

Sept. 1, 1983 Fuck Ronald Reagan

Ya, the Soviet Union was just petrified of Reagan. They were so afraid of him that on Sept. 1, 1983 they sent out a MIG-15 to shoot down a commercial jet carrying 269 passengers and crew that had departed from Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America with a destination of South Korea.
The MIG-15 accomplished it's mission and all 269 souls were rendered dead.
I don't understand how people can blame Reagan for the collapse of the unions just because he locked out a government employees union holding a totally illegal strike.

In the working-class neighborhood where I grew up, we all would have lived in dire poverty if it hadn't been for the unions. But our fathers had lost the courage of our grandfathers and tried to get us to conform to the Preppy Republic, pushing the childish indentured servitude of college education instead of living like a man at age 18 and building stronger unions. If we had done that instead of the unnatural wimpiness of conformity to corporate bullies, blue-collar workers would have made as much as college graduates.
The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

which it did.I have said this a million times only to watch the fact get ignored by the reagan idiots that it did not matter who was president back then,that because of arms buildups over the years,thats what led to the collapse of the soviet union was internal strifes that went on which led to the end of the cold war.That even his long time pal Dick Nixon said it would have happened anyways no matter who was president and gorbechev when asked if reagan had a hand in it replied saying-are you serious?:cuckoo:

If someone like Reagan had been President instead of that KC crook Truman, the Cold War never would have gotten off the ground. Using our monopoly on nukes, he would have forced Russia out of Eastern Europe and made it too costly for them to create an empire.

With all your refusal to trust incompetent and dishonest official sources, you can't come up with a rational alternative. That is what the Conspiracy conspiracy is all about, as proven by how much money is spent on your websites.

B.S from you as always.raygun just like that other evil bastard Truman was just a puppet for the establishment willing to serve the bankers and wall street and fuel government corruption.:lol::lol:

Truman as much of a bastard as he was,at least had the deceny to apologize in his laters years to the american people saying he regretted creating the CIA which he created in 1947 creating it for the sole purpose of gathering information on other countries and having them report thier findings directly to the president.That was what he created it intially for and its only purose was to do just that.

He never intended for it to become a policy creating firm for the united states which is what it has become now.He never created it with the intention of having them go overseas and assassinate other world leaders or start secret covert wars in other countrys murdering women and children.Oh and the CIA has even finally came out and admitted recently they were behind the assassination of the Iraninan leader in 1954.

Now all they need to do is admit they killed Jfk as well which by the way,is overwhelming,you just dont want to look at the evidence same as you dont want to look at the evidence of how corrupt raygun was.

your doing what all reagan lovers do,evade the facts and change the subject talking about other presidents when cornered just like reagans distant cousin frank just did.:lmao::lmao:

thats a common trait you all have.:cuckoo:

Truman as much of an evil bastard he was,at least had the decency to apologize to the american people for creating the CIA-the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.Them and the fed.

He came out and said that it was the worst mistake he ever made in office,that he had helped create a monster.which they are.they are an evil out of control organization that as i said before,brought nazi war criminals over from germany to work for them after world war two.its all documented in one of their documents congress got a hold of in the 70's when they were not near as corrupt like they are now.called OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

what did reagan do when he came into office? He let the CIA run amok and go back to their corrupt ways of running secret covert wars which carter had cleaned up while in office. some great president there.:cuckoo:

some of the brainwashed sheep here are so much conditioned and brainwashed by the CIA controlled media "which he let run amok and get back to their old ways of running covert wars again after carter had dismanted their operations by firing evil monster Bush sr as director whom Ford appointed,then bringing in Stansfiled Turner who cleaned house getting rid of many CIA covert specialists and cleaning up their imiage by doing so,then reagan got in and of course fired Turner,and replaced him with William Casey who got their covert wars up and running again which is why we had those deaths squads that reagan supported."

Yet somehow Reagan wasnt a puppet for the elite and was different than Bush somehow according to the troll reagan worshippers here like frank and others.:cuckoo:

this is a FACT that all the reagan lovers have played dodgeball with like they do with practially ever fact that shoots down their fantays about reagan.:lol:
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Nope, keep digging.

Ridicule this one. Oct. 23, 1983

Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

Yep, I was in the Army from 1982-1988, we though it dumb also to have to play guard with unloaded weapons, but when I had to do airport security detail they did give you an old rattling shotgun with two shells you had to carry in your pocket.
which it did.I have said this a million times only to watch the fact get ignored by the reagan idiots that it did not matter who was president back then,that because of arms buildups over the years,thats what led to the collapse of the soviet union was internal strifes that went on which led to the end of the cold war.That even his long time pal Dick Nixon said it would have happened anyways no matter who was president and gorbechev when asked if reagan had a hand in it replied saying-are you serious?:cuckoo:

If someone like Reagan had been President instead of that KC crook Truman, the Cold War never would have gotten off the ground. Using our monopoly on nukes, he would have forced Russia out of Eastern Europe and made it too costly for them to create an empire.

With all your refusal to trust incompetent and dishonest official sources, you can't come up with a rational alternative. That is what the Conspiracy conspiracy is all about, as proven by how much money is spent on your websites.

B.S from you as always.raygun just like that other evil bastard Truman was just a puppet for the establishment willing to serve the bankers and wall street and fuel government corruption.:lol::lol:

Truman as much of a bastard as he was,at least had the deceny to apologize in his laters years to the american people saying he regretted creating the CIA which he created in 1947 creating it for the sole purpose of gathering information on other countries and having them report thier findings directly to the president.That was what he created it intially for and its only purose was to do just that.

He never intended for it to become a policy creating firm for the united states which is what it has become now.He never created it with the intention of having them go overseas and assassinate other world leaders or start secret covert wars in other countrys murdering women and children.Oh and the CIA has even finally came out and admitted recently they were behind the assassination of the Iraninan leader in 1954.

Now all they need to do is admit they killed Jfk as well which by the way,is overwhelming,you just dont want to look at the evidence same as you dont want to look at the evidence of how corrupt raygun was.

your doing what all reagan lovers do,evade the facts and change the subject talking about other presidents when cornered just like reagans distant cousin frank just did.:lmao::lmao:

thats a common trait you all have.:cuckoo:

Truman as much of an evil bastard he was,at least had the decency to apologize to the american people for creating the CIA-the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.Them and the fed.

He came out and said that it was the worst mistake he ever made in office,that he had helped create a monster.which they are.they are an evil out of control organization that as i said before,brought nazi war criminals over from germany to work for them after world war two.its all documented in one of their documents congress got a hold of in the 70's when they were not near as corrupt like they are now.called OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

what did reagan do when he came into office? He let the CIA run amok and go back to their corrupt ways of running secret covert wars which carter had cleaned up while in office. some great president there.:cuckoo:

JFK and his brother Robert were killed by the mafia.
If someone like Reagan had been President instead of that KC crook Truman, the Cold War never would have gotten off the ground. Using our monopoly on nukes, he would have forced Russia out of Eastern Europe and made it too costly for them to create an empire.

With all your refusal to trust incompetent and dishonest official sources, you can't come up with a rational alternative. That is what the Conspiracy conspiracy is all about, as proven by how much money is spent on your websites.

B.S from you as always.raygun just like that other evil bastard Truman was just a puppet for the establishment willing to serve the bankers and wall street and fuel government corruption.:lol::lol:

Truman as much of a bastard as he was,at least had the deceny to apologize in his laters years to the american people saying he regretted creating the CIA which he created in 1947 creating it for the sole purpose of gathering information on other countries and having them report thier findings directly to the president.That was what he created it intially for and its only purose was to do just that.

He never intended for it to become a policy creating firm for the united states which is what it has become now.He never created it with the intention of having them go overseas and assassinate other world leaders or start secret covert wars in other countrys murdering women and children.Oh and the CIA has even finally came out and admitted recently they were behind the assassination of the Iraninan leader in 1954.

Now all they need to do is admit they killed Jfk as well which by the way,is overwhelming,you just dont want to look at the evidence same as you dont want to look at the evidence of how corrupt raygun was.

your doing what all reagan lovers do,evade the facts and change the subject talking about other presidents when cornered just like reagans distant cousin frank just did.:lmao::lmao:

thats a common trait you all have.:cuckoo:

Truman as much of an evil bastard he was,at least had the decency to apologize to the american people for creating the CIA-the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.Them and the fed.

He came out and said that it was the worst mistake he ever made in office,that he had helped create a monster.which they are.they are an evil out of control organization that as i said before,brought nazi war criminals over from germany to work for them after world war two.its all documented in one of their documents congress got a hold of in the 70's when they were not near as corrupt like they are now.called OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

what did reagan do when he came into office? He let the CIA run amok and go back to their corrupt ways of running secret covert wars which carter had cleaned up while in office. some great president there.:cuckoo:

JFK and his brother Robert were killed by the mafia.

there were some hired hands in the mafia involved no doubt,but it was carried out by the CIA and elements of the military industrial complex in the pentagon whom Eisenhower tried to warn the american people about in his farewell addresss speech he gave.Its a shame the american people did not listen to him and heed his warning.

you should go to and type in E howard hunts jfk confession.

for years,Hunt denied he was in dealy plaza that day after many reseachers suspected one of the tramps photographed that day was Hunt.

He did covert operations for Nixon who was the executive action officer in charge of CIA covert wars being run while he was vice president under Eisenhower.they were secret covert wars so secret even Eisenhower did not know about them amazingly.

Hunt for decades,denied he was in dealy plaza that day,but on his deathbed confession about 5 years ago,he confessed he WAS in dealy plaza that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy.

Hunt you might recall,was one of the burgelers arressted in the watergate burglery.The CIA was actually behind Nixon being out of office as well but in a different way obviously.wish the ways kennedy and nixon were taken out of office the way they were,that the roles had been reversed with them killing Nixon instead.:lol:

He was too evil and corrupt so they werent about to kill him to get him out.They werent too happy with Nixon since he did not the let the war go on longer than they wanted it to bowing down under pressure from the american people who were the ones that finally ended the war.

In Nixons tapes during the watergate hearings,you can hear him say-That scab Hunt,he is a loose end,he may expose the whole bay of bigs thing. reseachers always wonderd why Nixon was so obsessed with the bay of pigs thing in his tapes and what they discovered was the reason he kept referring to that even and to Hunt,was because he was refeering to his role in the Kennedy assassination.

Hunt in his deathbed confession he gave to his son that he recorded and you can hear on yourtube,came forward and said he WAS there in dealy plaza that day,that he lied about that all those years,and was there as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy and Johnson and Nixon knew all about the operation.Nixon and Johnson were pals.they were pals with Hoover as well who also hated the kennedys whom they both also hated.

I used to play with the ida for a long time that it was the mob that did it all by themselves as well but then i realised that was impossible because of the way oswald was set up,sent to russia renouncing his citiizenship and then came back into the country so easily with no problems whatsoever instead of being arressted liek the traiter he should have been.

plus the mob could not have made the media fall asleep either and controlled the media and spread the lies the media did or change the parade route and make the secret service stand down that day or call the army intelligence in texas to make them stand down wither saying their protection wasnt needed.

so yeah you are correct,they were involved to a degree,just at a lower level as hired hands by the CIA.;)

the CIA and mob worked hand in hand together.Nixon by the way,had along connection to Jack Ruby,he pardoned ruby in 1947 while a congressmen for unamerican activities.
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thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.

While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.

Sept. 1, 1983 Fuck Ronald Reagan

Ya, the Soviet Union was just petrified of Reagan. They were so afraid of him that on Sept. 1, 1983 they sent out a MIG-15 to shoot down a commercial jet carrying 269 passengers and crew that had departed from Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America with a destination of South Korea.
The MIG-15 accomplished it's mission and all 269 souls were rendered dead.

Reagan didn't even have the balls to demand access to the wreckage and bodys floating in the water. America was forced to negociate for the dead bodies of it's citizens.
thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.

While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.

trolling with lies as always do the reagan lovers.Raygun struck a deal with them not to release the hostages till after his election in exchange for weapons to be given to them to fight the so called evil communists.

the hostages were delayed troll so actor reagan could fool the american people into making him look like the genius he was instead of the traiterous scumbag bastard he was..just a bizarre coincidence according you reagan lovers warped conspiracy there at all.

Him being the good actor he was,he did just that.fooled everybody with his performances.No conspiracy there at all:cuckoo::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:

Muzzies are wild animals that only respond to threats of violence against them. If the Nazislamis released the hostages, they must have been threatened by Reagan.

I'd rather be a troll than a trollop. Who's your pimp? All your well-financed websites should have their offices ransacked and their equipment smashed. You traitors work for the 1% by implying that they are intelligent enough to have earned their wealth. They are subhuman dumb jock bullies. It is easy to figure out a true conspiracy, which is only a game plan, once you know the low IQs of their leaders. They want to cover up their mental inferiority. You hirelings present them as evil geniuses to make us at least think they are geniuses. They are the putrid slime that oozes out of Greedheads' trophy wives.
While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.

trolling with lies as always do the reagan lovers.Raygun struck a deal with them not to release the hostages till after his election in exchange for weapons to be given to them to fight the so called evil communists.

the hostages were delayed troll so actor reagan could fool the american people into making him look like the genius he was instead of the traiterous scumbag bastard he was..just a bizarre coincidence according you reagan lovers warped conspiracy there at all.

Him being the good actor he was,he did just that.fooled everybody with his performances.No conspiracy there at all:cuckoo::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:

Muzzies are wild animals that only respond to threats of violence against them. If the Nazislamis released the hostages, they must have been threatened by Reagan.

I'd rather be a troll than a trollop. Who's your pimp? All your well-financed websites should have their offices ransacked and their equipment smashed. You traitors work for the 1% by implying that they are intelligent enough to have earned their wealth. They are subhuman dumb jock bullies. It is easy to figure out a true conspiracy, which is only a game plan, once you know the low IQs of their leaders. They want to cover up their mental inferiority. You hirelings present them as evil geniuses to make us at least think they are geniuses. They are the putrid slime that oozes out of Greedheads' trophy wives.

run,Prom,Run.the evading continues to no surprise.:lol:
thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.

While our "intelligence" agencies are made up of preppie frat rats and pseudo-intellectual bookworms, the KGB knows what is going on. If they were frightened by Star Wars, I trust their analysis more than the PC pacifists who judged it to be unworkable. Using his acting skills, Reagan managed to frighten our three enemies into submission. He made the Iranians think they'd be turned into glass if they didn't release the hostages; he made OPEC believe their oilfields would be seized if they didn't drastically reduce their price-gouging, and he made the Soviets abdicate.

Sept. 1, 1983 Fuck Ronald Reagan

Ya, the Soviet Union was just petrified of Reagan. They were so afraid of him that on Sept. 1, 1983 they sent out a MIG-15 to shoot down a commercial jet carrying 269 passengers and crew that had departed from Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America with a destination of South Korea.
The MIG-15 accomplished it's mission and all 269 souls were rendered dead.

November 22, 1963 Fuck JFK, the spoiled rich puke who almost caused WWIII because he wanted to play fraternity bully.

Sept. 1, 1983 Russia defends itself, not taking chances that an airline border crossing was an innocent mistake. Get better pilots, especially when they're flying near a hostile border.
February 23, 1973. In a preview of 9/11, Israel did the same thing.
those who lived through the reagan era remember how he betrayed the middle and lower class familys.:lol:

:eusa_liar: People actually moved up under Reagan unlike this pathetic poor excuse for a president we have now

lies as always from the paid zionist zionist shills are so stupid you dont even try to hide it that you are a zionist shill that has penetrated this site going out of your way to advertise your support the atrocities of israel.:lol:

your as sloppy as the CIA is with their lies they tell the american people in their controlled media.:lol:

the truth about reagan.

FOR THE LEFT: Reagan's Betrayal of the Middle Class Comes to Full Fruition

How the GOP betrayed the White American Middle Class? | YAHOO THOM

still MORE great material that shoots down the lies spun by the CIA controlled media that reagan ended the cold war and created millions of jobs.the reagan worshippers here wont read any of this or read these links and try to refute them of course.they never do.they always come back and post something irrelevent evading the facts to try and save face in their defeat.:lol:

some people just cant deal with facts that they have been brainwashed their whole lives by our government and CIA controlled media not willing to learn the truth from alternative news sources that report facts omitted by them.:cuckoo:

then there of course is the zionist paid shill sent here to post lies and reagans distanrt cousin retard frank who has got to be just that,a distant cousin of Reagans the way he constantly comes back to get his ass handed to him on a platter all the time evading facts about reagan changing the subject to obama and is so obsessed and irrational and his lunatic ramblings.:lmao::lmao:

a serious open minded researcher would read this and then be mature enough to admit they have been brainwashed thier whole lives instead of hiding behind the computer like all these reagan coward trolls on this thread do posting lies to try and save face in defeat.

Here I am about to take them all to school here.the truth will hurt,so they of course will try and shoot the messenger since the truth hurts them so much.:lol:

As long as the GOP and their media shills continue to blame every problem and their own wrongdoings on Bill Clinton, we will fight back. We are going to counter their "blame Clinton for everything" game with our own campaign to "blame everything on Ronald Reagan". Not only will it be truthful, but it will also counter all of the false positive spin and adulation Reagan has received all these years by people who aren't interested in acknowledging or understanding all the damage his presidency did to our country.

We are asking our viewers for help in adding to this list by utilizing your creative spirits, historical knowledge, energy, and funny bones. We have started this list to help you get a feel for the types of ideas we might be looking for.

Feel free to email notice of this campaign to all of your friends. This project will become very informative if everyone pitches in to help! Who knows? We might even be able to change the political discourse in a major way in this country.

Send us something we can blame on Reagan

We blame Ronald Reagan for these things:

Had it not been for Reagan busting the air traffic controllers union, 9/11 might not have succeeded because former union air traffic controllers would have been better able to spot and isolate the hijacked planes from the others on their screen so they could have been intercepted BEFORE they hit their targets.
Nuclear weapon proliferation and escalation with the Soviet Union wouldn't have continued as long had it not been for Reagan's insistence on the missile shield ie Star Wars program.
Contributed to a vast expansion of corporate theft and illegal behavior by disabling governmental functions and regulatory agencies that would have prevented these things.
Contributed to a general distrust and dislike of government by devaluing civic participation thus discouraging good people from participating in public service.
Allowed the EPA to unravel laws that protect the environment. If you are breathing bad air and/or drinking contaminated water, it's Reagan's fault. So is the increase in global warming.
Started the trend where reporters are afraid to question or contradict the president for fear of losing access.
One reason Osama bin Laden felt emboldened enough to attack us on 9/11 was because Reagan didn't do anything when the Marine barracks in Lebanon were bombed in 1983 by suicide bombers killing 241 US servicemen. There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans. Instead, the Marines were moved offshore where they could not be targeted. On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the Marines to begin withdrawal from Lebanon.
Because he asked for and got fast track authority for trade bills while removing Congress from negotiating these, we are now shipping out hundreds of billions of dollars per year to buy consumer goods from China and other countries and we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars buying our energy from elsewhere so these countries can use our own money to buy our country and our debt. And because of this our trade deficits have skyrocketed and American jobs are being moved overseas.
The U. S. hostages taken by Iran were deliberately and illegally allowed to remain hostages for much longer than necessary in order to help Reagan beat Carter in the election.
We are more dependent upon foreign oil than ever before because Reagan reversed Carter's demands for energy independence. He even removed the solar panels from the White House showing his contempt for saving energy.
We are now the largest net debtor nation and the largest importer of goods because of his trade policies and Reagonomics.
Because of Reagan our country now meets the definition of a Third World nation.
Wasted billions of taxpayer dollars that are still being wasted on failed Star Wars systems.
His policies helped bring about the ruination of thousands of good companies with resulting loss of jobs that were destroyed by leveraged buyouts financed by junk bonds.
His lack of oversight and regulation created billions of dollars in taxpayer losses from failed Savings and Loans and their resulting bailouts.
His lack of oversight, outright fraud, and mismanagement created billions of dollars in taxpayer losses from HUD scandals.
The rush by Reagan to be associated with a successful space shuttle mission, led to the hasty and failed inspections of the O-rings that caused the Challenger blow-up.
Reagan's 11th commandment of never speaking ill of fellow Republicans has contributed to the extreme partisanship we now see operating in government.
Helped fuel a culture of greed and extreme avarice.
His support and coverup of Iran contra affair led to a massive increase in cocaine and cocaine use in this country while illegally arming the Mullahs in Iran.
Helped reverse decades of social reform policies in Latin America by nurturing savage and brutal free market dictators like Pinochet in Chile.
Drove down employee wages by increasing the labor pool in an attempt to destroy unions and the Democratic party while turning a blind eye to employers who hired illegal aliens.
Reagan provided many of the weapons and military hardware Saddam used against the Kurds and other groups and he helped Saddam get international loans, restored formal relations in 1984 and secretly provided Iraq with intelligence and military support, so Reagan helped to prop up this tyrant.
Promoted the theory of 'trickle down' economics and 'rising tide raises all boats' thus neglecting any efforts to reduce poverty or close increasing income gaps. --from viewer in Columbia, SC
Ignored the AIDS crisis til Rock Hudson was dying; prevented testing of blood supply and impeded the conduct of effective nationwide educational programs. --from GrantGrandma, Columbia, SC
Nurtured Pinochet the murdering thug dictator of Chile to institute a savage free-market system that reversed decades of social welfare reforms.
Responsible for today's out of control homeless population. He closed all the federal mental institutions and the states were unable to absorb them, so the mentally ill population ended up on the streets. --from viewer Sage, Atlanta, GA
Facilitated the barbarity that raged through Central America in the 1980s, claiming the lives of tens of thousands of peasants, clergy and students, men, women and children...the Central American violence was always more about entrenched ruling elites determined to retain their privileges against impoverished peasants, including descendants of the region's Maya Indians, seeking social, political and economic reforms. --taken from Robert Parry at, "Reagan & the Salvadoran Baby Skulls", January 30, 2007.
Wasted millions of taxpayer money only to find out that pornography isn't harmful to most people.
Put the country into more debt than all of the previous presidents before him combined.
Thanks to Reagan's policies the U.S. has become the leading exporter of raw materials and the leading importer of finished goods.
Set the U.S. on a course to make 9/11 happen by undoing Carter's sound and successful energy conservation policies allowing our dependence on exported oil to grow much faster ever since.
Popularized the infamous (and now commonly used Republican) defense: "I do not recall". --from viewer Lisa, SD
Presided over a corrupt administration: 32 members were convicted of crimes, of which two were overturned on appeal. Fourteen of these were related to Iran/Contra, sixteen to the HUD housing scandal, and two to the illegal lobbying of the Administration by ex-officials. Compare this to the Clinton administration: Zero officials indicted.
The Iran/Contra scandal was a deliberate act in violation of and disrespect for the law by Reagan and others in his administration and was an impeachable offense.
The collapse of the Soviet Union had little to nothing to do with Reagan's policies nor him making the Soviets spend more on defense as portrayed by those who have contributed to these myths. Instead the collapse of the Soviet Union had already started in the early 1970's and was rooted in the failings of the system created by Lenin and Stalin.
In his first term he acted just like Bush with the same disasterous results: He championed U.S. military prowess, doubled the military budget, scorned arms control, the UN and international law. Goaded by neocons he launched a war to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. These policies divided us from our alllies.
Recklessly put Marines into harm's way in a civil war in Lebanon where they were blown up in a terrorist bombing and then invaded hapless Grenada to distract the country from his mistakes.
By the end of his presidency, 138 administration officials had been convicted, indicted, or subjected to official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violation--more than in any other prior administration.
His deregulation of the savings and loan industry produced the costliest financial scandal in U.S. history up to that time with a bailout costing taxpayers more than $130 billion.
He ended Republican support for choice, campaigned against equal rights for women, and perfected race-baiting politics, packed the court with ideologues, all of which contributed to driving the country apart.
His voodoo economic policies of top-end tax cuts, increased military spending and balanced budgets produced the worst recession since the Great Depression, growing inequality and record deficits.
His trade policies laid waste American manufacturing.
His assault on labor and opposition to the minimum wage contributed to a decade in which wages stagnated while CEO salaries soared.
Caused 10 million Americans to lose their jobs because of plant closings and layoffs from 1983-1988, with half of those who found work forced into lower wage jobs.
His economic recovery was made possible because it was purchased on credit as the U.S was transformed into the greatest debtor nation.
Reagan tried as President to weaken the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Reagan was a racist. His campaign for President deliberately chose kickoff at the Neshoba County Fair in Meshoba County, Mississipi, a white-supremacist stronghold, to gather votes from white bigots. Meshoba County was a place where several activists had been murdered not that long ago, shot to death by whites enraged at the very idea of people trying to secure the rights of African-Americans.
He opposed a national holiday for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
He tried to get rid of the federal ban on tax exemptions for private schools that practiced racial discrimination.
In 1988, he vetoed a bill to expand the reach of federal civil rights legislation - a veto that Congress overrode.
Reagan also vetoed the imposition of sanctions on the apartheid regime in South Africa. Congress overrode that veto, too.
While the rich got much richer, there was little sustained economic improvement for most Americans. By the late 1980s, middle-class incomes were barely higher than they had been a decade before -- and the poverty rate had actually risen. --see Paul Krugman reference #6 below
Like productivity, American business prestige [during Reagan's presidency] didn’t stage a comeback until the mid-1990s, when the U.S. began to reassert its technological and economic leadership. --see Paul Krugman reference #6 below
Reagan -- the fiscal conservative -- never balanced a budget. Reagan -- the fiscal conservative -- never came close to balancing a budget. Reagan -- the fiscal conservative -- never even came remotely close to even thinking about balancing a budget. So, how did Reagan pay for this? He mired the country in a mammoth explosion of Federal debt. He nearly tripled the national debt. --from Hale Stewart see reference #7 below
Yes, it's the deregulatory 1980s, not the Swinging Sixties, that paved the way for serial killing on CBS [ie Dexter]. Before then, networks might have been worried about things like what message they were projecting, community service, the Fairness Doctrine, and other old-fashioned stuff that the Federal Communications Commission cared about. By the time the Reagan White House was done dismantling the FCC's oversight powers, all that the commissioners cared about were naughty words and wardrobe malfunctions. --see reference #8 below.
Murdered 1/2 a million Americans by allowing an Ebola Type Virus (HIV) to run rampant in the gay community. The AIDS crisis was 5 years old before Ronnie publicly said the word AIDS. --from a viewer
Contributed to the decay of the infrastructure due to lack of maintenance. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." --from viewer Jack, in San Francisco, CA
Turned the United States from a democracy into a capitalist state, by equating capitalism with democracy. --from viewer Jack, in San Francisco, CA
Reagan administration trained and armed Bin Laden & al qaeda in the 80's thus arguably causing 9/11. --from viewer Quincy, see reference #9 below.
Financial scandals like the $50bn. Madoff ponzi scheme would more likely have been caught had Reagan not been able to sell the role of government as a negative force in people's lives and a bad place for anyone to work. This attitude promoted Wall Street greed by taking talented people out of good jobs at the SEC and other regulatory agencies where they felt devalued and underpaid. It also caused a drain of talent within government itself leading to more waste, inefficiency, and lack of oversight.
Signed into law in 1982 the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act that turned the modest-sized troubles of savings-and-loan institutions into an utter catastrophe that 25 years later became the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The change in America’s financial rules was Reagan’s biggest legacy. And it’s the gift that keeps on taking. --from Paul Krugman column #10 below.
Ronald Reagan campaigned on "less government in our lives" by decreasing government spending. By the end of his term he increased government spending by 68%. --from a viewer
Supplied weapons to leaders of militant groups in Afghanistan, including Osama bin Laden, in the name of fighting communism. --from a viewer
People don't die of TB if they get some antibiotics. But Ronald Reagan, big-hearted guy that he was, had put a lock-down embargo on medicine to Nicaragua because he didn't like the government that the people there had elected. -from Greg Palast article #11 below.
And when Hezbollah terrorists struck and murdered hundreds of American marines in their sleep in Lebanon, the TV warrior ran away like a whipped dog - then turned around and invaded Grenada. That little Club Med war was a murderous PR stunt so Ronnie could hold parades for gunning down Cubans building an airport. -from Greg Palast article #11 below.
In the 1970s and 1980s, as Latin American security forces were sharpening themselves into finely honed killing machines, Reagan was there as an ardent defender, making excuses for the atrocities, and sending money and equipment to make the forces even more lethal. For instance, in the late 1970s, when Argentina's dictators were inventing a new state-terror program called "disappearances" -- the unacknowledged murders of dissidents -- Reagan was making himself useful as a columnist deflecting the human rights complaints coming from the Carter administration. - from Robert Parry column #12 below.
More substantively, Reagan authorized CIA collaboration with the Argentine intelligence service for training and arming the Nicaraguan Contras, a rebel force created to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government. The Contras were soon implicated in human rights atrocities of their own. - from Robert Parry column #12 below.
After taking office in 1981, Reagan pushed to overturn an arms embargo that Carter had imposed on Guatemala for its wretched human rights record. Yet even as Reagan moved to loosen up the military aid ban, U.S. intelligence agencies were confirming new Guatemalan government massacres. - from Robert Parry column #12 below.
Despite the widespread evidence of Guatemalan government atrocities cited in the internal U.S. government cables, political operatives for the Reagan administration sought to conceal the crimes. On Oct. 22, 1982, for instance, the U.S. Embassy claimed the Guatemalan government was the victim of a communist-inspired "disinformation campaign." - from Robert Parry column #12 below.
Reagan's falsification of the historical record became a hallmark of the conflicts in El Salvador and Nicaragua as well as Guatemala. In one case, Reagan personally lashed out at a human rights investigator named Reed Brody, a New York lawyer who had collected affidavits from more than 100 witnesses to atrocities carried out by the U.S.-supported Contras in Nicaragua..But amid all the extravagant hoopla and teary tributes to the late president, perhaps some Americans will stop and think of all the decent people in Latin America and elsewhere who died horrible and unnecessary deaths as Ronald Reagan cheerily defended their murderers.. - from Robert Parry column #12 below.
Despite a growing international movement to topple apartheid in the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan maintained a close alliance with a South African government that was showing no signs of serious reform. And the Reagan administration demonized opponents of apartheid, most notably the African National Congress, as dangerous and pro-communist. Reagan even vetoed a bill to impose sanctions on South Africa, only to be overruled by Congress. On a trip to the United States after winning the Nobel Prize in 1984, Bishop Desmond Tutu memorably declared that Reagan's policy was "immoral, evil and totally un-Christian." - from Justin Elliott column #13 below.
The Bush-Reagan administration was investigated by both federal and district authorities for running a homosexual prostitution ring. The ring included among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite. The investigation included credit card fraud, illegal interstate prostitution, abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion, extortion, larceny and related illicit drug trafficking and use by prosititutes and their clients. - from viewer Quincy see #14 below.
Sucked up to right-wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch. paving the way for propaganda purveyors FOX NEWS(yeah.right)Channel! --from viewer Kim K., Pleasantville, NJ
Seduced baby-boomers..the same people who protested against war, bigotry, and "back-pedal" and think that GREED IS GOOD. Now they're like their parents, which they said never would happen.--from viewer Kim K., Pleasantville, NY
References used to compile this list:

1. "Way Out There in the Blue", by Frances Fitzgerald, Simon & Schuster, 2000
2. "Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years", by Haynes Johnson, Doubleday, 1991
3. "What Liberal Media: The Truth About Bias and the News," by Eric Alterman, Basic Books, 2003
4. "Conservatism Itself", by Robert Borosage, The American Prospect, July/August 2007
5. "Righting Reagan's Wrongs?" by Bob Herbert, The New York Times, November 13, 2007
6. "Debunking the Reagan Myth" by Paul Krugman, The New York Times, January 21, 2008.
7. "Ronald Reagan: Fiscal Disaster", by Hale 'Bonddad' Stewart,, January 21, 2008, complete with charts and graphs
8. "Blame Reagan for serial killing on TV", by Ed Siegel, Boston Globe, February 10, 2008.
9. "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001", by Steve Coll, 2004, Penguin Press HC
10. "Reagan Did It", by Paul Krugman, The New York Times, May 31, 2009
11. "Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man", The Observer London, by Greg Palast, February 7, 2011
12. Ronald Reagan, Enabler of Atrocitiey, by Robert Parry
13. Reagan's embrace of apartheid South Africa, by Justin Elliott, February 5, 2011
14. "Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush
‘Call boys’ took midnight tour of White House'" by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald, The Washington Times. June 29, 1989, found on Also this clearer image and this image of the actual news report of this story.

still even MORE great stuff the reagan worshipping trolls wont read either.they'll never read these facts in these links below either.they never do,they always run off with their tail between their legs everytime.:lmao::lmao:

Stanching the American jobs hemorrhage How Ronald Reagan Unwittingly Laid the Groundwork for the Death of Capitalism

Robert L. Borosage: The Reagan Ruins

Ronald Reagan's War on Labor (Labor) by Dick Meister
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Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

No, I'm not done posting. Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean it means nothing. I'm guessing there are others with the ability to figure out what I am doing. Sorry you don't recognize the dates.

You should check if you have dain Bramage

He's showing his inner power-hungry viciousness. He wants us to waste our time Googling and Wikiing at his bidding. These autistic megalomaniacs always give themselves away.
If someone like Reagan had been President instead of that KC crook Truman, the Cold War never would have gotten off the ground. Using our monopoly on nukes, he would have forced Russia out of Eastern Europe and made it too costly for them to create an empire.

With all your refusal to trust incompetent and dishonest official sources, you can't come up with a rational alternative. That is what the Conspiracy conspiracy is all about, as proven by how much money is spent on your websites.

B.S from you as always.raygun just like that other evil bastard Truman was just a puppet for the establishment willing to serve the bankers and wall street and fuel government corruption.:lol::lol:

Truman as much of a bastard as he was,at least had the deceny to apologize in his laters years to the american people saying he regretted creating the CIA which he created in 1947 creating it for the sole purpose of gathering information on other countries and having them report thier findings directly to the president.That was what he created it intially for and its only purose was to do just that.

He never intended for it to become a policy creating firm for the united states which is what it has become now.He never created it with the intention of having them go overseas and assassinate other world leaders or start secret covert wars in other countrys murdering women and children.Oh and the CIA has even finally came out and admitted recently they were behind the assassination of the Iraninan leader in 1954.

Now all they need to do is admit they killed Jfk as well which by the way,is overwhelming,you just dont want to look at the evidence same as you dont want to look at the evidence of how corrupt raygun was.

your doing what all reagan lovers do,evade the facts and change the subject talking about other presidents when cornered just like reagans distant cousin frank just did.:lmao::lmao:

thats a common trait you all have.:cuckoo:

Truman as much of an evil bastard he was,at least had the decency to apologize to the american people for creating the CIA-the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.Them and the fed.

He came out and said that it was the worst mistake he ever made in office,that he had helped create a monster.which they are.they are an evil out of control organization that as i said before,brought nazi war criminals over from germany to work for them after world war two.its all documented in one of their documents congress got a hold of in the 70's when they were not near as corrupt like they are now.called OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

what did reagan do when he came into office? He let the CIA run amok and go back to their corrupt ways of running secret covert wars which carter had cleaned up while in office. some great president there.:cuckoo:

JFK and his brother Robert were killed by the mafia.

In order to prevent WWIII over the Cuban missile crisis, the CIA and KGB got together and arranged tradeoffs. We take our missiles out of Turkey and they take theirs out of Cuba. To punish the loose-cannon spoiled-rotten scumbag JFK, we had to assassinate him and the Russians had to depose Khrushchev for not understanding that spoiled rich kids are nothing but dumb jock bullies.

Without his Daddy's money, JFK would have been a useless nobody. The hereditary classes must be outlawed before they kill the rest of us. JFK was no better a person than that lazy, low-IQ draftdodger Bush.
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