Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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No, I'm not done posting. Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean it means nothing. I'm guessing there are others with the ability to figure out what I am doing. Sorry you don't recognize the dates.

You should check if you have dain Bramage

He's showing his inner power-hungry viciousness. He wants us to waste our time Googling and Wikiing at his bidding. These autistic megalomaniacs always give themselves away.

Should have recognized the creation of mondern day terrorism after checking just a few of the dates I provided. Everyone of the dates I provided followed by a Fuck Ronald Reagan tag is the date of a terrorist attack on the United States. And I wasn't done posting dates.
I'm not that interested in all the economic crap.
The Ronald Reagan era gave birth to terrorism being an accepted tactic of our enemies. He created the atmosphere that terrorist operated in until 9/11. His signing of a National Secuirity Directive in early April 1984 created a task force that would thow away the national stategy of refusing to negociate with terrorist and adapt one of not only negociating, but making deals. The Directive was #138 if you are interested.
trolling with lies as always do the reagan lovers.Raygun struck a deal with them not to release the hostages till after his election in exchange for weapons to be given to them to fight the so called evil communists.

the hostages were delayed troll so actor reagan could fool the american people into making him look like the genius he was instead of the traiterous scumbag bastard he was..just a bizarre coincidence according you reagan lovers warped conspiracy there at all.

Him being the good actor he was,he did just that.fooled everybody with his performances.No conspiracy there at all:cuckoo::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:

Muzzies are wild animals that only respond to threats of violence against them. If the Nazislamis released the hostages, they must have been threatened by Reagan.

I'd rather be a troll than a trollop. Who's your pimp? All your well-financed websites should have their offices ransacked and their equipment smashed. You traitors work for the 1% by implying that they are intelligent enough to have earned their wealth. They are subhuman dumb jock bullies. It is easy to figure out a true conspiracy, which is only a game plan, once you know the low IQs of their leaders. They want to cover up their mental inferiority. You hirelings present them as evil geniuses to make us at least think they are geniuses. They are the putrid slime that oozes out of Greedheads' trophy wives.

run,Prom,Run.the evading continues to no surprise.:lol:

You just love spoiled-rotten Heirheads, don't you? Slavish bootlicking peasants like your ilk should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong, where you can choke on the dust left by your guillotine-fodder heroes. The rich get cut off from their Daddy's Money at age 18. If real Americans have to do it on our own, so must they.
Or they must die, as at Virginia Tech.
B.S from you as always.raygun just like that other evil bastard Truman was just a puppet for the establishment willing to serve the bankers and wall street and fuel government corruption.:lol::lol:

Truman as much of a bastard as he was,at least had the deceny to apologize in his laters years to the american people saying he regretted creating the CIA which he created in 1947 creating it for the sole purpose of gathering information on other countries and having them report thier findings directly to the president.That was what he created it intially for and its only purose was to do just that.

He never intended for it to become a policy creating firm for the united states which is what it has become now.He never created it with the intention of having them go overseas and assassinate other world leaders or start secret covert wars in other countrys murdering women and children.Oh and the CIA has even finally came out and admitted recently they were behind the assassination of the Iraninan leader in 1954.

Now all they need to do is admit they killed Jfk as well which by the way,is overwhelming,you just dont want to look at the evidence same as you dont want to look at the evidence of how corrupt raygun was.

your doing what all reagan lovers do,evade the facts and change the subject talking about other presidents when cornered just like reagans distant cousin frank just did.:lmao::lmao:

thats a common trait you all have.:cuckoo:

Truman as much of an evil bastard he was,at least had the decency to apologize to the american people for creating the CIA-the reason the world is in the mess that it is today.Them and the fed.

He came out and said that it was the worst mistake he ever made in office,that he had helped create a monster.which they are.they are an evil out of control organization that as i said before,brought nazi war criminals over from germany to work for them after world war two.its all documented in one of their documents congress got a hold of in the 70's when they were not near as corrupt like they are now.called OPERATION PAPERCLIP.

what did reagan do when he came into office? He let the CIA run amok and go back to their corrupt ways of running secret covert wars which carter had cleaned up while in office. some great president there.:cuckoo:

JFK and his brother Robert were killed by the mafia.

In order to prevent WWIII over the Cuban missile crisis, the CIA and KGB got together and arranged tradeoffs. We take our missiles out of Turkey and they take theirs out of Cuba. To punish the loose-cannon spoiled-rotten scumbag JFK, we had to assassinate him and the Russians had to depose Khrushchev for not understanding that spoiled rich kids are nothing but dumb jock bullies.

Without his Daddy's money, JFK would have been a useless nobody. The hereditary classes must be outlawed before they kill the rest of us. JFK was no better a person than that lazy, low-IQ draftdodger Bush.

a reasonable post with no trolling for impressed.:lol::clap2:

everything about this post is correct amazingly accept the last sentence.up till then you had everything right.

Unlike Bushwacker,Jfk developed a conscience and could not go along with the establishments agenda anymore stepping on some very powerful toes in washington signing an exectuive order that would have effectively ended the fed,for 5 months we had money that was backed by something,silver issued by the treasury instead of the fed.we had dollars called UNITED STATES NOTES issued by the treasury.instead of these worthless federal reserve notes we have now.

Jfk was taking steps to get back to the constitution again where the people had control over the government again instead of all these corporations that do now.

I am far more versed on this subject more than anybody here most likely in the fact I have read over 200 books on his assassination and have met many of those authors and spoke to them over the years.

after his assassination,just like with his policy on vietnam,Johnson reversed his executive order and the printing of the united states notes stopped shortly sometime after.he had some 500,000 ready to go and printed out,he only got about 10,000 or so circulated in that timeframe before they assassinated him.

Oh and unlike Bushwacker,he took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well turning over covert operations the CIA ran to the pentagon which never got implemented of better a person that bushwacker my ass.:cuckoo:

thats why i have tried to spell out to idiots here dummies style a million times only to watch it go ignored everytime,that carter was the only good president we have had since jfk.Like Jfk,carter also tried to do the right thing as well and also tried to get rid of the CIA.

He came in and fired bastard Gerald Fords appointee Bush sr and replaced him with Stansfield Turner who cleaned up the CIA's image replacing Bush with Turner who fired many CIA covert specialists.bastard reagan got in,fired Turner,replaced him with William Casey,and as i said a million times before,the CIA got back to their old dirty tricks campaine again with their covert operations runnign again.

reagan a great president my ass.sure he was,and Im going to be the next POTUS as well.:cuckoo::D
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You should check if you have dain Bramage

He's showing his inner power-hungry viciousness. He wants us to waste our time Googling and Wikiing at his bidding. These autistic megalomaniacs always give themselves away.

Should have recognized the creation of mondern day terrorism after checking just a few of the dates I provided. Everyone of the dates I provided followed by a Fuck Ronald Reagan tag is the date of a terrorist attack on the United States. And I wasn't done posting dates.
I'm not that interested in all the economic crap.
The Ronald Reagan era gave birth to terrorism being an accepted tactic of our enemies. He created the atmosphere that terrorist operated in until 9/11. His signing of a National Secuirity Directive in early April 1984 created a task force that would thow away the national stategy of refusing to negociate with terrorist and adapt one of not only negociating, but making deals. The Directive was #138 if you are interested.

You're full of crap you and your conspiracy loon brother....Mental patients:cuckoo:
JFK and his brother Robert were killed by the mafia.

In order to prevent WWIII over the Cuban missile crisis, the CIA and KGB got together and arranged tradeoffs. We take our missiles out of Turkey and they take theirs out of Cuba. To punish the loose-cannon spoiled-rotten scumbag JFK, we had to assassinate him and the Russians had to depose Khrushchev for not understanding that spoiled rich kids are nothing but dumb jock bullies.

Without his Daddy's money, JFK would have been a useless nobody. The hereditary classes must be outlawed before they kill the rest of us. JFK was no better a person than that lazy, low-IQ draftdodger Bush.

a reasonable post with no trolling for impressed.:lol::clap2:

everything about this post is correct amazingly accept the last sentence.up till then you had everything right.

Unlike Bushwacker,Jfk developed a conscience and could not go along with the establishments agenda anymore stepping on some very powerful toes in washington signing an exectuive order that would have effectively ended the fed,for 5 months we had money that was backed by something,silver issued by the treasury instead of the fed.we had dollars called UNITED STATES NOTES issued by the treasury.instead of these worthless federal reserve notes we have now.

Jfk was taking steps to get back to the constitution again where the people had control over the government again instead of all these corporations that do now.

I am far more versed on this subject more than anybody here most likely in the fact I have read over 200 books on his assassination and have met many of those authors and spoke to them over the years.

after his assassination,just like with his policy on vietnam,Johnson reversed his executive order and the printing of the united states notes stopped shortly sometime after.he had some 500,000 ready to go and printed out,he only got about 10,000 or so circulated in that timeframe before they assassinated him.

Oh and unlike Bushwacker,he took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well turning over covert operations the CIA ran to the pentagon which never got implemented of better a person that bushwacker my ass.:cuckoo:

thats why i have tried to spell out to idiots here dummies style a million times only to watch it go ignored everytime,that carter was the only good president we have had since jfk.Like Jfk,carter also tried to do the right thing as well and also tried to get rid of the CIA.

He came in and fired bastard Gerald Fords appointee Bush sr and replaced him with Stansfield Turner who cleaned up the CIA's image replacing Bush with Turner who fired many CIA covert specialists.bastard reagan got in,fired Turner,replaced him with William Casey,and as i said a million times before,the CIA got back to their old dirty tricks campaine again with their covert operations runnign again.

reagan a great president my ass.sure he was,and Im going to be the next POTUS as well.:cuckoo::D

Yes JFK was assassinated for trying to break the Fed
Nope, keep digging.

Ridicule this one. Oct. 23, 1983

Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

Not conspiracy theory. Not about JFK or any garbadge you want to use to bury the truth. Plain simple truth and fact.
On March 16, 1984 CIA station chief Lt. Col. William Francis Buckley was kidnapped by terrorist. He was tortured and murdered. The group responsible was Hezbolla. It recieved and continue's to recieve funding from Iran. No retribution was ever ordered or taken by the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan for the murder of Lt. Col. Buckley.
Are you done yet posting shit that means nothing you ignorant toad?

Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

Not conspiracy theory. Not about JFK or any garbadge you want to use to bury the truth. Plain simple truth and fact.

Many scholars dismiss conspiracy theorists as paranoid and delusional. Psychological data bolster their case: people who harbor conspiracist thoughts are also more inclined to paranoid ideation and schizotypy, a mild form of schizophrenia. As conspiracy theory expert Timothy Melley of Miami University has put it, these beliefs are often dismissed as “the implausible visions of a lunatic fringe.”

Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories: Scientific American
April 18, 1983
US Embassy in Beirut bombed in a terrorist attack. 2 Americans killed.
Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

Not conspiracy theory. Not about JFK or any garbadge you want to use to bury the truth. Plain simple truth and fact.

Many scholars dismiss conspiracy theorists as paranoid and delusional. Psychological data bolster their case: people who harbor conspiracist thoughts are also more inclined to paranoid ideation and schizotypy, a mild form of schizophrenia. As conspiracy theory expert Timothy Melley of Miami University has put it, these beliefs are often dismissed as “the implausible visions of a lunatic fringe.”

Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories: Scientific American

Conspiracy theorys allege that a conspiracy has occured. What exactly is the conspiracy you seem to think I am promoting? Conspiracy theorist allege things are hidden. Iran/Contra is not hidden. Are you in some kind of denial that the USA didn't trade arms to Iran?
Not conspiracy theory. Not about JFK or any garbadge you want to use to bury the truth. Plain simple truth and fact.

Many scholars dismiss conspiracy theorists as paranoid and delusional. Psychological data bolster their case: people who harbor conspiracist thoughts are also more inclined to paranoid ideation and schizotypy, a mild form of schizophrenia. As conspiracy theory expert Timothy Melley of Miami University has put it, these beliefs are often dismissed as “the implausible visions of a lunatic fringe.”

Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories: Scientific American

Conspiracy theorys allege that a conspiracy has occured. What exactly is the conspiracy you seem to think I am promoting? Conspiracy theorist allege things are hidden. Iran/Contra is not hidden. Are you in some kind of denial that the USA didn't trade arms to Iran?

you're throwing out all kinds of bullshit aren't you? you just throw it out there with nothing to back up anything, doesn't mean much does it? Arms for hostages under Reagan may have happened but anything done under Reagan was not done for any personal gain if someone under Reagan did trade arms to free American prisoners or to keep the muslim nujobs fighting each other then so be it

Conspiracy theorys allege that a conspiracy has occured. What exactly is the conspiracy you seem to think I am promoting? Conspiracy theorist allege things are hidden. Iran/Contra is not hidden. Are you in some kind of denial that the USA didn't trade arms to Iran?

you're throwing out all kinds of bullshit aren't you? you just throw it out there with nothing to back up anything, doesn't mean much does it? Arms for hostages under Reagan may have happened but anything done under Reagan was not done for any personal gain if someone under Reagan did trade arms to free American prisoners or to keep the muslim nujobs fighting each other then so be it

I'm putting out dates of specific terrorist attacks without adding politics or opinion other than the Fuck Ronald Reagan tag. I'm not making up the fact that under Reagan terrorist attacks occured on a somewhat regular basis. The dates are all that is needed to confirm this fact. I have purposely left out analysis and evaluation so persons interested can make their own determination. I feel no reason for convincing anyone of anything is necessary. It is what it is. You get it or you don't.
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Directive 138 also was the beinning of Iran/Contra

You can't expect Reagan to be aware of terrorism when you yourself are unaware that it began with the financing of it through the price-gouging of OPEC, starting with the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973. It had been a time bomb from time immemorial. Only Churchill was wise enough to predict the return of the jihad. Reagan wised up pretty quickly after his failure in Lebanon, attacking Libya.
In order to prevent WWIII over the Cuban missile crisis, the CIA and KGB got together and arranged tradeoffs. We take our missiles out of Turkey and they take theirs out of Cuba. To punish the loose-cannon spoiled-rotten scumbag JFK, we had to assassinate him and the Russians had to depose Khrushchev for not understanding that spoiled rich kids are nothing but dumb jock bullies.

Without his Daddy's money, JFK would have been a useless nobody. The hereditary classes must be outlawed before they kill the rest of us. JFK was no better a person than that lazy, low-IQ draftdodger Bush.

a reasonable post with no trolling for impressed.:lol::clap2:

everything about this post is correct amazingly accept the last sentence.up till then you had everything right.

Unlike Bushwacker,Jfk developed a conscience and could not go along with the establishments agenda anymore stepping on some very powerful toes in washington signing an exectuive order that would have effectively ended the fed,for 5 months we had money that was backed by something,silver issued by the treasury instead of the fed.we had dollars called UNITED STATES NOTES issued by the treasury.instead of these worthless federal reserve notes we have now.

Jfk was taking steps to get back to the constitution again where the people had control over the government again instead of all these corporations that do now.

I am far more versed on this subject more than anybody here most likely in the fact I have read over 200 books on his assassination and have met many of those authors and spoke to them over the years.

after his assassination,just like with his policy on vietnam,Johnson reversed his executive order and the printing of the united states notes stopped shortly sometime after.he had some 500,000 ready to go and printed out,he only got about 10,000 or so circulated in that timeframe before they assassinated him.

Oh and unlike Bushwacker,he took steps to try and get rid of the CIA as well turning over covert operations the CIA ran to the pentagon which never got implemented of better a person that bushwacker my ass.:cuckoo:

thats why i have tried to spell out to idiots here dummies style a million times only to watch it go ignored everytime,that carter was the only good president we have had since jfk.Like Jfk,carter also tried to do the right thing as well and also tried to get rid of the CIA.

He came in and fired bastard Gerald Fords appointee Bush sr and replaced him with Stansfield Turner who cleaned up the CIA's image replacing Bush with Turner who fired many CIA covert specialists.bastard reagan got in,fired Turner,replaced him with William Casey,and as i said a million times before,the CIA got back to their old dirty tricks campaine again with their covert operations runnign again.

reagan a great president my ass.sure he was,and Im going to be the next POTUS as well.:cuckoo::D

Yes JFK was assassinated for trying to break the Fed

Yes, that spoiled trigger-happy bully spawned by a Wall Street crook was a real "man of the people."
On March 16, 1984 CIA station chief Lt. Col. William Francis Buckley was kidnapped by terrorist. He was tortured and murdered. The group responsible was Hezbolla. It received and continues to receive funding from Iran. No retribution was ever ordered or taken by the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan for the murder of Lt. Col. Buckley.

Sure. As long as you conveniently ignore Reagan's financing Iraq's 10-year war against Iran, which set back the Shiite jihad 20 years.
Tell that to the families of the 241 Marines killed on that day by a terrorist driving a bomb filled truck into their barracks. Tell that to the families of the 13 who died later from injuries. Tell it to the Marines who still have nightmares because they watched the terrorist approach as they held weapons that were ordered to be unloaded and thus useless to stop the terrorist.
Under the command of Ronald Reagan Marines were posted to a war zone and ordered to carry and protect themselve and each other with unloaded weapons. Fuck Ronald Reagan.

Not conspiracy theory. Not about JFK or any garbadge you want to use to bury the truth. Plain simple truth and fact.

Many scholars dismiss conspiracy theorists as paranoid and delusional. Psychological data bolster their case: people who harbor conspiracist thoughts are also more inclined to paranoid ideation and schizotypy, a mild form of schizophrenia. As conspiracy theory expert Timothy Melley of Miami University has put it, these beliefs are often dismissed as “the implausible visions of a lunatic fringe.”

Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories: Scientific American

The Conspiracy websites are all controlled by the people they pretend to oppose. This is just a game plan (Is a winning coach a "conspirator?" You would have to say so). Its strategy is to neutralize people who are justifiably suspicious of what they are told by higher authorities. They don't realize that the theorists themselves are higher authorities. The logical conclusion of these false-flag traps is that our rulers are geniuses, when they are in reality low-IQ bluebloods and brown-noses, and are supernaturally powerful, when we outnumber them 100 to 1 and can crush them like grapes. It is best to figure things out on your own.

Conspiracy theorys allege that a conspiracy has occured. What exactly is the conspiracy you seem to think I am promoting? Conspiracy theorist allege things are hidden. Iran/Contra is not hidden. Are you in some kind of denial that the USA didn't trade arms to Iran?

you're throwing out all kinds of bullshit aren't you? you just throw it out there with nothing to back up anything, doesn't mean much does it? Arms for hostages under Reagan may have happened but anything done under Reagan was not done for any personal gain if someone under Reagan did trade arms to free American prisoners or to keep the muslim nutjobs fighting each other then so be it

It's about time that Americans woke up to the fact that the CIA is run by preppy retards, assisted by escapist academics sheltered from the real world. Reagan can't be blamed for just focusing on Communism. Instead, our closed and exclusionary establishment should be blamed for not financing people to develop their talents. Our system puts inferior people in superior positions.
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