Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Thankfully Reagan didn't give a fuck about his approval rating. He was too busy checking items off his To Do List: (Defeat Soviet Communism, revitalize US economy), to worry what anyone thought about him

Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.


[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]
Thankfully Reagan didn't give a fuck about his approval rating. He was too busy checking items off his To Do List: (Defeat Soviet Communism, revitalize US economy), to worry what anyone thought about him

Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.


[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]

Not bullshit at all.His speech had nothing to do with it.again if you had bothered to read the book,you would know that most experts agree it would have happened anyways.I see the truth hurts.
Thankfully Reagan didn't give a fuck about his approval rating. He was too busy checking items off his To Do List: (Defeat Soviet Communism, revitalize US economy), to worry what anyone thought about him

Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.

Total Bullshit

Reagan got ERTA passed in Summer 1981

Oh, and with Reagan leading the way, the West pushed the USSR into oblivion

your post is whats bullshit.nope, internal strifes in the soviet union led to it,nothing to do with reagan,.deal with it. lets see,should I listen to franks rambings or what experts have said? I think I'll go by what the experts say.:D
To those who might stumble into this thread through curiosity, we ask only one thing...

notice when ideologues and tools attack yet offer no refutation or argument.

your most un-humble servant

that sure is the case with Reagan apologists trolls meathead and least Frank here TRYS to counter facts and debate here at least.:D those others run away like chickenshit cowards when they are confronted.
Trajan won't answer questions, Dante. :lol: He ran himself off a thread last night because he wouldn't or couldn't. He just can't stand being laughed at.

Now to the point. RR raised taxes three times, had an unemployment rate almost 1% higher than Obama, raised the deficit 16 times, cozied up to the Soviets, lied about Iran-Contra, and was responsible for hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs leaving the service because of I-C.

What is it so-called conservatives today do not get about Reagan's Presidency at the time he served?

Reagan Legacy PRoject

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

with jake,do you REALLY have to ask?:lol: its a given he wont read that link.count on it.
Trajan won't answer questions, Dante. :lol: He ran himself off a thread last night because he wouldn't or couldn't. He just can't stand being laughed at.

Now to the point. RR raised taxes three times, had an unemployment rate almost 1% higher than Obama, raised the deficit 16 times, cozied up to the Soviets, lied about Iran-Contra, and was responsible for hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs leaving the service because of I-C.

You're an idiot Reagan closed loopholes and lower overall tax rates that's called tax reform unemployment went from almost 11% to just over 5% under Reagan, Reagan’s policy of "peace through Strength" bankrupted the Soviets while the piece of shit liberals tried to make backroom deals with them. People leaving the military because of Reagan? You're full of it Reagan, restored pride in this country, brought back our economy from the abyss, unleashed our energy production capability, he couldn’t get the spending cuts he wanted because of the liberals in congress

No wonder JRock cant stand to hear the truth.He has been brainwashed that Israel is a good country advertising that in his sig that he is a zionist the fact that he is rabid supporter of isreal.doesnt even try and hide it. :D

for the people who dont get it that israel is why the world is messed up,you should all take a look at this two hour video,the facts contained in this video cant be refuted.the evidnce is overwhelming.Its a good two hour video but well worth the viewing time.

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@9/11 goofball. As with 9/11, the burden of proof is on you in light of fact and history. You seem to that the weird stuff you post as "proof positive" of your idiocies could resonate with anyone but hacks and others who should be institutionalized.

If you come up with something less bizarre, let us know. Be warned that you'll most likely just get laughed at again.
Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.


[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]

Not bullshit at all.His speech had nothing to do with it.again if you had bothered to read the book,you would know that most experts agree it would have happened anyways.I see the truth hurts.

Most experts said Reagan was a fool for challenging the USSR, thankfully he didn't listen to them
Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan
So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA

Public perception of Reagan and Clinton beggar reason.

Reagan was a New Dealer selling neocon dogma to halfwits as he expanded social programs and tripled the debt, while Clinton was a real ReagaNUT selling human potential horseshit to losers as he unleashed the dogs of avarice on the US working class.

Noir humor at its bleakest.

finally SOMEONE who understands the REAL truth of the Reagan Presidency and Clintons as well. gives standing ovation:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
@9/11 goofball. As with 9/11, the burden of proof is on you in light of fact and history. You seem to that the weird stuff you post as "proof positive" of your idiocies could resonate with anyone but hacks and others who should be institutionalized.

If you come up with something less bizarre, let us know. Be warned that you'll most likely just get laughed at again.

translation-I meathead am exactly what you said i am 9/11. a chickenshit coward who doesnt know how to debate and cant counter facts and doesnt even try to when i am cornered so I can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll I am and you're right,thats why I chose this user name cause i am in fact a meathead since I dont know how to debate.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.

Total Bullshit

Reagan got ERTA passed in Summer 1981

Oh, and with Reagan leading the way, the West pushed the USSR into oblivion

your post is whats bullshit.nope, internal strifes in the soviet union led to it,nothing to do with reagan,.deal with it. lets see,should I listen to franks rambings or what experts have said? I think I'll go by what the experts say.:D

The same "Experts" who called Reagan a War Monger and Ronny Raygun for challenging the USSR are now saying "well it would have collapsed anyway"

Let the GOP tell the public what they want to cut.

They w-a-n-t cuts. What do they want to cut?

They want to cut entitlements, Dante. If we don't the whole house of cards falls down. The CBO has made it quite clear that we can't tax our way out of this...yet that's all that this Administration is willing to do.

The cuts have to be made...but Barry doesn't have the political backbone to do it. Instead he keeps kicking the can down the road while he continues to try and add MORE entitlements to what we already can't afford. Now it's universal pre-school on the taxpayer's dime.

One wonders if Reagan had the "backbone do it"?
To quote Adams correctly, facts are stubborn things...

Reagan's promises
1. Reduce federal spending
2. Reduce income taxes
3. Reduce regulation
4. Reduce inflation

Reagan's actual performance as rated when he left office (some records have been broken)

1. Promise to reduce federal spending
a. Tripled national debt from $900kk to $2.8kkk in eight years, raising it from 26%GDP to 41%GDP; before Reagan the fastest tripling of peacetime national debt took 31 years
b. Doubled foreign aid $10kk to $22kk
c. 53% increase in on budget federal spending; 60% gross increase in federal spending
d. 230,000 more CIVILIAn federal employees
e. Doubled subsidies to defense firms lobbying congress
f. More than doubled farm subsidies
g. Doubled subsidies to educational unions
h. Signed pay parity bills
2. Reduce income taxes create prosperity
a. Largest across the board tax increase in US history (TERFA) 1982
b. Largest middle class tax increase in US history (TRA) 1986
c. Unemployment AVERAGED 7.5%, the highest ever eight year average
d. Real rate of GDP growth 2.8% vs 3.4% under Carter
e. Productivity growth 1.4% vs 1.9% under Carter
3. Reduce regulation
a. First federal bailout of private banks (S&Ls)
b. First federal bailouts of Wall Street (FED buying private sector securities)
4. Reduce inflation
a. Borrowed money to hide the inflationary effects of changing economy toward asset base
b. Changed character of US job base from industrial to retail (MLM type instead of production)
c. Changed statistical bases for recording official numbers
Summary on Reagan

Reagan delivered higher taxes to working class Americans, lower taxes on people and corporations exploiting American workers, and he did it with a smile, hitting every mark on his stage. In sum Reagan was a shallow thinking gladhanding corporate shill; Otis Chandler hired him to beat Pat Brown in California, then handed his boy off to Don Regan. Reagan's stage managers kept him center stage shadow boxing a bankrupt and tottering empire to the applause of halfwit America, while they worked behind the scenes with corrupt congresses to loot the federal treasury. By the time he left office WF Buckley and Barry Goldwater had come to regret ever supporting Reagan. All that kept them silient in public was their own complicity in electing someone that stupid and weak.

Exective abstract: During Reagan's terms clowns entertained cheering fools while knaves looted the bank.

A footnote: Reagan's acting chops were not recognized in life; in real time he fooled that segment who could be fooled. That was then. An important measure of the worth of a person is whether they continue to buy the Legend of Ronald Reagan or not.

someone else here who also understands the true Ronald Reagan presidency and is a serious reseacher.what a relief to see there others out there as well that are awake about the REAL RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENCY.:clap2::clap2::dance:
Many of us were there, sport.

Ronald Reagan, the man, was basically a New Deal Democrat who sold out. No one with any sense doubted Roosevelt's patriotism either. But through 2001 your boy Reagan was the second biggest spender in history - after his personal hero, FDR.

Even more hilarious, Slick Clinton was an actual ReagaNUT. Reagan sold out to damage the US working class, trading well paying jobs for military toys and the delusion of brinkmanship; Clinton actually held blue collar labor in contempt and embraced the Marc Rich's of the world.

In terms of the so-called evil empire, the USSR was in places farming with horses during fuel shortages in the Reagan presidency. No one with any sense took them seriously; the cold war residue Reagan inflamed is simply proof of the genetic predisposition of halfwits to martial music and projection away from personal problems. The USSR would have fallen somewhere around the same time frame with or without the bobble headed subject here.

With respect for the possibilities, it isn't clear whether you are really that ignorant of the facts, or whether you are lying for some political objective. In either event clear, specific facts indicate EXACTLY what my post just above report. In your favor American public education has failed catastrophically given the number of people unable to look at the facts and separate bullshit from koolade.

Congress controls spending.

Reagan was not a dictator.

He revitalized the US economy and defeated the USSR freeing tens of million, ironically the decedents of the people that FDR helped enslave

You may well be that uninformed about Reagan's off stage friendships with Tip O'Neill and Walter Mondale given the failure of public education in America since Reagan traded well paying blue collar jobs for military toys, doubled subsidies to educational unions, and so on, so there is no need to dwell on what you don't know.

You appear to have some understanding that congress is involved in budgets, so let's go there...

Why didn't Republicans gain in congress and take the senate in 2012?

The message here, sport, is you can't have it both ways. Reagan was a filthy god damned big spending scum, that is a fact; and so was his political heir, Bill Clinton. It is probably asking too much for halfwit America to understand that Clinton and Reagan were political twins; so again, we don't need to dwell on that.

Still it seems fair to ask why Republicans can't make the sale to voters on reigning big spending lying assholes like Reagan and Clinton or the Bush League - or their political successor, Obama?

In other words we all know what these people are. Why can't nutballs make the sale to voters on getting tight fisted people into congress, where as you suggest, spending ought to be controlled.

DugDale Jukes hands Frank his ass to him on a platter.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Democrat controlled Congress failed deliver on their spending cuts, so all Reagan could do was defeat the USSR and let the US economy grow

Many of us were there, sport.

Ronald Reagan, the man, was basically a New Deal Democrat who sold out. No one with any sense doubted Roosevelt's patriotism either. But through 1988 your boy Reagan was the biggest peacetime spender in US history (and through 2001, as a pct of GDP, the second biggest spender overall - after his personal hero, FDR).

Even more hilarious, Slick Clinton was an actual ReagaNUT. Reagan sold out to damage the US working class, trading well paying jobs for military toys and the delusion of brinkmanship; Clinton actually held blue collar labor in contempt and embraced the Marc Rich's of the world.

In terms of the so-called evil empire, the USSR was in places farming with horses during fuel shortages in the Reagan presidency. No one with any sense took them seriously; the cold war residue Reagan inflamed is simply proof of the genetic predisposition of halfwits to martial music and projection away from personal problems. The USSR would have fallen somewhere around the same time frame with or without the bobble headed subject here.

With respect for the possibilities, it isn't clear whether you are really that ignorant of the facts, or whether you are lying for some political objective. In either event clear, specific facts indicate EXACTLY what my post just above report. In your favor American public education has failed catastrophically given the number of people unable to look at the facts and separate bullshit from koolade.

and again Frank gets his ass handed to him on a platter from Dugdale Jukes.:clap2::clap2:

and a THIRD time as well below.

The only true phrase in your post and your cite is "We are all living in the world".

Reagan built nothing. He destroyed some of the economic safeguards instilled after 1929 and Clinton destroyed the rest. The Bush League pissed what was left down the drain and Obama appears to be finishing the job on the middle class, burning taxpayer cash in numbnut ways that Reagan and Clinton could only dream about.

One wishes one had sufficient command of the English language to convey the degree of sadness reading bullshit like "Reagan built... [something good]" instills in the rational mind.

On the other hand, if everyone understood reality competition for top private sector jobs would be even more brutal, so in the end these things work out for the best.

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Here is the reality, jroc: you people are still looking for a promised land that never existed. Good luck.

Meanwhile, folks like me who spotted Reagan as a confidence man, basically a hired hatchet, before he left California, and understood that Reagan was about Reagan - exactly as his children, the ones he didn't abandon, have made clear. You folks seem to be happy eating his shit.

Folks like me? Not so much.

The last highly competent American to be president was the last decent president: IKE. It tickles me to see all you acolytes wandering around your spiritual deserts lost looking for the promised land your icons led you down the garden path in search of. How you can post one of Reagan's SIGNED blank checks and blame congress is a mystery to rational people. In fairness Clinton signed bills Reagan could only dream about, so these two are basically political twins. And yet one imagines most nutballs and fake liberals are too entranced by the voices in their heads to admit the striking number of political similarities in their icons. What is hilarious is how well each understood - and exploited - the vulnerabilities of the weaker minds in their constituencies while moving toward identical objectives.

The bottom line, ace: your icon never had a clue; there was no promised land. Yer boy's blank checks put the United States on a path to economic disaster that his political descendents Clinton, Junebug did follow, and Obama appears all too willing to follow all the way to the bottom of the drain.

Further, did any of your folks notice that the USSR didn't really participate in Reagan's shadow boxing events? Mostly they just kept borrowing money to buy food and essential commodities from the west. Every aware high school sophomore in America in 1980 understood that the USSR had probably never been much of a threat to the United States.


You've done an excellent job of handing the Reagan apologists their ass to them on a platter here Dugdale,the ONLY thing you have gotten wrong so far in all your posts is the part about Ike being the last decent president.Carter was the last DECENT president we had.The last GREAT president we had was kennedy.Reagan couldnt carry JFK'S jockstrap in the myth that people have that he was the greatest president of the 19th century.:lol:

Carter is the only other president since JFK whoever tried to do the right thing about the CIA.getting rid of it.As any serious researcher knows,Jfk was assassinated cause he tried to get rid of the CIA.Carter in his last year in office,he also tried to get rid of the CIA.the CIA is an evil out of control organization that makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.they are always starting fake and phony wars like vietnam.

Carter in his last year, also tried to get rid of the CIA, but he did not have enough time to implement his plan and was never able to carry it out.The government set him up with the ocotober surprise to make sure he did not get relected to be able to fulfill what he got started.Carter wasnt by any means a really good president but again,he also tried to do the right thing getting rid of the CIA and they are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today likeHello Stephanie.

Which accomplishment? The interest I am paying on his debt of economic revivial?

His Marine Barracks security system (not his fault but hey, neither was this last embassh attack the President's fault)

Did he outlaw abortion?

Cancel the B1 Bomber? Oh wait, ooops.

See that ship in my avitar? Was that a cost effective or forward moving revival or just some deficit spending to pump the economy?
well said.:clap2:
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Here is the reality, jroc: you people are still looking for a promised land that never existed. Good luck.

Meanwhile, folks like me who spotted Reagan as a confidence man, basically a hired hatchet, before he left California, and understood that Reagan was about Reagan - exactly as his children, the ones he didn't abandon, have made clear. You folks seem to be happy eating his shit.

Folks like me? Not so much.

The last highly competent American to be president was the last decent president: IKE. It tickles me to see all you acolytes wandering around your spiritual deserts lost looking for the promised land your icons led you down the garden path in search of. How you can post one of Reagan's SIGNED blank checks and blame congress is a mystery to rational people. In fairness Clinton signed bills Reagan could only dream about, so these two are basically political twins. And yet one imagines most nutballs and fake liberals are too entranced by the voices in their heads to admit the striking number of political similarities in their icons. What is hilarious is how well each understood - and exploited - the vulnerabilities of the weaker minds in their constituencies while moving toward identical objectives.

The bottom line, ace: your icon never had a clue; there was no promised land. Yer boy's blank checks put the United States on a path to economic disaster that his political descendents Clinton, Junebug did follow, and Obama appears all too willing to follow all the way to the bottom of the drain.

Further, did any of your folks notice that the USSR didn't really participate in Reagan's shadow boxing events? Mostly they just kept borrowing money to buy food and essential commodities from the west. Every aware high school sophomore in America in 1980 understood that the USSR had probably never been much of a threat to the United States.


You've done an excellent job of handing the Reagan apologists their ass to them on a platter here Dugdale,the ONLY thing you have gotten wrong so far in all your posts is the part about Ike being the last decent president.Carter was the last DECENT president we had.The last GREAT president we had was kennedy.Reagan couldnt carry JFK'S jockstrap in the myth that people have that he was the greatest president of the 19th century.:lol:

Carter is the only other president since JFK whoever tried to do the right thing about the CIA.getting rid of it.As any serious researcher knows,Jfk was assassinated cause he tried to get rid of the CIA.Carter in his last year in office,he also tried to get rid of the CIA.the CIA is an evil out of control organization that makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.they are always starting fake and phony wars like vietnam.

Carter in his last year, also tried to get rid of the CIA, but he did not have enough time to implement his plan and was never able to carry it out.The government set him up with the ocotober surprise to make sure he did not get relected to be able to fulfill what he got started.Carter wasnt by any means a really good president but again,he also tried to do the right thing getting rid of the CIA and they are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today likeHello Stephanie.

Which accomplishment? The interest I am paying on his debt of economic revivial?

His Marine Barracks security system (not his fault but hey, neither was this last embassh attack the President's fault)

Did he outlaw abortion?

Cancel the B1 Bomber? Oh wait, ooops.

See that ship in my avitar? Was that a cost effective or forward moving revival or just some deficit spending to pump the economy?
well said.:clap2:
That a filthy god damned scum like Reagan was there when "it wasn't easy" is our reality as someone above suggested with different phraseology attempting to sell vinegar as wine. Bullshit artists like Peg Noonan and Josh Gilder will be surprised to learn that Reagan took credit for the speeches they wrote, for example. The man lived in a fantasy world.

In homes unaffected by divorce a man's children tell us a lot about the man. Reagan was a terrible parent according to the children he did not abandon. There is no evidence anywhere of Reagan having a warm personal relationship with anyone. Nancy was basically a support person after she stopped fucking Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis hoping for movie parts.

As jroc's post just above indicates, Reagan was all hat and no cattle. He spent and he spent and didn't give a shit about cuts. Most street beggars don't accept checks, so one would hope presidents had that much sense.

Again, as jroc's post proves, the New Dealer Reagan was all about the spending on credit and as cluelss about paying the bills as any other shill for corporate America, say, his political successors, Clinton, Junior Bush and Obama.


Filthy god damn scum I would say is being way too kind to Reagan.Thats the understatement of the century.:clap2:

This great hero the Reagan zombies worship somehow think a guy who illegally bypassed congress and violated the constitution in doing so in the Iran/Contra scandal
pulling ala a Dick Nixon lying to the supreme court saying he had no knowledge of it and then later after the facts surfaced that he DID forcing him to have to admit he lied that he did know about impeachable offense that he should have gone to jail for and been impeached for.

He does exactly what Nixon did,lie to the supreme court which Nixon almost got impeached for and had to resign because of it,yet Reagan gets off scott free and doesnt even get a slap on the wrist for and yet these Reagan apologists,these fools worship him and defend him to no end and say he is the greatest president of the 19th century.:cuckoo:

years later,members of our corrupt congress later said they regretted not impeaching him but the reason they didnt do so was they felt america could not handle another national scandal like watergate and be able to recover from it they basically sold americans down the drain letting a criminal abuse his power in office this time around instead of doing the right thing and impeaching the scumbag like they should have.

Reagan got away with all his crimes cause he had a lot of chamr and was so likeable as a person.He was liek Clinton,he knew how to work the crowd and get people to like him cause remember,he was a an actor. a great one at that knowing how to act and fool people all the time.Thats why trolls like meathead and whitehall here look thwe other way when he is exposed for the criminal he is.
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Here is the reality, jroc: you people are still looking for a promised land that never existed. Good luck.

Meanwhile, folks like me who spotted Reagan as a confidence man, basically a hired hatchet, before he left California, and understood that Reagan was about Reagan - exactly as his children, the ones he didn't abandon, have made clear. You folks seem to be happy eating his shit.

Folks like me? Not so much.

The last highly competent American to be president was the last decent president: IKE. It tickles me to see all you acolytes wandering around your spiritual deserts lost looking for the promised land your icons led you down the garden path in search of. How you can post one of Reagan's SIGNED blank checks and blame congress is a mystery to rational people. In fairness Clinton signed bills Reagan could only dream about, so these two are basically political twins. And yet one imagines most nutballs and fake liberals are too entranced by the voices in their heads to admit the striking number of political similarities in their icons. What is hilarious is how well each understood - and exploited - the vulnerabilities of the weaker minds in their constituencies while moving toward identical objectives.

The bottom line, ace: your icon never had a clue; there was no promised land. Yer boy's blank checks put the United States on a path to economic disaster that his political descendents Clinton, Junebug did follow, and Obama appears all too willing to follow all the way to the bottom of the drain.

Further, did any of your folks notice that the USSR didn't really participate in Reagan's shadow boxing events? Mostly they just kept borrowing money to buy food and essential commodities from the west. Every aware high school sophomore in America in 1980 understood that the USSR had probably never been much of a threat to the United States.


You've done an excellent job of handing the Reagan apologists their ass to them on a platter here Dugdale,the ONLY thing you have gotten wrong so far in all your posts is the part about Ike being the last decent president.Carter was the last DECENT president we had.The last GREAT president we had was kennedy.Reagan couldnt carry JFK'S jockstrap in the myth that people have that he was the greatest president of the 19th century.:lol:

Carter is the only other president since JFK whoever tried to do the right thing about the CIA.getting rid of it.As any serious researcher knows,Jfk was assassinated cause he tried to get rid of the CIA.Carter in his last year in office,he also tried to get rid of the CIA.the CIA is an evil out of control organization that makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.they are always starting fake and phony wars like vietnam.

Carter in his last year, also tried to get rid of the CIA, but he did not have enough time to implement his plan and was never able to carry it out.The government set him up with the ocotober surprise to make sure he did not get relected to be able to fulfill what he got started.Carter wasnt by any means a really good president but again,he also tried to do the right thing getting rid of the CIA and they are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today likeHello Stephanie.

Which accomplishment? The interest I am paying on his debt of economic revivial?

His Marine Barracks security system (not his fault but hey, neither was this last embassh attack the President's fault)

Did he outlaw abortion?

Cancel the B1 Bomber? Oh wait, ooops.

See that ship in my avitar? Was that a cost effective or forward moving revival or just some deficit spending to pump the economy?
well said.:clap2:

those are always your great comebacks when you get your ass handed to you on a platter by people like Dugdale I see.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Its probably best though that you dont try.You would just humiliate and embarrass yourself like Frank did everytime Dugdale handed his ass to him on a platter and owned him.:D

You've done an excellent job of handing the Reagan apologists their ass to them on a platter here Dugdale,the ONLY thing you have gotten wrong so far in all your posts is the part about Ike being the last decent president.Carter was the last DECENT president we had.The last GREAT president we had was kennedy.Reagan couldnt carry JFK'S jockstrap in the myth that people have that he was the greatest president of the 19th century.:lol:

Carter is the only other president since JFK whoever tried to do the right thing about the CIA.getting rid of it.As any serious researcher knows,Jfk was assassinated cause he tried to get rid of the CIA.Carter in his last year in office,he also tried to get rid of the CIA.the CIA is an evil out of control organization that makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.they are always starting fake and phony wars like vietnam.

Carter in his last year, also tried to get rid of the CIA, but he did not have enough time to implement his plan and was never able to carry it out.The government set him up with the ocotober surprise to make sure he did not get relected to be able to fulfill what he got started.Carter wasnt by any means a really good president but again,he also tried to do the right thing getting rid of the CIA and they are the reason the world is in the mess that it is today likeHello Stephanie.

Which accomplishment? The interest I am paying on his debt of economic revivial?

His Marine Barracks security system (not his fault but hey, neither was this last embassh attack the President's fault)

Did he outlaw abortion?

Cancel the B1 Bomber? Oh wait, ooops.

See that ship in my avitar? Was that a cost effective or forward moving revival or just some deficit spending to pump the economy?
well said.:clap2:

those are always your great comebacks when you get your ass handed to you on a platter by people like Dugdale I see.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Its probably best though that you dont try.You would just humiliate and embarrass yourself like Frank did everytime Dugdale handed his ass to him on a platter and owned him.:D
Sorry, still a dingbat.
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