Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Are you really going to compare Bob Dole's injuries with John Kerry's and call both of their Purple Hearts "well deserved"? Bob Dole was machine gunned by the Germans in World War II, a wound that left him with one arm totally useless. John Kerry received a small sliver of shrapnel in his forearm from being too close to the grenade that "he" fired from a grenade injury that was treated with a bandaid. Comparing the two isn't even an "apples and oranges" type's more like a "blueberry and watermelon" type thing.
I was referring to Bob Dole's FIRST Purple Heart, which was minor . . . and self-inflicted.

Please do your homework before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Doug Reese

And which of John Kerry's 3 Purple Heart wounds would you like to contrast with the injury that Dole suffered for his 2nd Purple Heart? You know the one that was so bad that Dole barely survived and then spent years in hospitals having 9 operations done? Bob Dole "deserves" the Purple Heart he won for that injury. The injuries that John Kerry received were so minor that he doesn't dare release his military health records. If he ever did it would be obvious how he'd worked the system to get that "3 Purple Hearts and you're going Stateside" thing. John Kerry's war hero status is built upon the medals he received and the stories he made up about what happened over there. The lies that he told during his Winter Soldier testimony not only built himself up...but tore down the reputations of men who served honorably in Vietnam. I find John Kerry to be self-serving.

What does it say about our political system that a disgusting lying opportunist like John Kerry can become a long time senator and now secretary of state (almost POTUS)? The man is a traitor and a fool.

Our Founders told us our political leaders must be honorable, moral, and ethical. How they could think politicians could be so, is beyond me. Our political class is full of people like John F-ing Kerry (who served in Vietnam and lied about it). They are sociopaths....not in the sense of being a serial killer, but in the sense that they will lie repeatedly to advance their cause, which is of course, self promotion and acquiring wealth and power.

John Kerry is the poster boy for the sociopathic political class now running America.
Kerry got shot in the blooming arse by a grain of rice and came back pretending to be a War Criminal to build his creds up with the anti-American Left, now he's SecState. It's like a Synagogue making Goebbels their spokesman
oh boo fucking hoo.

Boston Globe Online | John Kerry: A Candidate in the Making


Claim: John Kerry's Vietnam war service medals (a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts) were earned under "fishy" circumstances.

Status: False.

You can recite the "John Kerry War Hero" narrative until the cows come home, Dante and it won't change my opinion that his Purple Hearts received for wounds that were treated with bandaids is and always has been...a crock. John Kerry went to Vietnam for one reason and one reason get something "heroic" on his resume before he went back to seek political office and he pursued that end with dogged determination. Not by actually BEING heroic but by pestering his commanding officer for medals that countless other Vietnam vets wouldn't have even thought of requesting.

The Kerry "hero" narrative that's been told for decades is rather bizarre in that it comes from a man who was shown to have been a bald faced liar when he was testifying before that Senate committee way back when. You see with Kerry...the truth is whatever gets him what he wants. In his case it's gotten him a life time job in politics.

Your opinion is shit, and no one is trying to change your opinion, and no one cares about your shit opinion, and I post only so when people read your shit opinion they know it's shit and they can wipe their asses with your shit opinion.

I met the very men who actually served in combat side by side in the boat with Kerry. I heard their stories. I never cared that much for Kerry and was puzzled why a seriously decorated veteran said to me with fire in his eyes "I would follow that man into hell" that is powerful.

I also heard what Rassman had to say. He didn't even know Senator Kerry was the guy who saved his life until he saw news about Kerry and Vietnam in the media. He contacted Kerry, not the other way around. I spoke with Brinkley the Presidential historian about this. Rassman was a Republican and a Police Officer in Oregon.

Unlike a person with piece of shit opinions like you possess, I changed my mind about Kerry. I went from support for his candidacy to support for the man

Several other witnesses insist that there was hostile fire during the incident. Jim Rassmann, the Special Forces captain Kerry rescued, wrote, "Machine-gun fire erupted from both banks of the river. … When I surfaced, all the Swift boats had left, and I was alone taking fire from both banks. To avoid the incoming fire, I repeatedly swam under water." Del Sandusky, the driver on Kerry's boat, PCF-94, stated, "I saw the gun flashes in the jungle, and I saw the bullets skipping across the water." Wayne Langhofer, who manned the machine gun on Don Droz's PCF-43, stated, "There was a lot of firing going on, and it came from both sides of the river."[5] Michael Medeiros, aboard PCF-94, recalled "a massive ambush. There were rockets and light machine gun fire plus small arms." Jim Russell, the Psychological Operations Officer of the unit, who was on PCF-43, wrote "All the time we were taking small arms fire from the beach… Anyone who doesn't think that we were being fired upon must have been on a different river."
Well said from the MA personal point of view.

My vote always went to the national interest. Kerry's "Winter Soldier" testimony put me off him for sure, and your assessment from a local point of view seems valid.

Still, by 2004 it was clear that filthy little cokehead inheritor from Tejas was over his head. Kerry had been a surface based decorated Naval officer. His Winter Soldier testimony brought on the Swift Boat folks, which is how the cookie crumbles. Some people never really get out of the zone; Swift Boaters are entitled to their juvenile take. However, it wasn't much of a decision for me to pick the proven performer over the proven failure.

In sum, the country that re elected a degenerate scum like Junebug deserves the fucking Bush League policies produced. And Obama. It is meet and right that the United States suffer the consequences of ill considered actions, whatever those consequences are.

I'll leave it at that and wish you the best.

With all due respect, Jukes? The fact that John Kerry got "decorated" and then transferred Stateside for the injuries that he incurred was a joke. How you can refer to him as a "proven performer" mystifies me. He used the system back then to claim 3 very minor injuries in a six month period as "Purple Heart" wounds and get the heck out of Vietnam. Then he went back to the US and made up stuff about the people he served with committing attrocities...using his Winter Soldier testimony as his ticket into politics. I have the ultimate respect for those that served their "country" in Vietnam but John Kerry was never about that. He went to Vietnam to serve "himself". He went to Vietnam toting a movie camera to capture his military career on film. Who does that? The fact that John Kerry is our Secretary of State disgusts me, quite frankly.
He bought that camera, in Vietnam, at the PX, as did thousands of others over there. Which is to say, it was not at all unusual.

Neither are Purple Hearts for minor wounds unusual . . . . Bob Dole's 1st PH was also for a minor wound, but well deserved, as were Kerry's.

Doug Reese

Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan

So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 03:28 AM PST
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.
By Will Bunch

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away. The first Reagan salvos came from the Heritage Foundation, the same conservative think tank that also had feted the 10th anniversary of the Reagan tax cut in 1991. After its initial article slamming the Times, the foundation’s magazine, Policy Review, came back in July 1997 with a second piece for its 20th anniversary issue: “Reagan Betrayed: Are Conservatives Fumbling His Legacy?”

The coming contours of the Reagan myth were neatly laid out in a series of short essays from the leaders of the conservative movement: that the Gipper deserved all or at least most of the credit for winning the Cold War, that the economic boom that Americans were enjoying in 1997 was the result of the Reagan tax cut (and not the march toward balanced budgets, lower interest rates and targeted investment), and that the biggest problem with the GOP was, as the title suggested, not Reagan’s legacy but a new generation of weak-kneed leaders who were getting it all wrong. The tone was established by none other than Reagan’s own son, Michael, now himself a talk-radio host, who wrote: “Although my father is the one afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease, I sometimes think the Republicans are suffering a much greater memory loss. They have forgotten Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments — and that is why we have lost so many of them.”

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

The Ronald Reagan Legacy Project was hatched in the spring of 1997 — and perhaps like any successful guerrilla operation, there was an element of surprise. There was no formal announcement, nothing to tip off any alarmists on the left. Rather than incorporate the Reagan project as a separate entity, which carried the potential of greater scrutiny of its operations and its finances, it was simply a unit of the group that Norquist had been overseeing for more than a decade, the Americans for Tax Reform. The Reagan Legacy Project would not even get its first mention in print until October 23, 1997 — by then its first bold proposal had two key backers in Georgia Rep. Bob Barr and that state’s Republican Sen. Paul Coverdell. They had endorsed legislation that would rename the Capitol region’s busy domestic airport, Washington National, as Reagan National. The renaming would not only mean that millions of air travelers would pass through the facility named for the 40th president, but a disproportionate number would be from the nation’s liberal elites, especially in Big Media, who used the airport’s popular shuttle service. Simply put, Reagan National Airport would be a weekly thumb in the eye of the Yankee elites who were still belittling the aging Gipper’s presidency.

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan :eusa_shhh:

don't be a dilettante dante, google rangering is not very productive, its just spills ones ignorance to view....

except for once,he actually went by facts for a change because any serious researcher knows all that is true.all that stuff is backed up by cold hards facts.You need to read the book Tearing Down The Reagan myth.It backs up everything he says which actual hard data.
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives


exactly.Yeah no wonder his user name is meathead.Pesky facts are something he is not aware of. His last year in office for the most part,his approval rating was only in the 50's.

it was only because of republican mouthpieces like rush limbaugh and media mouthpieces as well declaring he was the best president in this century that the myth has spread for so long that he was a great president.

also,throughout most of his presidency,his approval rating was only around the 50's.Matter of fact his first two years in office as this link below shows his approval rating was only at 52% which was lower than 5 modern day presidents in their first two years in office.JFK had the highest at 70%,Ike's was 66%,Bush Sr's was 61%,Clintons 55%,and even Johnson whom was considered such a lousy president had a higher rating at that time at 55%.

This link also shows how corrupt he really was.Amazing how people somehow have forgotten about his Iran/Contra scandal.:cuckoo:

the pesky facts in this link end this nonsense that he was one of the greatest presidents ever and that he was actually the most corrupt at the time.not of all time,every president since then has been worse than the previous one.but at that time,with the exception of Nixon,Reagan was the most corrupt of them all at the time.

Reagan: Media Myth and Reality ? FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

whats REALLY amazing is that THIS guy is never mentioned as one of the greatest presidents of all time and REAGAN is.:cuckoo:

America's Worst President?
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Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives


exactly.Yeah no wonder his user name is meathead.Pesky facts are something he is not aware of. His last year in office for the most part,his approval rating was only in the 50's.

it was only because of republican mouthpieces like rush limbaugh and media mouthpieces as well declaring he was the best president in this century that the myth has spread for so long that he was a great president.

also,throughout most of his presidency,his approval rating was only around the 50's.Matter of fact his first two years in office as this link below shows his approval rating was only at 52% which was lower than 5 modern day presidents in their first two years in office.JFK had the highest at 70%,Ike's was 66%,Bush Sr's was 61%,Clintons 55%,and even Johnson whom was considered such a lousy president had a higher rating at that time at 55%.

This link also shows how corrupt he really was.Amazing how people somehow have forgotten about his Iran/Contra scandal.:cuckoo:

the pesky facts in this link end this nonsense that he was one of the greatest presidents ever and that he was actually the most corrupt at the time.not of all time,every president since then has been worse than the previous one.but at that time,with the exception of Nixon,Reagan was the most corrupt of them all at the time.

Reagan: Media Myth and Reality ? FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

whats REALLY amazing is that THIS guy is never mentioned as one of the greatest presidents of all time and REAGAN is.:cuckoo:

America's Worst President?
Here we have a post from someone who has chosen to name himself "9/11 inside job" who thinks Reagan was one of the worst presidents in US history. It's either hilarious or sad, I'm just not sure which.
I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives


exactly.Yeah no wonder his user name is meathead.Pesky facts are something he is not aware of. His last year in office for the most part,his approval rating was only in the 50's.

it was only because of republican mouthpieces like rush limbaugh and media mouthpieces as well declaring he was the best president in this century that the myth has spread for so long that he was a great president.

also,throughout most of his presidency,his approval rating was only around the 50's.Matter of fact his first two years in office as this link below shows his approval rating was only at 52% which was lower than 5 modern day presidents in their first two years in office.JFK had the highest at 70%,Ike's was 66%,Bush Sr's was 61%,Clintons 55%,and even Johnson whom was considered such a lousy president had a higher rating at that time at 55%.

This link also shows how corrupt he really was.Amazing how people somehow have forgotten about his Iran/Contra scandal.:cuckoo:

the pesky facts in this link end this nonsense that he was one of the greatest presidents ever and that he was actually the most corrupt at the time.not of all time,every president since then has been worse than the previous one.but at that time,with the exception of Nixon,Reagan was the most corrupt of them all at the time.

Reagan: Media Myth and Reality ? FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

whats REALLY amazing is that THIS guy is never mentioned as one of the greatest presidents of all time and REAGAN is.:cuckoo:

America's Worst President?
Here we have a post from someone who has chosen to name himself "9/11 inside job" who thinks Reagan was one of the worst presidents in US history. It's either hilarious or sad, I'm just not sure which.

way to evade those pesky facts in that link posted and change the subject when you are cornered.:lol::clap2: you sure chose the appropriate user name for least I dont ignore those pesky facts that you do.:badgrin::lol: so typical of a reagan apologist,when cornered,evade the facts and change the subject to something irrelevent.:clap2:
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Thankfully Reagan didn't give a fuck about his approval rating. He was too busy checking items off his To Do List: (Defeat Soviet Communism, revitalize US economy), to worry what anyone thought about him

exactly.Yeah no wonder his user name is meathead.Pesky facts are something he is not aware of. His last year in office for the most part,his approval rating was only in the 50's.

it was only because of republican mouthpieces like rush limbaugh and media mouthpieces as well declaring he was the best president in this century that the myth has spread for so long that he was a great president.

also,throughout most of his presidency,his approval rating was only around the 50's.Matter of fact his first two years in office as this link below shows his approval rating was only at 52% which was lower than 5 modern day presidents in their first two years in office.JFK had the highest at 70%,Ike's was 66%,Bush Sr's was 61%,Clintons 55%,and even Johnson whom was considered such a lousy president had a higher rating at that time at 55%.

This link also shows how corrupt he really was.Amazing how people somehow have forgotten about his Iran/Contra scandal.:cuckoo:

the pesky facts in this link end this nonsense that he was one of the greatest presidents ever and that he was actually the most corrupt at the time.not of all time,every president since then has been worse than the previous one.but at that time,with the exception of Nixon,Reagan was the most corrupt of them all at the time.

Reagan: Media Myth and Reality ? FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

whats REALLY amazing is that THIS guy is never mentioned as one of the greatest presidents of all time and REAGAN is.:cuckoo:

America's Worst President?
Here we have a post from someone who has chosen to name himself "9/11 inside job" who thinks Reagan was one of the worst presidents in US history. It's either hilarious or sad, I'm just not sure which.

way to evade those pesky facts in that link posted and change the subject when you are cornered.:lol::clap2: you sure chose the appropriate user name for least I dont ignore those pesky facts that you do.:badgrin::lol: so typical of a reagan apologist,when cornered,evade the facts and change the subject to something irrelevent.:clap2:
Sure, all those pesky "facts" were about as valid as anything a 9/11 conspiracy theorist could come up with. Fodder for fools like yourself.

Ronald Reagan’s Biggest Mistake – According to Reagan Himself

According to Ronald Reagan himself, as told to his trusted long-time friend and U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, the biggest mistake of his presidency was signing the l986 amnesty for what turned out to be more than half the five million illegal immigrants in the country

Reagan thought he was trading a small amnesty for all-important workplace enforcement and increased border security. But once the amnesty was done and multiplying far beyond expectations, the special interests went to work at killing enforcement at the employment place. The chief culprits were the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and large agriculture corporations that lobbied Congress into backing off enforcement

Ronald Reagan?s Biggest Mistake ? According to Reagan Himself | Conservative Heritage Times
Thankfully Reagan didn't give a fuck about his approval rating. He was too busy checking items off his To Do List: (Defeat Soviet Communism, revitalize US economy), to worry what anyone thought about him

Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.
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Here we have a post from someone who has chosen to name himself "9/11 inside job" who thinks Reagan was one of the worst presidents in US history. It's either hilarious or sad, I'm just not sure which.

way to evade those pesky facts in that link posted and change the subject when you are cornered.:lol::clap2: you sure chose the appropriate user name for least I dont ignore those pesky facts that you do.:badgrin::lol: so typical of a reagan apologist,when cornered,evade the facts and change the subject to something irrelevent.:clap2:
Sure, all those pesky "facts" were about as valid as anything a 9/11 conspiracy theorist could come up with. Fodder for fools like yourself.

again you show you have no credibility.all you do is talk about how they are not valid without even trying to refute them.thanks again for showing us that meathead fits you perfectly as a user name.:clap2: oh and since you,a 9/11 COINCIDENCE THEORIST wants to talk about that as well,9/11 coincidence theorists like yourselves,like the chikenshit cowards you are,always run off with your tail between your legs everytime you are cornered with these facts in these 5 videos here in the first two posts on this thread that you guys never have any answers for and like the chickenshot cowards you are,run away from.:lol:

you got to actually prove your opponent is wrong and instead of just assuming so.thats the number one rule in a wouldnt last one minute is a debating hall and would be laughed out of there within one minute as you have proved so well in this discussion.:lol:


thanks for proving the truth hurts.

While fellow Reagan apologist Crusader frank shoots himself in the foot in his attempts to prove reagan was a good president,he at least TRYS to defend hs like the coward you are,dont.
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How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 03:28 AM PST
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.
By Will Bunch

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away. The first Reagan salvos came from the Heritage Foundation, the same conservative think tank that also had feted the 10th anniversary of the Reagan tax cut in 1991. After its initial article slamming the Times, the foundation’s magazine, Policy Review, came back in July 1997 with a second piece for its 20th anniversary issue: “Reagan Betrayed: Are Conservatives Fumbling His Legacy?”

The coming contours of the Reagan myth were neatly laid out in a series of short essays from the leaders of the conservative movement: that the Gipper deserved all or at least most of the credit for winning the Cold War, that the economic boom that Americans were enjoying in 1997 was the result of the Reagan tax cut (and not the march toward balanced budgets, lower interest rates and targeted investment), and that the biggest problem with the GOP was, as the title suggested, not Reagan’s legacy but a new generation of weak-kneed leaders who were getting it all wrong. The tone was established by none other than Reagan’s own son, Michael, now himself a talk-radio host, who wrote: “Although my father is the one afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease, I sometimes think the Republicans are suffering a much greater memory loss. They have forgotten Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments — and that is why we have lost so many of them.”

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

The Ronald Reagan Legacy Project was hatched in the spring of 1997 — and perhaps like any successful guerrilla operation, there was an element of surprise. There was no formal announcement, nothing to tip off any alarmists on the left. Rather than incorporate the Reagan project as a separate entity, which carried the potential of greater scrutiny of its operations and its finances, it was simply a unit of the group that Norquist had been overseeing for more than a decade, the Americans for Tax Reform. The Reagan Legacy Project would not even get its first mention in print until October 23, 1997 — by then its first bold proposal had two key backers in Georgia Rep. Bob Barr and that state’s Republican Sen. Paul Coverdell. They had endorsed legislation that would rename the Capitol region’s busy domestic airport, Washington National, as Reagan National. The renaming would not only mean that millions of air travelers would pass through the facility named for the 40th president, but a disproportionate number would be from the nation’s liberal elites, especially in Big Media, who used the airport’s popular shuttle service. Simply put, Reagan National Airport would be a weekly thumb in the eye of the Yankee elites who were still belittling the aging Gipper’s presidency.

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan :eusa_shhh:


Too bad trolls like Whitehall and Meathead wont bother to read that book of Bunchs.I HAVE read it.TWICE!!! and he backs it up in his footnotes with mainstream sources that talked all about those facts back then that in Reagans economy,in his first term,the economy was disasterous.He backs it all up with mainstream sources that talked about back then when it actually happened.Looks like the truth hurts trolls like Meathead and Whitehall.:lol:

they cant face the facts that reublican mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh created the Reagan myth.:D like i said,the truth hurts.Pesky facts like the ones you posted in that link are something thats too complicated for trolls like Whitehall and methead.hee hee.thats why they wont read the lin,the truth hurts.hee hee.

this link here you posted as well is another great link that they of course wont read cause it has too many pesky facts for them to deal with and of course,the truth hurts them. to face these facts.hee hee.
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Thankfully Reagan didn't give a fuck about his approval rating. He was too busy checking items off his To Do List: (Defeat Soviet Communism, revitalize US economy), to worry what anyone thought about him

Except in the beginning he showed no interest in revitalizing the economy and because of his policys,in his first term we were not much better off than we were when Carter was President.:lol: It wasnt till the end of 83 that he took steps to reverse what he started so he could get relected a second term.Since he took steps to get revitalize it finally towards the end of 83 and it finally got better the year leading up to the election after starting off disasterous under him,americans decided to relelect him.It wasnt till his second term that the ecomony turned around.His first term,we were not any better of than we were under Carter.

Oh and it was internal strifes within the soviet union that led to the collapse of Communism.Reagan had nothing to do with it.would have happened no matter WHO was president.:D Oh and these are not my words.if you do your research on this,its the words of most experts.

Gee,no wonder americans had such a low approval rating of him thoughout most his entire 8 years in office.:lol: the smart americans were sick of his incompetence and corruption.

Total Bullshit

Reagan got ERTA passed in Summer 1981

Oh, and with Reagan leading the way, the West pushed the USSR into oblivion
Geez. what a crock of crap.


try to be specific...what exactly do you dare dispute?


Reagan brought the US from the brink of ruin under liberal progressive Jimmy Carter and his alcoholic brother and put pride back in the US. Reagan policies made sure that we became the last super power in the world. If you wanted to examine the eight years of any administration you could find some bills that don't quite measure up to modern scrutiny and you can cherry pick junk and spin it anyway you want to but Reagan had to deal with a radical left wing congress and he did it with style. Reagan had to compromise with the radical left and deal with an obscure amendment to a Military appropriations bill sponsored by a left wing congressman named Boland that all but guaranteed Communist infiltration to Central America and true to form the left wing media blew it up into Iran/Contra. Reagan still triumphed on that issue.

Reagan along with Bush was behind the whole Iran/Contra scandal which was a violation against the constitution,a crime he SHOULD have been impeached for but wasnt because congress was reluctant to do so after already having gone through watergate.many confessed that..:lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

He even ADMITTED it.

nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.:lol:
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