Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Reagan brought America out of the morass of Stagflation that Jimmy Carter didn't have a clue how to fix and set us on a path where we experienced the longest sustained growth in our economy in US history. THAT is why Ronald Reagan is remembered fondly by conservatives and why you liberals feel the need to attack him relentlessly. He DID something that Barry, Harry and Nancy couldn't do...namely fix the economy and bring prosperity to America.

I lived through the 1970's... guy, it wasn't that bad. It also had something called "A Middle Class", which was kind of cool, too bad we don't have one of those anymore.

Reagan is remembered fondly because his profound fuckups all came home to roost on someone else's watch. Unlike other Republicans who got caught red handing fucking things up.


yes it indeed wasnt bad at all.

They worked for the CIA as part of the Global Response Staff, not Halliburton or Blackwater, you moron! Is there anything about ANYTHING that you aren't ignorant about, Joe?

They weren't government employees.

Which corporate welfare teet they were sucking off of is besides the point.

They worked for the Central Intelligence Agency which the last time I checked was part of the Government! And you're STILL a douche for blaming THEM for Ambassador Steven's death. Blame for that falls squarely on the higher ups who failed to adequately protect our diplomatic personnel despite repeated warnings that the situation in Libya was becoming extremely dangerous. Glenn Doherty was wrapping up his time with the CIA. Libya was one last job before he was planning to leave government service to take a job with a private firm. Even so...he STILL risked his life to try and rescue Ambassador Stevens! That's the man that you've attempted to character assassinate and to be quite aren't worth a piece of gum stuck to the sole of Glen Doherty's boot! He's a hero and you're an internet BLOWHARD!

They worked for the CIA as part of the Global Response Staff, not Halliburton or Blackwater, you moron! Is there anything about ANYTHING that you aren't ignorant about, Joe?

They weren't government employees.

Which corporate welfare teet they were sucking off of is besides the point.

They worked for the Central Intelligence Agency which the last time I checked was part of the Government! And you're STILL a douche for blaming THEM for Ambassador Steven's death. Blame for that falls squarely on the higher ups who failed to adequately protect our diplomatic personnel despite repeated warnings that the situation in Libya was becoming extremely dangerous. Glenn Doherty was wrapping up his time with the CIA. Libya was one last job before he was planning to leave government service to take a job with a private firm. Even so...he STILL risked his life to try and rescue Ambassador Stevens! That's the man that you've attempted to character assassinate and to be quite aren't worth a piece of gum stuck to the sole of Glen Doherty's boot! He's a hero and you're an internet BLOWHARD!

The CIA was running a black site out of that consulate they didn't bother telling State about.

Besides the video, that's part of what the mob was upset about.

These guys were CONTRACTORS, though.

CIA?s Global Response Staff emerging from shadows after incidents in Libya and Pakistan - The Washington Post

Of the 14 CIA employees killed since 2009, five worked for the GRS, all as contractors. They include two killed at Benghazi, as well as three others who were within the blast radius on Dec. 31, 2009, when a Jordanian double agent detonated a suicide bomb at a CIA compound in Khost, Afghanistan.

GRS contractors have also been involved in shootouts in which only foreign nationals were killed, including one that triggered a diplomatic crisis. While working for the CIA, Raymond Davis was jailed for weeks in Pakistan last year after killing two men in what he said was an armed robbery attempt in Lahore.

Sorry, guy, can't get worked up about mercenaries.. Especially ones that cause as much trouble as these guys do.
Odd that in a thread devoted to the history of Reagan, the right keeps wanting so to DEFLECT the subject.

Or perhaps not so odd at all, eh?

If you are an average Middle Class American the ACA is NOT going to make your life "better"! It's going to raise your healthcare costs to pay for the coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and those getting large subsidies on their premiums...while lowering the quality of care you get. That's the REALITY of the ACA. You still buy into the bullshit that Obama, Reid and Pelosi gave us to get this joke of a bill passed in the first place even though it's becoming increasingly apparent that they lied about much of what they were telling us which makes you either extremely naive or extremely stupid!

I'm an average middle class american and what I've noticed is that since ACA was passed, we stopped having those annual HR meetings about how our Medical Plan changed this year to cost a little more and suck a lot more.

But Oh, my God, we have to take care of people with pre-existing conditions. How horrible. How dare they have pre-existing conditions, those welfare collecitng freeloaders.

Hey, guy, this is why you lost. When your attitude towards life is "I got mine, fuck you!", people don't really like you that much.

Whenever Josef uses the word "guy" he is thinking "Komrade"
They weren't government employees.

Which corporate welfare teet they were sucking off of is besides the point.

They worked for the Central Intelligence Agency which the last time I checked was part of the Government! And you're STILL a douche for blaming THEM for Ambassador Steven's death. Blame for that falls squarely on the higher ups who failed to adequately protect our diplomatic personnel despite repeated warnings that the situation in Libya was becoming extremely dangerous. Glenn Doherty was wrapping up his time with the CIA. Libya was one last job before he was planning to leave government service to take a job with a private firm. Even so...he STILL risked his life to try and rescue Ambassador Stevens! That's the man that you've attempted to character assassinate and to be quite aren't worth a piece of gum stuck to the sole of Glen Doherty's boot! He's a hero and you're an internet BLOWHARD!

The CIA was running a black site out of that consulate they didn't bother telling State about.

Besides the video, that's part of what the mob was upset about.

These guys were CONTRACTORS, though.

CIA?s Global Response Staff emerging from shadows after incidents in Libya and Pakistan - The Washington Post

Of the 14 CIA employees killed since 2009, five worked for the GRS, all as contractors. They include two killed at Benghazi, as well as three others who were within the blast radius on Dec. 31, 2009, when a Jordanian double agent detonated a suicide bomb at a CIA compound in Khost, Afghanistan.

GRS contractors have also been involved in shootouts in which only foreign nationals were killed, including one that triggered a diplomatic crisis. While working for the CIA, Raymond Davis was jailed for weeks in Pakistan last year after killing two men in what he said was an armed robbery attempt in Lahore.

Sorry, guy, can't get worked up about mercenaries.. Especially ones that cause as much trouble as these guys do.

So let me see if I've got this straight? Because one of the two CIA operators was hired on a temporary basis...they are both "mercenaries" and we shouldn't give a shit about their deaths? Is that the "JoeB" take on the world today? And because you need someone to blame OTHER than Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton for the debacle that Benghazi've decided to blame some of the only people who actually DID something to try and save Christopher Stevens' their own lives in the process? Now in your warped little mind, Doherty and Woods were "causing trouble" when they went to the burning Consulate and saved those people? They were "causing trouble" when they were on that roof top of the Annex trying desperately to hold off repeated assaults by heavily armed terrorists?

Like I said before, Joe...if stupid was'd be the richest guy I know!

Whenever Josef uses the word "guy" he is thinking "Komrade"

Actually, what I'm thinking is, 'Man, I am amazed that you dumb ass Bubba Rednecks keep voting to let rich people fuck you in the ass as long as you got your gun and your bible".

Gee, Joe...I'm from Massachusetts, have a degree in History and I'm an agnostic. I guess that makes me a "dumb ass Bubba Redneck"?

I'm amazed you can type with your head stuck so far up your ass!
Odd that in a thread devoted to the history of Reagan, the right keeps wanting so to DEFLECT the subject.

Or perhaps not so odd at all, eh?

And of all deflections, Benghazi. Like the attack on a facility in Benghazi comes close to comparing to the attacks on the Embassy and annex in Beirut while Reagan was President.

Whenever Josef uses the word "guy" he is thinking "Komrade"

Actually, what I'm thinking is, 'Man, I am amazed that you dumb ass Bubba Rednecks keep voting to let rich people fuck you in the ass as long as you got your gun and your bible".

^ Genuine Card Carrying Communist with no understanding of the American Economy

Guy is English for Komrade.
It was on this day, March 30th, 1981 that John Hinckley,Jr. attempted to kill President Ronald Reagan.

Wielding a .22 caliber "Saturday-night special," John Warnock Hinckley shot President Reagan in the chest outside the Washington Hilton Hotel. The 25-year-old drifter with a history of psychological problems also shot the president's press secretary, James Brady, in the incident.

Reagan was the only US President to survive being shot while in office (just 69 days into his presidency).

Afterwards, he wrote in his diary:
“Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can.”

Whenever Josef uses the word "guy" he is thinking "Komrade"

Actually, what I'm thinking is, 'Man, I am amazed that you dumb ass Bubba Rednecks keep voting to let rich people fuck you in the ass as long as you got your gun and your bible".

Gee, Joe...I'm from Massachusetts, have a degree in History and I'm an agnostic. I guess that makes me a "dumb ass Bubba Redneck"?

I'm amazed you can type with your head stuck so far up your ass!

And yet you throw in with the Bubbas at every opportunity...

So let me see if I've got this straight? Because one of the two CIA operators was hired on a temporary basis...they are both "mercenaries" and we shouldn't give a shit about their deaths? Is that the "JoeB" take on the world today? And because you need someone to blame OTHER than Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton for the debacle that Benghazi've decided to blame some of the only people who actually DID something to try and save Christopher Stevens' their own lives in the process? Now in your warped little mind, Doherty and Woods were "causing trouble" when they went to the burning Consulate and saved those people? They were "causing trouble" when they were on that roof top of the Annex trying desperately to hold off repeated assaults by heavily armed terrorists?

Like I said before, Joe...if stupid was'd be the richest guy I know!

And I like I said before, your hatred for Obama has turned into a brain disease.

Because unlike Frank, I'll admit, you do sound smart, but frankly, (no pun intended) your hate kind of blinds you.

You fools on the right did not give a shit about the deaths of 4500 servicemen (and hundreds of Contractors) killed in Iraq because Bush and Cheney LIED about WMD's. (And, no, I'm not going to relitigate the whole "Intelligence Reports" shit. They said there were WMD's and there weren't.)

But the deaths of these two State Department officials and two mercenaries is the worst fucking thing ever, oh, my God, it's all Obama's fault and not the CIA for operating a black site there or the asshole who made a video that pissed off thousands of Musliims or even the people who actually attacked.

Nope. It's Obama's fault.

And frankly, your approach to every issue seems to be this. Obama did this because he's EEEEEEEEEEvil.

And Faux News will drag the families of the Mercenaries on TV everynight to whine about it.
Actually, what I'm thinking is, 'Man, I am amazed that you dumb ass Bubba Rednecks keep voting to let rich people fuck you in the ass as long as you got your gun and your bible".

Gee, Joe...I'm from Massachusetts, have a degree in History and I'm an agnostic. I guess that makes me a "dumb ass Bubba Redneck"?

I'm amazed you can type with your head stuck so far up your ass!

And yet you throw in with the Bubbas at every opportunity...

I'm a fiscal conservative who deals in reality...somehow you twist THAT into throwing in with the "Bubbas"? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your problem, Joe is your whole world is built upon stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality. You actually believe that people from the South are stupid...because they are from the South! Here's a little dose of that reality I's not 1964 and the South is not the South of 1964 and the only "Bubba" that I know is Bill Clinton. So with that in mind...why don't you cease the digs at others until you start making some posts that aren't borderline "short bus" material!

So let me see if I've got this straight? Because one of the two CIA operators was hired on a temporary basis...they are both "mercenaries" and we shouldn't give a shit about their deaths? Is that the "JoeB" take on the world today? And because you need someone to blame OTHER than Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton for the debacle that Benghazi've decided to blame some of the only people who actually DID something to try and save Christopher Stevens' their own lives in the process? Now in your warped little mind, Doherty and Woods were "causing trouble" when they went to the burning Consulate and saved those people? They were "causing trouble" when they were on that roof top of the Annex trying desperately to hold off repeated assaults by heavily armed terrorists?

Like I said before, Joe...if stupid was'd be the richest guy I know!

And I like I said before, your hatred for Obama has turned into a brain disease.

Because unlike Frank, I'll admit, you do sound smart, but frankly, (no pun intended) your hate kind of blinds you.

You fools on the right did not give a shit about the deaths of 4500 servicemen (and hundreds of Contractors) killed in Iraq because Bush and Cheney LIED about WMD's. (And, no, I'm not going to relitigate the whole "Intelligence Reports" shit. They said there were WMD's and there weren't.)

But the deaths of these two State Department officials and two mercenaries is the worst fucking thing ever, oh, my God, it's all Obama's fault and not the CIA for operating a black site there or the asshole who made a video that pissed off thousands of Musliims or even the people who actually attacked.

Nope. It's Obama's fault.

And frankly, your approach to every issue seems to be this. Obama did this because he's EEEEEEEEEEvil.

And Faux News will drag the families of the Mercenaries on TV everynight to whine about it.

Barack Obama isn't "EEEEEEEvil"...he's simply a man who's totally in over his head with a job he never should have had in the first place. Barry fucked up Benghazi because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who ALSO don't have a clue what they are doing!

It's amateur hour in the White House and the rest of the world knows it even if the far left of American politics won't admit it.
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Bad chickpeas killed 210 American servicemen? Oh, you're going to a great compliment to Joe...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
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