Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Barack Obama isn't "EEEEEEEvil"...he's simply a man who's totally in over his head with a job he never should have had in the first place. Barry fucked up Benghazi because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who ALSO don't have a clue what they are doing!

It's amateur hour in the White House and the rest of the world knows it even if the far left of American politics won't admit it.

Yeah, guy, right. I always notice that when someone calls you on your obsession, you try to sound "reasonable".

So let's compare shall we Benghazi to Iraq.

In Iraq, Bush ignored the UN, most of our allies and his own generals. He went on an invasion of Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and ties to Al Qaeda that weren't there. Soldiers were sent in with inadequate armor, and military contractors made a fortune overcharging the Pentagon for basic services.

As a result, 4500 soldiers and 550 contractos died, really pretty much over nothing. The new Government in Baghdad is an ally of Iran and Al Qaeda has free reign in the Sunni Triangle. Oh, yeah, and we can't even agree how many Iraqis died needlessly.

Now. Benghazi. Two diplomats and two Mercenaries died in a four hour period.

"OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to destroy America the whole world is laughing at us!!!!"

NO, guy, you do not have a problem. Really.

It's obvious who the reasonable person is and isn't. I point out that Barack Obama is struggling as President because he doesn't have the job skills the position requires and has surrounded himself with ideologues with the same problem and you immediately accuse me of both racism and of calling Obama the Anti Christ or a's laughable!

I've never accused Barack Obama of being a communist or the Anti Christ. Quite frankly I could care less about his pigmentation or his religious leanings. What has always concerned me about Barack Obama is that his policies are based on ideology and don't take into account reality or human nature.

Poor old trollingJoe can't accept that the Clintons were handed a similar defeat over their desire to control heath care because he can't talk about race if he does!
Odd that in a thread devoted to the history of Reagan, the right keeps wanting so to DEFLECT the subject.

Or perhaps not so odd at all, eh?

I know.Its comedy gold how when confronted with pesky facts about Reagans corruption, how they changed the topic HUNDREDS of times here switching gears talking about how Obama has ruined the economy when this is the history section.:lol::lol::D

which is really hysterical because nobody has come on here and said that they liked Obama either.:cuckoo::lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

they sure like to deflect when they get desperate dont they?:lol::lol::lol:
Odd that in a thread devoted to the history of Reagan, the right keeps wanting so to DEFLECT the subject.

Or perhaps not so odd at all, eh?

And of all deflections, Benghazi. Like the attack on a facility in Benghazi comes close to comparing to the attacks on the Embassy and annex in Beirut while Reagan was President.
thats why they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol::lol::D

So let me see if I've got this straight? Because one of the two CIA operators was hired on a temporary basis...they are both "mercenaries" and we shouldn't give a shit about their deaths? Is that the "JoeB" take on the world today? And because you need someone to blame OTHER than Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton for the debacle that Benghazi've decided to blame some of the only people who actually DID something to try and save Christopher Stevens' their own lives in the process? Now in your warped little mind, Doherty and Woods were "causing trouble" when they went to the burning Consulate and saved those people? They were "causing trouble" when they were on that roof top of the Annex trying desperately to hold off repeated assaults by heavily armed terrorists?

Like I said before, Joe...if stupid was'd be the richest guy I know!

And I like I said before, your hatred for Obama has turned into a brain disease.

Because unlike Frank, I'll admit, you do sound smart, but frankly, (no pun intended) your hate kind of blinds you.

You fools on the right did not give a shit about the deaths of 4500 servicemen (and hundreds of Contractors) killed in Iraq because Bush and Cheney LIED about WMD's. (And, no, I'm not going to relitigate the whole "Intelligence Reports" shit. They said there were WMD's and there weren't.)

But the deaths of these two State Department officials and two mercenaries is the worst fucking thing ever, oh, my God, it's all Obama's fault and not the CIA for operating a black site there or the asshole who made a video that pissed off thousands of Musliims or even the people who actually attacked.

Nope. It's Obama's fault.

And frankly, your approach to every issue seems to be this. Obama did this because he's EEEEEEEEEEvil.

And Faux News will drag the families of the Mercenaries on TV everynight to whine about it.

I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.
thats the understatement of the century.
Hmm. A sock? Cute. Deflect the truth. Can I help you with that supposed cough?I am getting one of those too. Obama care. I lived thought the Regan Admin, and it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. No. Really. Bring down this wall! That was a rare historical case of synergy. Otherwise, Regan was a big FAIL. Really. Been there done it. He never had a clue. Neither do most of you little kids.

Petty much everybody that debates with Crusader Retard laughs at him around here.:D

He is the resident troll at USMB.I used to think for a long time that he got treated unfairly around here by many posters because of his posts about Obama not being a us citizen in the past but then when I came to this thread,i then realised why so many people laugh at his stupidity he displays here everyday. He reminds me of a poster that used to post here called Pale Retard.

Pale used to call people who said Bush was the most corrupt president ever loony nut cases because he is a republicrat- i say that cause its a one party system designed to look like two parties so its the republicrats and demopublicans,any kind of facts you gave that proved his corruption he blatantly ignored and called people idiots ect when they told the truth about him. a radio show host announcer always talked about Bushs corruption all the time exposing it and he just called him a nutcase.

Well after Obama became president-this announcer talked about Obamas corruption and how he is the most corrupt president ever as well,which is true,everyone that gets in is always worse than the previous one,has been the last 50 years.

Pale Retard hated Obama so much and had an irrational hatred over him with every post being about Obama all the time,so that when that radio announcer made a documentary video on Obama he posted that video of his on him.

All of a sudden that radio announcer NOW has credibility since he is all of a sudden pissng on Obama.a topic near and dear to him.:cuckoo: and then when posters brought that fact up on his thread,he ran off and never came back since he was called out on his hypocrisy.:D

Crusader Retard displays the exact same hypocrisy.Troll Frank here has made many posts in the past talking about Obama not being a us citizen and its what that radio announcer has said many times over the years as well.He has ALSO spoke the truth that Reagan was corrupt and ran the most corrupt administration at the time as well.

Crusader Retard like the hypocrite troll he is wants it both ways,he wants that announcer to be wrong about Reagan,but to be RIGHT about Obama.:cuckoo: what a freaking hypocrite huh? He cant have it both ways.:cuckoo:

He is either wrong about both Obama and Reagan,or right about both.He is right about both.That radio announcer has mentioned the truth many times that JFK was ur last REAL president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and the elite.The last president we had not a puppet for the establishment and he paid the price for that.

You should read Franks past posts on this thread.He goes into metldown mode when confronted with pesky facts he cant refute.:D He was gone for a few days having to get some pills to calm down his blood pressure when it rose really high.I have no doubt he takes blood pressure pills to keep from having a nervous breakdown over pesky facts about Reagan.:D

You have found out what everybody here finds out about Frank.when confronted with pesky facts he cant refute,he evades them and changesthe subject.:D Him and none of the other Reagan worshippers ever have any answers for these pesky facts below about Reagan,they just come back with pitiful one liners saying its not true knowing they are cornered.:cuckoo:

Before any conservative dismisses what we have to say about Reagan on this site just because we are liberals, after taking a good hard look at the record, the very conservative site came to many of the very same conclusions that we reached, i.e. ( in their own words) :
"Let us remember Reagan as he really was :

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans
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So let me see if I've got this straight? Because one of the two CIA operators was hired on a temporary basis...they are both "mercenaries" and we shouldn't give a shit about their deaths? Is that the "JoeB" take on the world today? And because you need someone to blame OTHER than Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton for the debacle that Benghazi've decided to blame some of the only people who actually DID something to try and save Christopher Stevens' their own lives in the process? Now in your warped little mind, Doherty and Woods were "causing trouble" when they went to the burning Consulate and saved those people? They were "causing trouble" when they were on that roof top of the Annex trying desperately to hold off repeated assaults by heavily armed terrorists?

Like I said before, Joe...if stupid was'd be the richest guy I know!

And I like I said before, your hatred for Obama has turned into a brain disease.

Because unlike Frank, I'll admit, you do sound smart, but frankly, (no pun intended) your hate kind of blinds you.

You fools on the right did not give a shit about the deaths of 4500 servicemen (and hundreds of Contractors) killed in Iraq because Bush and Cheney LIED about WMD's. (And, no, I'm not going to relitigate the whole "Intelligence Reports" shit. They said there were WMD's and there weren't.)

But the deaths of these two State Department officials and two mercenaries is the worst fucking thing ever, oh, my God, it's all Obama's fault and not the CIA for operating a black site there or the asshole who made a video that pissed off thousands of Musliims or even the people who actually attacked.

Nope. It's Obama's fault.

And frankly, your approach to every issue seems to be this. Obama did this because he's EEEEEEEEEEvil.

And Faux News will drag the families of the Mercenaries on TV everynight to whine about it.

thats hypocrite trollstyle for ya.Obama is evil but Reagan was not.Obama ruined the economy but Reagan did not,the guy has such a racial hatred towards Obama he refuses to even try and refute these facts about Reagan.:cuckoo:

Before any conservative dismisses what we have to say about Reagan on this site just because we are liberals, after taking a good hard look at the record, the very conservative site came to many of the very same conclusions that we reached, i.e. ( in their own words) :
"Let us remember Reagan as he really was :

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
Reagan gave us the longest sustained period of economic growth in our nation's history...Barack Obama has given us the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...but you think Reagan was bad for our economy and Obama is good for it?

LOL...I'm impressed by how you don't let reality impose itself on your spammed rants, 9/11! You are a TRUE believer!
And since you've accused me of "racial hatred"? Here's a challenge for you. I've got a little over nine thousand posts on this board. Show me ONE where I said something racist. Since I've got SUCH a racial hatred it should be incredibly easy for you to do...right?
Sorry about Stalin, Saddam and bin Laden. You'll get over it. Now tell me what Benghazi got us.

i'm sorry about Bin Laden and Saddam, too.

Reagan propped both of them up, and they both turned around and bit us in the ass.

I also think getting involved in Libya's Civil War was a mistake. The EU took advantage and we went along with it and it was kind of stupid.

But 4 dead in Benghazi is nothing compared to 5000 dead in Iraq or 241 dead in Beruit.

But the BLACK GUY did it!
Yeah, and FDR did far more to prop up Stalin than Reagan ever did for your heroes.

I was talking about Benghazi, not Libya's civil war. Don't be an ass all your life, take a day off now and then.

Actually, I was talking about Libya's civil war.

You were talking about Stalin for some reason.

Incidently, FDR didn't prop up Stalin. Stalin saved the rest of the world from Hitler.

Now, I know that probably rubs people the wrong way, but frankly, Stalin had to BEG FDR and Churchill to open a second front.

Barack Obama isn't "EEEEEEEvil"...he's simply a man who's totally in over his head with a job he never should have had in the first place. Barry fucked up Benghazi because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who ALSO don't have a clue what they are doing!

It's amateur hour in the White House and the rest of the world knows it even if the far left of American politics won't admit it.

Yeah, guy, right. I always notice that when someone calls you on your obsession, you try to sound "reasonable".

So let's compare shall we Benghazi to Iraq.

In Iraq, Bush ignored the UN, most of our allies and his own generals. He went on an invasion of Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and ties to Al Qaeda that weren't there. Soldiers were sent in with inadequate armor, and military contractors made a fortune overcharging the Pentagon for basic services.

As a result, 4500 soldiers and 550 contractos died, really pretty much over nothing. The new Government in Baghdad is an ally of Iran and Al Qaeda has free reign in the Sunni Triangle. Oh, yeah, and we can't even agree how many Iraqis died needlessly.

Now. Benghazi. Two diplomats and two Mercenaries died in a four hour period.

"OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to destroy America the whole world is laughing at us!!!!"

NO, guy, you do not have a problem. Really.

It's obvious who the reasonable person is and isn't. I point out that Barack Obama is struggling as President because he doesn't have the job skills the position requires and has surrounded himself with ideologues with the same problem and you immediately accuse me of both racism and of calling Obama the Anti Christ or a's laughable!

I've never accused Barack Obama of being a communist or the Anti Christ. Quite frankly I could care less about his pigmentation or his religious leanings. What has always concerned me about Barack Obama is that his policies are based on ideology and don't take into account reality or human nature.

On his worst day, Obama is not the complete fuckup Bush was.

I notice you keep avoiding talking about Bush and Iraq. Now why is that?

I mean, you keep screaming about these deep conspiracies about videos and shit...

But your boy Bush said there were WMD's and links to Al Qaeda, and that's why we HAD to get Saddam.
i'm sorry about Bin Laden and Saddam, too.

Reagan propped both of them up, and they both turned around and bit us in the ass.

I also think getting involved in Libya's Civil War was a mistake. The EU took advantage and we went along with it and it was kind of stupid.

But 4 dead in Benghazi is nothing compared to 5000 dead in Iraq or 241 dead in Beruit.

But the BLACK GUY did it!
Yeah, and FDR did far more to prop up Stalin than Reagan ever did for your heroes.

I was talking about Benghazi, not Libya's civil war. Don't be an ass all your life, take a day off now and then.

Actually, I was talking about Libya's civil war.

You were talking about Stalin for some reason.

Incidently, FDR didn't prop up Stalin. Stalin saved the rest of the world from Hitler.

Now, I know that probably rubs people the wrong way, but frankly, Stalin had to BEG FDR and Churchill to open a second front.

As usual, your knowledge of history is woefully lacking, Joe! Without Lend/Lease the Soviets may very well have not survived the initial Nazi onslaught. Stalin aligned himself WITH Hitler to plunder Poland and the Baltic States. The stupid ass also made Hitler's job easier by killing off the majority of the Soviet Officer Corps right before the war. The truth is that the rest of the Allies saved the Soviets from the Germans. Did Stalin have to beg for a second front? Yes, he did. Then once the second front was established the end of the Third Reich was only a matter of time.

The case can be made that the Soviet "people" saved the world from Hitler since Stalin used his own people as cannon fodder for much of the early parts of World War II. He had little choice in the matter because his own strategic blunders had left the Soviet military in shambles.
Yeah, guy, right. I always notice that when someone calls you on your obsession, you try to sound "reasonable".

So let's compare shall we Benghazi to Iraq.

In Iraq, Bush ignored the UN, most of our allies and his own generals. He went on an invasion of Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and ties to Al Qaeda that weren't there. Soldiers were sent in with inadequate armor, and military contractors made a fortune overcharging the Pentagon for basic services.

As a result, 4500 soldiers and 550 contractos died, really pretty much over nothing. The new Government in Baghdad is an ally of Iran and Al Qaeda has free reign in the Sunni Triangle. Oh, yeah, and we can't even agree how many Iraqis died needlessly.

Now. Benghazi. Two diplomats and two Mercenaries died in a four hour period.

"OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to destroy America the whole world is laughing at us!!!!"

NO, guy, you do not have a problem. Really.

It's obvious who the reasonable person is and isn't. I point out that Barack Obama is struggling as President because he doesn't have the job skills the position requires and has surrounded himself with ideologues with the same problem and you immediately accuse me of both racism and of calling Obama the Anti Christ or a's laughable!

I've never accused Barack Obama of being a communist or the Anti Christ. Quite frankly I could care less about his pigmentation or his religious leanings. What has always concerned me about Barack Obama is that his policies are based on ideology and don't take into account reality or human nature.

On his worst day, Obama is not the complete fuckup Bush was.

I notice you keep avoiding talking about Bush and Iraq. Now why is that?

I mean, you keep screaming about these deep conspiracies about videos and shit...

But your boy Bush said there were WMD's and links to Al Qaeda, and that's why we HAD to get Saddam.

Obama is a naive child playing at being a world leader. Our enemies don't respect him and our allies don't have faith in him. He has no foreign policy agenda other than an abdication of leadership by America.

The only screaming about videos was done by the Obama White House when they blamed an obscure video for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans.

Saddam Hussein was scum of the highest order and the world is a better place without he and his two sons in it. When Bush showed that he wasn't going to put up with Saddam's flaunting of the UN sanctions placed upon Iraq following the first Gulf War. Naive liberals like yourself can't grasp the effect that taking out Saddam had on other despots like Khaddafi in Libya who voluntarily gave up his secret atomic bomb research facility because he was worried he might be next. You will NEVER see that kind of thing happen with Barry as President because other foreign leaders see him as ineffectual and weak.

As usual, your knowledge of history is woefully lacking, Joe! Without Lend/Lease the Soviets may very well have not survived the initial Nazi onslaught. Stalin aligned himself WITH Hitler to plunder Poland and the Baltic States. The stupid ass also made Hitler's job easier by killing off the majority of the Soviet Officer Corps right before the war. The truth is that the rest of the Allies saved the Soviets from the Germans. Did Stalin have to beg for a second front? Yes, he did. Then once the second front was established the end of the Third Reich was only a matter of time.

The case can be made that the Soviet "people" saved the world from Hitler since Stalin used his own people as cannon fodder for much of the early parts of World War II. He had little choice in the matter because his own strategic blunders had left the Soviet military in shambles.

Yeah, I realize that's the kind of shit history you learn at a university where they teach about Talking Snakes in Science Class.

Stalin alligned himself with HItler becaue the west was weak and willing to throw other countries under the bus hoping Hitler would take out Stalin for them. and really, Hitler got more out of that deal than Stalin did, because trade with the USSR kept the Reich supplied with grain and fuel in those early parts of the war before he overran the west.

There were single battles in Russia that were bigger than the ENTIRE western front. That was the point.
Obama is a naive child playing at being a world leader. Our enemies don't respect him and our allies don't have faith in him. He has no foreign policy agenda other than an abdication of leadership by America.

And this was where the ODS comes in. Do you really think Putin would have acted a single bit differently if Romney was in there? Do you really think Romney was going to threaten him with the MOrmon War God or something? The reality is, Once the mob in Kiev threw out the pro-Russian president, Putin had to act to save face.

The only screaming about videos was done by the Obama White House when they blamed an obscure video for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans.

This would be the same "obscure video" that caused riots in Egypt, tunsina, Yemen, Lebanon, and dozens of other countries, but LET'S PRETEND that it was no factor in Libya, because, hey, we have some bizarre ODS fantasy that this was an Al Qaeda attack that Obama was covering up.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saddam Hussein was scum of the highest order and the world is a better place without he and his two sons in it. When Bush showed that he wasn't going to put up with Saddam's flaunting of the UN sanctions placed upon Iraq following the first Gulf War. Naive liberals like yourself can't grasp the effect that taking out Saddam had on other despots like Khaddafi in Libya who voluntarily gave up his secret atomic bomb research facility because he was worried he might be next. You will NEVER see that kind of thing happen with Barry as President because other foreign leaders see him as ineffectual and weak.

Actually, I take quite a different reading.

Saddam gave up his WMD's in 1991. We murdered him anyway.
Khadafy gave up his WMD's in 2003. We murdered him anyway.

So what's the motivation for the Iranian Mullahs to give up their nukes?

Khadafy was nowhere near a bomb, and frankly, his main motivation was to get more investment from Europe. Until the EU got some stupid idea that the rebels would be easier to work with.

Meanwhile, on Bush's watch, the NOrth Koreans pretty much flipped off the world by testing a bomb, the Pakistanis accellerated their program, and the Iranians are working very hard on a bomb.

The reason why we are preceived as weak is that we spend more than the rest of the world combined on military stuff, and we couldn't even subdue a place like Iraq. Which is what happens when you use a war to reward all your cronies with fat military contracts.
Actually, I take quite a different reading.

Saddam gave up his WMD's in 1991. We murdered him anyway.
Khadafy gave up his WMD's in 2003. We murdered him anyway.

So what's the motivation for the Iranian Mullahs to give up their nukes?

Khadafy was nowhere near a bomb, and frankly, his main motivation was to get more investment from Europe. Until the EU got some stupid idea that the rebels would be easier to work with.

Khadiffi was killed because the MASTERS need to get control over this:

Great Man-Made River
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schematic drawing of the project. Note that different routes have been proposed for the not-yet-implemented phases (dashed). Tobruk may for instance end up connected to Ajdabiya instead of to the Jaghboub well field.

The Great Man-Made River (GMR, النهر الصناعي العظيم) is a network of pipes that supplies water to the Sahara Desert in Libya, from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer. It is the world's largest irrigation project.[1]

According to its website, it is the largest underground network of pipes (2,820 kilometres (1,750 mi))[2] and aqueducts in the world. It consists of more than 1,300 wells, most more than 500 m deep, and supplies 6,500,000 m3 of fresh water per day to the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere. The late Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi described it as the "Eighth Wonder of the World."[3]

The MASTERS are long range planner.

They know that potable WATER is going to become more precious than oil.

Hell!~ why do you think they're about the business of wrecking most of the USA's water sources via FRACKING?

Water conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually, I take quite a different reading.

Saddam gave up his WMD's in 1991. We murdered him anyway.
Khadafy gave up his WMD's in 2003. We murdered him anyway.

So what's the motivation for the Iranian Mullahs to give up their nukes?

Khadafy was nowhere near a bomb, and frankly, his main motivation was to get more investment from Europe. Until the EU got some stupid idea that the rebels would be easier to work with.

Khadiffi was killed because the MASTERS need to get control over this:

Great Man-Made River
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schematic drawing of the project. Note that different routes have been proposed for the not-yet-implemented phases (dashed). Tobruk may for instance end up connected to Ajdabiya instead of to the Jaghboub well field.

The Great Man-Made River (GMR, النهر الصناعي العظيم) is a network of pipes that supplies water to the Sahara Desert in Libya, from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer. It is the world's largest irrigation project.[1]

According to its website, it is the largest underground network of pipes (2,820 kilometres (1,750 mi))[2] and aqueducts in the world. It consists of more than 1,300 wells, most more than 500 m deep, and supplies 6,500,000 m3 of fresh water per day to the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere. The late Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi described it as the "Eighth Wonder of the World."[3]

The MASTERS are long range planner.

They know that potable WATER is going to become more precious than oil.

Hell!~ why do you think they're about the business of wrecking most of the USA's water sources via FRACKING?

Water conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the fed issued orders to the CIA to kill saddam and Khadiffi just as they did jfk since like jfk,they wanted to issue their own free money.The bankers are the true people behind wars as im sure you're already aware of.Obama,Bush and other leaders of counties are just their puppets doing their bidding from them.

As usual, your knowledge of history is woefully lacking, Joe! Without Lend/Lease the Soviets may very well have not survived the initial Nazi onslaught. Stalin aligned himself WITH Hitler to plunder Poland and the Baltic States. The stupid ass also made Hitler's job easier by killing off the majority of the Soviet Officer Corps right before the war. The truth is that the rest of the Allies saved the Soviets from the Germans. Did Stalin have to beg for a second front? Yes, he did. Then once the second front was established the end of the Third Reich was only a matter of time.

The case can be made that the Soviet "people" saved the world from Hitler since Stalin used his own people as cannon fodder for much of the early parts of World War II. He had little choice in the matter because his own strategic blunders had left the Soviet military in shambles.

Yeah, I realize that's the kind of shit history you learn at a university where they teach about Talking Snakes in Science Class.

Stalin alligned himself with HItler becaue the west was weak and willing to throw other countries under the bus hoping Hitler would take out Stalin for them. and really, Hitler got more out of that deal than Stalin did, because trade with the USSR kept the Reich supplied with grain and fuel in those early parts of the war before he overran the west.

There were single battles in Russia that were bigger than the ENTIRE western front. That was the point.

My degree is from the University of Massachusetts...and they don't teach "shit history" or "talking snakes" there. They did however teach real history...something which you obviously know very little about. Stalin aligned himself with the Nazis because Hitler agreed to let him have half of Poland, and all of the Baltic States. He also did so because his own actions had weakened the Soviet military so badly that he was desperately trying to buy time to fix things...hence the treaty with Germany. As for what Hitler gained? It was always about keeping the Soviets from reacting militarily when Hitler invaded Poland! Hitler believed that the French and Great Britain wouldn't come to the defense of Poland because neither had come to the defense of Czechoslovakia a year before after Germany broke agreements with both that it wouldn't invade Czechoslovakia. By signing a 10 year nonaggression pact with Stalin, Hitler felt he could simply pluck Poland just as he had previously done with Czechoslovakia.
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Obama is a naive child playing at being a world leader. Our enemies don't respect him and our allies don't have faith in him. He has no foreign policy agenda other than an abdication of leadership by America.

And this was where the ODS comes in. Do you really think Putin would have acted a single bit differently if Romney was in there? Do you really think Romney was going to threaten him with the MOrmon War God or something? The reality is, Once the mob in Kiev threw out the pro-Russian president, Putin had to act to save face.

The only screaming about videos was done by the Obama White House when they blamed an obscure video for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans.

This would be the same "obscure video" that caused riots in Egypt, tunsina, Yemen, Lebanon, and dozens of other countries, but LET'S PRETEND that it was no factor in Libya, because, hey, we have some bizarre ODS fantasy that this was an Al Qaeda attack that Obama was covering up.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saddam Hussein was scum of the highest order and the world is a better place without he and his two sons in it. When Bush showed that he wasn't going to put up with Saddam's flaunting of the UN sanctions placed upon Iraq following the first Gulf War. Naive liberals like yourself can't grasp the effect that taking out Saddam had on other despots like Khaddafi in Libya who voluntarily gave up his secret atomic bomb research facility because he was worried he might be next. You will NEVER see that kind of thing happen with Barry as President because other foreign leaders see him as ineffectual and weak.

Actually, I take quite a different reading.

Saddam gave up his WMD's in 1991. We murdered him anyway.
Khadafy gave up his WMD's in 2003. We murdered him anyway.

So what's the motivation for the Iranian Mullahs to give up their nukes?

Khadafy was nowhere near a bomb, and frankly, his main motivation was to get more investment from Europe. Until the EU got some stupid idea that the rebels would be easier to work with.

Meanwhile, on Bush's watch, the NOrth Koreans pretty much flipped off the world by testing a bomb, the Pakistanis accellerated their program, and the Iranians are working very hard on a bomb.

The reason why we are preceived as weak is that we spend more than the rest of the world combined on military stuff, and we couldn't even subdue a place like Iraq. Which is what happens when you use a war to reward all your cronies with fat military contracts.

Jesus, but you are clueless! We CRUSHED Iraq. It was about as lopsided a conflict as there has ever been in the history of war. What we struggled with was how to deal with the aftermath of the conflict. Nobody perceived our military as weak from the invasion of Iraq. It demonstrated that we had an incredibly powerful and skilled military.
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