Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Before the PATCO strike there were 39 illegal strikes by public sector unions. After Reagan put the hammer down on the air traffic controllers there were zero. Reagan simply enforced the laws that were on the books and stopped public sector unions from holding the nation hostage every time they wanted more money and benefits.
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Libs hate that Reagan beat the USSR

Whatcah gonna do?
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Bad chickpeas killed 210 American servicemen? Oh, you're going to a great compliment to Joe...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Hmm. OK. I lived thought the PATCO breakup, that was the forefront of the anti union sentiment the republicans represented. Then, there was the amnesty in 86’ of three million illegal aliens. All small potatoes, we have like 12 million illegal aliens , and Unions are NOW on the run. Who benefits from this ? Sorry, I am not a commie or anything. Just a realist. Hmm. In Beirut in 83’ Muslim suicide bombers killed American military men on a peace mission. Regan, wise or cowardly, pulled us out and ran away to fight another day. My sense was…we should have never gone in, or else bombed the Shiite out of them. That is how I felt at the time, that isn’t hindsight. But, here we are.
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Bad chickpeas killed 210 American servicemen? Oh, you're going to a great compliment to Joe...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Hmm. OK. I lived thought the PATCO breakup, that was the forefront of the anti union sentiment the republicans represented. Then, there was the amnesty in 86’ of three million illegal aliens. All small potatoes, we have like 12 million illegal aliens , and Unions are NOW on the run. Who benefits from this ? Sorry, I am not a commie or anything. Just a realist. Hmm. In Beirut in 83’ Muslim suicide bombers killed American military men on a peace mission. Regan, wise or cowardly, pulled us out and ran away to fight another day. My sense was…we should have never gone in, or else bombed the Shiite out of them. That is how I felt at the time, that isn’t hindsight. But, here we are.

^ Josephine

cough cough
cough cough
Hmm. A sock? Cute. Deflect the truth. Can I help you with that supposed cough?I am getting one of those too. Obama care. I lived thought the Regan Admin, and it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. No. Really. Bring down this wall! That was a rare historical case of synergy. Otherwise, Regan was a big FAIL. Really. Been there done it. He never had a clue. Neither do most of you little kids.
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I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Bad chickpeas killed 210 American servicemen? Oh, you're going to a great compliment to Joe...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Hmm. OK. I lived thought the PATCO breakup, that was the forefront of the anti union sentiment the republicans represented. Then, there was the amnesty in 86’ of three million illegal aliens. All small potatoes, we have like 12 million illegal aliens , and Unions are NOW on the run. Who benefits from this ? Sorry, I am not a commie or anything. Just a realist. Hmm. In Beirut in 83’ Muslim suicide bombers killed American military men on a peace mission. Regan, wise or cowardly, pulled us out and ran away to fight another day. My sense was…we should have never gone in, or else bombed the Shiite out of them. That is how I felt at the time, that isn’t hindsight. But, here we are.

Since even a liberal icon like FDR believed that public sector employees should not be able to strike why is it that Republicans always get blamed for being "anti union" when they simply want unions to play fair?

As for Reagan's amnesty back in '86? That was part of a deal he worked out with Tip O'Neil where he agreed to amnesty and liberals in Congress agreed to tighten border security. Reagan kept his part of the bargain...the liberals did not keep theirs...just as they didn't keep their part of the bargain when Reagan struck a deal to raise taxes in return for spending cuts. Then liberals can't understand why conservatives don't trust them as far as they can throw them on "deals".
Hmm. A sock? Cute. Deflect the truth. Can I help you with that supposed cough?I am getting one of those too. Obama care. I lived thought the Regan Admin, and it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. No. Really. Bring down this wall! That was a rare historical case of synergy. Otherwise, Regan was a big FAIL. Really. Been there done it. He never had a clue. Neither do most of you little kids.

Are you kidding, Mary? Compared to the Carter years...the Reagan two terms was like the country got sprung from prison. Have you forgotten how bad is was by the end of Carter's four years in office? The country was suffering from rampant stagflation. Say what you will about Reagan...he turned that around and got the economy moving in a positive direction again.

Barack Obama isn't "EEEEEEEvil"...he's simply a man who's totally in over his head with a job he never should have had in the first place. Barry fucked up Benghazi because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who ALSO don't have a clue what they are doing!

It's amateur hour in the White House and the rest of the world knows it even if the far left of American politics won't admit it.

Yeah, guy, right. I always notice that when someone calls you on your obsession, you try to sound "reasonable".

So let's compare shall we Benghazi to Iraq.

In Iraq, Bush ignored the UN, most of our allies and his own generals. He went on an invasion of Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and ties to Al Qaeda that weren't there. Soldiers were sent in with inadequate armor, and military contractors made a fortune overcharging the Pentagon for basic services.

As a result, 4500 soldiers and 550 contractos died, really pretty much over nothing. The new Government in Baghdad is an ally of Iran and Al Qaeda has free reign in the Sunni Triangle. Oh, yeah, and we can't even agree how many Iraqis died needlessly.

Now. Benghazi. Two diplomats and two Mercenaries died in a four hour period.

"OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to destroy America the whole world is laughing at us!!!!"

NO, guy, you do not have a problem. Really.
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Before the PATCO strike there were 39 illegal strikes by public sector unions. After Reagan put the hammer down on the air traffic controllers there were zero. Reagan simply enforced the laws that were on the books and stopped public sector unions from holding the nation hostage every time they wanted more money and benefits.

And the real problem is, you think this is a good thing.

PATCO was striking over hte fact most of those guys were overworked and their equipment was outdated, as well as money issues.

But, man, fuck air safety. Reagan was going to teaching those working stiffs who was in charge.
I hate myths. Kennedy to Obama. PPTHHHT! Regan gave the first amnesty to illegals, and he flip flopped on committing to our troops in Lebanon after HUMAS killed 210 American servicemen. Practically made 9/11 happen. Then the PATCO thing, jesus, talk about irony. What the heck? Regan was a friggin disaster.

Bad chickpeas killed 210 American servicemen? Oh, you're going to a great compliment to Joe...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

That's some pretty nice deflection there.

Okay, let's look at that. ON Reagan's watch, 241 servicemen were killed in a suicide bombing.

Reagan immediately tried to distract everyone's attention by invading Grenada, because nothing re-establishes your 'manhood' like invading a small, helpless country.

Oh, yeah, about 25 guys died doing that, most of them killed in accidents and friendly fire incidents.

But of course, Benghazi is much, much worse, because the Black Guy did it.

I'm a fiscal conservative who deals in reality...somehow you twist THAT into throwing in with the "Bubbas"? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your problem, Joe is your whole world is built upon stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality. You actually believe that people from the South are stupid...because they are from the South! Here's a little dose of that reality I's not 1964 and the South is not the South of 1964 and the only "Bubba" that I know is Bill Clinton. So with that in mind...why don't you cease the digs at others until you start making some posts that aren't borderline "short bus" material!

Okay, guy, so if you are Fiscal Conservative, exactly where were you when George W. Stupid was out there giving tax cuts to rich people in the middle of a fucking WAR!

How was that "Fiscally conservative", exactly?

But somehow, you aren't screaming about that as loudly as you are screaming about Obama providing health care to poor people.

And, yes, the South are still the same mean-spirited assholes they were in 1964.

Barack Obama isn't "EEEEEEEvil"...he's simply a man who's totally in over his head with a job he never should have had in the first place. Barry fucked up Benghazi because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who ALSO don't have a clue what they are doing!

It's amateur hour in the White House and the rest of the world knows it even if the far left of American politics won't admit it.

Yeah, guy, right. I always notice that when someone calls you on your obsession, you try to sound "reasonable".

So let's compare shall we Benghazi to Iraq.

In Iraq, Bush ignored the UN, most of our allies and his own generals. He went on an invasion of Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and ties to Al Qaeda that weren't there. Soldiers were sent in with inadequate armor, and military contractors made a fortune overcharging the Pentagon for basic services.

As a result, 4500 soldiers and 550 contractos died, really pretty much over nothing. The new Government in Baghdad is an ally of Iran and Al Qaeda has free reign in the Sunni Triangle. Oh, yeah, and we can't even agree how many Iraqis died needlessly.

Now. Benghazi. Two diplomats and two Mercenaries died in a four hour period.

"OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to destroy America the whole world is laughing at us!!!!"

NO, guy, you do not have a problem. Really.
As someone who holds Stalin as an icon, you may not realize that Saddam was a very, very bad guy and getting rid of him and his sons was a tremendous service to mankind. What did Benghazi get us?
[]As someone who holds Stalin as an icon, you may not realize that Saddam was a very, very bad guy and getting rid of him and his sons was a tremendous service to mankind. What did Benghazi get us?

Where did I say Stalin was an "Icon".

Oh, that's right. I actually recognize the USSR's key role in saving the world from Fascism. NOt to worry, the rate Corporate entities are going, Fascism is coming back in style.

But anyway, yeah, Saddam was bad guy. Saddam was a bad guy when he was invading Iran, and Reagan was arming him and helping him get bogus agricultural loans from US Banks to buy weapons. Saddam was bad guy when he was gassing the Kurds and Reagan went to the UN and denied it was happening.

Of course, in 2003, he was a bad guy, still, but his military was crippled, and his authority really didn't extend far beyond Baghdad.

Certainly not worth the lives of 4500 servicemen while Bin Laden was living in Pakistan still plotting against us.
[]As someone who holds Stalin as an icon, you may not realize that Saddam was a very, very bad guy and getting rid of him and his sons was a tremendous service to mankind. What did Benghazi get us?

Where did I say Stalin was an "Icon".

Oh, that's right. I actually recognize the USSR's key role in saving the world from Fascism. NOt to worry, the rate Corporate entities are going, Fascism is coming back in style.

But anyway, yeah, Saddam was bad guy. Saddam was a bad guy when he was invading Iran, and Reagan was arming him and helping him get bogus agricultural loans from US Banks to buy weapons. Saddam was bad guy when he was gassing the Kurds and Reagan went to the UN and denied it was happening.

Of course, in 2003, he was a bad guy, still, but his military was crippled, and his authority really didn't extend far beyond Baghdad.

Certainly not worth the lives of 4500 servicemen while Bin Laden was living in Pakistan still plotting against us.
Sorry about Stalin, Saddam and bin Laden. You'll get over it. Now tell me what Benghazi got us.
[]As someone who holds Stalin as an icon, you may not realize that Saddam was a very, very bad guy and getting rid of him and his sons was a tremendous service to mankind. What did Benghazi get us?

Where did I say Stalin was an "Icon".

Oh, that's right. I actually recognize the USSR's key role in saving the world from Fascism. NOt to worry, the rate Corporate entities are going, Fascism is coming back in style.

But anyway, yeah, Saddam was bad guy. Saddam was a bad guy when he was invading Iran, and Reagan was arming him and helping him get bogus agricultural loans from US Banks to buy weapons. Saddam was bad guy when he was gassing the Kurds and Reagan went to the UN and denied it was happening.

Of course, in 2003, he was a bad guy, still, but his military was crippled, and his authority really didn't extend far beyond Baghdad.

Certainly not worth the lives of 4500 servicemen while Bin Laden was living in Pakistan still plotting against us.
Sorry about Stalin, Saddam and bin Laden. You'll get over it. Now tell me what Benghazi got us.

i'm sorry about Bin Laden and Saddam, too.

Reagan propped both of them up, and they both turned around and bit us in the ass.

I also think getting involved in Libya's Civil War was a mistake. The EU took advantage and we went along with it and it was kind of stupid.

But 4 dead in Benghazi is nothing compared to 5000 dead in Iraq or 241 dead in Beruit.

But the BLACK GUY did it!
Hmm. A sock? Cute. Deflect the truth. Can I help you with that supposed cough?I am getting one of those too. Obama care. I lived thought the Regan Admin, and it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. No. Really. Bring down this wall! That was a rare historical case of synergy. Otherwise, Regan was a big FAIL. Really. Been there done it. He never had a clue. Neither do most of you little kids.

My first Presidential vote was for Reagan. He cut taxes so people could keep more of their own money, he encouraged investment and he challenged and defeated the USSR. He freed hundreds of millions from the horrific oppression of Progressive nightmare of Communist rule, which is why the "American" Left loathes and despises him
Where did I say Stalin was an "Icon".

Oh, that's right. I actually recognize the USSR's key role in saving the world from Fascism. NOt to worry, the rate Corporate entities are going, Fascism is coming back in style.

But anyway, yeah, Saddam was bad guy. Saddam was a bad guy when he was invading Iran, and Reagan was arming him and helping him get bogus agricultural loans from US Banks to buy weapons. Saddam was bad guy when he was gassing the Kurds and Reagan went to the UN and denied it was happening.

Of course, in 2003, he was a bad guy, still, but his military was crippled, and his authority really didn't extend far beyond Baghdad.

Certainly not worth the lives of 4500 servicemen while Bin Laden was living in Pakistan still plotting against us.
Sorry about Stalin, Saddam and bin Laden. You'll get over it. Now tell me what Benghazi got us.

i'm sorry about Bin Laden and Saddam, too.

Reagan propped both of them up, and they both turned around and bit us in the ass.

I also think getting involved in Libya's Civil War was a mistake. The EU took advantage and we went along with it and it was kind of stupid.

But 4 dead in Benghazi is nothing compared to 5000 dead in Iraq or 241 dead in Beruit.

But the BLACK GUY did it!
Yeah, and FDR did far more to prop up Stalin than Reagan ever did for your heroes.

I was talking about Benghazi, not Libya's civil war. Don't be an ass all your life, take a day off now and then.
Reagan propped both of them up, and they both turned around and bit us in the ass.

Every once in a while, I need to remind you that Reagan didn't "prop up" bin Laden and that you're a bald face liar.

Why anyone takes you seriously befuddles me.
Well, as usual...JoeB is doing his best song and dance to cover up the inadequacies of this Administration. Benghazi doesn't matter to Joe because it was only four men and two of them were "mercenaries". Barack Obama blatantly lying about what happened in Benghazi doesn't matter either because anyone who brings that up is obviously a racist! (eye roll)

At the same time Joe can't seem to grasp that the South ISN'T the same place it was in 1964 (duh, what place IS!) and that the Klan isn't running things in places like Montgomery, Alabama anymore.

Barack Obama isn't "EEEEEEEvil"...he's simply a man who's totally in over his head with a job he never should have had in the first place. Barry fucked up Benghazi because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who ALSO don't have a clue what they are doing!

It's amateur hour in the White House and the rest of the world knows it even if the far left of American politics won't admit it.

Yeah, guy, right. I always notice that when someone calls you on your obsession, you try to sound "reasonable".

So let's compare shall we Benghazi to Iraq.

In Iraq, Bush ignored the UN, most of our allies and his own generals. He went on an invasion of Iraq over weapons that didn't exist and ties to Al Qaeda that weren't there. Soldiers were sent in with inadequate armor, and military contractors made a fortune overcharging the Pentagon for basic services.

As a result, 4500 soldiers and 550 contractos died, really pretty much over nothing. The new Government in Baghdad is an ally of Iran and Al Qaeda has free reign in the Sunni Triangle. Oh, yeah, and we can't even agree how many Iraqis died needlessly.

Now. Benghazi. Two diplomats and two Mercenaries died in a four hour period.

"OH MY GOD, OBAMA IS THE FUCKING ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to destroy America the whole world is laughing at us!!!!"

NO, guy, you do not have a problem. Really.

It's obvious who the reasonable person is and isn't. I point out that Barack Obama is struggling as President because he doesn't have the job skills the position requires and has surrounded himself with ideologues with the same problem and you immediately accuse me of both racism and of calling Obama the Anti Christ or a's laughable!

I've never accused Barack Obama of being a communist or the Anti Christ. Quite frankly I could care less about his pigmentation or his religious leanings. What has always concerned me about Barack Obama is that his policies are based on ideology and don't take into account reality or human nature.
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