Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Did you REALLY just accuse the families of those murdered in Benghazi of "whining"? They'd like to know what happened to their loved ones...why they were killed and why nobody from this White House seemed to respond to the attack. They'd also like to know why the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the White House Press Secretary and the US's UN Ambassador lied to them and the American people about what caused the attacks.

The only "whining" that I'm hearing is from Barack Obama disciples who want this scandal to go away before answers have been given TO the families and the American people!

Guy, troops were on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack. (As opposed to Bush on 9/11, who really needed to find out what happened to that goat.)

And frankly, the CIA is the one who told the President and the SoS and UN Ambassador, that, "Um, yeah, those guys were really made about the video in Libya. Just like they were mad about it in Egypt and Yemen and Lebanon and all the other places they had riots about it."

Now, realizing you are not a rational person, but exactly what do you think Obama and Co. were 'covering up' exactly? We know they were dead, we know who killed them, there's a little question as to why.

But, no, the Faux News audience, who are still shitting themselves about a brother in the White House, know it must be some vastly complicated conspiracy!!!!!!

Are you serious? Not only were troops not on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack...THEY WEREN'T THERE A WEEK LATER! THE FBI COULDN'T INVESTIGATE THE CONSULATE SITE BECAUSE IT WAS JUDGED TO BE TOO UNSAFE! The fact is, Barry never sent the troops! Then you compare what Obama did in Libya with what Bush did in Afghanistan? Again...are you fucking serious? Bush went into Afghanistan and took out the entire Taliban apparatus in less time then it's taken Barry to arrest the first person involved in the Benghazi attacks!

As for what they were covering up? Their own incompetence and total lack of a meaningful response to what happened in Benghazi...that's what they were covering up! Barack Obama was running for reelection on a theme of "I killed Osama bin Laden and have Al Queda on the run!" and suddenly here is an Al Queda affiliated group of terrorists attacking our consulate and killing our Ambassador!!! Holy political embarrassment, Batman!!! That's going to make it look like we're full of shit with our claim that Al Queda's on the run...what should we do? Oh, I know...we'll blame it on some obscure Youtube video and a mob protest that got out of hand and hope our buddies in the Main Stream media cover our asses until after the election! They actually had the balls to throw the idiot who made that cheesy little video in prison while they blamed HIM for what happened in Benghazi when they knew all along that there was no protest that escalated into an attack.

Let's take your nonsense one ridiculous bit at a time...shall we?

Please explain to me what the Holder Justice Department was trying to accomplish when they started up Fast & Furious, Joe? We'd already discovered that we couldn't track guns that "walked" from the US into Mexico...even with the cooperation of the Mexican Government! That was something that was attempted during the Bush Administration and the program was scrapped because they weren't able to keep track of the guns. So what was Holder's ATF doing restarting a failed program once again? What was it that they hoped to accomplish? And why did they not ever attempt to track the guns that were walked or arrest those doing the smuggling. THAT was what had veteran ATF agents up in arms! They couldn't for the life of them figure out what the fuck they were DOING with Fast & Furious! Nobody was being arrested...guns were being given to some of the most dangerous narco-terrorists on the planet...and nobody in the Holder Justice Department seemed to care. It wasn't until some ATF agent's went to the press with details about Border Agent Brian Terry's murder with a weapon that was "walked" under Fast & Furious that the program was FINALLY stopped. That's right...they were STILL running it even AFTER Terry's death!

Oh, so your logic is because one investigation failed, we totally need to give up on all investigations, then?

And frankly, you guys had no problem with arming "Narco-Terrorists" when Reagan (remember him?) armed the Contras.

Incidently, it was the same ATF (an agency you wingnuts usually hate!) that ran Fast and Furious, not HOlder.

Of course, the reason why they lost track of so many guns is because this all happened in Arizona, where Jared Loughner and his imaginary friends can walk into a gun store and buy a gun, no questions asked.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

Indeed, a six-month Fortune investigation reveals that the public case alleging that Voth and his colleagues walked guns is replete with distortions, errors, partial truths, and even some outright lies. Fortune reviewed more than 2,000 pages of confidential ATF documents and interviewed 39 people, including seven law-enforcement agents with direct knowledge of the case. Several, including Voth, are speaking out for the first time.

How Fast and Furious reached the headlines is a strange and unsettling saga, one that reveals a lot about politics and media today. It's a story that starts with a grudge, specifically Dodson's anger at Voth. After the terrible murder of agent Terry, Dodson made complaints that were then amplified, first by right-wing bloggers, then by CBS. Rep. Issa and other politicians then seized those elements to score points against the Obama administration, which, for its part, has capitulated in an apparent effort to avoid a rhetorical battle over gun control in the run-up to the presidential election. (A Justice Department spokesperson denies this and asserts that the department is not drawing conclusions until the inspector general's report is submitted.)
And what the fuck does Sarah Palin have to do with the IRS scandal? You don't have an answer to explain what happened at the IRS so you bring up Palin's intelligence? Jesus, but that's some stupid shit!

No, guy, you are just too stupid to understand.

I'll make it easier for you.

You did NOT lose in 2012 because Granny Teabagger couldn't get her fraudulent tax exemption and her big bag of Cash from the Koch Brothers.

You lost because you nominate stupid people. You nominate some freak who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear and he's the sanest one of the lot. You put Palin a heartbeat away from the president, and you wonder why people run screaming from you. You have guys who put the words "Legitimate' and "Gift from God" in front of the word "Rape" and you wonder why women are absolutely terrified of what America might look like under your guidence.

And frankly, you live in your own little bubble of Hate Radio and Faux News, and wonder why the rest of the world doesn't think your way.

Oh, so now what liberals did with the IRS is OK because the GOP nominates "stupid people"? That excuses using the IRS to target your political opponents?

And I hate to point out the obvious but when it comes to intelligence, Palin is so much smarter than Biden it isn't even funny! Joe's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself!

Let's take your nonsense one ridiculous bit at a time...shall we?

Please explain to me what the Holder Justice Department was trying to accomplish when they started up Fast & Furious, Joe? We'd already discovered that we couldn't track guns that "walked" from the US into Mexico...even with the cooperation of the Mexican Government! That was something that was attempted during the Bush Administration and the program was scrapped because they weren't able to keep track of the guns. So what was Holder's ATF doing restarting a failed program once again? What was it that they hoped to accomplish? And why did they not ever attempt to track the guns that were walked or arrest those doing the smuggling. THAT was what had veteran ATF agents up in arms! They couldn't for the life of them figure out what the fuck they were DOING with Fast & Furious! Nobody was being arrested...guns were being given to some of the most dangerous narco-terrorists on the planet...and nobody in the Holder Justice Department seemed to care. It wasn't until some ATF agent's went to the press with details about Border Agent Brian Terry's murder with a weapon that was "walked" under Fast & Furious that the program was FINALLY stopped. That's right...they were STILL running it even AFTER Terry's death!

Oh, so your logic is because one investigation failed, we totally need to give up on all investigations, then?

And frankly, you guys had no problem with arming "Narco-Terrorists" when Reagan (remember him?) armed the Contras.

Incidently, it was the same ATF (an agency you wingnuts usually hate!) that ran Fast and Furious, not HOlder.

Of course, the reason why they lost track of so many guns is because this all happened in Arizona, where Jared Loughner and his imaginary friends can walk into a gun store and buy a gun, no questions asked.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

Indeed, a six-month Fortune investigation reveals that the public case alleging that Voth and his colleagues walked guns is replete with distortions, errors, partial truths, and even some outright lies. Fortune reviewed more than 2,000 pages of confidential ATF documents and interviewed 39 people, including seven law-enforcement agents with direct knowledge of the case. Several, including Voth, are speaking out for the first time.

How Fast and Furious reached the headlines is a strange and unsettling saga, one that reveals a lot about politics and media today. It's a story that starts with a grudge, specifically Dodson's anger at Voth. After the terrible murder of agent Terry, Dodson made complaints that were then amplified, first by right-wing bloggers, then by CBS. Rep. Issa and other politicians then seized those elements to score points against the Obama administration, which, for its part, has capitulated in an apparent effort to avoid a rhetorical battle over gun control in the run-up to the presidential election. (A Justice Department spokesperson denies this and asserts that the department is not drawing conclusions until the inspector general's report is submitted.)

Here's a newsflash for you, Joe...the ATF is part of the Justice Department which is run by the Attorney General. Duh? Are you going to have one of those days when EVERYTHING you post is stupid?

Let's take your nonsense one ridiculous bit at a time...shall we?

Please explain to me what the Holder Justice Department was trying to accomplish when they started up Fast & Furious, Joe? We'd already discovered that we couldn't track guns that "walked" from the US into Mexico...even with the cooperation of the Mexican Government! That was something that was attempted during the Bush Administration and the program was scrapped because they weren't able to keep track of the guns. So what was Holder's ATF doing restarting a failed program once again? What was it that they hoped to accomplish? And why did they not ever attempt to track the guns that were walked or arrest those doing the smuggling. THAT was what had veteran ATF agents up in arms! They couldn't for the life of them figure out what the fuck they were DOING with Fast & Furious! Nobody was being arrested...guns were being given to some of the most dangerous narco-terrorists on the planet...and nobody in the Holder Justice Department seemed to care. It wasn't until some ATF agent's went to the press with details about Border Agent Brian Terry's murder with a weapon that was "walked" under Fast & Furious that the program was FINALLY stopped. That's right...they were STILL running it even AFTER Terry's death!

Oh, so your logic is because one investigation failed, we totally need to give up on all investigations, then?

And frankly, you guys had no problem with arming "Narco-Terrorists" when Reagan (remember him?) armed the Contras.

Incidently, it was the same ATF (an agency you wingnuts usually hate!) that ran Fast and Furious, not HOlder.

Of course, the reason why they lost track of so many guns is because this all happened in Arizona, where Jared Loughner and his imaginary friends can walk into a gun store and buy a gun, no questions asked.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

Indeed, a six-month Fortune investigation reveals that the public case alleging that Voth and his colleagues walked guns is replete with distortions, errors, partial truths, and even some outright lies. Fortune reviewed more than 2,000 pages of confidential ATF documents and interviewed 39 people, including seven law-enforcement agents with direct knowledge of the case. Several, including Voth, are speaking out for the first time.

How Fast and Furious reached the headlines is a strange and unsettling saga, one that reveals a lot about politics and media today. It's a story that starts with a grudge, specifically Dodson's anger at Voth. After the terrible murder of agent Terry, Dodson made complaints that were then amplified, first by right-wing bloggers, then by CBS. Rep. Issa and other politicians then seized those elements to score points against the Obama administration, which, for its part, has capitulated in an apparent effort to avoid a rhetorical battle over gun control in the run-up to the presidential election. (A Justice Department spokesperson denies this and asserts that the department is not drawing conclusions until the inspector general's report is submitted.)

Here's a newsflash for you, Joe...the ATF is part of the Justice Department which is run by the Attorney General. Duh? Are you going to have one of those days when EVERYTHING you post is stupid?
You might as well be arguing with a houseplant.
Obama shouldn't have spoken in "absolutes"? Obama shouldn't have LIED to the American people about what the ACA was going to do to their lives when it kicked in. He lied about people being able to keep their plans if they liked them...he lied about them being able to keep their doctor...he lied about it lowering healthcare costs for Middle Class families.

The ACA is going to make most of our lives better.

And frankly, if you are so stupid that you like a plan where the Insurance companies take your money and don't provide any real coverage, you already like being lied to, so I'm not seeing the problem here.

If you are an average Middle Class American the ACA is NOT going to make your life "better"! It's going to raise your healthcare costs to pay for the coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and those getting large subsidies on their premiums...while lowering the quality of care you get. That's the REALITY of the ACA. You still buy into the bullshit that Obama, Reid and Pelosi gave us to get this joke of a bill passed in the first place even though it's becoming increasingly apparent that they lied about much of what they were telling us which makes you either extremely naive or extremely stupid!
Are you serious? Not only were troops not on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack...THEY WEREN'T THERE A WEEK LATER! THE FBI COULDN'T INVESTIGATE THE CONSULATE SITE BECAUSE IT WAS JUDGED TO BE TOO UNSAFE! The fact is, Barry never sent the troops! Then you compare what Obama did in Libya with what Bush did in Afghanistan? Again...are you fucking serious? Bush went into Afghanistan and took out the entire Taliban apparatus in less time then it's taken Barry to arrest the first person involved in the Benghazi attacks!

As for what they were covering up? Their own incompetence and total lack of a meaningful response to what happened in Benghazi...that's what they were covering up! Barack Obama was running for reelection on a theme of "I killed Osama bin Laden and have Al Queda on the run!" and suddenly here is an Al Queda affiliated group of terrorists attacking our consulate and killing our Ambassador!!! Holy political embarrassment, Batman!!! That's going to make it look like we're full of shit with our claim that Al Queda's on the run...what should we do? Oh, I know...we'll blame it on some obscure Youtube video and a mob protest that got out of hand and hope our buddies in the Main Stream media cover our asses until after the election! They actually had the balls to throw the idiot who made that cheesy little video in prison while they blamed HIM for what happened in Benghazi when they knew all along that there was no protest that escalated into an attack.

Guy, a simple google search proves you wrong.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded - CBS News

Sorry, there were troops in Tripoli the night of the attack, and more the next day.

And frankly, your Mormon Scumbucket tries to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soapbox, and he looked pretty creepy when he did it. (Then again, a non-creepy Mormon is a sight to behold.)
Oh, so your logic is because one investigation failed, we totally need to give up on all investigations, then?

And frankly, you guys had no problem with arming "Narco-Terrorists" when Reagan (remember him?) armed the Contras.

Incidently, it was the same ATF (an agency you wingnuts usually hate!) that ran Fast and Furious, not HOlder.

Of course, the reason why they lost track of so many guns is because this all happened in Arizona, where Jared Loughner and his imaginary friends can walk into a gun store and buy a gun, no questions asked.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

Here's a newsflash for you, Joe...the ATF is part of the Justice Department which is run by the Attorney General. Duh? Are you going to have one of those days when EVERYTHING you post is stupid?
You might as well be arguing with a houseplant.

That's an insult to houseplants, Meat! They don't post the same kind of laughably stupid stuff that Joe does! :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin:
Are you serious? Not only were troops not on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack...THEY WEREN'T THERE A WEEK LATER! THE FBI COULDN'T INVESTIGATE THE CONSULATE SITE BECAUSE IT WAS JUDGED TO BE TOO UNSAFE! The fact is, Barry never sent the troops! Then you compare what Obama did in Libya with what Bush did in Afghanistan? Again...are you fucking serious? Bush went into Afghanistan and took out the entire Taliban apparatus in less time then it's taken Barry to arrest the first person involved in the Benghazi attacks!

As for what they were covering up? Their own incompetence and total lack of a meaningful response to what happened in Benghazi...that's what they were covering up! Barack Obama was running for reelection on a theme of "I killed Osama bin Laden and have Al Queda on the run!" and suddenly here is an Al Queda affiliated group of terrorists attacking our consulate and killing our Ambassador!!! Holy political embarrassment, Batman!!! That's going to make it look like we're full of shit with our claim that Al Queda's on the run...what should we do? Oh, I know...we'll blame it on some obscure Youtube video and a mob protest that got out of hand and hope our buddies in the Main Stream media cover our asses until after the election! They actually had the balls to throw the idiot who made that cheesy little video in prison while they blamed HIM for what happened in Benghazi when they knew all along that there was no protest that escalated into an attack.

Guy, a simple google search proves you wrong.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded - CBS News

Sorry, there were troops in Tripoli the night of the attack, and more the next day.

And frankly, your Mormon Scumbucket tries to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soapbox, and he looked pretty creepy when he did it. (Then again, a non-creepy Mormon is a sight to behold.)

Jesus, Joe...go get a big cup of coffee before you post another thing! In case you haven't gotten the memo...Tripoli is NOT Benghazi! It's like saying you've sent troops to Chicago when you sent them to Boston! Duh?
Here's a newsflash for you, Joe...the ATF is part of the Justice Department which is run by the Attorney General. Duh? Are you going to have one of those days when EVERYTHING you post is stupid?
You might as well be arguing with a houseplant.

That's an insult to houseplants, Meat! They don't post the same kind of laughably stupid stuff that Joe does! :lol::badgrin::lol::badgrin:
He's just a troll. No one that can type is that stupid.

If you are an average Middle Class American the ACA is NOT going to make your life "better"! It's going to raise your healthcare costs to pay for the coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and those getting large subsidies on their premiums...while lowering the quality of care you get. That's the REALITY of the ACA. You still buy into the bullshit that Obama, Reid and Pelosi gave us to get this joke of a bill passed in the first place even though it's becoming increasingly apparent that they lied about much of what they were telling us which makes you either extremely naive or extremely stupid!

I'm an average middle class american and what I've noticed is that since ACA was passed, we stopped having those annual HR meetings about how our Medical Plan changed this year to cost a little more and suck a lot more.

But Oh, my God, we have to take care of people with pre-existing conditions. How horrible. How dare they have pre-existing conditions, those welfare collecitng freeloaders.

Hey, guy, this is why you lost. When your attitude towards life is "I got mine, fuck you!", people don't really like you that much.
Are you serious? Not only were troops not on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack...THEY WEREN'T THERE A WEEK LATER! THE FBI COULDN'T INVESTIGATE THE CONSULATE SITE BECAUSE IT WAS JUDGED TO BE TOO UNSAFE! The fact is, Barry never sent the troops! Then you compare what Obama did in Libya with what Bush did in Afghanistan? Again...are you fucking serious? Bush went into Afghanistan and took out the entire Taliban apparatus in less time then it's taken Barry to arrest the first person involved in the Benghazi attacks!

As for what they were covering up? Their own incompetence and total lack of a meaningful response to what happened in Benghazi...that's what they were covering up! Barack Obama was running for reelection on a theme of "I killed Osama bin Laden and have Al Queda on the run!" and suddenly here is an Al Queda affiliated group of terrorists attacking our consulate and killing our Ambassador!!! Holy political embarrassment, Batman!!! That's going to make it look like we're full of shit with our claim that Al Queda's on the run...what should we do? Oh, I know...we'll blame it on some obscure Youtube video and a mob protest that got out of hand and hope our buddies in the Main Stream media cover our asses until after the election! They actually had the balls to throw the idiot who made that cheesy little video in prison while they blamed HIM for what happened in Benghazi when they knew all along that there was no protest that escalated into an attack.

Guy, a simple google search proves you wrong.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded - CBS News

Sorry, there were troops in Tripoli the night of the attack, and more the next day.

And frankly, your Mormon Scumbucket tries to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soapbox, and he looked pretty creepy when he did it. (Then again, a non-creepy Mormon is a sight to behold.)

Jesus, Joe...go get a big cup of coffee before you post another thing! In case you haven't gotten the memo...Tripoli is NOT Benghazi! It's like saying you've sent troops to Chicago when you sent them to Boston! Duh?

There were troops in Benghazi... sorry, I mistyped, but you would have known what I meant if you clicked on the link.

It's really kind of hard to rationalize with somoene as full of hate as you are, but if you want to pretend that we didn't have troops there pretty quickly, I guess you really need to believe that.

Reality. It's a dangerous world, the two mercenaries failed to protect the ambassador,a nd their whining families are carping about it on Faux News.

Hey, maybe that's the real scandal here. Why are we hiring incompetent mercenaries. Maybe we do need an investigation.

If you are an average Middle Class American the ACA is NOT going to make your life "better"! It's going to raise your healthcare costs to pay for the coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and those getting large subsidies on their premiums...while lowering the quality of care you get. That's the REALITY of the ACA. You still buy into the bullshit that Obama, Reid and Pelosi gave us to get this joke of a bill passed in the first place even though it's becoming increasingly apparent that they lied about much of what they were telling us which makes you either extremely naive or extremely stupid!

I'm an average middle class american and what I've noticed is that since ACA was passed, we stopped having those annual HR meetings about how our Medical Plan changed this year to cost a little more and suck a lot more.

But Oh, my God, we have to take care of people with pre-existing conditions. How horrible. How dare they have pre-existing conditions, those welfare collecitng freeloaders.

Hey, guy, this is why you lost. When your attitude towards life is "I got mine, fuck you!", people don't really like you that much.

The reason Romney lost was that the American people were never told the truth about ObamaCare so they could make an informed decision. They were fed lies. As for pre-existing conditions? I know it sounds WONDERFUL that insurance companies are now not going to be able to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions but the fact is...that provision of the ACA is what dooms it to failure. Why would anyone sign up for insurance when they are allowed to sign up for it after they get sick with no penalty? The stupidity of how they've structured this thing is laughable. Now they are scratching their heads because the can't figure out why young and healthy people aren't signing up? You progressives continue to amuse...

If you are an average Middle Class American the ACA is NOT going to make your life "better"! It's going to raise your healthcare costs to pay for the coverage of people with pre-existing conditions and those getting large subsidies on their premiums...while lowering the quality of care you get. That's the REALITY of the ACA. You still buy into the bullshit that Obama, Reid and Pelosi gave us to get this joke of a bill passed in the first place even though it's becoming increasingly apparent that they lied about much of what they were telling us which makes you either extremely naive or extremely stupid!

I'm an average middle class american and what I've noticed is that since ACA was passed, we stopped having those annual HR meetings about how our Medical Plan changed this year to cost a little more and suck a lot more.

But Oh, my God, we have to take care of people with pre-existing conditions. How horrible. How dare they have pre-existing conditions, those welfare collecitng freeloaders.

Hey, guy, this is why you lost. When your attitude towards life is "I got mine, fuck you!", people don't really like you that much.

You stopped having HR meeting or they stopped being about your imaginary medical plan?
Guy, a simple google search proves you wrong.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded - CBS News

Sorry, there were troops in Tripoli the night of the attack, and more the next day.

And frankly, your Mormon Scumbucket tries to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soapbox, and he looked pretty creepy when he did it. (Then again, a non-creepy Mormon is a sight to behold.)

Jesus, Joe...go get a big cup of coffee before you post another thing! In case you haven't gotten the memo...Tripoli is NOT Benghazi! It's like saying you've sent troops to Chicago when you sent them to Boston! Duh?

There were troops in Benghazi... sorry, I mistyped, but you would have known what I meant if you clicked on the link.

It's really kind of hard to rationalize with somoene as full of hate as you are, but if you want to pretend that we didn't have troops there pretty quickly, I guess you really need to believe that.

Reality. It's a dangerous world, the two mercenaries failed to protect the ambassador,a nd their whining families are carping about it on Faux News.

Hey, maybe that's the real scandal here. Why are we hiring incompetent mercenaries. Maybe we do need an investigation.

You really are a douche! Now you're accusing the two men who went to the consulate at great personal risk to attempt to rescue Ambassador Stevens of being "incompetent"? Those CIA operators were incredibly dedicated and selfless. They gave their lives up defending America. For you to sit here now and blame them for not being able to fix the cluster fuck that happened in Benghazi because of Hilary Clinton's incompetence and a total lack of a response from the Obama White House is about as despicable as it gets.

But that's you...isn't it, Joe? Blame anyone BUT the progressives who were running things! It's always got to be someone else who is at fault!

The reason Romney lost was that the American people were never told the truth about ObamaCare so they could make an informed decision. They were fed lies. As for pre-existing conditions? I know it sounds WONDERFUL that insurance companies are now not going to be able to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions but the fact is...that provision of the ACA is what dooms it to failure. Why would anyone sign up for insurance when they are allowed to sign up for it after they get sick with no penalty? The stupidity of how they've structured this thing is laughable. Now they are scratching their heads because the can't figure out why young and healthy people aren't signing up? You progressives continue to amuse...

Again, eventually, the individual mandate kicks in and everyone has to sign or face a penalty.

Which is exactly how it worked in Massachusetts. Oh, wait, didn't Romney come up with that.

BUt here's the real problem you don't get Cleetus.

You really, really think that by repeating your same arguments, someone is going to slap their head and say, "Damn, what was I thinking, I should have voted for the Mormon!"

Nope. No one has said that. Not one person.
Guy, a simple google search proves you wrong.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded - CBS News

Sorry, there were troops in Tripoli the night of the attack, and more the next day.

And frankly, your Mormon Scumbucket tries to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soapbox, and he looked pretty creepy when he did it. (Then again, a non-creepy Mormon is a sight to behold.)

Jesus, Joe...go get a big cup of coffee before you post another thing! In case you haven't gotten the memo...Tripoli is NOT Benghazi! It's like saying you've sent troops to Chicago when you sent them to Boston! Duh?

There were troops in Benghazi... sorry, I mistyped, but you would have known what I meant if you clicked on the link.

It's really kind of hard to rationalize with somoene as full of hate as you are, but if you want to pretend that we didn't have troops there pretty quickly, I guess you really need to believe that.

Reality. It's a dangerous world, the two mercenaries failed to protect the ambassador,a nd their whining families are carping about it on Faux News.

Hey, maybe that's the real scandal here. Why are we hiring incompetent mercenaries. Maybe we do need an investigation.

Josef, please go fuck yourself you lowlife fuck

You really are a douche! Now you're accusing the two men who went to the consulate at great personal risk to attempt to rescue Ambassador Stevens of being "incompetent"? Those CIA operators were incredibly dedicated and selfless. They gave their lives up defending America. For you to sit here now and blame them for not being able to fix the cluster fuck that happened in Benghazi because of Hilary Clinton's incompetence and a total lack of a response from the Obama White House is about as despicable as it gets.

But that's you...isn't it, Joe? Blame anyone BUT the progressives who were running things! It's always got to be someone else who is at fault!

Hey, we shouldn't be hiring mercenaries to do a soldier's job. I've talked to a lot of guys who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and have nothing but contempt for the Halliburton and Blackwater "consultants" or whatever the fuck they call themselves.

Their job was to protect the Ambassador. They failed. Miserably.

BUt shit, let's give them a bigger contract.

You really are a douche! Now you're accusing the two men who went to the consulate at great personal risk to attempt to rescue Ambassador Stevens of being "incompetent"? Those CIA operators were incredibly dedicated and selfless. They gave their lives up defending America. For you to sit here now and blame them for not being able to fix the cluster fuck that happened in Benghazi because of Hilary Clinton's incompetence and a total lack of a response from the Obama White House is about as despicable as it gets.

But that's you...isn't it, Joe? Blame anyone BUT the progressives who were running things! It's always got to be someone else who is at fault!

Hey, we shouldn't be hiring mercenaries to do a soldier's job. I've talked to a lot of guys who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and have nothing but contempt for the Halliburton and Blackwater "consultants" or whatever the fuck they call themselves.

Their job was to protect the Ambassador. They failed. Miserably.

BUt shit, let's give them a bigger contract.

They worked for the CIA as part of the Global Response Staff, not Halliburton or Blackwater, you moron! Is there anything about ANYTHING that you aren't ignorant about, Joe?
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