Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Reagan never had a Republican Congress and actually took a bullet for his beliefs. I believe Bush had no small part in the assassination. Reagan did all he could do under the circumstances

Ahhh.... Bush was part of the assassination plot.

And now Fwankie goes full retard.

He will not tolerate people who don't fluff his & William Kristol's idol lol

Ironic part is that the extremist would be labelled a moderate by "today's repub party"
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At this point it's become rather obvious that the Obama Administration's top priority was never to catch the killers in Benghazi...with them it was about covering up their own ineptitude leading up to those murders...their failure to act during the attacks...and all the lying they did about it following what happened in Benghazi.


Nobody cares about Benghazi but inbreds who watch Faux News.

The rest of us have moved on.

Moved on? Really? We haven't caught the people who did it but you've "moved on"? Nice to know that what's REALLY important to you is protecting Barack Obama at all costs. The deaths of an American Ambassador and three other Americans obviously means nothing to you.
So let's summarize here...Joe doesn't care about guns being run into Mexico that killed innocent Mexican nationals as well as a US Border Patrol Officer...Joe doesn't care about our US Ambassador to Libya and three others being killed...Joe doesn't care about the IRS being used to target political opponents...Joe doesn't care that Barack Obama lied to the American people about being able to keep their health insurance and doctor if they liked them and Middle Class families health care premiums going down an average of $2,500 a year!

Nah, none of those things bothers, Joe...because Joe is a card carrying progressive and to him...the end justifies the means.
So let's summarize here...Joe doesn't care about guns being run into Mexico that killed innocent Mexican nationals as well as a US Border Patrol Officer...Joe doesn't care about our US Ambassador to Libya and three others being killed...Joe doesn't care about the IRS being used to target political opponents...Joe doesn't care that Barack Obama lied to the American people about being able to keep their health insurance and doctor if they liked them and Middle Class families health care premiums going down an average of $2,500 a year!

Nah, none of those things bothers, Joe...because Joe is a card carrying progressive and to him...the end justifies the means.

More particularly, Joe is a self admitted card carrying Marxist with a raging hard-on for communist rule.
What I find particularly amusing about these Reagan strings is that Reagan is twenty years in the past...yet liberals would rather discuss HIS policies then than discuss Barack Obama's now! I know the past five years have been "underwhelming" (and that's being generous!) but Barry is STILL your guy! He's the most brilliant President we've ever had (according to you progressives anyways...) so why do you want to talk about just about anything else other than what HE has done in the five plus years he's been in office?
What I find particularly amusing about these Reagan strings is that Reagan is twenty years in the past...yet liberals would rather discuss HIS policies then than discuss Barack Obama's now! I know the past five years have been "underwhelming" (and that's being generous!) but Barry is STILL your guy! He's the most brilliant President we've ever had (according to you progressives anyways...) so why do you want to talk about just about anything else other than what HE has done in the five plus years he's been in office?

Cause they want the gravy train to keep rolling?
At this point it's become rather obvious that the Obama Administration's top priority was never to catch the killers in Benghazi...with them it was about covering up their own ineptitude leading up to those murders...their failure to act during the attacks...and all the lying they did about it following what happened in Benghazi.


Nobody cares about Benghazi but inbreds who watch Faux News.

The rest of us have moved on.

Moved on? Really? We haven't caught the people who did it but you've "moved on"? Nice to know that what's REALLY important to you is protecting Barack Obama at all costs. The deaths of an American Ambassador and three other Americans obviously means nothing to you.

The deaths of 4500 Service Members and 100,000+ Iraqis in a war over a lie doesn't mean much to you. I find it hilarious that you think that a major catastrophe over weapons that didn't exist doesn't phase you, but darn it, you are really, really still upset about whether or not those Arabs were mad about a Video, or whether they really thought that the CIA was using that consulate, or if they were just doing a 9/11 celebration attack.

Fact is, you clowns on the right didn't care that Bush hadn't caught Bin Laden in 8 years, wasn't even trying anymore after a certain point. (He had to get Saddam for trying to kill his pappy!)

So, yeah, I guess that's sad and all, but we aren't going to arrest a whole mob.
What I find particularly amusing about these Reagan strings is that Reagan is twenty years in the past...yet liberals would rather discuss HIS policies then than discuss Barack Obama's now! I know the past five years have been "underwhelming" (and that's being generous!) but Barry is STILL your guy! He's the most brilliant President we've ever had (according to you progressives anyways...) so why do you want to talk about just about anything else other than what HE has done in the five plus years he's been in office?

Guy, there are five hundred threads on Obama in "Politics". Probably more in the FLame Zone, which is where most of them end up, and a few in "Clean Debate", but I never go there, because frankly, there's only so much ODS I can stand to read without saying something nasty.

What I find amusing is how RIght Wingers have built up a mythical Reagan because they really don't want to talk about any other president with an "R" behind his name. Nixon, FOrd and the BUshes? Nothing to write home about with any of those guys.

But you can pretend Reagan won the Cold War by talking to a wall if you ignore all his liberal policies and destruction of the middle class and support of terrorists and drug dealers.
So let's summarize here...Joe doesn't care about guns being run into Mexico that killed innocent Mexican nationals as well as a US Border Patrol Officer...

Guy, guns are being run into Mexico all the time because they are too easy to buy in this country, something both our government and Mexico's agree is a problem. The people who don't agree- the NRA.

Hey, if you want to end guns into Mexico, maybe you should make them harder to buy in this country.

Joe doesn't care about our US Ambassador to Libya and three others being killed...

They knew the job was dangerous when they took it. And two of them were overpaid private security contractors, can't get worked up about those mercenaries.

Joe doesn't care about the IRS being used to target political opponents...

Yes, I really don't care that crazy people didn't get fraudelent tax exemptions.

Joe doesn't care that Barack Obama lied to the American people about being able to keep their health insurance and doctor if they liked them and Middle Class families health care premiums going down an average of $2,500 a year!

There was no garuntee before that. Heck, I'd like to still have the health insurance and job I had in 2008. Oh, wait. No. I lost those because I actually tried to use them.

Nah, none of those things bothers, Joe...because Joe is a card carrying progressive and to him...the end justifies the means.

Naw, none of those things bother me because most of them didn't happen, and I realize who my real enemies are.

The 1%ers who have plenty, but still want what little I have.

Nobody cares about Benghazi but inbreds who watch Faux News.

The rest of us have moved on.

Moved on? Really? We haven't caught the people who did it but you've "moved on"? Nice to know that what's REALLY important to you is protecting Barack Obama at all costs. The deaths of an American Ambassador and three other Americans obviously means nothing to you.

The deaths of 4500 Service Members and 100,000+ Iraqis in a war over a lie doesn't mean much to you. I find it hilarious that you think that a major catastrophe over weapons that didn't exist doesn't phase you, but darn it, you are really, really still upset about whether or not those Arabs were mad about a Video, or whether they really thought that the CIA was using that consulate, or if they were just doing a 9/11 celebration attack.

Fact is, you clowns on the right didn't care that Bush hadn't caught Bin Laden in 8 years, wasn't even trying anymore after a certain point. (He had to get Saddam for trying to kill his pappy!)

So, yeah, I guess that's sad and all, but we aren't going to arrest a whole mob.

Mob? Oh, so we're back to calling this a mob upset by a video, Joe? This was a well planned attack carried out by an Al Queda affiliated terrorist group and we haven't brought ANYONE to justice for it yet. The lies that this Administration told about mobs protesting videos were disgusting enough but what's laughable is how many Obama supporters are STILL trying to pretend that's what happened!
What I find particularly amusing about these Reagan strings is that Reagan is twenty years in the past...yet liberals would rather discuss HIS policies then than discuss Barack Obama's now! I know the past five years have been "underwhelming" (and that's being generous!) but Barry is STILL your guy! He's the most brilliant President we've ever had (according to you progressives anyways...) so why do you want to talk about just about anything else other than what HE has done in the five plus years he's been in office?

Guy, there are five hundred threads on Obama in "Politics". Probably more in the FLame Zone, which is where most of them end up, and a few in "Clean Debate", but I never go there, because frankly, there's only so much ODS I can stand to read without saying something nasty.

What I find amusing is how RIght Wingers have built up a mythical Reagan because they really don't want to talk about any other president with an "R" behind his name. Nixon, FOrd and the BUshes? Nothing to write home about with any of those guys.

But you can pretend Reagan won the Cold War by talking to a wall if you ignore all his liberal policies and destruction of the middle class and support of terrorists and drug dealers.

Reagan brought America out of the morass of Stagflation that Jimmy Carter didn't have a clue how to fix and set us on a path where we experienced the longest sustained growth in our economy in US history. THAT is why Ronald Reagan is remembered fondly by conservatives and why you liberals feel the need to attack him relentlessly. He DID something that Barry, Harry and Nancy couldn't do...namely fix the economy and bring prosperity to America.
So let's summarize here...Joe doesn't care about guns being run into Mexico that killed innocent Mexican nationals as well as a US Border Patrol Officer...

Guy, guns are being run into Mexico all the time because they are too easy to buy in this country, something both our government and Mexico's agree is a problem. The people who don't agree- the NRA.

Hey, if you want to end guns into Mexico, maybe you should make them harder to buy in this country.

Joe doesn't care about our US Ambassador to Libya and three others being killed...

They knew the job was dangerous when they took it. And two of them were overpaid private security contractors, can't get worked up about those mercenaries.

Yes, I really don't care that crazy people didn't get fraudelent tax exemptions.

Joe doesn't care that Barack Obama lied to the American people about being able to keep their health insurance and doctor if they liked them and Middle Class families health care premiums going down an average of $2,500 a year!

There was no garuntee before that. Heck, I'd like to still have the health insurance and job I had in 2008. Oh, wait. No. I lost those because I actually tried to use them.

Nah, none of those things bothers, Joe...because Joe is a card carrying progressive and to him...the end justifies the means.

Naw, none of those things bother me because most of them didn't happen, and I realize who my real enemies are.

The 1%ers who have plenty, but still want what little I have.

What's disgusting about Fast & Furious is that the justification for what the Holder Justice Department DID with that program seems to be an attempt to show that tougher gun laws were needed in the US because guns were flowing unchecked into Mexico and causing problems. It's akin to encouraging local drug dealers to sell more drugs in the neighborhood so you can point out that there's a drug problem and crack down on it. This Administration showed total disregard for the Mexican people that it put in danger with Fast & Furious...only stopping the program after a US Border Agent was killed and the national media was shamed into covering the story.

Someone knowing a job is dangerous doesn't give their bosses the right to endanger them even more and then abandon them when danger does occur. What happened in Benghazi is shameful because it didn't have to happen. And discounting the deaths of the two men at the Annex because they were "mercenaries" is a disgusting tactic. Those two men gave their lives trying to save a US Ambassador and to protect US soil. The fact that you care more about saving Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton's reputations then you do about the deaths of such men speaks volumes about your value system!

As for the IRS? You're too fucking stupid to realize that using the IRS for political ends is wrong no matter who is doing it! This time it was liberals using the IRS to handicap conservatives...the next time it could very well be conservatives returning the favor! This SHOULD be something intelligent people agree on...which is why I'm not surprised that you don't grasp the dangers involved...

There are no guarantees? Funny, Joe...the American people were guaranteed by Barack Obama that if they liked the healthcare plan they had...they could keep it...PERIOD! They were guaranteed by Barack Obama that if they liked their doctor...they could keep them...PERIOD! And if they backed the ACA, Barack Obama guaranteed Middle Class Americans that their health insurance premiums would go down an average of $2,500 a year. There are no guarantees? What you are really saying is that nothing Barack Obama promised is guaranteed because those were lies that he told to get the ACA passed.
Reagan was a great man and a great president. Democrats hate him because he was a great man and they hate success

tapatalk post

whatever zionist shill.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao:

that tells me you are murderer who loves to murder people as well.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

Before any conservative dismisses what we have to say about Reagan on this site just because we are liberals, after taking a good hard look at the record, the very conservative site came to many of the very same conclusions that we reached, i.e. ( in their own words) :
"Let us remember Reagan as he really was :

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "

Ronald Reagan's Criminal Administration :
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
from p. 184,Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, by Haynes Johnson, (1991, Doubleday),
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ALL this thread proves is that people cannot have rational debates when they are working with two different sets of facts.

No one has challanged the facts I have provided in regards to terrorist attacks and responses to those attacks (OR LACK OF) during the Reagan years.

thats the norm for the reaganut worshippers as Im sure you have noticed they have failed to challenge my facts I just posted in my last post despite the fact I have posted it over a hundred times here on this thread.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

the reagnuts clearly have no debating skills whatsoever,they would never last one minute in a debating hall and would be laughed out in that time frame.Here they know they can hide behind the computer and troll.

LOL...ah, yes...the old "percentage of growth" chart that you progressives LOVE to trot out to try and paint Reagan as a big spender and Barry as a "frugal" President. It's laughable that any of you STILL think this little bit of statistical sleight of hand is going to stand up to even casual scrutiny.

No, guy, it's a valid point. IN the 200 years before Reagan, we only ran up a Trillion dollars in debt. WOrld Wars, Interstate highway system, Putting men on the fucking moon- we still lived within our means and paid our way! Then along came your boy Reagan who decided to give huge tax cuts to the rich while spending money on $200 hammers, and lo and behold, we ended up with two trillion more in debt- essentially tripling it, with another trillion added on under his boy Bush bailing out his Saving and Loan cronies.

Come on, tell me again how Republicans are about "fiscal responsibility".

And now you have all this interest on the debt, with the rich being so used to not paying their fair share you'd never get serious tax reform, and you gripe that when Bush-43 crashed worse than his Dad did (talk about an Oedipus complex!) Obama can't get it under control.

All your pretty bar graph "measures" is what percentage any given President increased or decreased spending over the President who was in office before him. In Obama's case, he followed W. who was dealing with the economic crash and utilizing massive amounts of Keynesian spending that all you liberals love so much to prop up the economy. What your bar chart doesn't show is that Obama spent more than W. did even at the height of the economic crisis EVERY SINGLE YEAR HE'S BEEN IN OFFICE.

Guy, Bush inherited surpluses. He was the one who decided that we needed to cut taxes for the rich while increasing government spending invading THE WRONG COUNTRY in response to 9/11.

As for Reagan's numbers? Funny thing, Joe...Reagan worked out a deal with the Democratically controlled Congress where he would raise taxes if they would cut spending. Reagan fulfilled his end of the bargain...only to have the Democrats renege on their part of that deal and NOT cut spending as agreed.

Mostly because there wasn't all that much to cut, really. And the point of Reagan's tax increases was that working people ended up paying them, not the rich.

Reagan attempted to do the right thing...only to be double crossed by liberals in Congress. Yet you liberals today point to his numbers on taxes and spending and blame Reagan for something that was in some ways forced upon him by Tip O'Neil and the Democrats.

Funny how Reagan was totally powerless for all the bad stuff that happened on his watch, but gosh darn, he totally caused the fall of the USSR by talking to a wall..

as always,Trollstyle like all reagan worshippers,gets his ass handed to him on a platter and taken to school.:udaman::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
The thread is in the history forum and it is about Ronald Reagan. If you don't like history don't post in the history forum. Don't read about it and don't learn from it.

no it's about accusing others of revisionist history; when in fact the accusers are more guilty of it than the people they are accusing of doing it

you're simply a joke

Reagan couldnt do jack if his 8-year dem House majority and 2-year Senate majority didnt want him to.

so many Dems voted for reagan's policies they had to invent the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT to describe them

what good is a thread that is a lie right from the start?

oh yea i know; you idiot libs LIE TO YOURSELVES and then expect others to follow the false premises you built off the lies you told yourselves

idiots and hypocrites

You still haven't learned what the term Reagan Democrat means. Are you to stupid or to lazy to google the term and learn what it meant? You keep insisting it refers to elected Representatives and Senators that supported his policies and hence voted for those policies because they agreed with them. I have asked you for a link to show that definition and you have failed to do that. But you just keep on using it and ignoring what every definition on any search site will give. If you understood the actual meaning of the term you might begin to understand that an era of comprimise and working for the good of the nation existed before the extremist and party first politicians came into being and took control.
If it piss's you off that some people consider all the economic's of that era meaningless compared to what Reagan did to support and help create the era of terrorism and power obtained by terrorist thats just to bad. You don't get to decide what people consider priority issue's and what is more important than something else.
You surely live in a delusional world if you think you can debate the topic of President Reagan without the simple basic knowledge of what a Reagan Democrat was and his contribution to creating modern day terrorism.

He's so brainwashed by the LAMESTREAM media,he probably isnt even aware that Reagan was a democrat before becoming a republican.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D that there is no difference between the two parties which is why he switched over.:cuckoo::D

btw,got a question on that for ya,check your pm box.
seriously you're simply a loser lying to himself; and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO easy to prove it

you say an era of cooperation existed that isnt present now; but that cant explain the reason for the term Reagan Democrat since the term pre-dates the more modern era of "non-cooperation' y ou exist now. SO; if cooperation was the norm back in the day; there would have been no reason to have the term Reagan Democrat coined; since according to you that was the status quo

ur a JOKE

the point is idiots like you on the Left love to rant about Reagan; ignoring your own Party's history of cooperation on his agenda.

NOW you want to admit it while still whining about it.

how does that work?

at the time; as YOU ADMIT; your own Party thought his ideas were great; for the "good of the country" as you indicate in YOUR OWN POST ABOVE

so stop your idiotic whining and just own it; you cant whine against policies you supported and not look like the moron you are

Take a cool drink before you blow a gasket. After you cool down, google Reagan Democrat. Maybe even look up the word legacy. You might come to realize that Reagan doesn't have an economic legacy. None of his economic policies have withstood the test of time. They have no effect on todays economy. His policies in regards to terrorism and terrorist groups however, remain and continue to effect the world we live in. Hence, his legacy is fairly judged to be his impact on the creation of modern terrorism.

the reaganuts sure have meltdowns when confronted with pesky facts they dont want to face.:D
Admit it, very much want to turn this discussion to terrorism because you want no part of arguing the "merits" of Obama economic policy because you know as well as I do that Obama's record on the economy is awful.

Today was the first time I ever posted anything related to economics and Reagan. I brought economics up in the form of questions to see if what you guys get boners over has any merit or is just part of your fantasy worlds. You guys routinely get your ass's kicked about economics by some very well informed posters here. I've been posting about Reagan in regards to terrorism for months. All my post on this thread have been related to terrorism under the Reagan administration. If you guys had any real valid arguments you wouldn't have to always fall back on Obama and of all things, Benghazi.

stands up and gives standing ovation. :udaman::dance::up::beer:
second best post on this thread after Editecs. you nailed it.
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