Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Of course if the US had made oil and gas production a priority we could now be offering to supply the EU with both in the event that an embargo against Russia was undertaken. Under this President however production of oil and gas has been hampered not encouraged so we're not able to do that.
Frank; why bother responding to Joe B?

he's an unrepentent loser progressive wallowing in hypocrisy; living in the past

so says the hypocrite loser who whines and denys reality about reagan:lol::lol:.

Yeah you're not living in the past,thats why you're posting here in the HISTORY about a hypocrite.:lol::lol::lol::lol: you reaganuts sure got the funniest fucked up logic.:lol::lol::lol:

He must really have severe reading comprehension problems failing to see that he is in the HISTORY section.:rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:

Looks like he has been hanging around with frank too much listening to his rants.:D:rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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How do these various charts compare to student bodies falling out of the sky above Lockerbie? Is there a chart that shows the importance of American citizens getting pulled off planes, beat up, murdered and thrown onto the tarmac vs. tax stuff? If such a chart were made, how would the people blown up at Embassies count? Do the staff workers count if they were not American?


more idiotic hyperbole from losers that cant defend obama's failed agenda; so rant about reagan

crying is so much easier than living in the present for so-called Progressives
The thread is in the history forum and it is about Ronald Reagan. If you don't like history don't post in the history forum. Don't read about it and don't learn from it.
that logic and common sense seems to escape the reagan worshippers.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

notice how like clockwork,when confronted with pesky facts about the corruption of ronald reagan and his failed presidency,they retreat to how bad obama is?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Quote: Originally Posted by Oldstyle
Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...

still MORE proof that trollstyle and the reagannut worshippers retreat to Obamas bad economy and his failed presidency, when confronted with facts about how reagan betrayed the american people.classic evasion mode as always,they are so predictable.doesnt matter that we have made it all crystal clear that we dont deny that Obama is corrupt as well.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:comedy gold. whats really comedy gold though is the post from Editec where he posted every president since reagan has been corrupt just like him,they forget that little post.:lol::lol::lol:

what a hypocrite trollstyle.all he does here is WHINE about the facts that expose how corrupt reagan was and how he betrayed the american people denying that reality changing the topic talking about how Obama has ruined the economy when cornered with these facts claming they arent true.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

whats ironic about his post is like i have said a thousand times,like every president since reagan,Obama has done an excellent job of following reagans footsteps following his lead betraying the american people ALSO shipping jobs overseas.they deny that reality that reagan was the father of it all that got it all started of course.
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What an asskicking thread this was for those of you still clinging to the REAGAN myths.

Facts have an annoying way of not going away, not even after decades of lies trying to cover them up.

Now I know both DEMS and REPS are gonna hate me for saying this but REAGAN was just one more TOOL in a line of Presidents who are tools for the masters.

This nation has NOT had a real change of administrations since CARTER left office.

Oh the puppets change, but the puppet-masters are the same shadowy figures as always.

When did these people grow so bold?

I'm guessing after they managed to off JFK and get away with it.

which as usual,proves they have reading and memory comprehension problems since they can never remember this post here no matter how many times i post it.:lol::lol::lol:

I am going to keep bringing this post up in the future since it is easily the best post on this thread bar none.:dance: this in fact is what I say to the poster who posted it-:udaman:
But the brains behind the terrorist attack didn't get justice until a NATO air strike halted his convoy not to long ago and he was dragged out of a ditch, beat and shot before his remains were put on public display.

Chris Stevens killers...still at large
Do we even know the identities of those people?
Really, you are comparing the deaths of an Ambassador and his 3 man secutity in an ambush assault and firefight with blowing an aircraft loaded with 259 civilians out of the sky to kill and additional 11 innocents on the ground in the town of Lockerbie.

We know their identities. Your boy Obama won't go after them.

The Pan am 103 bomber was upset with how Libyans were portrayed in "Back to the Future"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Thank you

So are you going to name some Democratic Governors that have turned their States economies around using liberal principles, Camp?

I'm not interested in defending liberal Governors. I have never been very interested in economics. My interest is in how Reaganomics are at work today. The discussion is about history and the Reagan legacy. Reaganomic principles are not so complicated. I want to look and see how they are being used, have they been adjusted to fit the times, what are the results, what are the chances that they will continue into the future. It seems the quickest and easyist way to do that is to examine how politicians are using them at present.

oh reaganomics will continue in the future alright.thats a long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the american sheople-the reagunt worshippers,think they have a choice in who gets elected.:cuckoo: it will continue.his policys.
Chris Stevens killers...still at large
Do we even know the identities of those people?
Really, you are comparing the deaths of an Ambassador and his 3 man secutity in an ambush assault and firefight with blowing an aircraft loaded with 259 civilians out of the sky to kill and additional 11 innocents on the ground in the town of Lockerbie.

We know their identities. Your boy Obama won't go after them.

The Pan am 103 bomber was upset with how Libyans were portrayed in "Back to the Future"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Is this a fart? Or, is this a joke about a terrorist attack that killed hundreds of people? If you know the answer of who the Benghazi murderers were, why don't you name them?
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Reagan never had a Republican Congress and actually took a bullet for his beliefs. I believe Bush had no small part in the assassination. Reagan did all he could do under the circumstances

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Do we even know the identities of those people?
Really, you are comparing the deaths of an Ambassador and his 3 man secutity in an ambush assault and firefight with blowing an aircraft loaded with 259 civilians out of the sky to kill and additional 11 innocents on the ground in the town of Lockerbie.

We know their identities. Your boy Obama won't go after them.

The Pan am 103 bomber was upset with how Libyans were portrayed in "Back to the Future"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Is this a fart? Or, is this a joke about a terrorist attack that killed hundreds of people? If you know the answer of who the Benghazi murderers were, why don't you name them?

No, you're the joke

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Reagan Democrat was a Democrat who voted with America and Reagan. They're now extinct

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

That's where you are getting a tad confused.

A Reagan Democrat is someone like Congressman Bill Lipinski. (incidently, I went to the same grammar school as Bill's daughter, Laura.) He's someone who would vote with the Democrats on economic issues, but voted with Reagan on military issues and some social issues.

THe main reason why they are "extinct" is that with the end of the Cold War, it's kind of hard to justify spending money on invisible planes you can't fly into war zones when your kid's schools are crumbling.

SO Bill retired, his son Danny is now Congressman for that district,a nd wouldn't be caught dead voting with the Republicans.
We know their identities. Your boy Obama won't go after them.

The Pan am 103 bomber was upset with how Libyans were portrayed in "Back to the Future"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Is this a fart? Or, is this a joke about a terrorist attack that killed hundreds of people? If you know the answer of who the Benghazi murderers were, why don't you name them?

No, you're the joke

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Just give us the names.
At this point it's become rather obvious that the Obama Administration's top priority was never to catch the killers in Benghazi...with them it was about covering up their own ineptitude leading up to those murders...their failure to act during the attacks...and all the lying they did about it following what happened in Benghazi.


Nobody cares about Benghazi but inbreds who watch Faux News.

The rest of us have moved on.
Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...

IN year Six of Reagan, Reagan's team got caught selling weapons to terrorist Iran and diverting the money to drug dealing rebels in Central America.

I think nothing Obama has done really compares to that.

And I'm not someone who really holds Iran-Contra against Reagan. It's pretty clear he had some guys in his operation with their own agendas.
I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.

The problems with that PRemise is that if the USSR was more of a "threat" it was because the bellicose rhetoric of Reagan made them one. We had really made quite a lot of progress toward Detente from Nixon to Carter.

Let's start with the Contras. These clowns smuggled drugs into the US, helping with epidemic of cocaine that flooded the country in the 1980's.

The Muhajadeen in Afghanistan became Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

BUt, dammit, we had to keep those dirty stinking Commies from giving away rich people's stuff and teaching girls to Read!!!

Talk about your fucked up priorities. Soviet Union has been gone for 25 years now, but the drug epidemic and terrorism are still with us.
"Following a three-year joint investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrest warrants were issued for two Libyan nationals in November 1991. In 1999, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over the two men for trial at Camp Zeist, Netherlands after protracted negotiations and UN sanctions. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was jailed for the bombing"

Where's Chris Stevens killers?

But the brains behind the terrorist attack didn't get justice until a NATO air strike halted his convoy not to long ago and he was dragged out of a ditch, beat and shot before his remains were put on public display.

Chris Stevens killers...still at large

Were the rapists of American nuns in Central America ever held accountable by Reagan? :eusa_think:

This was a very convenient lie for the incoming Reagan administration, which was obligated to prove to Congress that El Salvador was making progress on human rights as a condition for continued U.S. aid. Reagan was unburdened by any of the human rights concerns that his predecessor Jimmy Carter claimed to care so much about, and the new president turned a blind eye to the most horrendous abuses as he ramped up military and economic aid to El Salvador. Secretary of State Alexander Haig even had the audacity to go before Congress and declare that the four American churchwomen may have been responsible for their own deaths.

:up: Reagan :rolleyes:
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