Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.

Lame excuses. And the final stages of the USSR didn't occur under Reagan. They occured after he was gone. George Bush 41, the elder, the war hero was President during the final years of the USSR.

pesky facts like that they cant seem to comprehend.:D
I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.

The problems with that PRemise is that if the USSR was more of a "threat" it was because the bellicose rhetoric of Reagan made them one. We had really made quite a lot of progress toward Detente from Nixon to Carter.

Let's start with the Contras. These clowns smuggled drugs into the US, helping with epidemic of cocaine that flooded the country in the 1980's.

The Muhajadeen in Afghanistan became Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

BUt, dammit, we had to keep those dirty stinking Commies from giving away rich people's stuff and teaching girls to Read!!!

Talk about your fucked up priorities. Soviet Union has been gone for 25 years now, but the drug epidemic and terrorism are still with us.


trollstyle and the reagan worshippers cant grasp facts that Reagan only extended the cold war with russia that Gorby wanted to end by putting missiles in europe when they were wanting to withdraw them after Gorby took over.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Mob? Oh, so we're back to calling this a mob upset by a video, Joe? This was a well planned attack carried out by an Al Queda affiliated terrorist group and we haven't brought ANYONE to justice for it yet. The lies that this Administration told about mobs protesting videos were disgusting enough but what's laughable is how many Obama supporters are STILL trying to pretend that's what happened!

Do you have proof it was a "well-organized" attack, or is this just more shit you heard on Hate Radio?

Muslims in 20 countries protested that sick ass video. ANd you'd have us believe that no, no, it was a vast conspiracy by Al Qaeda who just happened to know that Ambassador Stevens would be in town that day.
Reagan brought America out of the morass of Stagflation that Jimmy Carter didn't have a clue how to fix and set us on a path where we experienced the longest sustained growth in our economy in US history. THAT is why Ronald Reagan is remembered fondly by conservatives and why you liberals feel the need to attack him relentlessly. He DID something that Barry, Harry and Nancy couldn't do...namely fix the economy and bring prosperity to America.

I lived through the 1970's... guy, it wasn't that bad. It also had something called "A Middle Class", which was kind of cool, too bad we don't have one of those anymore.

Reagan is remembered fondly because his profound fuckups all came home to roost on someone else's watch. Unlike other Republicans who got caught red handing fucking things up.
Reagan never had a Republican Congress and actually took a bullet for his beliefs. I believe Bush had no small part in the assassination. Reagan did all he could do under the circumstances

Ahhh.... Bush was part of the assassination plot.

And now Fwankie goes full retard.

Crusader Retard goes into meltdown mode so much in his rants-"hense why I FNALLY decided to put him on ignore recently-was stupid not to do it several months ago," he goes into metdown mode blowing his gasket so much that he never gets calm enough to understand the facts that Reagans policys drastically changed after the assassination attempt,that he started serving wall street and the establishment at that point betraying the middle class familys shipping jobs overseas and giving tax cuts only to the rich.

to his credit,in the beginning,his first couple months in office he wasnt being the establishments puppet-hense the assassination WARNING shot he got-intentionally deciding to wound him but getting too careless and and shooting him way too close more than intended,Reagan then caved in and cowardly served wall street and the elite after that.

oh and Frank is actually correct about that on Bush.Bush had a hand in the JFK in THE JFK BUSH CONNECTION. the establishment wasnt happy with reagan at first because he initially wasnt serving them so to speed up their new world order agenda-which is Bush,Clinton and Obama are all on record saying we need,they tried to get rid of Reagan and get Bush in.Bush was former CIA remember? and dont forget how LBJ had a huge hand in the JFK assassination.

after the assassination attempt,reagan caved in and became their willing puppet serving the elite and wall street and betraying ther american people.
Reagan never had a Republican Congress and actually took a bullet for his beliefs. I believe Bush had no small part in the assassination. Reagan did all he could do under the circumstances

Ahhh.... Bush was part of the assassination plot.

And now Fwankie goes full retard.

He will not tolerate people who don't fluff his & William Kristol's idol lol

Ironic part is that the extremist would be labelled a moderate by "today's repub party"

thats why he goes into meltdown mode and has to take pills to control his high blood pressure all the time.:D

What's disgusting about Fast & Furious is that the justification for what the Holder Justice Department DID with that program seems to be an attempt to show that tougher gun laws were needed in the US because guns were flowing unchecked into Mexico and causing problems. It's akin to encouraging local drug dealers to sell more drugs in the neighborhood so you can point out that there's a drug problem and crack down on it. This Administration showed total disregard for the Mexican people that it put in danger with Fast & Furious...only stopping the program after a US Border Agent was killed and the national media was shamed into covering the story.

your entire premise here is flawed. No one DISPUTES that too many guns from the US are finding their way into Mexico. About 200,000 a year. Holder didn't have to prove that any more than he had to prove the Sky was Blue. The ATF was trying to prove who was doing some of the smuggling by tracking 200 of the 200,000 guns that are moved into Mexico every year because, shit, anyone can walk into a gun store in Arizona and buy a gun.

Someone knowing a job is dangerous doesn't give their bosses the right to endanger them even more and then abandon them when danger does occur. What happened in Benghazi is shameful because it didn't have to happen. And discounting the deaths of the two men at the Annex because they were "mercenaries" is a disgusting tactic. Those two men gave their lives trying to save a US Ambassador and to protect US soil. The fact that you care more about saving Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton's reputations then you do about the deaths of such men speaks volumes about your value system!

again, guy, you keep avoiding it, but you spend a lot of time defending bush who sent 5000 Americans to death on a LIE!!!!

There were not WMD's in Iraq.

And, no, can't get worked up about two mercenaries working for a company that got a billion dollar contract and apparently couldn't keep the Ambassador safe. Oh, not surprisingly, the people doing the whining the loudest on Faux News? The families of the mercenaries.

As for the IRS? You're too fucking stupid to realize that using the IRS for political ends is wrong no matter who is doing it! This time it was liberals using the IRS to handicap conservatives...the next time it could very well be conservatives returning the favor! This SHOULD be something intelligent people agree on...which is why I'm not surprised that you don't grasp the dangers involved...

What handicapped conservatives is that they think Palin is smart.

Frankly, Republicans give us wars and recessions, the worst thing Obama is doing is not letting me get a fraudelent tax deduction, I consider myself to be a bit ahead.

There are no guarantees? Funny, Joe...the American people were guaranteed by Barack Obama that if they liked the healthcare plan they had...they could keep it...PERIOD! They were guaranteed by Barack Obama that if they liked their doctor...they could keep them...PERIOD! And if they backed the ACA, Barack Obama guaranteed Middle Class Americans that their health insurance premiums would go down an average of $2,500 a year. There are no guarantees? What you are really saying is that nothing Barack Obama promised is guaranteed because those were lies that he told to get the ACA passed.

Yup, the guy should have never spoken in absolutes. I guess what he should have said was, "99% of you will either be keeping your plan or getting a better one, or will actualy be able to get one, but 1% of you won't because your plans suck and Big Insurance is totally ripping you off selling you that."

BUt frankly, I still have the same insurance I had before ObamaCare and so do most folks I know.

Nobody cares about Benghazi but inbreds who watch Faux News.

The rest of us have moved on.

Moved on? Really? We haven't caught the people who did it but you've "moved on"? Nice to know that what's REALLY important to you is protecting Barack Obama at all costs. The deaths of an American Ambassador and three other Americans obviously means nothing to you.

The deaths of 4500 Service Members and 100,000+ Iraqis in a war over a lie doesn't mean much to you. I find it hilarious that you think that a major catastrophe over weapons that didn't exist doesn't phase you, but darn it, you are really, really still upset about whether or not those Arabs were mad about a Video, or whether they really thought that the CIA was using that consulate, or if they were just doing a 9/11 celebration attack.

Fact is, you clowns on the right didn't care that Bush hadn't caught Bin Laden in 8 years, wasn't even trying anymore after a certain point. (He had to get Saddam for trying to kill his pappy!)

So, yeah, I guess that's sad and all, but we aren't going to arrest a whole mob.

What I find particularly amusing about these Reagan strings is that Reagan is twenty years in the past...yet liberals would rather discuss HIS policies then than discuss Barack Obama's now! I know the past five years have been "underwhelming" (and that's being generous!) but Barry is STILL your guy! He's the most brilliant President we've ever had (according to you progressives anyways...) so why do you want to talk about just about anything else other than what HE has done in the five plus years he's been in office?

Guy, there are five hundred threads on Obama in "Politics". Probably more in the FLame Zone, which is where most of them end up, and a few in "Clean Debate", but I never go there, because frankly, there's only so much ODS I can stand to read without saying something nasty.

What I find amusing is how RIght Wingers have built up a mythical Reagan because they really don't want to talk about any other president with an "R" behind his name. Nixon, FOrd and the BUshes? Nothing to write home about with any of those guys.

But you can pretend Reagan won the Cold War by talking to a wall if you ignore all his liberal policies and destruction of the middle class and support of terrorists and drug dealers.


trollsytely like all reagan worshippers retreats to Obama again.:D

funny hoe trollstyle and the reagnut worshippers ignore the facts that bacause of reagan,innocent women and children are STILL paying for him arming terrorists over there because every president since then has continued the policys of reagan shipping jobs overseas and starting and provoking wars.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
Reagan was a great man and a great president. Democrats hate him because he was a great man and they hate success

tapatalk post

whatever zionist shill.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao:

that tells me you are murderer who loves to murder people as well.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

Before any conservative dismisses what we have to say about Reagan on this site just because we are liberals, after taking a good hard look at the record, the very conservative site came to many of the very same conclusions that we reached, i.e. ( in their own words) :
"Let us remember Reagan as he really was :

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "

Ronald Reagan's Criminal Administration :
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
from p. 184,Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, by Haynes Johnson, (1991, Doubleday),

Go play in traffic you Jew hating asshole

tapatalk post
The beauty of Reagan was the way he handled himself in the Iran-Contra investigation. In that hearing Reagan used the old tried and true method of saying "I forget" 124 times.

What's disgusting about Fast & Furious is that the justification for what the Holder Justice Department DID with that program seems to be an attempt to show that tougher gun laws were needed in the US because guns were flowing unchecked into Mexico and causing problems. It's akin to encouraging local drug dealers to sell more drugs in the neighborhood so you can point out that there's a drug problem and crack down on it. This Administration showed total disregard for the Mexican people that it put in danger with Fast & Furious...only stopping the program after a US Border Agent was killed and the national media was shamed into covering the story.

your entire premise here is flawed. No one DISPUTES that too many guns from the US are finding their way into Mexico. About 200,000 a year. Holder didn't have to prove that any more than he had to prove the Sky was Blue. The ATF was trying to prove who was doing some of the smuggling by tracking 200 of the 200,000 guns that are moved into Mexico every year because, shit, anyone can walk into a gun store in Arizona and buy a gun.

Someone knowing a job is dangerous doesn't give their bosses the right to endanger them even more and then abandon them when danger does occur. What happened in Benghazi is shameful because it didn't have to happen. And discounting the deaths of the two men at the Annex because they were "mercenaries" is a disgusting tactic. Those two men gave their lives trying to save a US Ambassador and to protect US soil. The fact that you care more about saving Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton's reputations then you do about the deaths of such men speaks volumes about your value system!

again, guy, you keep avoiding it, but you spend a lot of time defending bush who sent 5000 Americans to death on a LIE!!!!

There were not WMD's in Iraq.

And, no, can't get worked up about two mercenaries working for a company that got a billion dollar contract and apparently couldn't keep the Ambassador safe. Oh, not surprisingly, the people doing the whining the loudest on Faux News? The families of the mercenaries.

As for the IRS? You're too fucking stupid to realize that using the IRS for political ends is wrong no matter who is doing it! This time it was liberals using the IRS to handicap conservatives...the next time it could very well be conservatives returning the favor! This SHOULD be something intelligent people agree on...which is why I'm not surprised that you don't grasp the dangers involved...

What handicapped conservatives is that they think Palin is smart.

Frankly, Republicans give us wars and recessions, the worst thing Obama is doing is not letting me get a fraudelent tax deduction, I consider myself to be a bit ahead.

There are no guarantees? Funny, Joe...the American people were guaranteed by Barack Obama that if they liked the healthcare plan they had...they could keep it...PERIOD! They were guaranteed by Barack Obama that if they liked their doctor...they could keep them...PERIOD! And if they backed the ACA, Barack Obama guaranteed Middle Class Americans that their health insurance premiums would go down an average of $2,500 a year. There are no guarantees? What you are really saying is that nothing Barack Obama promised is guaranteed because those were lies that he told to get the ACA passed.

Yup, the guy should have never spoken in absolutes. I guess what he should have said was, "99% of you will either be keeping your plan or getting a better one, or will actualy be able to get one, but 1% of you won't because your plans suck and Big Insurance is totally ripping you off selling you that."

BUt frankly, I still have the same insurance I had before ObamaCare and so do most folks I know.

Let's take your nonsense one ridiculous bit at a time...shall we?

Please explain to me what the Holder Justice Department was trying to accomplish when they started up Fast & Furious, Joe? We'd already discovered that we couldn't track guns that "walked" from the US into Mexico...even with the cooperation of the Mexican Government! That was something that was attempted during the Bush Administration and the program was scrapped because they weren't able to keep track of the guns. So what was Holder's ATF doing restarting a failed program once again? What was it that they hoped to accomplish? And why did they not ever attempt to track the guns that were walked or arrest those doing the smuggling. THAT was what had veteran ATF agents up in arms! They couldn't for the life of them figure out what the fuck they were DOING with Fast & Furious! Nobody was being arrested...guns were being given to some of the most dangerous narco-terrorists on the planet...and nobody in the Holder Justice Department seemed to care. It wasn't until some ATF agent's went to the press with details about Border Agent Brian Terry's murder with a weapon that was "walked" under Fast & Furious that the program was FINALLY stopped. That's right...they were STILL running it even AFTER Terry's death!
Did you REALLY just accuse the families of those murdered in Benghazi of "whining"? They'd like to know what happened to their loved ones...why they were killed and why nobody from this White House seemed to respond to the attack. They'd also like to know why the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the White House Press Secretary and the US's UN Ambassador lied to them and the American people about what caused the attacks.

The only "whining" that I'm hearing is from Barack Obama disciples who want this scandal to go away before answers have been given TO the families and the American people!
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And what the fuck does Sarah Palin have to do with the IRS scandal? You don't have an answer to explain what happened at the IRS so you bring up Palin's intelligence? Jesus, but that's some stupid shit!
Obama shouldn't have spoken in "absolutes"? Obama shouldn't have LIED to the American people about what the ACA was going to do to their lives when it kicked in. He lied about people being able to keep their plans if they liked them...he lied about them being able to keep their doctor...he lied about it lowering healthcare costs for Middle Class families.
Did you REALLY just accuse the families of those murdered in Benghazi of "whining"? They'd like to know what happened to their loved ones...why they were killed and why nobody from this White House seemed to respond to the attack. They'd also like to know why the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the White House Press Secretary and the US's UN Ambassador lied to them and the American people about what caused the attacks.

The only "whining" that I'm hearing is from Barack Obama disciples who want this scandal to go away before answers have been given TO the families and the American people!

Guy, troops were on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack. (As opposed to Bush on 9/11, who really needed to find out what happened to that goat.)

And frankly, the CIA is the one who told the President and the SoS and UN Ambassador, that, "Um, yeah, those guys were really made about the video in Libya. Just like they were mad about it in Egypt and Yemen and Lebanon and all the other places they had riots about it."

Now, realizing you are not a rational person, but exactly what do you think Obama and Co. were 'covering up' exactly? We know they were dead, we know who killed them, there's a little question as to why.

But, no, the Faux News audience, who are still shitting themselves about a brother in the White House, know it must be some vastly complicated conspiracy!!!!!!
Obama shouldn't have spoken in "absolutes"? Obama shouldn't have LIED to the American people about what the ACA was going to do to their lives when it kicked in. He lied about people being able to keep their plans if they liked them...he lied about them being able to keep their doctor...he lied about it lowering healthcare costs for Middle Class families.

The ACA is going to make most of our lives better.

And frankly, if you are so stupid that you like a plan where the Insurance companies take your money and don't provide any real coverage, you already like being lied to, so I'm not seeing the problem here.
And what the fuck does Sarah Palin have to do with the IRS scandal? You don't have an answer to explain what happened at the IRS so you bring up Palin's intelligence? Jesus, but that's some stupid shit!

No, guy, you are just too stupid to understand.

I'll make it easier for you.

You did NOT lose in 2012 because Granny Teabagger couldn't get her fraudulent tax exemption and her big bag of Cash from the Koch Brothers.

You lost because you nominate stupid people. You nominate some freak who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear and he's the sanest one of the lot. You put Palin a heartbeat away from the president, and you wonder why people run screaming from you. You have guys who put the words "Legitimate' and "Gift from God" in front of the word "Rape" and you wonder why women are absolutely terrified of what America might look like under your guidence.

And frankly, you live in your own little bubble of Hate Radio and Faux News, and wonder why the rest of the world doesn't think your way.
Did you REALLY just accuse the families of those murdered in Benghazi of "whining"? They'd like to know what happened to their loved ones...why they were killed and why nobody from this White House seemed to respond to the attack. They'd also like to know why the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the White House Press Secretary and the US's UN Ambassador lied to them and the American people about what caused the attacks.

The only "whining" that I'm hearing is from Barack Obama disciples who want this scandal to go away before answers have been given TO the families and the American people!

Guy, troops were on the ground at Benghazi within hours of the attack. (As opposed to Bush on 9/11, who really needed to find out what happened to that goat.)

And frankly, the CIA is the one who told the President and the SoS and UN Ambassador, that, "Um, yeah, those guys were really made about the video in Libya. Just like they were mad about it in Egypt and Yemen and Lebanon and all the other places they had riots about it."

Now, realizing you are not a rational person, but exactly what do you think Obama and Co. were 'covering up' exactly? We know they were dead, we know who killed them, there's a little question as to why.

But, no, the Faux News audience, who are still shitting themselves about a brother in the White House, know it must be some vastly complicated conspiracy!!!!!!

^ Liar
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