Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...
Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...

I have no interest nor expertise to compare econonics between Reagan and Obama, just as you have no interest nor expertise to compare terrorist policies between Reagan and Obama. Perhaps the economis policies of Reagan are so great in your mind that his horrible policies towards terrorism, IranContra, administrative corruption in boosting one set of terrorist to support another set of terrorist are irrelevant. I disagree and believe Reagan committed an unforgivable offense against our country. He helped give birth to the terrorist that we continue to fight 25 years after he is gone and will probably continue to fight for many years into the future. You can't debate that legacy.:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:

You think tax policies. I think murdered Americans. You think GDP. I think 9/11. You think unemployment numbers. I think no retribution for blown up Marines. You think graphs and charts and I see kids falling from the sky over Lockerbie.
Admit it, very much want to turn this discussion to terrorism because you want no part of arguing the "merits" of Obama economic policy because you know as well as I do that Obama's record on the economy is awful.
I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.
Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...

I have no interest nor expertise to compare econonics between Reagan and Obama, just as you have no interest nor expertise to compare terrorist policies between Reagan and Obama. Perhaps the economis policies of Reagan are so great in your mind that his horrible policies towards terrorism, IranContra, administrative corruption in boosting one set of terrorist to support another set of terrorist are irrelevant. I disagree and believe Reagan committed an unforgivable offense against our country. He helped give birth to the terrorist that we continue to fight 25 years after he is gone and will probably continue to fight for many years into the future. You can't debate that legacy.:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:

You think tax policies. I think murdered Americans. You think GDP. I think 9/11. You think unemployment numbers. I think no retribution for blown up Marines. You think graphs and charts and I see kids falling from the sky over Lockerbie.

Obama killed bin Laden so Val Jarrett could run AQ without any interference
Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...

I have no interest nor expertise to compare econonics between Reagan and Obama, just as you have no interest nor expertise to compare terrorist policies between Reagan and Obama. Perhaps the economis policies of Reagan are so great in your mind that his horrible policies towards terrorism, IranContra, administrative corruption in boosting one set of terrorist to support another set of terrorist are irrelevant. I disagree and believe Reagan committed an unforgivable offense against our country. He helped give birth to the terrorist that we continue to fight 25 years after he is gone and will probably continue to fight for many years into the future. You can't debate that legacy.:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:

You think tax policies. I think murdered Americans. You think GDP. I think 9/11. You think unemployment numbers. I think no retribution for blown up Marines. You think graphs and charts and I see kids falling from the sky over Lockerbie.

"Following a three-year joint investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrest warrants were issued for two Libyan nationals in November 1991. In 1999, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over the two men for trial at Camp Zeist, Netherlands after protracted negotiations and UN sanctions. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was jailed for the bombing"

Where's Chris Stevens killers?

of ALL the former Repub Prez', Fox had to instruct their people to idolize the Gipper :eusa_doh: Do some research people!!! The one who nickle & dimed the school lunch program so he's have more corp welfare for the already wealthy. That Gipper? :lol:
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Admit it, very much want to turn this discussion to terrorism because you want no part of arguing the "merits" of Obama economic policy because you know as well as I do that Obama's record on the economy is awful.

Today was the first time I ever posted anything related to economics and Reagan. I brought economics up in the form of questions to see if what you guys get boners over has any merit or is just part of your fantasy worlds. You guys routinely get your ass's kicked about economics by some very well informed posters here. I've been posting about Reagan in regards to terrorism for months. All my post on this thread have been related to terrorism under the Reagan administration. If you guys had any real valid arguments you wouldn't have to always fall back on Obama and of all things, Benghazi.
Obviously, Camp wants no part of comparing Reagan at year 6 with Obama at year 6. I can't say as I blame him...

I have no interest nor expertise to compare econonics between Reagan and Obama, just as you have no interest nor expertise to compare terrorist policies between Reagan and Obama. Perhaps the economis policies of Reagan are so great in your mind that his horrible policies towards terrorism, IranContra, administrative corruption in boosting one set of terrorist to support another set of terrorist are irrelevant. I disagree and believe Reagan committed an unforgivable offense against our country. He helped give birth to the terrorist that we continue to fight 25 years after he is gone and will probably continue to fight for many years into the future. You can't debate that legacy.:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:

You think tax policies. I think murdered Americans. You think GDP. I think 9/11. You think unemployment numbers. I think no retribution for blown up Marines. You think graphs and charts and I see kids falling from the sky over Lockerbie.

"Following a three-year joint investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrest warrants were issued for two Libyan nationals in November 1991. In 1999, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over the two men for trial at Camp Zeist, Netherlands after protracted negotiations and UN sanctions. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was jailed for the bombing"

Where's Chris Stevens killers?

But the brains behind the terrorist attack didn't get justice until a NATO air strike halted his convoy not to long ago and he was dragged out of a ditch, beat and shot before his remains were put on public display.
I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.

Lame excuses. And the final stages of the USSR didn't occur under Reagan. They occured after he was gone. George Bush 41, the elder, the war hero was President during the final years of the USSR.
I have no interest nor expertise to compare econonics between Reagan and Obama, just as you have no interest nor expertise to compare terrorist policies between Reagan and Obama. Perhaps the economis policies of Reagan are so great in your mind that his horrible policies towards terrorism, IranContra, administrative corruption in boosting one set of terrorist to support another set of terrorist are irrelevant. I disagree and believe Reagan committed an unforgivable offense against our country. He helped give birth to the terrorist that we continue to fight 25 years after he is gone and will probably continue to fight for many years into the future. You can't debate that legacy.:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:

You think tax policies. I think murdered Americans. You think GDP. I think 9/11. You think unemployment numbers. I think no retribution for blown up Marines. You think graphs and charts and I see kids falling from the sky over Lockerbie.

"Following a three-year joint investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrest warrants were issued for two Libyan nationals in November 1991. In 1999, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over the two men for trial at Camp Zeist, Netherlands after protracted negotiations and UN sanctions. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was jailed for the bombing"

Where's Chris Stevens killers?

But the brains behind the terrorist attack didn't get justice until a NATO air strike halted his convoy not to long ago and he was dragged out of a ditch, beat and shot before his remains were put on public display.

Chris Stevens killers...still at large
I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.

Lame excuses. And the final stages of the USSR didn't occur under Reagan. They occured after he was gone. George Bush 41, the elder, the war hero was President during the final years of the USSR.

I said latter stages of the Cold War...not the Soviet Union.

And what you term "excuses" are simply what Reagan was dealing with at that time. I personally think Iran Contra was a policy mistake of epic proportion but I understand why it was done...people in the Reagan Administration felt very strongly that we should be supporting the Contras against the Sandinista regime and the Boland Amendment wouldn't allow that.
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I'd be more than happy to discuss Reagan and terrorism. To begin with...let's be fair to Reagan and say that hindsight is always 20/20. What you see as Reagan's "unforgivable offense" was simply Reagan dealing with the world as it was in the latter stages of the Cold War. The 'enemy' was not terrorists yet but a Soviet Union which still had designs on spreading communism worldwide. Would Reagan have give military aid to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan if they were not fighting against the Soviets? Highly doubtful. Would Reagan have supplied the Contras with weapons if THEY were not fighting against a Soviet backed Sandinista regime? Again, highly unlikely. To be quite blunt...terrorists were still not seen as anything but a minor threat during Reagan's two terms. They were seen as "tools" of the real threat...which was communism.

Lame excuses. And the final stages of the USSR didn't occur under Reagan. They occured after he was gone. George Bush 41, the elder, the war hero was President during the final years of the USSR.

I said latter stages of the Cold War...not the Soviet Union.
When did the Cold War end?
Admit it, very much want to turn this discussion to terrorism because you want no part of arguing the "merits" of Obama economic policy because you know as well as I do that Obama's record on the economy is awful.

Today was the first time I ever posted anything related to economics and Reagan. I brought economics up in the form of questions to see if what you guys get boners over has any merit or is just part of your fantasy worlds. You guys routinely get your ass's kicked about economics by some very well informed posters here. I've been posting about Reagan in regards to terrorism for months. All my post on this thread have been related to terrorism under the Reagan administration. If you guys had any real valid arguments you wouldn't have to always fall back on Obama and of all things, Benghazi.

Who on here "routinely kicks my ass" about economics? Joe B? Deanie? Rshermr? Sallow? Franco? Between all of them put together, they don't have enough knowledge about economics to pass Economics 101 let alone make a compelling argument about the subject.
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Lame excuses. And the final stages of the USSR didn't occur under Reagan. They occured after he was gone. George Bush 41, the elder, the war hero was President during the final years of the USSR.

I said latter stages of the Cold War...not the Soviet Union.
When did the Cold War end?

I don't know as it has...

The Chinese had adopted some bits of capitalism to grow their economy but still have aspirations for more domination world wide and quite frankly I don't see anyone standing in their way at the moment.
"Following a three-year joint investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrest warrants were issued for two Libyan nationals in November 1991. In 1999, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over the two men for trial at Camp Zeist, Netherlands after protracted negotiations and UN sanctions. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was jailed for the bombing"

Where's Chris Stevens killers?

But the brains behind the terrorist attack didn't get justice until a NATO air strike halted his convoy not to long ago and he was dragged out of a ditch, beat and shot before his remains were put on public display.

Chris Stevens killers...still at large
Do we even know the identities of those people?
Really, you are comparing the deaths of an Ambassador and his 3 man secutity in an ambush assault and firefight with blowing an aircraft loaded with 259 civilians out of the sky to kill and additional 11 innocents on the ground in the town of Lockerbie.
I said latter stages of the Cold War...not the Soviet Union.
When did the Cold War end?

I don't know as it has...

The Chinese had adopted some bits of capitalism to grow their economy but still have aspirations for more domination world wide and quite frankly I don't see anyone standing in their way at the moment.

And maybe the bear has been in hibernation.
At this point it's become rather obvious that the Obama Administration's top priority was never to catch the killers in Benghazi...with them it was about covering up their own ineptitude leading up to those murders...their failure to act during the attacks...and all the lying they did about it following what happened in Benghazi.
When did the Cold War end?

I don't know as it has...

The Chinese had adopted some bits of capitalism to grow their economy but still have aspirations for more domination world wide and quite frankly I don't see anyone standing in their way at the moment.

And maybe the bear has been in hibernation.

The Russian "bear" has an economy the size of Italy's at the economy that is almost solely dependent on the sale of gas and oil. If the EU would grow some stones and hit Russia with a REAL embargo then I'm of the belief that Putin would back down. He's gone after the Crimea because he reads weakness from the US and a reluctance by the EU nations to harm their economies by punishing him...a rather astute appraisal if truth be told.
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