Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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A terrible thing happened? You make it sound like our Ambassador and three others were killed by a bolt of lightning or in a car crash. They died because our consulate and annex were attacked by Al Queda attack that was made easier because Hilary Clinton decided that what we REALLY needed to do leading up to the anniversary of 9/11 was to remove part of Ambassador Steven's security detail even though it was becoming so dangerous in Libya that even the Red Cross had pulled out it's people! Then to cover up her bad judgement and the total lack of a response by Barack Obama the Obama White House used protests in other cities over the You Tube video to portray what happened that night in Benghazi in a more "politically palatable" way. They KNEW that there was no protest that escalated but they chose to lie to the families of the slain men and to the American people.

As for Romney? He simply called Obama and Clinton out for what they had done in Benghazi...pointing out correctly that it wasn't a protest but a planned terrorist attack and that Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney all lied to the country when they pushed the You Tube video story for weeks after they KNEW there was no protest before the attack took place! The fact that Candy Crowley rushed to Barry's defense in the debate simply illustrates how biased in Obama's favor the main stream media WAS during the race!

You can call them "al Qaeda" all day, but interviews with people who where there said they wre upset about the video.

Just like everyone else in the Islamic World was.

But you guys keep going with this narrative that Obama is to blame and not the people who attacked the embassy, because honestly, when you suffer ODS to the level you do, you need to blame Obama for everything.

I'm still amused that you still hold Bush blameless for 9/11 or the 4500 men who died for nothing in Iraq, but darn it, these four deaths in Libya, these are the WORST THING EVER.

Interviews with the people who attacked the consulate? What the hell are you blathering about, Joe? You're now claiming that the attackers said that they were upset about the You Tube video? You get more absurd with each passing day...

Obama is totally to blame for lying to the American people about what happened in Benghazi. He lied because he didn't want to admit that he DIDN'T have Al Queda on the run just days after he stood on stage at the Democratic National Convention and said that he DID have them on the run!

As for Bush being to blame for 9/11? Dude, are you really not aware that 9/11 was being planned LONG before George W. Bush even became President! The very same thing would have happened if Al Gore had been elected. Duh?
Lack of regulation of the banking industry.

Guy, this is basic fucking history...

But frankly, I'm starting to suspect you are clinically retarded.

ROFL says the mentally handicapped Marxist.

Um, yeah, guy, the problem is you can't really refute what was said.

People were allowed to invest money they didn't have in stocks. When the stock market corrected, they were on the hook for all that money. The banks didn't have anything to reinvest.

I mean, this is kind of what you guys don't get. Because 1929 should have taught us a lesson that should have made 2008 impossible...

But, nope, you guys just trotted out the same bad ideas.

The collapse in 2008 was centered around a real estate bubble and the tens of thousands of "liar loans" that were written, bundled and sold to financial institutions. It wasn't because people were investing money they didn't have in stocks. If you'll recall it was George W. Bush warning that we needed to do something about the looming problem in the real estate market and Democrats that pooh poohed his concerns.
JosefBStalin which Coolidge policy caused the collapse

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Lack of regulation of the banking industry.

Guy, this is basic fucking history...

But frankly, I'm starting to suspect you are clinically retarded.

LOL...the Stalin worshiper is going to teach us about silent Cal. Cal and your god Stalin are like Jesus and Satan and in that order too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, most historians rate Coolidge down there with Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan amongst the worst presidents.

But, shit, those guys are all "commies' because they think we should feed poor people and shit.

Interviews with the people who attacked the consulate? What the hell are you blathering about, Joe? You're now claiming that the attackers said that they were upset about the You Tube video? You get more absurd with each passing day...

Obama is totally to blame for lying to the American people about what happened in Benghazi. He lied because he didn't want to admit that he DIDN'T have Al Queda on the run just days after he stood on stage at the Democratic National Convention and said that he DID have them on the run!

As for Bush being to blame for 9/11? Dude, are you really not aware that 9/11 was being planned LONG before George W. Bush even became President! The very same thing would have happened if Al Gore had been elected. Duh?

Couple points, Dog Style.

1) The NYT actually investigated, interviewing people who were there. Yup, they were really upset about the Video. Deal with it.

2) Obama called it an "Act of Terror" when it happened. and sorry, any sensible person realizes we are killing far more of Al Qaeda than they are killing us these days. (Unlike the Bush days, where we fumbled around attacking the wrong countries.)

3) Bush was given a CIA Breifing that said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US". Oh, yeah, and it even talked about Airplanes. Bush's response. "Well, you've covered your ass." and then he went fishing.

NOw, had we actually had an honest election, I don't think Al Gore would have gone fishing.

The collapse in 2008 was centered around a real estate bubble and the tens of thousands of "liar loans" that were written, bundled and sold to financial institutions. It wasn't because people were investing money they didn't have in stocks. If you'll recall it was George W. Bush warning that we needed to do something about the looming problem in the real estate market and Democrats that pooh poohed his concerns.

Bush also claimed that increased home ownership amongst minorities was the greatest accomplishment of his failed presidency.

Flashback: George W. Bush Praising Fannie and Freddie, and Home Ownership For Those With ?Bad Credit Histories? | Liberaland

Republicans love to beat up on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and blame Democrats for pushing home ownership for those who may not have the means to pay off their debts. Here, from 2002, is President George W. Bush, saying Freddie is “dismantling barriers” to help more people have home ownership, how “deserving families who have bad credit histories” can own homes, and that “the low income home buyer can have just as nice a house as anybody else.”


Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse | Crooks and Liars

There was a reason the GOP kept Bush off the airwaves until after the midterm elections: the man was so reviled. I wouldn't doubt that Roger Ailes had something to do with it, but that's just a theory. Anyway, the one and only panel I did with Andrew Breitbart was revolting for many reasons, but one of the biggest lies he told and is one often repeated by the zombies of the Tea Party (which took off after Rick Santelli gave them permission to do so on CNBC) -- namely, that the greedy poor people created the mortgage meltdown because they had the audacity to become homeowners. Krugman explains away that nonsense and Digby reminded me again of Bush's 2004 acceptance speech, where he bragged about his economic handiwork, and begged to turn America into the ultimate "homeowner society."

Of course, after the meltdown, Bush was the piano player at the whorehouse who had no idea what was going on upstairs.
Of course, after the meltdown, Bush was the piano player at the whorehouse who had no idea what was going on upstairs.
You've likely had so many meltdowns, it is hard to understand which. I suppose the upstairs of the whorehouse is metaphorical for your mind, so at least I'm assuming this meltdown was during his administrations.

Interviews with the people who attacked the consulate? What the hell are you blathering about, Joe? You're now claiming that the attackers said that they were upset about the You Tube video? You get more absurd with each passing day...

Obama is totally to blame for lying to the American people about what happened in Benghazi. He lied because he didn't want to admit that he DIDN'T have Al Queda on the run just days after he stood on stage at the Democratic National Convention and said that he DID have them on the run!

As for Bush being to blame for 9/11? Dude, are you really not aware that 9/11 was being planned LONG before George W. Bush even became President! The very same thing would have happened if Al Gore had been elected. Duh?

Couple points, Dog Style.

1) The NYT actually investigated, interviewing people who were there. Yup, they were really upset about the Video. Deal with it.

2) Obama called it an "Act of Terror" when it happened. and sorry, any sensible person realizes we are killing far more of Al Qaeda than they are killing us these days. (Unlike the Bush days, where we fumbled around attacking the wrong countries.)

3) Bush was given a CIA Breifing that said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US". Oh, yeah, and it even talked about Airplanes. Bush's response. "Well, you've covered your ass." and then he went fishing.

NOw, had we actually had an honest election, I don't think Al Gore would have gone fishing.

Your "points" are amusing, Joe!

What the New York Times proved without a shadow of a doubt is how willing they are to go along with any narrative that the Obama White House puts out. Those terrorists that attacked our consulate and annex were not there because they were upset over an obscure You Tube video. The Times should be embarrassed that they let themselves be used by the White House in such a fashion. They no longer have a reputation for great journalism because of things like this.

As for 2? The following from the Washington Post sums it up nicely:

Obama?s claim he called Benghazi an ?act of terrorism? - The Washington Post

Number 3? Bush was given briefings about various perceived terror threats on a daily basis. Saying that he dropped the ball because he didn't act on a report that Osama bin Laden was looking to strike the US is ludicrous. And to make the point that Al Gore would have somehow seen that report and jumped up to go "Aha! THAT'S the thing we need to be worried about!" is nothing more than a fantasy on your part. The report about OBL and a possible attack on the US was simply one needle in a haystack of reports of possible terror attacks. What's even more laughable is that you chastise Bush for "going fishing" after not recognizing the importance of an obscure briefing but don't seem to have a problem with Obama getting on a plane and flying off to Vegas to do a fundraiser the very day that he learned our consulate had been attacked and our Ambassador and three others were murdered. No hypocrisy THERE, Joe! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And less than a year after he left office, the world economy collaped, much of the world turned to totalitarianism, and the Democratic Party pretty much swept the GOP out of existence for a generation.

JosefBStalin which Coolidge policy caused the collapse

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Lack of regulation of the banking industry.

Guy, this is basic fucking history...

But frankly, I'm starting to suspect you are clinically retarded.

you're just NOW coming to that conclusion on that well known fact about Crusader Retard?:lol::lol::lol::lol: very few people dont figure that out about him after a few posts.:D

and trollstyle just farted as well recently.
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[qu]A lot of people think overthrowing Saddam was a bad thing?! Joe, I know you do. I also know you hate Reagan for his significant contribution to the demise of the Soviet Union. You side with Putin here, but few would agree.

Okay, guy first, reagan had nothing to do with the end of the USSR. Only really stupid people think he did. You won't find one historian outside a "talking snake" univerity that claims otherwise.

Second, a lot of people look at the Iraq War not as "Saddam was a bad man", but what did getting rid of him cost us vs. what did we gain.

It cost us nearly a trillion dollars, 5000 dead, 30,000 wounded, and the respect of most of the world.

Our gains? Well, we had to pull out because the only thing the various tribes of Iraq agreed upon was how much they hated us. The Sunni Triangle is now a nest of Al Qaeda and the government in Baghdad is friendly to Iran.

Not worth it.

As a footnote to your prose Joe,Saddam NEVER allowed Al Qaeda anywhere near Iraq he hated them more than you Guys did.......In this he was right. Anyhow the WAR was Bullshit from start to finish......the REAL CRIME HERE is the number of US(and others) Service Men and Women....KIA and MAIMED FOR LIFE but no doubt Bush,Rumsfeld and their cronies are happy sipping their Whisky and Rye today..........not giving a stuff about THE WIDOWS,CHILDREN and FAMILIES mourning their LOVE ONES may they R.I.P.steve

and of course Bushs buddy Obama is letting him and their administration get away with being mass murderers of women and children and our american boys as well.thats why out two party system is such a joke.The other party never prosecutes the previous administrations crimes they committed previously while they were in office and thats because its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected,hense why the appropraite name for their parties should be demopublican and reprocrat.

there is no hope for the future of miss america as long as we have this one party system we have.we need an independent party president to represent the people instead of the bankers,the last president we had that tried to do that paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.
Lack of regulation of the banking industry.

Guy, this is basic fucking history...

But frankly, I'm starting to suspect you are clinically retarded.

LOL...the Stalin worshiper is going to teach us about silent Cal. Cal and your god Stalin are like Jesus and Satan and in that order too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, most historians rate Coolidge down there with Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan amongst the worst presidents.

But, shit, those guys are all "commies' because they think we should feed poor people and shit.

Ahh OK as I suspected you're totally fucking ignorant

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Lack of regulation of the banking industry.

Guy, this is basic fucking history...

But frankly, I'm starting to suspect you are clinically retarded.

LOL...the Stalin worshiper is going to teach us about silent Cal. Cal and your god Stalin are like Jesus and Satan and in that order too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, most historians rate Coolidge down there with Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan amongst the worst presidents.

But, shit, those guys are all "commies' because they think we should feed poor people and shit.

actually Coolidge was the last GREAT republican president we had.Unlike that fuckhead evil bastard Reagan,he actually followed the constitution,did not serve the bankers,and wasnt a mass murderer who funded terrorist groups. He was the last republican president we had who followed the constitution and someone farted in here just before this last post of mine.
Lack of regulation of the banking industry.

Guy, this is basic fucking history...

But frankly, I'm starting to suspect you are clinically retarded.

LOL...the Stalin worshiper is going to teach us about silent Cal. Cal and your god Stalin are like Jesus and Satan and in that order too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, most historians rate Coolidge down there with Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan amongst the worst presidents.

But, shit, those guys are all "commies' because they think we should feed poor people and shit.

We think you're a commie because you are

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The collapse in 2008 was centered around a real estate bubble and the tens of thousands of "liar loans" that were written, bundled and sold to financial institutions. It wasn't because people were investing money they didn't have in stocks. If you'll recall it was George W. Bush warning that we needed to do something about the looming problem in the real estate market and Democrats that pooh poohed his concerns.

Bush also claimed that increased home ownership amongst minorities was the greatest accomplishment of his failed presidency.

Flashback: George W. Bush Praising Fannie and Freddie, and Home Ownership For Those With ?Bad Credit Histories? | Liberaland

Republicans love to beat up on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and blame Democrats for pushing home ownership for those who may not have the means to pay off their debts. Here, from 2002, is President George W. Bush, saying Freddie is “dismantling barriers” to help more people have home ownership, how “deserving families who have bad credit histories” can own homes, and that “the low income home buyer can have just as nice a house as anybody else.”


Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse | Crooks and Liars

There was a reason the GOP kept Bush off the airwaves until after the midterm elections: the man was so reviled. I wouldn't doubt that Roger Ailes had something to do with it, but that's just a theory. Anyway, the one and only panel I did with Andrew Breitbart was revolting for many reasons, but one of the biggest lies he told and is one often repeated by the zombies of the Tea Party (which took off after Rick Santelli gave them permission to do so on CNBC) -- namely, that the greedy poor people created the mortgage meltdown because they had the audacity to become homeowners. Krugman explains away that nonsense and Digby reminded me again of Bush's 2004 acceptance speech, where he bragged about his economic handiwork, and begged to turn America into the ultimate "homeowner society."

Of course, after the meltdown, Bush was the piano player at the whorehouse who had no idea what was going on upstairs.

which his buddy Obomination has expanded upon of course.
LOL...the Stalin worshiper is going to teach us about silent Cal. Cal and your god Stalin are like Jesus and Satan and in that order too

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, most historians rate Coolidge down there with Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan amongst the worst presidents.

But, shit, those guys are all "commies' because they think we should feed poor people and shit.

actually Coolidge was the last GREAT republican president we had.Unlike that fuckhead evil bastard Reagan,he actually followed the constitution,did not serve the bankers,and wasnt a mass murderer who funded terrorist groups. He was the last republican president we had who followed the constitution and someone farted in here just before this last post of mine.

In fact this is WHY Calvin Coolidge was indeed the last GREAT republican president we had.Why Reagan cant carry his jockstrap.this poster here did their homework unlike the reagan worshippers.

Isn't it true that Calvin Coolidge was the BEST President we've ever had? Isn't Ron Paul a lot like Coolidge?

Calvin Coolidge was a great President and a great American. I think he is definitely the best President we've ever had.

1. He supported a TRUE free market economy (unlike today's Republicans). That meant NO corporate welfare. NO Federal subsidies to businesses. NO government bailouts for ANY businesses. He believed in absolute free market competition.

2. The nation was economically prosperous during Coolidge's administration. The Roaring 20's were a time of economic expansion. No other era in our history can compare to the economic growth and prosperity America had during this time.

3. Coolidge slashed income taxes and federal spending SUBSTANTIALLY to the point where the vast majority of Americans didn't have to pay ANY federal income taxes. Coolidge once famously stated: "I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry. That is the chief meaning of freedom. "

4. Coolidge believed in civil liberties and equal rights for ALL Americans. Most notably, he supported FULL equal rights for Blacks and Native Americans during a time when many politicians were very racist and bigoted. His attempts at securing equal rights for these groups were often obstructed or stopped by racist white trash Dixiecrats.

5. Coolidge was a strict constitutionalist who once stated that "Opinions and instructions do not outmatch the Constitution."

Wasn't Coolidge the BEST President we've ever had? Aren't Ron Paul's policies very close to those of Coolidge?

THAT folks is why Coolidge was the LAST "GREAT" republican president we ever had.Thats also why the establishment made sure Ron Paul did not get elected is because just like this poster said,he had a lot of the same ideas that the great Calvin Coolidge had.

MORE facts about the great Calvin Coolidge below.this is for everyone except the reagan worshippers of course since they wont read any of this since as they have proven in spades throughout this entire thread,they deny reality and never watch or read anything that debunks their myths.

righteousjohnson answered 2 years ago

Coolidge was very good and is still very much underrated.
He also made a great speech celebrating (at the time) the 150th anniversary of the U.S. in which he chastised the Progressive movement as being anything but. He did an awesome job of laying out the argument that Progressives actually are just the post-industrial manifestation of Monarchists. The only difference being that whereas Kings claimed their authority came from God, Progressives claimed that their right to lead stems from superior intellect, compassion, and expertise. Either way, the end result to us, the 'little people', would be the same. Elitism has a Genesis.
I encourage you to find a transcript of that speech. Can't believe it was like 85 years ago.

Coolidge is very underrated. He believed in individual liberty and freedom, which, to this day, is still an unpopular philosophy to many people. Statists hate personal freedoms and increased individual liberties. No wonder they hate him and Ron Paul so much.
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THOSE facts being said,he was EASILY by leaps and bounds,the best REPUBLICAN president we ever had in the 19th century by leaps and bounds.Hands down,no contest.

especially economically wise and constitutionally.

these days you cant have a president like that.the last one that TRIED to be like him and serve the people instead of the bankers,paid the price for it on nov 22d 1963.
Coolidge of course wasnt any of these things that Reagan was either that all the reagannut worshippers ignore everyime its posted denying the REALITY its all true.:cuckoo:

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
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[qu]A lot of people think overthrowing Saddam was a bad thing?! Joe, I know you do. I also know you hate Reagan for his significant contribution to the demise of the Soviet Union. You side with Putin here, but few would agree.

Okay, guy first, reagan had nothing to do with the end of the USSR. Only really stupid people think he did. You won't find one historian outside a "talking snake" univerity that claims otherwise.

Second, a lot of people look at the Iraq War not as "Saddam was a bad man", but what did getting rid of him cost us vs. what did we gain.

It cost us nearly a trillion dollars, 5000 dead, 30,000 wounded, and the respect of most of the world.

Our gains? Well, we had to pull out because the only thing the various tribes of Iraq agreed upon was how much they hated us. The Sunni Triangle is now a nest of Al Qaeda and the government in Baghdad is friendly to Iran.

Not worth it.

liek i said,there is a REASON why he is called meathead.the crack he smokes has ruined his brain.:D
This is a very short, but very intuitive and historically correct treatise on Reagan's dealings with the Soviets. Anyone would do well to read it and learn from it.

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan

Weakness breeds confrontation. Carter was confronted by the Soviets (Afghanistan, Nicaragua and others) because they perceived him as weak and ineffective. And he was. Barry and his criminal cronies are also weak and ineffective. This has rejuvenated feelings of a Soviet empire in Putin and emboldened him to seek to re-establish Russian dominance. It will ONLY be checked if someone is elected to office who reflects Reagan's strength and view point. If not, the destruction of America as a super power will certainly continue.

The OP was ludicrous and pure fantasy...

thats actually INCORRECT.if you check the facts,Reagan was president LONGGGGGGG before Gorby came to power.He gave many anti communism speechs but nothing ever occured in that timeframe in russia towards the collapse of the USSR before Gorby came into power.

it wasnt until long AFTER Gorby came into power,that Gorby started making reforms to the state of russia that ended the collapse of the USSR and as i said earlier,polls showed back then from americans that a great majority of them were aware that It was gorbachev who ended communism and was given the majority of the credit by them.
Notice the hatred for Reagan who took a bullet from the establishment but the strange quiet from the CIA disinformation specialist when it comes to discussing their mentor and patron saint George HW New World Order Bush

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
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