Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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so yeah,if you like a mass murderer of millions of innocent women and children around the world,reagan is your man.:dance:
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Of course, after the meltdown, Bush was the piano player at the whorehouse who had no idea what was going on upstairs.
You've likely had so many meltdowns, it is hard to understand which. I suppose the upstairs of the whorehouse is metaphorical for your mind, so at least I'm assuming this meltdown was during his administrations.

Corky, did you totally miss the point?

I mean, seriously, do you work at being this stupid?

Bush was the guy who was for deregulating the banks, defanging the SEC and encouraging as many people to buy houses as he could- even though who probably weren't ready for home ownership.

And big surprise, it all melted down quickly.
Here are the facts that the reagan nut worshippers cant handle.this poster asked this question and I will number the replies which are ALL true.

NUMBER ONE,the FIRST reply is the MOST important of them all-"even though the other ones are all interesting as well". because it tells the TRUTH how the economy was much worse under Reagan than it ever was under Carter.

When did outsourcing jobs to foreign countries begin?

Posters claim the policies of Obama has lead to companies outsourcing jobs, this has been going on long before Obama even thought about running for president!

HERE IT IS REAGANUT can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:lol::lol::lol::up:
left to do just this.:crybaby: remember these arent MY words below.just the facts from someone else.

1.The Con posters here seem to forget it started long ago, it picked up steam during Bush II's administration, a Republican, a Conservative.

The corporations are traitors, plain and simple. Taking jobs to COMMUNIST countries, over keeping jobs in America!

under Reagan..before that it wasnt worth it to ship jobs overseas because of our tariffs on goods coming in

Reagan reversed that.. under Carter our trade deficit was less than 10 million dollars, under Reagan it increased tens of billions of dollars...and the side effect is that it exposed our workers to have to compete for jobs with people in 3rd world countries making pennies a day


2.It has been going on a long time, Perot, warned us of the "great sucking sound" if NAFTA was passed, he was right!

Cliinton signed it, but only because the Federal Reserve Chairman threatened to raise interest rates if he didn't.


Alan Turing answered 2 years ago

I first noticed it during the Reagan administration.

His post backs up what the first poster posted.:up:

Alan remembers correctly.:dance:

Free Trade

They force Clinton into some signing further. Then the Republicans went crazy making that money and taking jobs from the poor.

5. The biggest push was when Clinton passed NAFTA and then made China the most favored trade nation. You could hear the jobs screaming across the borders... as for Obama, when you tell corporations what benefits you have to provide for your employees, then corporations will find countries that won't require high priced overheads.


BUT Yes, it picked up steam in Bush's term, But it REALLY picked up stem in Clinton's term, when China was given "most favored nation" status, and "NAFTA" became the way of the future.

So, yes, it grew under Bush, because of what CLINTON (a liberal, a DEMONcrat) Did.

I began noticing it when Lee Iacocca needed help bailing out Chrysler and came out with the K-car. Most of the engines were outsourced to Japan.

It became more noticeable after Clinton signed NAFTA. That's basically when things began going bonkers.

6. Clinton spent his first 4 yrs getting NAFTA passed , then increased USA corporate taxes , increased EPA regulation and then made China the most favored trade nation.

I remeber this well, because it was then when Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed that they started making plans to move first to Mexico and then later China ,at that time the USA made the most TV sets in the world ,,,,now China does 50,000 workers were laid off in the USA and HIRED IN CHINA , due only to the free trade of NAFTA and a simular bill for China
People say its the wages ,but this is false the plant is all automated , the only labor is programmers , so its the taxes , that make the move PAY , as for traitors , well they TOLD the government if taxes were not reduced to the level of China's , stockholders were demanding more return on investment , and the management would need to move to China ,,, the USA government said screw you ,,, so they left for China ,,,,who welcomed the largest TV plant in the world , with open arms
SO ITS THE USA FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WHO IS THE TRAITORS , not the companies who are driven by the demands of stockholdes,,,,,and yes in china they make 40% more money for the stockholders who are all retired persons from around the earth who all purchased stock on the NASDAQ exchange , which anyone else can as well , the stock symbol for this company is PHG
Simce they are now in China all the stockholders are doing great , and thanks to Bill Clinton all product made in China can be sold in the USA without tariff ,,,,hey thanks Bill and Hillary , you F'ing
sell outs and YES policies of Obama follow those of the Clintons


Clinton supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he signed into law in 1994
from Presidency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

.....Every year since the beginning of NAFTA, China's surplus with the U.S. has risen tremendously

.... In 2007 alone, China had a $256,000,000,000 surplus with the U.S.
surplus means we buy more from china than ,they from the USA
In 2007 alone, China had a $256,000,000,000 surplus with the U.S.

web page
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For those of you who are more interested in the TRUTH about trade and deficeits than scoring stupid PARTISAN point?

Here's the REAL numbers from 1790 to present

Foreign Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance: 1790-2006

What does this show us?

It shows us that our trade imbalances really started around 1970 and were accelerated thanks to our trade policies by EVER POTUS SINCE NIXXON!
For those of you who are more interested in the TRUTH about trade and deficeits than scoring stupid PARTISAN point?

Here's the REAL numbers from 1790 to present

Foreign Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance: 1790-2006

What does this show us?

It shows us that our trade imbalances really started around 1970 and were accelerated thanks to our trade policies by EVER POTUS SINCE NIXXON!

That's a good point, but there's more to the story than that.

First and formost, the 1970's is when the Germans and Japanese caught up to us in manufacturing. While they rebuilt most of their industry after the war, a lot of our companies were still working with old equipment.

Second, a large part of the trade deficits after 1974 or so were because OPEC realized the value of oil and learned how to use it as a political weapon.
For those of you who are more interested in the TRUTH about trade and deficeits than scoring stupid PARTISAN point?

Here's the REAL numbers from 1790 to present

Foreign Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance: 1790-2006

What does this show us?

It shows us that our trade imbalances really started around 1970 and were accelerated thanks to our trade policies by EVER POTUS SINCE NIXXON!
The Reagan haters could not care less about facts. That isn't their goal.
You can call them "al Qaeda" all day, but interviews with people who where there said they wre upset about the video.

Just like everyone else in the Islamic World was.

But you guys keep going with this narrative that Obama is to blame and not the people who attacked the embassy, because honestly, when you suffer ODS to the level you do, you need to blame Obama for everything.

I'm still amused that you still hold Bush blameless for 9/11 or the 4500 men who died for nothing in Iraq, but darn it, these four deaths in Libya, these are the WORST THING EVER.

Fact-checking Benghazi: The rhetoric hasn't matched up with reality | PolitiFact

According to politifact, you're lying again, weaseltroll.
Bush was the guy who was for deregulating the banks, defanging the SEC and encouraging as many people to buy houses as he could- even though who probably weren't ready for home ownership.

Once again, the truth is not your friend. Bush pushed early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but Congress failed to move on it. And after the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. So, you're caught lying YET AGAIN!
For those of you who are more interested in the TRUTH about trade and deficeits than scoring stupid PARTISAN point?

Here's the REAL numbers from 1790 to present

Foreign Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance: 1790-2006

What does this show us?

It shows us that our trade imbalances really started around 1970 and were accelerated thanks to our trade policies by EVER POTUS SINCE NIXXON!
The Reagan haters could not care less about facts. That isn't their goal.

fucking hypocrite LIAR,you REAGANUT TROllS are the ones that dont care about FACTS.we arent the ones that change the subject talking about Obamas corruption when cornered with facts about how reagan betrayed americans refusing to comment on links and or watch videos and talk about the information in them.we address them,you all chickenshit cowards run off with your tail betweeen your legs when you know you are cornered.:lol: you all REFUSE to talk about ANY of the facts we have all posted,you all CONSTANTLY evaded them switching the subject talking about Obamas corruoption instead.:lol::lmao::lmao:

thats how you disinfo agents operate.pathetic.we dont go and change the subject talking about a different presidnet like you reaganut trolls know it,we know troll.:D
For those of you who are more interested in the TRUTH about trade and deficeits than scoring stupid PARTISAN point?

Here's the REAL numbers from 1790 to present

Foreign Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance: 1790-2006

What does this show us?

It shows us that our trade imbalances really started around 1970 and were accelerated thanks to our trade policies by EVER POTUS SINCE NIXXON!

I noticed that true to form,when you cornered them with these facts,they turned tail and ran true to form and ran off only able to sling insults like the monkey trolls they are knowing they were defeated.:D like clockwork.never fails.:D

I always get a kick out of how they NEVER have any answers for these facts below on the TRUE Reagan.They always do the same thing with me when cornered by this link that they did to you.knowing they are cornerd and cant counter these facts,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:D:lol:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

Let us remember Reagan as he really was...

Mass murderer
War criminal
Destroyer of freedom
Destroyer of the environment
Corporate whore
Supporter of satanists and child murderers
Idiot, moron
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For those of you who are more interested in the TRUTH about trade and deficeits than scoring stupid PARTISAN point?

Here's the REAL numbers from 1790 to present

Foreign Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance: 1790-2006

What does this show us?

It shows us that our trade imbalances really started around 1970 and were accelerated thanks to our trade policies by EVER POTUS SINCE NIXXON!
The Reagan haters could not care less about facts. That isn't their goal.

fucking hypocrite LIAR,you REAGANUT TROllS are the ones that dont care about FACTS.we arent the ones that change the subject talking about Obamas corruption when cornered with facts about how reagan betrayed americans refusing to comment on links and or watch videos and talk about the information in them.we address them,you all chickenshit cowards run off with your tail betweeen your legs when you know you are cornered.:lol: you all REFUSE to talk about ANY of the facts we have all posted,you all CONSTANTLY evaded them switching the subject talking about Obamas corruoption instead.:lol::lmao::lmao:

thats how you disinfo agents operate.pathetic.we dont go and change the subject talking about a different presidnet like you reaganut trolls know it,we know troll.:D
Still hurts, eh?:D
by the way,did not mean to talk about any previous posts here already but had to say that since as always they were lying showing off what trolls they are saying WE lie when they are cornered with facts they cant refute and have to stoop to childish insults knowing they cant refute the facts.

anyways,dont want to get no reagan discussion going again,only wanted to pop in here and say -to know surprise the CIA controlled media is dishing out the lies about reagan again what a great president he was.In the most recent issue of TIME magazine,controled by the CIA of course as many people here know except the reaganut worshippers in denial about him,on the fron cover it says REAGANS LEGACY.they of course dont talk about all those crimes he committed that I listed in that link of course which is no surprise.

also just wanted to come back and post this about reagan because I came across it just by accident while reading this book on the JFK assassination,our last REAL president not a puppet for the bankers and our last great president we had.the book is called DEEP POLITICS AND THE DEATH OF goes on to sate in it-

I so concluded a survey of domestic intelligence operations published in early 1976.

later that year,in response to congressional revelations by the church and pike committes in the wake of watergate,attorney general edward levi issued new guidelines to prevent the indiscriminate monitoring of political dissenters.Although this executive order was apparently honered through the carter years,it also engendered a backlash.The reagan-bush promises in the 1980 presidential campaine to "unleash" the intelligence agencies.The new reagan administration moved promptly to overrule the levi guidelines,and progressively augment the collection of "dirt" not only on dissenters,but also on members of congress.

hey agent meathaed, I see your bosses sent you here to troll again.they sure pay you agent trolls a lot of money to troll these boards and constantly come back for your constant ass beatings you get here guys wouldnt come back for them for free all the time,no way.:lol::lol::D:D:D
hey agent meathaed, I see your bosses sent you here to troll again.they sure pay you agent trolls a lot of money to troll these boards and constantly come back for your constant ass beatings you get here guys wouldnt come back for them for free all the time,no way.:lol::lol::D:D:D
Agent Meathead.:D

Yeah, that's how I make my living. Please beat me harder and make me feel cheap! I get extra that way!
by the way,did not mean to talk about any previous posts here already but had to say that since as always they were lying showing off what trolls they are saying WE lie when they are cornered with facts they cant refute and have to stoop to childish insults knowing they cant refute the facts.

anyways,dont want to get no reagan discussion going again,only wanted to pop in here and say -to know surprise the CIA controlled media is dishing out the lies about reagan again what a great president he was.In the most recent issue of TIME magazine,controled by the CIA of course as many people here know except the reaganut worshippers in denial about him,on the fron cover it says REAGANS LEGACY.they of course dont talk about all those crimes he committed that I listed in that link of course which is no surprise.

also just wanted to come back and post this about reagan because I came across it just by accident while reading this book on the JFK assassination,our last REAL president not a puppet for the bankers and our last great president we had.the book is called DEEP POLITICS AND THE DEATH OF goes on to sate in it-

I so concluded a survey of domestic intelligence operations published in early 1976.

later that year,in response to congressional revelations by the church and pike committes in the wake of watergate,attorney general edward levi issued new guidelines to prevent the indiscriminate monitoring of political dissenters.Although this executive order was apparently honered through the carter years,it also engendered a backlash.The reagan-bush promises in the 1980 presidential campaine to "unleash" the intelligence agencies.The new reagan administration moved promptly to overrule the levi guidelines,and progressively augment the collection of "dirt" not only on dissenters,but also on members of congress.


It might have something to do with your Boss, Reagan's VP
With all the talk about terrorism in the news, it is only right to bring up the father and creator of modern day terrorism against America, Ronald Reagan. The man who gave terrorist a fighting chance and gave them acceptability.
The man who gave terrorists their biggest gains ever currently sits in the Oval Office. That is if he isn't out getting in yet another round of golf.

Barry's disjointed and confused Middle East policy has led to a terrorist army on the outskirts of the capital city of Iraq. Winning gives terrorists "acceptability" and they have NEVER won like they have been under Obama's watch!
Here are the facts that the reagan nut worshippers cant handle.this poster asked this question and I will number the replies which are ALL true.

NUMBER ONE,the FIRST reply is the MOST important of them all-"even though the other ones are all interesting as well". because it tells the TRUTH how the economy was much worse under Reagan than it ever was under Carter.

When did outsourcing jobs to foreign countries begin?

Posters claim the policies of Obama has lead to companies outsourcing jobs, this has been going on long before Obama even thought about running for president!

HERE IT IS REAGANUT can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:lol::lol::lol::up:
left to do just this.:crybaby: remember these arent MY words below.just the facts from someone else.

1.The Con posters here seem to forget it started long ago, it picked up steam during Bush II's administration, a Republican, a Conservative.

The corporations are traitors, plain and simple. Taking jobs to COMMUNIST countries, over keeping jobs in America!

under Reagan..before that it wasnt worth it to ship jobs overseas because of our tariffs on goods coming in

Reagan reversed that.. under Carter our trade deficit was less than 10 million dollars, under Reagan it increased tens of billions of dollars...and the side effect is that it exposed our workers to have to compete for jobs with people in 3rd world countries making pennies a day


2.It has been going on a long time, Perot, warned us of the "great sucking sound" if NAFTA was passed, he was right!

Cliinton signed it, but only because the Federal Reserve Chairman threatened to raise interest rates if he didn't.


Alan Turing answered 2 years ago

I first noticed it during the Reagan administration.

His post backs up what the first poster posted.:up:

Alan remembers correctly.:dance:

Free Trade

They force Clinton into some signing further. Then the Republicans went crazy making that money and taking jobs from the poor.

5. The biggest push was when Clinton passed NAFTA and then made China the most favored trade nation. You could hear the jobs screaming across the borders... as for Obama, when you tell corporations what benefits you have to provide for your employees, then corporations will find countries that won't require high priced overheads.


BUT Yes, it picked up steam in Bush's term, But it REALLY picked up stem in Clinton's term, when China was given "most favored nation" status, and "NAFTA" became the way of the future.

So, yes, it grew under Bush, because of what CLINTON (a liberal, a DEMONcrat) Did.

I began noticing it when Lee Iacocca needed help bailing out Chrysler and came out with the K-car. Most of the engines were outsourced to Japan.

It became more noticeable after Clinton signed NAFTA. That's basically when things began going bonkers.

6. Clinton spent his first 4 yrs getting NAFTA passed , then increased USA corporate taxes , increased EPA regulation and then made China the most favored trade nation.

I remeber this well, because it was then when Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed that they started making plans to move first to Mexico and then later China ,at that time the USA made the most TV sets in the world ,,,,now China does 50,000 workers were laid off in the USA and HIRED IN CHINA , due only to the free trade of NAFTA and a simular bill for China
People say its the wages ,but this is false the plant is all automated , the only labor is programmers , so its the taxes , that make the move PAY , as for traitors , well they TOLD the government if taxes were not reduced to the level of China's , stockholders were demanding more return on investment , and the management would need to move to China ,,, the USA government said screw you ,,, so they left for China ,,,,who welcomed the largest TV plant in the world , with open arms
SO ITS THE USA FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WHO IS THE TRAITORS , not the companies who are driven by the demands of stockholdes,,,,,and yes in china they make 40% more money for the stockholders who are all retired persons from around the earth who all purchased stock on the NASDAQ exchange , which anyone else can as well , the stock symbol for this company is PHG
Simce they are now in China all the stockholders are doing great , and thanks to Bill Clinton all product made in China can be sold in the USA without tariff ,,,,hey thanks Bill and Hillary , you F'ing
sell outs and YES policies of Obama follow those of the Clintons


.....Every year since the beginning of NAFTA, China's surplus with the U.S. has risen tremendously

.... In 2007 alone, China had a $256,000,000,000 surplus with the U.S.
surplus means we buy more from china than ,they from the USA
In 2007 alone, China had a $256,000,000,000 surplus with the U.S.

NAFTA? Oh right that GOP bill, coming from conservative Heritage Foundation, Reagan announced the day he ran for Prez in 1979, the one 60% of Dems in Congress voted against

"In 1979, while officially declaring his candidacy for President, Ronald Reagan proposes a “North American Agreement” which he said, will produce “a North American continent in which the goods and people of the three countries will cross boundaries more freely.”"
Ironically, after passing the NAFTA corporate welfare give a way, the subsidizing of off-shoring to Red China turned around and sucked jobs out of Mexico.
The man who gave terrorists their biggest gains ever currently sits in the Oval Office. That is if he isn't out getting in yet another round of golf.

Barry's disjointed and confused Middle East policy has led to a terrorist army on the outskirts of the capital city of Iraq. Winning gives terrorists "acceptability" and they have NEVER won like they have been under Obama's watch!

Oh nonsense. Arabs have been fighting Persians since biblical days. When Muslims separated into Sunni and Shiite they just had even more to kill each other over. You're blaming Obama for a war that has been going on since Old Testament days. I'll bet you can read about the battles between the Persians and Arabs in the Bible.
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