Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
My God, you've just rewritten decades of world history with a google search. Amazing!:badgrin:

Nah, HUNDREDS of millions of dollars right wing think tanks spent did that to create the MYTH of Ronnie

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

The myth of Ronald Reagan was already looming in the spring of 1997 — when a highly popular President Bill Clinton was launching his second-term, pre-Monica Lewinsky, and the Republican brand seemed at low ebb. But what neoconservative activist Grover Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away.

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Dad trust me,you are wasting your time with these brainwashed Reagnut trolls.They are so much in denial and afraid of the truth,afraid to admit they have been brainwashed,they never read any of your links you post or take you up on a challenge to watch a video and talk about the information in there even if its from ACTUAL SOURCES of ACTUAL REPORTERS BACK THEN FROM THE 1980'S TALKING ABOUT HOW REAGANS POLICYS DESTROYED THE MIDDLE CLASS FAMILYS.

They are so much in denial and scared of the truth,they do into thiese discussions only seeing what they WANT to see never which is why they never read your links or vidoes you post.I have already posted that link of yours here HUNDREDS of time on this thread and all they ever did every single time is come back and call me names evading those facts and change the subject talking about the corruption of Obama.:cuckoo:

they constantly do that here,knowing they are cornered and defeated,they evade your facts all the time and change the subject about how Obama has run the country into the ground acting like this thread is about Obama.:cuckoo:

the thing is though,nobody here that criticises Reagan has ever come on here and said that Obama is a good president so why these loonys feel the need to retreat to the subjject about Obama everytime when they are cornered is beyond me.:cuckoo:

these nutcases would be laughed out of a debating all in a minute if they debated there the same way they do here.:D they plug their ears and cover their eyes anytime you show them a link or a video that is negative on reagan.just read through this entire thread and you will see that for yourself.:D

Im sure you noticed how they evaded that last link I posted in that post of mine you replied to right? they act like that link was never posted just like they will act like you never posted that link of yours that i have posted here hundreds of times on this thread.:D

trust me,you habg out here long enough,you'll find out exactly what i am talking about how they cover thier ears and close their eyes anytime you post a link or video negative about reagan.:D:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan

So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA

Reagan sucked

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

We’d been discussing taxes on the air and the fact that Denmark has an average 52 percent income-tax rate. I asked him why people didn’t revolt at such high taxes, and he smiled and pointed out to me that the average Dane is very well paid, with a minimum wage that equals roughly $18 per hour. Moreover, what Danes get for their taxes (that we don’t) is a free college education and free health care, not to mention four weeks of paid vacation each year and notoriety as the happiest nation on earth, according to a major study done by the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom.2

But it was once we were off the air that he made the comment that I found so enlightening.

“You Americans are such suckers,” he said. “You think that the rules for taxes that apply to rich people also apply to working people, but they don’t. When working peoples’ taxes go up, their pay goes up. When their taxes go down, their pay goes down. It may take a year or two or three to all even out, but it always works this way—look at any country in Europe. And that rule on taxes is the opposite of how it works for rich people!”

My Danish guest was right. So before we get into the larger consequences of tax increases or tax cuts for the nation’s economic health, let’s parse this business about what tax increases or cuts mean for the rich and for the not-so-rich.

Yeah and guess what? your hero Obomination just like every single president since reagan has,has followed his footsteps.:D every single president since reagan has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one.

our country was actually a half way decent country with actual freedoms back when carter was in office-the last fairly good president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and the establishment, but it hasnt been ever since Reagan took office since every single president since him has esculated what he got started.

and thats because whether you realise it or not,its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.The proof is in the pudding.our last GREAT president,who actually served the people instead of the bankers,paid for that mistake on nov 22nd 1963.

The president is just a puppet following their orders given to him by the bankers and military industrial complex-whom Eisenhower warned the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech.He wasnt being their willing puppet and wasnt doing what they told him to do and he paid the price for it on that date.

Since then,Carter has been the only decent president we have had who also served the people instead of the bankers.perfect example of another presidnet who tried to do the right thing and as a result,another perfect example of another good president who did not get to serve in office very long because of that.

Here is the proof in the pudding that everything that I have said is true.You might actually take the time-"two hours out of your schedule," to watch it.

Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.:D

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With all the talk about terrorism in the news, it is only right to bring up the father and creator of modern day terrorism against America, Ronald Reagan. The man who gave terrorist a fighting chance and gave them acceptability.

^ Liar
Here are the facts that the reagan nut worshippers cant handle.this poster asked this question and I will number the replies which are ALL true.

NUMBER ONE,the FIRST reply is the MOST important of them all-"even though the other ones are all interesting as well". because it tells the TRUTH how the economy was much worse under Reagan than it ever was under Carter.

When did outsourcing jobs to foreign countries begin?

Posters claim the policies of Obama has lead to companies outsourcing jobs, this has been going on long before Obama even thought about running for president!

HERE IT IS REAGANUT can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:lol::lol::lol::up:
left to do just this.:crybaby: remember these arent MY words below.just the facts from someone else.

1.The Con posters here seem to forget it started long ago, it picked up steam during Bush II's administration, a Republican, a Conservative.

The corporations are traitors, plain and simple. Taking jobs to COMMUNIST countries, over keeping jobs in America!

under Reagan..before that it wasnt worth it to ship jobs overseas because of our tariffs on goods coming in

Reagan reversed that.. under Carter our trade deficit was less than 10 million dollars, under Reagan it increased tens of billions of dollars...and the side effect is that it exposed our workers to have to compete for jobs with people in 3rd world countries making pennies a day


2.It has been going on a long time, Perot, warned us of the "great sucking sound" if NAFTA was passed, he was right!

Cliinton signed it, but only because the Federal Reserve Chairman threatened to raise interest rates if he didn't.


Alan Turing answered 2 years ago

I first noticed it during the Reagan administration.

His post backs up what the first poster posted.:up:

Alan remembers correctly.:dance:

Free Trade

They force Clinton into some signing further. Then the Republicans went crazy making that money and taking jobs from the poor.

5. The biggest push was when Clinton passed NAFTA and then made China the most favored trade nation. You could hear the jobs screaming across the borders... as for Obama, when you tell corporations what benefits you have to provide for your employees, then corporations will find countries that won't require high priced overheads.


BUT Yes, it picked up steam in Bush's term, But it REALLY picked up stem in Clinton's term, when China was given "most favored nation" status, and "NAFTA" became the way of the future.

So, yes, it grew under Bush, because of what CLINTON (a liberal, a DEMONcrat) Did.

I began noticing it when Lee Iacocca needed help bailing out Chrysler and came out with the K-car. Most of the engines were outsourced to Japan.

It became more noticeable after Clinton signed NAFTA. That's basically when things began going bonkers.

6. Clinton spent his first 4 yrs getting NAFTA passed , then increased USA corporate taxes , increased EPA regulation and then made China the most favored trade nation.

I remeber this well, because it was then when Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed that they started making plans to move first to Mexico and then later China ,at that time the USA made the most TV sets in the world ,,,,now China does 50,000 workers were laid off in the USA and HIRED IN CHINA , due only to the free trade of NAFTA and a simular bill for China
People say its the wages ,but this is false the plant is all automated , the only labor is programmers , so its the taxes , that make the move PAY , as for traitors , well they TOLD the government if taxes were not reduced to the level of China's , stockholders were demanding more return on investment , and the management would need to move to China ,,, the USA government said screw you ,,, so they left for China ,,,,who welcomed the largest TV plant in the world , with open arms
SO ITS THE USA FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WHO IS THE TRAITORS , not the companies who are driven by the demands of stockholdes,,,,,and yes in china they make 40% more money for the stockholders who are all retired persons from around the earth who all purchased stock on the NASDAQ exchange , which anyone else can as well , the stock symbol for this company is PHG
Simce they are now in China all the stockholders are doing great , and thanks to Bill Clinton all product made in China can be sold in the USA without tariff ,,,,hey thanks Bill and Hillary , you F'ing
sell outs and YES policies of Obama follow those of the Clintons


Clinton supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he signed into law in 1994
from Presidency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

.....Every year since the beginning of NAFTA, China's surplus with the U.S. has risen tremendously

.... In 2007 alone, China had a $256,000,000,000 surplus with the U.S.
surplus means we buy more from china than ,they from the USA
In 2007 alone, China had a $256,000,000,000 surplus with the U.S.

web page

^ Paid CIA Disinformation agent calling Bush II A "Conservative"

someone farted in here.:9:

since you have the memory comprehension skills of a two year old crusader retard,that means I have you on ignore.
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Reagan murdered billions


Reagan was friends with bin Laden


Reagan barely won reelection in 1984

The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

Yeah? 2 landslide victories and his vice president elected president in a landslide as well ....Gallop poll in 1992? Really?:cuckoo: Is that supposed to be relevant somehow? I think you're a paid hack actually

Yeah, Weird those in 1992 that actually LIVED through Reagan's disaster wouldn't know better right? It took right wing think tanks to spend hundreds of millions to create the MYTHS of Ronnie.....

yeah exactly.somehow according to them,people who actually lived through those days or reporters back then reporting how his policys betrayed the middle class,are not credible people.just what the LAMESTREAM media and hollywood tells them is credible to them.:D

the ones that come on here and say they were there and lived through it-like their cheerleading ringleader,the leader of the pack,crusader retard-a guy who goes into meltdown mode when you post anything negative about reagan,constantly throwing temper tantrems when he is cornered,repeating the same debunked lies over and over again,and has heart attacks over it,-a mental case who really should be in a instituiton as many around here will tell you the same thing,people like him who say they were there and lived through it,well if they were there,then they sure werent here living in the united states,they were obviously on a deserted island those 8 years.either that,or just children in diapers obviously who have gotten their information from the idiot box in the living room.:D:lol:
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This message is hidden because CrusaderFrank is on your ignore list.

make that 3 farts in a row.:D

see what I am talking about Dad on their cheerleading ringleader Crusader Retard,how he has such an obsession with this and comes on here IMMEDIATELY when you debunk the myths of reagan? :D

Im convinced beyond a doubt that he is a distant cousin of Reagans.while the other Reaganut worshippers posts here are pretty pathetic as well- i got them all on my ignore list-except peach,she is the only one here who doesnt act like a lunatic in her posts,unlike crusader retard,none of them go into meltdown mode like he does.

None of them go beserk like he does.Not to the EXTREMES he does anyways.They will act like 5 year old kids and ignore the truth like he does also but they at least dont have the obsession about this like he does.not to the extremes he does anyways coming on here IMMEDIATELY after you post something negative about him.:cuckoo:

I honestly think that he was a close relative of reagans so that being the case,he inherited many of his millions from his passing so thats why he has all the time in the world all day long and all night to come on here and troll and post immediatly after I come on here and expose the corruption of the real reagan.thats the ONLY thing that makes sense to me why he is far more obsessed over the truth of reagan being exposed much worse than any of the others.

dont you think thats a goods theory and the only one that makes sense?:D:lol::lol:
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Reagan murdered billions


Reagan was friends with bin Laden


Reagan barely won reelection in 1984




No I don't know what, where, when or who but give Issa more time and there will be a scandal, there will be I know Obama did it, I know he did, Fox said so..

Reagan murdered billion by giving bin Laden nukes and his deficits crashed the us I mean the economies of the entire solar system and Gorby suddenly decided that the Soviet Empire was evil and should be disbanded and after gorby decided to tear down the Berlin wall Reagan made a speech there to thank him
The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

Yeah? 2 landslide victories and his vice president elected president in a landslide as well ....Gallop poll in 1992? Really?:cuckoo: Is that supposed to be relevant somehow? I think you're a paid hack actually

Yeah, Weird those in 1992 that actually LIVED through Reagan's disaster wouldn't know better right? It took right wing think tanks to spend hundreds of millions to create the MYTHS of Ronnie.....

:eusa_hand:Umm...yeah ok.. I was there and didn't receive any poll.. Hack

Reagan murdered billions


Reagan was friends with bin Laden


Reagan barely won reelection in 1984




No I don't know what, where, when or who but give Issa more time and there will be a scandal, there will be I know Obama did it, I know he did, Fox said so..


I think you mean POX NEWS for that is what it is POX REPUBLICAN TRASH......but Americans feed on POX and love it:D
Yeah? 2 landslide victories and his vice president elected president in a landslide as well ....Gallop poll in 1992? Really?:cuckoo: Is that supposed to be relevant somehow? I think you're a paid hack actually

Yeah, Weird those in 1992 that actually LIVED through Reagan's disaster wouldn't know better right? It took right wing think tanks to spend hundreds of millions to create the MYTHS of Ronnie.....

:eusa_hand:Umm...yeah ok.. I was there and didn't receive any poll.. Hack

So YOU don't know how polls work, got it....

Reagan murdered billions


Reagan was friends with bin Laden


Reagan barely won reelection in 1984




No I don't know what, where, when or who but give Issa more time and there will be a scandal, there will be I know Obama did it, I know he did, Fox said so..


there you have always,he evades facts knowing he is cornered trying to laugh them off in his defeat knowing he cant refute them.:D wow that really refutes my link of what a mass murderer he was.He sure showed me.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Hey The Liq and Dad,that video on Obama i posted on my last post on page 147,I posted that mainly for sealybobo,but not just for him.Have you both seen that movie? if not,its a must see movie.its kinda long,two hours but its for sure worth the time watching I said in that last post of mine on that page,it proves everything i said is the truth.
now dad you are seeing how their cheerleading ringleader debates.He doest.since i called him out how he throws temper tatrems and goes into meltdown mode when he gets frustrated he cant refute the facts,he is trying a different tactic now knowing heis cornered by the facts and backed up against the wall.trying to laugh them off is his new strategy to try and refute the facts.comedy gold.thats crusader retard for you.:lol::lol::lol::lmao:
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