Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Which one is bin laden?
No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan
Camp, you're too stupid. Shut down FFS!

How about if you shut down FFS. Just a suggestion.

[ame=]Beirut Remembered - YouTube[/ame]
No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan
Camp, you're too stupid. Shut down FFS!

How about if you shut down FFS. Just a suggestion.

[ame=]Beirut Remembered - YouTube[/ame]
Why would you post that instead of just shutting down? Weird.
No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan
Camp, you're too stupid. Shut down FFS!

How about if you shut down FFS. Just a suggestion.

He sure countered that and sure showed you Camp.:lol::lol::D
[ame=]Beirut Remembered - YouTube[/ame]

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You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

bin Laden (bin is a title and not capitalized) was a foreign fighter, who actually never fought. He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.

Ah, conspiracy theories, how fun.

Of course there is no evidence that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was funded by the CIA, and he was warring against the main Muja far more than fighting Soviets from the start. He too fled after the Soviet defeat, back to Pakistan from where he came. Reemerging with bin Laden after the Taliban bloody coup.

He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.


Al-Qaeda involvement in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bin Laden played a central role in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers in Afghanistan

In 1989, the same year that the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded his international terrorist organization, Al Qaeda (The Base) to train fighters for the global jihad against America.

Back in Saudi Arabia in 1990, bin Laden found the Saudi monarchy cooperating closely with the United States in repelling Sadam Hussein Sadam Hussein ‘s invasion of Kuwait. Angered by the presence of U.S. troops on Saudi soil during the Gulf War, bin Laden criticized the Saudi monarchy for selling out to the “infidel” Americans.

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? - Forbes

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)

[ame=]Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism: John Cooley: 9780745319179: Books[/ame]
How stupid and desperate do you have to be to mistake the Mujaheddin for Al Qaeda?

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)


A CIA program called Operation Cyclone (Reagan) channeled funds through Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency to the Afghan Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet occupation

At the same time, a growing number of Arab mujahideen joined the jihad against the Afghan Marxist regime, facilitated by international Muslim organizations, particularly the Maktab al-Khidamat which was funded by the Saudi Arabia government as well as by individual Muslims (particularly Saudi businessmen who were approached by bin Laden). Together, these sources donated some $600 million a year to jihad.

In 1984, Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK), or the "Services Office", a Muslim organization founded to raise and channel funds and recruit foreign mujahideen for the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, was established in Peshawar, Pakistan, by bin Laden and Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, a Palestinian Islamic scholar and member of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAK organized guest houses in Peshawar, near the Afghan border, and gathered supplies for the construction of paramilitary training camps to prepare foreign recruits for the Afghan war front. Bin Laden became a "major financier" of the mujahideen, spending his own money and using his connections with "the Saudi royal family and the petro-billionaires of the Gulf" to influence public opinion about the war and raise additional funds.

From 1986, MAK began to set up a network of recruiting offices in the U.S., the hub of which was the Al Kifah Refugee Center at the Farouq Mosque on Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue. Among notable figures at the Brooklyn center were "double agent" Ali Mohamed, whom FBI special agent Jack Cloonan called "bin Laden's first trainer," and "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leading recruiter of mujahideen for Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda evolved from MAK.

Azzam and bin Laden began to establish camps in Afghanistan in 1987

Understanding Terror Networks.
Understanding Terror Networks | Marc Sageman
You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

bin Laden (bin is a title and not capitalized) was a foreign fighter, who actually never fought. He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.

Ah, conspiracy theories, how fun.

Of course there is no evidence that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was funded by the CIA, and he was warring against the main Muja far more than fighting Soviets from the start. He too fled after the Soviet defeat, back to Pakistan from where he came. Reemerging with bin Laden after the Taliban bloody coup.

He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.


Al-Qaeda involvement in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bin Laden played a central role in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers in Afghanistan

In 1989, the same year that the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded his international terrorist organization, Al Qaeda (The Base) to train fighters for the global jihad against America.

Back in Saudi Arabia in 1990, bin Laden found the Saudi monarchy cooperating closely with the United States in repelling Sadam Hussein Sadam Hussein ‘s invasion of Kuwait. Angered by the presence of U.S. troops on Saudi soil during the Gulf War, bin Laden criticized the Saudi monarchy for selling out to the “infidel” Americans.

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? - Forbes

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)

[ame=]Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism: John Cooley: 9780745319179: Books[/ame]

Yes stupid?


Get thee to a baboonary.
Camp, you're too stupid. Shut down FFS!

How about if you shut down FFS. Just a suggestion.

[ame=]Beirut Remembered - YouTube[/ame]
Why would you post that instead of just shutting down? Weird.

Not weird at all. Just making sure some guys get remembered. Sometimes people forget. Especially when it comes to Reagan worshipers. They like to forget stuff while they are making other stuff up.
You Reagan worshipers should like this one. There is a little comment by him at the beginning. Pretty much his reaction to the tragedy he caused. A few words

[ame=]24th MAU They Came In Peace: 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing - YouTube[/ame]
No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan

" No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan "

A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.

"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.

"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut | Fox News

Making an already-dangerous situation even more hazardous, the Marines were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons — this, so that they would appear as peacekeepers and not as armed belligerents in the conflict and despite the fact that they were moving into a war zone.

Realistically, they had become “sitting ducks” from the moment they entered Beirut. And as a result of their absurd orders, when the explosives-laden truck sped toward their doomed barracks, the two unarmed guards had no way of stopping it.

According to Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, the commander of the Marines in Beirut: “It didn’t take a military expert to realize that our troops had been placed in an indefensible situation. Anyone following the situation in Lebanon in ordinary news reports could realize a tragedy was in the making.

In 1983 debacle, Reagan escaped the blame game - Entertainment
No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan

" No matter what graph you use you will never find the graph that shows the comparisons of Presidents that sent Marines into combat zones with orders to carry unloaded weapons. You won't find that graph because no other President in history ever gave that stupid decision and ordered Marines into a combat zone with unloaded weapons. Reagan was the only President to ever do that. No graph is ever going to overcome or override that stupid stunt that killed 250 unarmed Marines in Beirut. Fuck Ronald Reagan "

A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.

"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.

"They had no mission but to sit at the airport, which is just like sitting in a bull's-eye," Weinberger said. "I begged the president at least to pull them back and put them back on their transports as a more defensible position."

Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut | Fox News

Making an already-dangerous situation even more hazardous, the Marines were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons — this, so that they would appear as peacekeepers and not as armed belligerents in the conflict and despite the fact that they were moving into a war zone.

Realistically, they had become “sitting ducks” from the moment they entered Beirut. And as a result of their absurd orders, when the explosives-laden truck sped toward their doomed barracks, the two unarmed guards had no way of stopping it.

According to Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, the commander of the Marines in Beirut: “It didn’t take a military expert to realize that our troops had been placed in an indefensible situation. Anyone following the situation in Lebanon in ordinary news reports could realize a tragedy was in the making.

In 1983 debacle, Reagan escaped the blame game - Entertainment

crusader retard of course will claim that Casper never said that about reagan to defend his cousin,that its an unreliable source or whatever.:cuckoo::lol::lol:
How stupid and desperate do you have to be to mistake the Mujaheddin for Al Qaeda?

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)

[ame=]Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism: John Cooley: 9780745319179: Books[/ame]

A CIA program called Operation Cyclone (Reagan) channeled funds through Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency to the Afghan Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet occupation

At the same time, a growing number of Arab mujahideen joined the jihad against the Afghan Marxist regime, facilitated by international Muslim organizations, particularly the Maktab al-Khidamat which was funded by the Saudi Arabia government as well as by individual Muslims (particularly Saudi businessmen who were approached by bin Laden). Together, these sources donated some $600 million a year to jihad.

In 1984, Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK), or the "Services Office", a Muslim organization founded to raise and channel funds and recruit foreign mujahideen for the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, was established in Peshawar, Pakistan, by bin Laden and Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, a Palestinian Islamic scholar and member of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAK organized guest houses in Peshawar, near the Afghan border, and gathered supplies for the construction of paramilitary training camps to prepare foreign recruits for the Afghan war front. Bin Laden became a "major financier" of the mujahideen, spending his own money and using his connections with "the Saudi royal family and the petro-billionaires of the Gulf" to influence public opinion about the war and raise additional funds.

From 1986, MAK began to set up a network of recruiting offices in the U.S., the hub of which was the Al Kifah Refugee Center at the Farouq Mosque on Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue. Among notable figures at the Brooklyn center were "double agent" Ali Mohamed, whom FBI special agent Jack Cloonan called "bin Laden's first trainer," and "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leading recruiter of mujahideen for Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda evolved from MAK.

Azzam and bin Laden began to establish camps in Afghanistan in 1987

Understanding Terror Networks.
Understanding Terror Networks | Marc Sageman

i love the hypocrisy of frank,like HE isnt desperate.:lol::lol::lol::lol: thats why he goes into meltdown mode and has heart attacks when the corruption of reagan is exposed.:lol:

the only ones that ger desperate are the reaganut worshippers led by their cheerleader
You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

bin Laden (bin is a title and not capitalized) was a foreign fighter, who actually never fought. He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.

Ah, conspiracy theories, how fun.

Of course there is no evidence that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was funded by the CIA, and he was warring against the main Muja far more than fighting Soviets from the start. He too fled after the Soviet defeat, back to Pakistan from where he came. Reemerging with bin Laden after the Taliban bloody coup.

He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.


Al-Qaeda involvement in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bin Laden played a central role in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers in Afghanistan

In 1989, the same year that the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded his international terrorist organization, Al Qaeda (The Base) to train fighters for the global jihad against America.

Back in Saudi Arabia in 1990, bin Laden found the Saudi monarchy cooperating closely with the United States in repelling Sadam Hussein Sadam Hussein ‘s invasion of Kuwait. Angered by the presence of U.S. troops on Saudi soil during the Gulf War, bin Laden criticized the Saudi monarchy for selling out to the “infidel” Americans.

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? - Forbes

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)

[ame=]Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism: John Cooley: 9780745319179: Books[/ame]

the REAL osama bin laden has been exposed and they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol::lol:

When Osama Bin Ladin Was 'Tim Osman'

and still even MORE proof he worked for the CIA and was killed in 2001,
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bin Laden (bin is a title and not capitalized) was a foreign fighter, who actually never fought. He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.

Ah, conspiracy theories, how fun.

Of course there is no evidence that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was funded by the CIA, and he was warring against the main Muja far more than fighting Soviets from the start. He too fled after the Soviet defeat, back to Pakistan from where he came. Reemerging with bin Laden after the Taliban bloody coup.

He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.


Al-Qaeda involvement in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bin Laden played a central role in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers in Afghanistan

In 1989, the same year that the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded his international terrorist organization, Al Qaeda (The Base) to train fighters for the global jihad against America.

Back in Saudi Arabia in 1990, bin Laden found the Saudi monarchy cooperating closely with the United States in repelling Sadam Hussein Sadam Hussein ‘s invasion of Kuwait. Angered by the presence of U.S. troops on Saudi soil during the Gulf War, bin Laden criticized the Saudi monarchy for selling out to the “infidel” Americans.

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? - Forbes

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)

[ame=]Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism: John Cooley: 9780745319179: Books[/ame]

the REAL osama bin laden has been exposed and they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol::lol:

When Osama Bin Ladin Was 'Tim Osman'
Could you try being a little less annoying? At least tone it down.

How stupid and desperate do you have to be to mistake the Mujaheddin for Al Qaeda?

The origins of al-Qaeda as a network inspiring terrorism around the world and training operatives can be traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan (December 1979 – February 1989)


A CIA program called Operation Cyclone (Reagan) channeled funds through Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency to the Afghan Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet occupation

At the same time, a growing number of Arab mujahideen joined the jihad against the Afghan Marxist regime, facilitated by international Muslim organizations, particularly the Maktab al-Khidamat which was funded by the Saudi Arabia government as well as by individual Muslims (particularly Saudi businessmen who were approached by bin Laden). Together, these sources donated some $600 million a year to jihad.

In 1984, Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK), or the "Services Office", a Muslim organization founded to raise and channel funds and recruit foreign mujahideen for the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, was established in Peshawar, Pakistan, by bin Laden and Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, a Palestinian Islamic scholar and member of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAK organized guest houses in Peshawar, near the Afghan border, and gathered supplies for the construction of paramilitary training camps to prepare foreign recruits for the Afghan war front. Bin Laden became a "major financier" of the mujahideen, spending his own money and using his connections with "the Saudi royal family and the petro-billionaires of the Gulf" to influence public opinion about the war and raise additional funds.

From 1986, MAK began to set up a network of recruiting offices in the U.S., the hub of which was the Al Kifah Refugee Center at the Farouq Mosque on Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue. Among notable figures at the Brooklyn center were "double agent" Ali Mohamed, whom FBI special agent Jack Cloonan called "bin Laden's first trainer," and "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leading recruiter of mujahideen for Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda evolved from MAK.

Azzam and bin Laden began to establish camps in Afghanistan in 1987

Understanding Terror Networks.
Understanding Terror Networks | Marc Sageman
^ that stupid and desperate
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