Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

you never get tired of taking paid troll censored to school here everyday do you?:D
Bush should have done an FDR and rounded up all Middle Eastern males, amiright Libturds?

Probably should have attacked Saudi instead of Iraq since that's where the majority of hijackers were from right conservatard?


agent censored and the other paid trolls ignore this little fact that Bush should have gone to prison for doing that.:cuckoo: they cant face facts like thats like FDR ordering the fleet to invade mexico instead of japan.:cuckoo: pesky facts like that are too complicated for their drugged up minds to comprehend.:D
I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't
have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

What 40 warnings? Some vague warnings about possible terrorist attacks? Please.. And there was no 8 months. it took the Bush administration extra months to get his administration together because of the FL hanging chad debacle he got a late start. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden lets get that straight.

Got it, You'll stick with the usual right wing crap, false premises, distortions and LIES

Extra months? Weird, Gore conceded a month after the election, you saying Dubya was to stupid to get his team together in a month?' AND the attack was EIGHT months after being sworn in!



Shortly after the September 11 attacks it was revealed that President Clinton had signed a directive authorizing the CIA (and specifically their elite Special Activities Division) to apprehend bin Laden and bring him to the United States to stand trial after the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Africa; if taking bin Laden alive was deemed impossible, then deadly force was authorized

On August 20, 1998, 66 cruise missiles launched by United States Navy ships in the Arabian Sea struck bin Laden's training camps near Khost in Afghanistan, narrowly missing him by a few hours.

In 1999 the CIA, together with Pakistani military intelligence, had prepared a team of approximately 60 Pakistani commandos to infiltrate Afghanistan to capture or kill bin Laden, but the plan was aborted by the 1999 Pakistani coup d'état

in 2000, foreign operatives working on behalf of the CIA had fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a convoy of vehicles in which bin Laden was traveling through the mountains of Afghanistan, hitting one of the vehicles but not the one in which bin Laden was riding

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Robert Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama"


FLASHBACK: Bush On Bin Laden: ‘I Really Just Don’t Spend That Much Time On Him’

George W. Bush received a presidential daily briefing on Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” W

Bush listened to the briefing, then told the CIA briefer: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.”

:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: thats agents jroc and CENSORED for ya.:D
Bush should have done an FDR and rounded up all Middle Eastern males, amiright Libturds?

Probably should have attacked Saudi instead of Iraq since that's where the majority of hijackers were from right conservatard?


Frank57 needs a reminder. He drank the Raygun kool aid and refuses to take the remedy :(

As to the OP- The Gipper was the worst President in my lifetime :thup: [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION]

Thats crusader retard for you.:D got to remember,he is a distant cousin fo rayguns so he wont tolerate ONE SINGLE negative word about him. He goes into meltdown mode anytime there is one.:D
Frank57 needs a reminder. He drank the Raygun kool aid and refuses to take the remedy :(

As to the OP- The Gipper was the worst President in my lifetime :thup: [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION]
Reagan: beat inflation at home and beat the USSR abroad.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all.

Well, except most economists give credit to Carter's guy, Volker on the Nixon/Ford inflation thing

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

crusader retard can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:lol::lol::D
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

He didn't you idiot .

tapatalk post
Yup, whatever it is, it's an idiot. Although people have a right to post on a public forum, it escapes me why those so misinformed would bother. I am quite sure if they had an actual persona, they wouldn't.
Clinton was the main reason for 9-11....He was the one that made inter agency sharing of information impossible he also made intelligence gathering impossible by making it illegal to pay informant that might have committed a crime.....As if you get info of terrorists from a saint. You sit there and blame Bush for not doing what ? Shut down all travel? When was he to do that and for how long based on nothing but people saying a terrorist MIGHT at some day hijack a plane?

Too many of you guys are to young to remember what the world was like BEFORE 9-11

I don't think Dad2K3 understands anything other than that his handler gives him a banana if he sccoops up shit from the radical left hate sites, and flings it here.

The monkey HAS NO BRAIN, he cannot carry on a conversation, he can only cut & paste.

In right wing speak, that means I don't buy into right wingers 'reality' where false premises, distortions and lies are King and they have Faux and hate talk radio to feed their disinformation campaign...

yeah the kind they engage in.their handlers are getting frustrated you wont buy into their lies.they will have to check with their bosses on what new lies to post here now.:lol:
I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

He didn't get any warnings, you moron.

"There was . . . an awareness by the government, including the president, of Osama bin Laden and the threat he posed in the United States and around the world," Fleischer said. "That included long-standing speculation about hijacking in the traditional sense, but not involving suicide bombers using airplanes as missiles."

A CIA spokesman said the agency routinely passed on intelligence citing the possibility that al Qaeda might be planning to hijack an airliner as part of a terrorist action against the United States. But a suicide attack involving an aircraft was never envisioned, the spokesman said."
Bush Was Told of Hijacking Dangers (

Pretty specific warning, huh? you know who asked for intelligence briefings?

"The White House said the presidential daily briefing, or PDB, was requested by Bush, who sought information about the possibility of an al Qaeda attack in the United States." - White House releases*bin Laden memo - Apr 12, 2004

Seems like Bush was far more responsible than the oaf in the White House now.....the one who took a nap while Benghazi was under attack.'re not totally can be used as a bad example.

"...information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation officials and national security agencies. ... In a press briefing, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said the threats were very general and did not mention a specific time, place or mode of terrorist attack."'s_Daily_Briefing_Memo_(External_Links)

Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US

Bush listened to the briefing, then told the CIA briefer: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.”

Eichenwald, who says he has "read excerpts from many" of the CIA briefs prepared for Bush which preceded the 8/6/01 warning, details a number of them, and reports that the Bush Administration, and "the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon", were determined to ignore them. They even went so far, he says, as to believe that "the C.I.A. had been fooled."

"According to this theory," Eichenwald writes, "Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat."

"In response," to the months of ignored reports --- including a May 1 briefing warning that "a group presently in the United States" was planning an attack and that, as a June 22 brief noted, an attack by al-Qaeda could be "imminent" --- on June 29, "the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real."

"The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden," that briefing read. It warned that Bin Laden operatives were planning attacks very soon that would have "dramatic consequences" and major casualties.

Another brief from July 1, according to Eichenwald, warns that the operation was delayed, but "will occur soon." On July 9, according to "intelligence I reviewed", says Eichenwald, an extremist linked to al-Qaeda "told his followers that there would soon be very big news." But the report, even after all of the others, still failed launch the White House into action. There were more. All, it seems, were downplayed, marginalized or all but ignored

On September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.

he obviously has reading comprehension problems since pesky facts like that are too complicated for his warped mind to understand.:D
"There was ZERO actionable intel."

Good thing, because after 40+ high level warnings, wouldn't had wanted Dubya to take time out of his fishing schedule to have ONE meeting on 40+ high level warnings from his intell community!

Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” W

How is that actionable, dumbfuck?

You don't know, because you lack the capacity of thought. You're just mindlessly flinging shit.


Good little rightie, doing just what Limpballs ans comp taught you, pick out 1 small detail and leave the rest of it alone

There were more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to September 10, 2001, that related to Bin Ladin. The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is distributed to only a handful of high-level officials

June 29, 2001 "the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real."

September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

and that his buddy Bush told his son to ignore the warnings as well and that all three of them have walked away scott free.
Thats crusader retard for you.:D got to remember,he is a distant cousin fo rayguns so he wont tolerate ONE SINGLE negative word about him. He goes into meltdown mode anytime there is one.:D

You're quite the sleazy little coward. Frightened to confront anyone, but still hiding and pissing yourself, then running to bite ankles. What a pathetic worm you are.
Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.

You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.

as always,censored gets his ass handed to him on a platter and embarrases himself.:D
Good little rightie, doing just what Limpballs ans comp taught you, pick out 1 small detail and leave the rest of it alone

What the fuck is a "Limpballs ans comp," monkey boi?

You really, truly are a retard/

There were more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to September 10, 2001, that related to Bin Ladin. The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is distributed to only a handful of high-level officials

Oh look, more fucking cut & paste from the hate sites. You cannot construct a single sentence on your own - you mindless fuck.

Get thee to a baboonary.
Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.

You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.
That was started by Carter, when Zbigniew Brzezinski famously said, "Now we'll give them their own Vietnam."

Damned if it didn't work! The rest of your drivel is ignorance.

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly

The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy orchestrated and implemented by the United States under the Reagan Administration to oppose the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War. While the doctrine lasted less than a decade, it was the centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the early 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The doctrine was designed to diminish Soviet influence in these regions as part of the administration's overall Cold War strategy.

With the arrival of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative foreign policy think tanks saw a political opportunity to significantly expand Carter's Afghanistan policy into a more global "doctrine", including U.S. support to anti-communist resistance movements in Soviet-allied nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.
That was started by Carter, when Zbigniew Brzezinski famously said, "Now we'll give them their own Vietnam."

Damned if it didn't work! The rest of your drivel is ignorance.

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly

The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy orchestrated and implemented by the United States under the Reagan Administration to oppose the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War. While the doctrine lasted less than a decade, it was the centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the early 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The doctrine was designed to diminish Soviet influence in these regions as part of the administration's overall Cold War strategy.

With the arrival of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative foreign policy think tanks saw a political opportunity to significantly expand Carter's Afghanistan policy into a more global "doctrine", including U.S. support to anti-communist resistance movements in Soviet-allied nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yup. Damned well worked a lot better than Detente. He wisely continued Carter's policy in Afghanistan along with a full-court press which helped unravel the USSR and the old Brezhnev hacks.

You are not as stupid as I thought, but that's not much of a standard.
Last edited:
Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.

We Created Al Qaeda to Fight the Soviets in Afghanistan

Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted on CNN that the U.S. organized and supported Bin Laden and the other originators of “Al Qaeda” in the 1970s to fight the Soviets.

Brzezinski told Al Qaeda’s forefathers – the Mujahadin:

We know of their deep belief in god – that they’re confident that their struggle will succeed. – That land over-there is yours – and you’ll go back to it some day, because your fight will prevail, and you’ll have your homes, your mosques, back again, because your cause is right, and god is on your side.

Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985


Front row, from left: Major Gen. Hamid Gul, director general of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Willian Webster; Deputy Director for Operations Clair George; an ISI colonel; and senior CIA official, Milt Bearden at a Mujahideen training camp in North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan in 1987. (source RAWA)


Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 | Global Research

That was started by Carter, when Zbigniew Brzezinski famously said, "Now we'll give them their own Vietnam."

Damned if it didn't work! The rest of your drivel is ignorance.

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly

The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy orchestrated and implemented by the United States under the Reagan Administration to oppose the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War. While the doctrine lasted less than a decade, it was the centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the early 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The doctrine was designed to diminish Soviet influence in these regions as part of the administration's overall Cold War strategy.

With the arrival of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative foreign policy think tanks saw a political opportunity to significantly expand Carter's Afghanistan policy into a more global "doctrine", including U.S. support to anti-communist resistance movements in Soviet-allied nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yup. Damned well worked a lot better than Detente. He wisely continued Carter's policy in Afghanistan along with a full-court press which helped unravel the USSR and the old Brezhnev hacks.

You are not as stupid as I thought, but that's not much of a standard.

He's more stupid than you thought. He actually thought he was defaming Reagan. He doesn't grasp what it is he posts, he just madly cuts and pastes from the hate sites.
That was started by Carter, when Zbigniew Brzezinski famously said, "Now we'll give them their own Vietnam."

Damned if it didn't work! The rest of your drivel is ignorance.

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly

The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy orchestrated and implemented by the United States under the Reagan Administration to oppose the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War. While the doctrine lasted less than a decade, it was the centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the early 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "roll back" Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The doctrine was designed to diminish Soviet influence in these regions as part of the administration's overall Cold War strategy.

With the arrival of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative foreign policy think tanks saw a political opportunity to significantly expand Carter's Afghanistan policy into a more global "doctrine", including U.S. support to anti-communist resistance movements in Soviet-allied nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yup. Damned well worked a lot better than Detente. He wisely continued Carter's policy in Afghanistan along with a full-court press which helped unravel the USSR and the old Brezhnev hacks.

You are not as stupid as I thought, but that's not much of a standard.

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Monday, March 21, 2011
The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
By Tom Maertens
(A version of this originally appeared in the Mankato, MN Free Press.)

A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration. The campaign was led by Grover Norquist and his “Ronald Reagan Legacy Project,” along with corporate-funded propaganda mills like Heritage and American Enterprise Institute that underwrote hundreds of flattering books to create a mythic hero and perpetual tax-cutter. They singled out Reagan’s 1981 tax cut that lowered top marginal rates from 70% to 28% as the basis for the campaign, leaving out the inconvenient reality that he subsequently raised taxes eleven times, according to former Republican Senator Alan Simpson who “was there.”

The plutocrats idolize Reagan because he cut taxes on the wealthy -- on income, capital gains, interest, and dividends -- and increased taxes on working people, including raising the self-employment (SECA) tax rate by 60%. He made major cuts in Medicaid, food stamps, aid to families with dependent children (AFDC), and school lunch programs. Mark Hertsgaard (On Bended Knee: the Press and the Reagan Presidency) called it arguably the “single greatest government-led transfer of wealth in history, and in the direction of the top two percent;” the number of families living below the poverty line increased by one-third under Reagan. The result is an enduring, entitled class of individuals who believe that work should be taxed, but wealth should not, and probably, like Reagan that ‘The homeless are homeless because they want to be homeless.’ They control the Republican Party.

Their revisionist history makes Reagan into a small-government fiscal conservative, but he actually grew the government by 53% (Mises Institute), increasing military expenditures by 27% and creating another new department, Veterans’ Affairs. He never submitted a balanced budget and ended up tripling the national debt to $3 trillion. His S&L bailout cost 2.4 times more to fix (relative to GDP) than Bush’s financial crisis. The Washington Post reported in Reagan's last year that "In less than a decade, the world's largest creditor nation has become its leading debtor….”

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents. As Tony Judt’s Postwar concluded: “…Washington did not ‘bring down’ Communism – Communism imploded of its own accord.”

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
We Created Al Qaeda to Fight the Soviets in Afghanistan

This is where your lack of a brain really hurts you. You ran off to the hate site and put in keywords to get shit to fling, all the while never grasping that the shit you were loading up was discredited and dismissed long ago.

This is because;

a.) You don't have the intellect to understand the conversation on the board.
b.) You don't have the intellect to grasp the talking points you get from the hate sites.

You really are stupid.
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