Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Bush should have done an FDR and rounded up all Middle Eastern males, amiright Libturds?

Probably should have attacked Saudi instead of Iraq since that's where the majority of hijackers were from right conservatard?


Frank57 needs a reminder. He drank the Raygun kool aid and refuses to take the remedy :(

As to the OP- The Gipper was the worst President in my lifetime :thup: [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION]
Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

He didn't get any warnings, you moron.

"There was . . . an awareness by the government, including the president, of Osama bin Laden and the threat he posed in the United States and around the world," Fleischer said. "That included long-standing speculation about hijacking in the traditional sense, but not involving suicide bombers using airplanes as missiles."

A CIA spokesman said the agency routinely passed on intelligence citing the possibility that al Qaeda might be planning to hijack an airliner as part of a terrorist action against the United States. But a suicide attack involving an aircraft was never envisioned, the spokesman said."
Bush Was Told of Hijacking Dangers (

Pretty specific warning, huh? you know who asked for intelligence briefings?

"The White House said the presidential daily briefing, or PDB, was requested by Bush, who sought information about the possibility of an al Qaeda attack in the United States." - White House releases*bin Laden memo - Apr 12, 2004

Seems like Bush was far more responsible than the oaf in the White House now.....the one who took a nap while Benghazi was under attack.'re not totally can be used as a bad example.

"...information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation officials and national security agencies. ... In a press briefing, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said the threats were very general and did not mention a specific time, place or mode of terrorist attack."'s_Daily_Briefing_Memo_(External_Links)
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Based on what?

"Bin Laden determined to attack?"

Did Clinton have the airlines on high alert? The attack on the WTC under Clinton was using a truck bomb - so a repeat attack by the same group would be assumed to use the same means. After all, it was Al Qaeda who trained Terry Nickles to make the truck bomb used for OKC, with great effect. To Al Qaeda crafted successes, what would have made Bush think that a Kamakazi attack was in the works?

Just because you're a partisan hack and hate him? Seriously, are you fools really this fucking retarded?

Shut down what alert? There was no alert. The fact that you have to lie, demonstrates just how stupid the shit you post is.

He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

You can't put "back in effect" what was never in effect. And read the brief, there is nothing there. Nothing about airlines, nothing about targets, just ethereal reference to the fact that Muslims hate us.



As 2001 began, counterterrorism officials were receiving frequent but fragmentary reports about threats. Indeed, there appeared to be possible threats almost everywhere the United States had interests-including at home.

To understand how the escalation in threat reporting was handled in the summer of 2001, it is useful to understand how threat information in general is collected and conveyed

There were more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to September 10, 2001, that related to Bin Ladin. The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is distributed to only a handful of high-level officials

The Drumbeat Begins

In the spring of 2001, the level of reporting on terrorist threats and planned attacks increased dramatically to its highest level since the millennium alert.

Over the next few weeks, the CIA repeatedly issued warnings-including calls from DCI Tenet to Clarke-that Abu Zubaydah was planning an operation in the near future.

The interagency Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG) that Clarke chaired discussed the Abu Zubaydah reports on April 19.The next day, a briefing to top officials reported "Bin Ladin planning multiple operations." When the deputies discussed al Qaeda policy on April 30, they began with a briefing on the threat.

In May 2001.."Bin Ladin public profile may presage attack" and "Bin Ladin network's plans advancing." In early May, a walk-in to the FBI claimed there was a plan to launch attacks on London, Boston, and New York. Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA on May 15 regarding al Qaeda generally and the current threat reporting specifically. The next day brought a report that a phone call to a U.S. embassy had warned that Bin Ladin supporters were planning an attack in the United States using "high explosives." On May 17, based on the previous day's report, the first item on the CSG's agenda was "UBL: Operation Planned in U.S."

High Probability of Near-Term "Spectacular" Attacks

Threat reports surged in June and July, reaching an even higher peak of urgency.


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

The following is the text of an item from the Presidential Daily Brief received by President George W. Bush on August 6, 2001.37 Redacted material is indicated by brackets.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US

....We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a [-] service in 1998 saying that Bin Ladin wanted to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Shaykh" 'Umar 'Abd al-Rahman and other US-held extremists.

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of Bin Ladin supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

True. Theres also this:

Ashcroft "Didn't Want To Hear Of Al Qaeda" In High Threat Summer Of 2001 | Crooks and Liars
BEN-VENISTE: Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Mr. Pickard, on January 21st of this year you met with our staff. Is that correct?

PICKARD: That's correct.

BEN-VENISTE: And according to our staff report, you told them that in June 2001, you met with Attorney General Ashcroft and he told you that you would be the acting FBI director.

PICKARD: That's correct.

BEN-VENISTE: You had some seven or eight meetings with the attorney general?

PICKARD: Somewhere in that number. I have the exact number, but I don't know the total.

BEN-VENISTE: And according to the statement that our staff took from you, you said that you would start each meeting discussing either counterterrorism or counterintelligence. At the same time the threat level was going up and was very high. Mr. Watson had come to you and said that the CIA was very concerned that there would be an attack. You said that you told the attorney general this fact repeatedly in these meetings. Is that correct?

PICKARD: I told him at least on two occasions.

BEN-VENISTE: And you told the staff according to this statement that Mr. Ashcroft told you that he did not want to hear about this anymore. Is that correct?

PICKARD: That is correct.

(h/t Mike)

Repubs :up: more interested in wars-for-profit (profit for the defense contractors that is) than protecting the homeland :(
I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

Warnings which said nothing. Every man on the street knew the information in the farcical "warnings" that you mindless monkeys chatter about. There was ZERO actionable intel.

Look, you have no mind - you are a cut & paste monkey, without the shit from the hate sites, you are rendered mute.

Look at your idiotic babble, rather than explaining what in this brief could lead to action, you spew IRAQ as a mantra to ward off thought. Iraq is irrelevant to the question of what Bush was supposed to do based on the supposed warnings.

I don't blame Clinton for the first WTC attack. I don't blame Clinton for the Murrah building - because I'm not a fucktard, I'm not just reading idiocy from hate sites and serving the party by flinging shit.

You however, ARE a fucktard, a shit flinging monkey with nothing to contribute.
Stop projecting Bubba, it makes you looks even more ignorant than you probably are!

Come on, tell us why I am wrong? Tell us why you and your shameful party are "liberal," and the defenders of liberty are not?

What's the matter, is flinging shit from the hate sites the ONLY thing you are capable of?


We all know it is.

Hatred and stupidity are the twin pillars of leftism, as you well prove.

Mindless shit from hate sites redacted

And there we have it - you are incapable of thought. You can ONLY cut & paste from the hate sites.

Fucking moron.
Irony, thy name is leftard...

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't
have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

What 40 warnings? Some vague warnings about possible terrorist attacks? Please.. And there was no 8 months. it took the Bush administration extra months to get his administration together because of the FL hanging chad debacle he got a late start. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden lets get that straight.

This one is a feral baboon. You cannot reason with it, for it has no functioning brain. It is only able to scoop up handfuls of shit from the hate sites, and fling them here.
Clinton was the main reason for 9-11....He was the one that made inter agency sharing of information impossible he also made intelligence gathering impossible by making it illegal to pay informant that might have committed a crime.....As if you get info of terrorists from a saint. You sit there and blame Bush for not doing what ? Shut down all travel? When was he to do that and for how long based on nothing but people saying a terrorist MIGHT at some day hijack a plane?

Too many of you guys are to young to remember what the world was like BEFORE 9-11

I don't think Dad2K3 understands anything other than that his handler gives him a banana if he sccoops up shit from the radical left hate sites, and flings it here.

The monkey HAS NO BRAIN, he cannot carry on a conversation, he can only cut & paste.
Bush should have done an FDR and rounded up all Middle Eastern males, amiright Libturds?

Probably should have attacked Saudi instead of Iraq since that's where the majority of hijackers were from right conservatard?


Frank57 needs a reminder. He drank the Raygun kool aid and refuses to take the remedy :(

As to the OP- The Gipper was the worst President in my lifetime :thup: [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION]
Reagan: beat inflation at home and beat the USSR abroad.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all.
Clinton was the main reason for 9-11....He was the one that made inter agency sharing of information impossible he also made intelligence gathering impossible by making it illegal to pay informant that might have committed a crime.....As if you get info of terrorists from a saint. You sit there and blame Bush for not doing what ? Shut down all travel? When was he to do that and for how long based on nothing but people saying a terrorist MIGHT at some day hijack a plane?

Too many of you guys are to young to remember what the world was like BEFORE 9-11

Got it, 40+ HIGH LEVEL warnings to Dubya from Jan 20th Sept 2001, and he held not ONE meeting on it, meant it was Clinton's fault *shaking head*
Probably should have attacked Saudi instead of Iraq since that's where the majority of hijackers were from right conservatard?


Frank57 needs a reminder. He drank the Raygun kool aid and refuses to take the remedy :(

As to the OP- The Gipper was the worst President in my lifetime :thup: [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION]
Reagan: beat inflation at home and beat the USSR abroad.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all.

Well, except most economists give credit to Carter's guy, Volker on the Nixon/Ford inflation thing

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
Clinton was the main reason for 9-11....He was the one that made inter agency sharing of information impossible he also made intelligence gathering impossible by making it illegal to pay informant that might have committed a crime.....As if you get info of terrorists from a saint. You sit there and blame Bush for not doing what ? Shut down all travel? When was he to do that and for how long based on nothing but people saying a terrorist MIGHT at some day hijack a plane?

Too many of you guys are to young to remember what the world was like BEFORE 9-11

I don't think Dad2K3 understands anything other than that his handler gives him a banana if he sccoops up shit from the radical left hate sites, and flings it here.

The monkey HAS NO BRAIN, he cannot carry on a conversation, he can only cut & paste.

In right wing speak, that means I don't buy into right wingers 'reality' where false premises, distortions and lies are King and they have Faux and hate talk radio to feed their disinformation campaign...
I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't
have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

What 40 warnings? Some vague warnings about possible terrorist attacks? Please.. And there was no 8 months. it took the Bush administration extra months to get his administration together because of the FL hanging chad debacle he got a late start. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden lets get that straight.

This one is a feral baboon. You cannot reason with it, for it has no functioning brain. It is only able to scoop up handfuls of shit from the hate sites, and fling them here.

Stop projecting, people will see you as ignorant as your other TP/GOP members...
I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

Warnings which said nothing. Every man on the street knew the information in the farcical "warnings" that you mindless monkeys chatter about. There was ZERO actionable intel.

Look, you have no mind - you are a cut & paste monkey, without the shit from the hate sites, you are rendered mute.

Look at your idiotic babble, rather than explaining what in this brief could lead to action, you spew IRAQ as a mantra to ward off thought. Iraq is irrelevant to the question of what Bush was supposed to do based on the supposed warnings.

I don't blame Clinton for the first WTC attack. I don't blame Clinton for the Murrah building - because I'm not a fucktard, I'm not just reading idiocy from hate sites and serving the party by flinging shit.

You however, ARE a fucktard, a shit flinging monkey with nothing to contribute.

"There was ZERO actionable intel."

Good thing, because after 40+ high level warnings, wouldn't had wanted Dubya to take time out of his fishing schedule to have ONE meeting on 40+ high level warnings from his intell community!

Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” W

Bush listened to the briefing, then told the CIA briefer: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.”

September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.
In right wing speak, that means I don't buy into right wingers 'reality' where false premises, distortions and lies are King and they have Faux and hate talk radio to feed their disinformation campaign...

No, it means you cannot carry on a conversation, you cannot think. Without cut & paste from the hate sites, you have nothing at all.

You truly are an idiot, no cerebral activity detected. You cannot formulate a thought, you can only ape what your masters at the hate sites tell you.
Irony, thy name is leftard...

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

He didn't get any warnings, you moron.

"There was . . . an awareness by the government, including the president, of Osama bin Laden and the threat he posed in the United States and around the world," Fleischer said. "That included long-standing speculation about hijacking in the traditional sense, but not involving suicide bombers using airplanes as missiles."

A CIA spokesman said the agency routinely passed on intelligence citing the possibility that al Qaeda might be planning to hijack an airliner as part of a terrorist action against the United States. But a suicide attack involving an aircraft was never envisioned, the spokesman said."
Bush Was Told of Hijacking Dangers (

Pretty specific warning, huh? you know who asked for intelligence briefings?

"The White House said the presidential daily briefing, or PDB, was requested by Bush, who sought information about the possibility of an al Qaeda attack in the United States." - White House releases*bin Laden memo - Apr 12, 2004

Seems like Bush was far more responsible than the oaf in the White House now.....the one who took a nap while Benghazi was under attack.'re not totally can be used as a bad example.

"...information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation officials and national security agencies. ... In a press briefing, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said the threats were very general and did not mention a specific time, place or mode of terrorist attack."'s_Daily_Briefing_Memo_(External_Links)

Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US

Bush listened to the briefing, then told the CIA briefer: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.”

Eichenwald, who says he has "read excerpts from many" of the CIA briefs prepared for Bush which preceded the 8/6/01 warning, details a number of them, and reports that the Bush Administration, and "the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon", were determined to ignore them. They even went so far, he says, as to believe that "the C.I.A. had been fooled."

"According to this theory," Eichenwald writes, "Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat."

"In response," to the months of ignored reports --- including a May 1 briefing warning that "a group presently in the United States" was planning an attack and that, as a June 22 brief noted, an attack by al-Qaeda could be "imminent" --- on June 29, "the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real."

"The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden," that briefing read. It warned that Bin Laden operatives were planning attacks very soon that would have "dramatic consequences" and major casualties.

Another brief from July 1, according to Eichenwald, warns that the operation was delayed, but "will occur soon." On July 9, according to "intelligence I reviewed", says Eichenwald, an extremist linked to al-Qaeda "told his followers that there would soon be very big news." But the report, even after all of the others, still failed launch the White House into action. There were more. All, it seems, were downplayed, marginalized or all but ignored

On September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.
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