Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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3 farts in a row from you reagan cousin crusader retard.:9::9::9: notice folks again his obsession of reagan being exposed how he always comes on IMMEDIATELY when the truth about reagans corruption is exposed?:D
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So If you win one half of one branch then it's OK to shut down government?
This is not a lame duck period, there has been no election and no one is serving that has not been reelected.
Yup, if your opponent is weak and unwilling to negotiate you damn well impede. That's politics/life.

I refer you to the second definition of "lame duck". Obama has been one effectively for at least 4 years.

: an elected official whose time in an office or position will soon end

: a person, company, etc., that is weak or unsuccessful and needs help

Obama will be a lame duck president when not reelected in the next presidential election, and remain a lame duck until January 20th of the following year. School kids might be watching so....

as always,the reaganut trolls retreat to Obama everytime they are cornered and backed up against the wall with facts they cant refute on reagans clockwork.:lol:

meatheads drugged up MEATHEAD brain at work again.:D
The problem with the GOP is they have the TP extremists like you less than 20% with undue influence over them, not relative to their size, but money backing by those 'populist' Kochs, Heritage, AEI, etc...

The problem with ThinkProgress monkeys is that you can't answer a direct question.

Any question will result in more off-topic talking points. You are nothing but a shit flinging feral baboon, when anyone questions the bullshit you post, you simply hurl and unrelated pile of shit to distract from your non-answer.

Weird how RINO has been used for about 20 years and 'liberal' and moderates have basically been forced out.

Liberals are a solid part of the GOP base. Liberals like me tend to share common cause with Republicans.

As you totalitarian leftists wage your war on civil liberty and free markets, common ground between liberals and the Republicans is found to be vast.

Yeah, I know, the only guys you can run for the national office of Prez isn't the TP flavor, BECAUSE the rest of US don't like your extreme bullshit! Weird how Failin Palin and Ryan 'appealed' to the low informed TP

You of the authoritarian party offer freebies and goodies to the masses, promising to take from others and give to those who want. The issue you face is that you really don't deliver.

Oh sure, food stamps and aid have exploded under leftist rule - we are a dependency society. But for those who seek independence and self-reliance, life under the radical left of Obamunism has been a disaster. The middle has declined under Obama at an alarming rate. Downward mobility is the gift of the Khmer Rouge democrats to the American people.

As trillions of dollars are handed to the top 1% to prop the DOW up to 17K, the middle is treated to unemployment and food stamps, while jobs and entire industries vanish.

speaking of Hoover,as I have said a million times on this thread,thats when america stopped being america and became a facist dictatership again was when Hoover became president.we actually started on that path in 1913 thanks to wilson but Harding and Coolidge-our last great republican president that served the people instead of the bankers,they started to reverse the corruption that wilson got started,then Hoover got in and since then,we have stayed on the course of being a facist dictarship and banana republican ever since.the one lone president who did not go down that path that Hoover and every president since him went down,paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.our last REAL president we had that served the people instead of the bankers.

Bohemian Club

The August 2, 1982 edition of Newsweek magazine reported: "... the world's most prestigious summer camp - the Bohemian Grove - is now in session 75 miles north of San Francisco. The fiercely guarded, 2,700-acre retreat is the country extension of San Francisco's all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged.

With its high-powered clientele, coveted privacy and cabalistic rituals, the Bohemian

I lso noticed to know surprise-never fails,the reaganut worshippers ignored my previous link of reagan and his friend and fellow mass murderer DICK Nixon,photographed at bohemiam grove -the place where mock sacrifices of children go on,ignoring the picture there of nixon and reagan there from 1967.
they always retreat always ignoring that link acting like i never posted it.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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two farts in a row from the disinfo government troll.:9::9:
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How Progressives "Think"

The Coolidge 20's: Couldn't find an unemployed person. Bad! BAD! BAD!

The FDR Depression: 20% average unemployment over his first 2 terms. The Messiah has returned to save Capitalism!!

Pretty fucked in the head, right?

MORE conservative myth making, I'm shocked

You realize the 1920's mirrored Dubya's period right? Cheap and easy credit without regard top regulators or the bubble economy they created?

When the lack of demand (because of low wages) that had been created because of the war interrupted the Harding/Coolidge bubble, ARTIFICIALLY built on the lack of demand of the war period, then the Banksters saw the war bond money and decided to allow the average person to invest by leverage, it popped

FDR? Steady increase every year, until he listened to the GO/conservative deficit hawks in 1937 and cut spending 10% and took US back into the GOP great depression!

The perfect Liberal Total Reality Inverse.

There was no Bubble economy in the 1920's we had at least two transformative technologies: Electricity and mass production driving the economy.

Your "bankster" stuff is just ignorant Marxist spewage

The GOP had NOTHING to do with the FDR Depression, they were bystanders. FDR owns it all

Housing Bubble

The famous stock market bubble of 1925–1929 has been closely analyzed. Less well known, and far less well documented, is the nationwide real estate bubble that began around 1921 and deflated around 1926. In the midst of our current subprime mortgage collapse, economists and historians interested in the role of real estate markets in past financial crises are reexamining the relationship of the first asset-price bubble of the 1920s with the later stock market bubble and the Great Depression that followed.

Bubbles, Panics & Crashes ? Historical Collections ? Harvard Business School

The housing bubble during the Great Depression was caused by overvaluation of properties and easy access to credit.

Sound familiar?

Greater credit availability makes the economy more sensitive to any shocks, according to a recent study by Raghuram Rajan at the University of Chicago and Rodney Ramcharan of the Federal Reserve Board.

In the 1920's, anyone could get a big loan for a farm or a house. But when the markets tanked and people lost their jobs they found they couldn't sell their property for the same value they bought it.

Here's what the study had to say about the effects of easy lending on the economy:

Our evidence suggests that the rise in asset prices and the build-up in associated leverage was so high that bank failures (resulting from farm loan losses) were significantly more in areas with greater ex ante credit availability. Moreover, the areas that had greater credit availability during the commodity price boom had depressed land prices for a number of subsequent decades – probably because farm loan losses resulted in the failure of banks that lent to farmers, and depressed agricultural credit in subsequent decades.

Great Depression Real Estate Bubble - Business Insider


Total debt to GDP levels in the U.S. reached a high of just under 300% by the time of the Depression. This level of debt was not exceeded again until near the end of the 20th century

Causes of the Great Depression

1. Stock Market Crash of 1929

Many believe erroneously that the stock market crash that occurred on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 is one and the same with the Great Depression. In fact, it was one of the major causes that led to the Great Depression.

2. Bank Failures

Throughout the 1930s over 9,000 banks failed. CAN YOU SAY EASY CREDIT AND DEBT

First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point. Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth.

The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets. Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans.

There were fundamental structural weaknesses in the American economic system. Banks operated without guarantees to their customers, creating a climate of panic when times got tough. Few regulations were placed on banks and they lent money to those who speculated recklessly in stocks. Agricultural prices had already been low during the 1920s, leaving farmers unable to spark any sort of recovery.

The Great Depression []

LOL, NATIONAL ECONOMY versus ignoring 40+ PDB's and CIA warnings of an 'imminent attack'?

Exact words; "Osama bin Laden determined to attack." That's it, nothing more.

To you of the Khmer Rouge, that was all the information Bush needed... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Bush Received, Ignored Multiple Warnings of 'Imminent', 'Dramatic' Attack

President Bush was told more than a month before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that supporters of Osama bin Laden planned an attack within the United States with explosives and wanted to hijack airplanes, a government official said Friday.

The warning came in a secret briefing that Mr. Bush received at his ranch in Crawford, Tex., on Aug. 6, 2001. A report by a joint Congressional committee last year alluded to a ''closely held intelligence report'' that month about the threat of an attack by Al Qaeda

"Exact words; "Osama bin Laden determined to attack." That's it, nothing more."


Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Apr 10, 2004

Two months before the hijackings, FBI agents in Phoenix reported their suspicions about Arab students at a Phoenix flight school, and directly referred to the possibility of a connection to bin Laden.

While the famous "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." briefing was released "in response to pressure from the 9/11 Commission, which was investigating the events leading to the attack," Eichenwald reports, and was publicly marginalized by the White House as "an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack," read along with other similar, even more dire, if still-classified warnings, that claim by the Bush White House was absurd.

Eichenwald, who says he has "read excerpts from many" of the CIA briefs prepared for Bush which preceded the 8/6/01 warning, details a number of them, and reports that the Bush Administration, and "the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon", were determined to ignore them. They even went so far, he says, as to believe that "the C.I.A. had been fooled."

"According to this theory," Eichenwald writes, "Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat."

"In response," to the months of ignored reports --- including a May 1 briefing warning that "a group presently in the United States" was planning an attack and that, as a June 22 brief noted, an attack by al-Qaeda could be "imminent" --- on June 29, "the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real."

"The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden," that briefing read. It warned that Bin Laden operatives were planning attacks very soon that would have "dramatic consequences" and major casualties.

Another brief from July 1, according to Eichenwald, warns that the operation was delayed, but "will occur soon." On July 9, according to "intelligence I reviewed", says Eichenwald, an extremist linked to al-Qaeda "told his followers that there would soon be very big news." But the report, even after all of the others, still failed launch the White House into action. There were more. All, it seems, were downplayed, marginalized or all but ignored

9/11 Stunner: Bush Received, Ignored Multiple Warnings of 'Imminent', 'Dramatic' Attack | The BRAD BLOG
The problem with the GOP is they have the TP extremists like you less than 20% with undue influence over them, not relative to their size, but money backing by those 'populist' Kochs, Heritage, AEI, etc...

The problem with ThinkProgress monkeys is that you can't answer a direct question.

Any question will result in more off-topic talking points. You are nothing but a shit flinging feral baboon, when anyone questions the bullshit you post, you simply hurl and unrelated pile of shit to distract from your non-answer.

Weird how RINO has been used for about 20 years and 'liberal' and moderates have basically been forced out.

Liberals are a solid part of the GOP base. Liberals like me tend to share common cause with Republicans.

As you totalitarian leftists wage your war on civil liberty and free markets, common ground between liberals and the Republicans is found to be vast.

Yeah, I know, the only guys you can run for the national office of Prez isn't the TP flavor, BECAUSE the rest of US don't like your extreme bullshit! Weird how Failin Palin and Ryan 'appealed' to the low informed TP

You of the authoritarian party offer freebies and goodies to the masses, promising to take from others and give to those who want. The issue you face is that you really don't deliver.

Oh sure, food stamps and aid have exploded under leftist rule - we are a dependency society. But for those who seek independence and self-reliance, life under the radical left of Obamunism has been a disaster. The middle has declined under Obama at an alarming rate. Downward mobility is the gift of the Khmer Rouge democrats to the American people.

As trillions of dollars are handed to the top 1% to prop the DOW up to 17K, the middle is treated to unemployment and food stamps, while jobs and entire industries vanish.

You're 'liberal'? lol

Sorry Bubba, libertarians are FARRR right wingers on economics and just to ignorant of REAL world facts to be taken seriously. Galting? lol

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls - Bloomberg

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala | New Republic
You think repeating the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT STORY we heard from Jake, Bucs90 and JosefBStalin is going to impress us this time??


Hope you getting paid well for this

I get it you are part of the type that doesn't let facts or data get in your way. TP/GOP was born at the time AFTER Dubya went hog wild on the debt/deficits and spending WHILE gutting revenues, US Corp taxes hit their lowest point in 40 years, US avg tax burden sunk to 1950's lows, but the black guy won so TP came out for 'good fiscal policies' lol

I Loathe and Despise W. I've said that if Dante were still assigning seats to the Inferno W would be down with Brutus, Cassius and Judas as one of history's biggest traitors.

He had a chance to be the next Coolidge, the first time in 70 years we had an opportunity to try freedom but instead he fucked us

Nope, Dubya was pretty much Coolidge for the modern economy, doubled household debt like Coolidge and 'believe in' markets self regulation crap that allowed the Dubya recession!
Bush Received, Ignored Multiple Warnings of 'Imminent', 'Dramatic' Attack

Utter bullshit, you mindless hack.

Bush got

"Bin Laden determined to strike in US"

Nothing actionable - just the fact that Al Qaeda wanted to attack.

You are truly a fucktard - it lessens your effectivity as a demagogue.

Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

These are a few of the titles of the PDB's that are from page 152 of the new book "The Commission".

April 20, 2001. Bin Laden plans multiple terrorist operations.

May 3, 2001. Bin Laden's public profile may presage attacks.

May 23, 2001. Terrorist group said cooperating on US Hostage plot.

May 26, 2001. Bin Laden's networks' plan advancing.

June 23, 2001. bin Laden attacks may be imminent.

June 25, 2001. Bin Laden & associates making near-term threats.

June 30, 2001. bin Laden planning high-profile attacks.

July 2, 2001. Planning for bin Laden attacks continue.

These 8 warnings and 32 other warnings were all ignored.

The infamous August 6, 2001 PDB "Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S. was 12 paragraphs long. The final two paragraphs name New York City as a likely target!

On September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.

VP Rice? Bush/Rice ignored 40 Bin Laden attack warnings.
You're 'liberal'? lol

Yes, I am a liberal. YOU are not - you are a leftist.

Sorry Bubba, libertarians are FARRR right wingers on economics and just to ignorant of REAL world facts to be taken seriously. Galting? lol

You are simply an ignorant baboon.

What, they didn't have talking points on the hate site to tell us all how "liberal" you are? YOU and your shameful party promote authoritarianism. You seek a centralized economy managed by rulers in Washington. You promote speech codes that dictate what people may say and think. You seek to curtail and crush belief systems (except Islam, which you are allied with), as your recent failed attempt to crush the 1st Amendment demonstrates.

Oh, and do you think ANYONE actually takes you seriously? Only some pathetic 9/11 conspiracy whackjob is willing to be associated with you. I don't know which permabanned lefty troll you were before, but obviously your fellow leftists do, and they treat you like the plague.

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Oh boy - completely unrelated talking points from the hate sites. :thup:

As I said, you are unable to communicate. You have no brain, you can only cut and paste stupid shit from the hate sites.

You are a shit flinging feral baboon, nothing more.
You're 'liberal'? lol

Yes, I am a liberal. YOU are not - you are a leftist.

Sorry Bubba, libertarians are FARRR right wingers on economics and just to ignorant of REAL world facts to be taken seriously. Galting? lol

You are simply an ignorant baboon.

What, they didn't have talking points on the hate site to tell us all how "liberal" you are? YOU and your shameful party promote authoritarianism. You seek a centralized economy managed by rulers in Washington. You promote speech codes that dictate what people may say and think. You seek to curtail and crush belief systems (except Islam, which you are allied with), as your recent failed attempt to crush the 1st Amendment demonstrates.

Oh, and do you think ANYONE actually takes you seriously? Only some pathetic 9/11 conspiracy whackjob is willing to be associated with you. I don't know which permabanned lefty troll you were before, but obviously your fellow leftists do, and they treat you like the plague.

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Oh boy - completely unrelated talking points from the hate sites. :thup:

As I said, you are unable to communicate. You have no brain, you can only cut and paste stupid shit from the hate sites.

You are a shit flinging feral baboon, nothing more.

Stop projecting Bubba, it makes you looks even more ignorant than you probably are!
Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.
You're 'liberal'? lol

Yes, I am a liberal. YOU are not - you are a leftist.

You are simply an ignorant baboon.

What, they didn't have talking points on the hate site to tell us all how "liberal" you are? YOU and your shameful party promote authoritarianism. You seek a centralized economy managed by rulers in Washington. You promote speech codes that dictate what people may say and think. You seek to curtail and crush belief systems (except Islam, which you are allied with), as your recent failed attempt to crush the 1st Amendment demonstrates.

Oh, and do you think ANYONE actually takes you seriously? Only some pathetic 9/11 conspiracy whackjob is willing to be associated with you. I don't know which permabanned lefty troll you were before, but obviously your fellow leftists do, and they treat you like the plague.

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Oh boy - completely unrelated talking points from the hate sites. :thup:

As I said, you are unable to communicate. You have no brain, you can only cut and paste stupid shit from the hate sites.

You are a shit flinging feral baboon, nothing more.

Stop projecting Bubba, it makes you looks even more ignorant than you probably are!

Come on, tell us why I am wrong? Tell us why you and your shameful party are "liberal," and the defenders of liberty are not?

What's the matter, is flinging shit from the hate sites the ONLY thing you are capable of?


We all know it is.

Hatred and stupidity are the twin pillars of leftism, as you well prove.
Coolidge had something Reagan never did: Republican majorities in House and Senate.

HW Bush's Disinformation Agent seems to ignore that
Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

THERE HAD BEEN A HIJACK ALERT AND AIRLINES WERE ON A HIGH ALERT. Bush shut down the alert. He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

Based on what?

"Bin Laden determined to attack?"

Did Clinton have the airlines on high alert? The attack on the WTC under Clinton was using a truck bomb - so a repeat attack by the same group would be assumed to use the same means. After all, it was Al Qaeda who trained Terry Nickles to make the truck bomb used for OKC, with great effect. To Al Qaeda crafted successes, what would have made Bush think that a Kamakazi attack was in the works?

Just because you're a partisan hack and hate him? Seriously, are you fools really this fucking retarded?

Bush shut down the alert.

Shut down what alert? There was no alert. The fact that you have to lie, demonstrates just how stupid the shit you post is.

He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

You can't put "back in effect" what was never in effect. And read the brief, there is nothing there. Nothing about airlines, nothing about targets, just ethereal reference to the fact that Muslims hate us.
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