Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Bush should have done an FDR and rounded up all Middle Eastern males, amiright Libturds?

No, Clinton said that "Bin Laden determined to attack," so Bush knew that on September 11, at 8:46 a 757 would crash into the WTC, because "Bin Laden determined to attack." I mean, it's right there, exactly what would happen; any fool knows that "Bin Laden determined to attack" means that 5 airliners would be hijacked on 9/11 - how could he miss it?

So Bush should have "put back" the alert that never exist under Clinton - the one that stopped the Blind Sheik and McVeigh from terrorist attacks....
LOL, NATIONAL ECONOMY versus ignoring 40+ PDB's and CIA warnings of an 'imminent attack'?

Exact words; "Osama bin Laden determined to attack." That's it, nothing more.

To you of the Khmer Rouge, that was all the information Bush needed... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Bush Received, Ignored Multiple Warnings of 'Imminent', 'Dramatic' Attack

President Bush was told more than a month before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that supporters of Osama bin Laden planned an attack within the United States with explosives and wanted to hijack airplanes, a government official said Friday.

The warning came in a secret briefing that Mr. Bush received at his ranch in Crawford, Tex., on Aug. 6, 2001. A report by a joint Congressional committee last year alluded to a ''closely held intelligence report'' that month about the threat of an attack by Al Qaeda

"Exact words; "Osama bin Laden determined to attack." That's it, nothing more."


Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Apr 10, 2004

Two months before the hijackings, FBI agents in Phoenix reported their suspicions about Arab students at a Phoenix flight school, and directly referred to the possibility of a connection to bin Laden.

While the famous "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." briefing was released "in response to pressure from the 9/11 Commission, which was investigating the events leading to the attack," Eichenwald reports, and was publicly marginalized by the White House as "an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack," read along with other similar, even more dire, if still-classified warnings, that claim by the Bush White House was absurd.

Eichenwald, who says he has "read excerpts from many" of the CIA briefs prepared for Bush which preceded the 8/6/01 warning, details a number of them, and reports that the Bush Administration, and "the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon", were determined to ignore them. They even went so far, he says, as to believe that "the C.I.A. had been fooled."

"According to this theory," Eichenwald writes, "Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat."

"In response," to the months of ignored reports --- including a May 1 briefing warning that "a group presently in the United States" was planning an attack and that, as a June 22 brief noted, an attack by al-Qaeda could be "imminent" --- on June 29, "the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real."

"The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden," that briefing read. It warned that Bin Laden operatives were planning attacks very soon that would have "dramatic consequences" and major casualties.

Another brief from July 1, according to Eichenwald, warns that the operation was delayed, but "will occur soon." On July 9, according to "intelligence I reviewed", says Eichenwald, an extremist linked to al-Qaeda "told his followers that there would soon be very big news." But the report, even after all of the others, still failed launch the White House into action. There were more. All, it seems, were downplayed, marginalized or all but ignored

9/11 Stunner: Bush Received, Ignored Multiple Warnings of 'Imminent', 'Dramatic' Attack | The BRAD BLOG

CENSOREDS boss sure pays him a lot of money for these constant ass beatings he gets here everyday.:D:lol: no way in hell would he come here for free for them.uh uh.
I get it you are part of the type that doesn't let facts or data get in your way. TP/GOP was born at the time AFTER Dubya went hog wild on the debt/deficits and spending WHILE gutting revenues, US Corp taxes hit their lowest point in 40 years, US avg tax burden sunk to 1950's lows, but the black guy won so TP came out for 'good fiscal policies' lol

I Loathe and Despise W. I've said that if Dante were still assigning seats to the Inferno W would be down with Brutus, Cassius and Judas as one of history's biggest traitors.

He had a chance to be the next Coolidge, the first time in 70 years we had an opportunity to try freedom but instead he fucked us

Nope, Dubya was pretty much Coolidge for the modern economy, doubled household debt like Coolidge and 'believe in' markets self regulation crap that allowed the Dubya recession!

Dont get crusader retard confused with disinfo agent CENSORED.Retard does hate the Bushs. mostly because of the fact that Bush sr was involved heavily in the assassiantion attempt on his distant cousin and lover Reagan same way LBJ was with JFK so ever since,he has hated the Bushs.thats why he hates Obama as well since he is buddies with the Bushs.
Bush Received, Ignored Multiple Warnings of 'Imminent', 'Dramatic' Attack

Utter bullshit, you mindless hack.

Bush got

"Bin Laden determined to strike in US"

Nothing actionable - just the fact that Al Qaeda wanted to attack.

You are truly a fucktard - it lessens your effectivity as a demagogue.

Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

These are a few of the titles of the PDB's that are from page 152 of the new book "The Commission".

April 20, 2001. Bin Laden plans multiple terrorist operations.

May 3, 2001. Bin Laden's public profile may presage attacks.

May 23, 2001. Terrorist group said cooperating on US Hostage plot.

May 26, 2001. Bin Laden's networks' plan advancing.

June 23, 2001. bin Laden attacks may be imminent.

June 25, 2001. Bin Laden & associates making near-term threats.

June 30, 2001. bin Laden planning high-profile attacks.

July 2, 2001. Planning for bin Laden attacks continue.

These 8 warnings and 32 other warnings were all ignored.

The infamous August 6, 2001 PDB "Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S. was 12 paragraphs long. The final two paragraphs name New York City as a likely target!

On September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.

VP Rice? Bush/Rice ignored 40 Bin Laden attack warnings.

thats why disinfo agent troll CENSOREDS boss pays him the big bucks for his ass beatings he gets from you always you took him to school and he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D dont forget that our CIA funded al-queda as well,I have handed his ass to him on a platter on that too many times to remember in the past as well.:D
You're 'liberal'? lol

Yes, I am a liberal. YOU are not - you are a leftist.

You are simply an ignorant baboon.

What, they didn't have talking points on the hate site to tell us all how "liberal" you are? YOU and your shameful party promote authoritarianism. You seek a centralized economy managed by rulers in Washington. You promote speech codes that dictate what people may say and think. You seek to curtail and crush belief systems (except Islam, which you are allied with), as your recent failed attempt to crush the 1st Amendment demonstrates.

Oh, and do you think ANYONE actually takes you seriously? Only some pathetic 9/11 conspiracy whackjob is willing to be associated with you. I don't know which permabanned lefty troll you were before, but obviously your fellow leftists do, and they treat you like the plague.

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Oh boy - completely unrelated talking points from the hate sites. :thup:

As I said, you are unable to communicate. You have no brain, you can only cut and paste stupid shit from the hate sites.

You are a shit flinging feral baboon, nothing more.

Stop projecting Bubba, it makes you looks even more ignorant than you probably are!

yeah he needs to stop making himself look like the stupid shit he is protecting Bubba just liek crusader retard needs to stop proving what a stupdi shit he is ignoring facts abotu hsi cousin reagan making up lies to protect his him.crusader retards real last name in real life is OBVIOUSLY reagan.:D
Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

THERE HAD BEEN A HIJACK ALERT AND AIRLINES WERE ON A HIGH ALERT. Bush shut down the alert. He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

You're the latest to take disinfo agent troll censored to school on that.His boss is obviously worried the way they keep sending him here to shit all over the floor and try to derail this thread.:D:lol::lol: camp,notice how as always,the subject is turning away from reagans corruption to the corruption of other presidents?:lol:

like clockwork,everytime the reaganuts get frustrated with pesky facts they cant refute,they evade them and change the subject. i wish there was some job out there where they offered you money to predict if the reaganuts would change the subject to other presidents out there.I would make a fortune on that the way they are so simple and easy to predict.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D

Based on what?

"Bin Laden determined to attack?"

Did Clinton have the airlines on high alert? The attack on the WTC under Clinton was using a truck bomb - so a repeat attack by the same group would be assumed to use the same means. After all, it was Al Qaeda who trained Terry Nickles to make the truck bomb used for OKC, with great effect. To Al Qaeda crafted successes, what would have made Bush think that a Kamakazi attack was in the works?

Just because you're a partisan hack and hate him? Seriously, are you fools really this fucking retarded?

Bush shut down the alert.

Shut down what alert? There was no alert. The fact that you have to lie, demonstrates just how stupid the shit you post is.

He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

You can't put "back in effect" what was never in effect. And read the brief, there is nothing there. Nothing about airlines, nothing about targets, just ethereal reference to the fact that Muslims hate us.

So you demand evidence of what is basic knowledge to the whole world, but insist that links be restricted and no cut and paste be allowed. Do you actually expect to be treated seriously? The FAA, FBI and State Department issued a hijack alert on 18 July and the FAA issued another one on 31 July. In addition over 52 FAA security briefings leading up to 9/11 mentioned Bin Laden and al Qaeda by name as hijack threats. The warnings were overwhelming. Everyone who should have known the attack was coming knew the attack was coming.
The question that needs to be answered is why didn't the Bush administration try to stop the attack.
I Loathe and Despise W. I've said that if Dante were still assigning seats to the Inferno W would be down with Brutus, Cassius and Judas as one of history's biggest traitors.

He had a chance to be the next Coolidge, the first time in 70 years we had an opportunity to try freedom but instead he fucked us

Nope, Dubya was pretty much Coolidge for the modern economy, doubled household debt like Coolidge and 'believe in' markets self regulation crap that allowed the Dubya recession!

Dont get crusader retard confused with disinfo agent CENSORED.Retard does hate the Bushs. mostly because of the fact that Bush sr was involved heavily in the assassiantion attempt on his distant cousin and lover Reagan same way LBJ was with JFK so ever since,he has hated the Bushs.thats why he hates Obama as well since he is buddies with the Bushs.

You get paid by the post, right?

Based on what?

"Bin Laden determined to attack?"

Did Clinton have the airlines on high alert? The attack on the WTC under Clinton was using a truck bomb - so a repeat attack by the same group would be assumed to use the same means. After all, it was Al Qaeda who trained Terry Nickles to make the truck bomb used for OKC, with great effect. To Al Qaeda crafted successes, what would have made Bush think that a Kamakazi attack was in the works?

Just because you're a partisan hack and hate him? Seriously, are you fools really this fucking retarded?

Shut down what alert? There was no alert. The fact that you have to lie, demonstrates just how stupid the shit you post is.

He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

You can't put "back in effect" what was never in effect. And read the brief, there is nothing there. Nothing about airlines, nothing about targets, just ethereal reference to the fact that Muslims hate us.

So you demand evidence of what is basic knowledge to the whole world, but insist that links be restricted and no cut and paste be allowed. Do you actually expect to be treated seriously? The FAA, FBI and State Department issued a hijack alert on 18 July and the FAA issued another one on 31 July. In addition over 52 FAA security briefings leading up to 9/11 mentioned Bin Laden and al Qaeda by name as hijack threats. The warnings were overwhelming. Everyone who should have known the attack was coming knew the attack was coming.
The question that needs to be answered is why didn't the Bush administration try to stop the attack.

as always,CENSORED gets his ass handed to him on a platter.:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::udaman: he is going to have to check with his handlers on what kind of b.s to post next in his just know that to be
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Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up
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Yes, I am a liberal. YOU are not - you are a leftist.

You are simply an ignorant baboon.

What, they didn't have talking points on the hate site to tell us all how "liberal" you are? YOU and your shameful party promote authoritarianism. You seek a centralized economy managed by rulers in Washington. You promote speech codes that dictate what people may say and think. You seek to curtail and crush belief systems (except Islam, which you are allied with), as your recent failed attempt to crush the 1st Amendment demonstrates.

Oh, and do you think ANYONE actually takes you seriously? Only some pathetic 9/11 conspiracy whackjob is willing to be associated with you. I don't know which permabanned lefty troll you were before, but obviously your fellow leftists do, and they treat you like the plague.

Oh boy - completely unrelated talking points from the hate sites. :thup:

As I said, you are unable to communicate. You have no brain, you can only cut and paste stupid shit from the hate sites.

You are a shit flinging feral baboon, nothing more.

Stop projecting Bubba, it makes you looks even more ignorant than you probably are!

Come on, tell us why I am wrong? Tell us why you and your shameful party are "liberal," and the defenders of liberty are not?

What's the matter, is flinging shit from the hate sites the ONLY thing you are capable of?


We all know it is.

Hatred and stupidity are the twin pillars of leftism, as you well prove.



Coolidge had something Reagan never did: Republican majorities in House and Senate.

HW Bush's Disinformation Agent seems to ignore that

That's why Reagan only hurt the S&L sector where Texas ate about half the losses. Dubya had a GOP Congress first 6 years, he emulated Harding/Coolidge's garbage, and created the worst thing since the first GOP great depression!

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Got it, you are an ignorant troll who can't refute facts so you must personally keep attacking

Irony, thy name is leftard...

We all know about the August 5, 2001
Presidential Daily Briefing that was titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S." However there were 40 warnings about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda from January, 2001, when Bush became the President, to the 9/11 attacks seven months later, according the new book "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation". President Bush and National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice chose to ignore them all! They didn't hold one high-level meeting about this overwhelming threat!

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't
have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

What 40 warnings? Some vague warnings about possible terrorist attacks? Please.. And there was no 8 months. it took the Bush administration extra months to get his administration together because of the FL hanging chad debacle he got a late start. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden lets get that straight.
Irony, thy name is leftard...

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't
have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

What 40 warnings? Some vague warnings about possible terrorist attacks? Please.. And there was no 8 months. it took the Bush administration extra months to get his administration together because of the FL hanging chad debacle he got a late start. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden lets get that straight.

Got it, You'll stick with the usual right wing crap, false premises, distortions and LIES

Extra months? Weird, Gore conceded a month after the election, you saying Dubya was to stupid to get his team together in a month?' AND the attack was EIGHT months after being sworn in!



Shortly after the September 11 attacks it was revealed that President Clinton had signed a directive authorizing the CIA (and specifically their elite Special Activities Division) to apprehend bin Laden and bring him to the United States to stand trial after the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Africa; if taking bin Laden alive was deemed impossible, then deadly force was authorized

On August 20, 1998, 66 cruise missiles launched by United States Navy ships in the Arabian Sea struck bin Laden's training camps near Khost in Afghanistan, narrowly missing him by a few hours.

In 1999 the CIA, together with Pakistani military intelligence, had prepared a team of approximately 60 Pakistani commandos to infiltrate Afghanistan to capture or kill bin Laden, but the plan was aborted by the 1999 Pakistani coup d'état

in 2000, foreign operatives working on behalf of the CIA had fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a convoy of vehicles in which bin Laden was traveling through the mountains of Afghanistan, hitting one of the vehicles but not the one in which bin Laden was riding

In 2000, prior to the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as "correctly focused on bin Laden", while Robert Oakley criticized their "obsession with Osama"


FLASHBACK: Bush On Bin Laden: ‘I Really Just Don’t Spend That Much Time On Him’

George W. Bush received a presidential daily briefing on Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” W

Bush listened to the briefing, then told the CIA briefer: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.”
Irony, thy name is leftard...

Yes, I know you can cut and paste idiocy from the hate sites.

The problem you have is there is nothing there.

Bin Laden determined to attack.

What do YOU say Bush should have done?

No cut and paste from hate sites, no unrelated spew from KOS, Alternet, or Stormfront - what do YOU claim Bush should have or could have done with the obscure briefing?

You won't answer, you'll just fling more shit, it's all you have the ability to do.

I know, after 40+ warnings in 8 months, he shouldn't
have held a single meeting on it right? Perhaps just go to the ranch? Focus on Iraq? What do you think you Klowns would say if a Dem ignored 4 such warnings, much less 40, even without a specific target? Grow up

What 40 warnings? Some vague warnings about possible terrorist attacks? Please.. And there was no 8 months. it took the Bush administration extra months to get his administration together because of the FL hanging chad debacle he got a late start. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden lets get that straight.

Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US

Eichenwald, who says he has "read excerpts from many" of the CIA briefs prepared for Bush which preceded the 8/6/01 warning, details a number of them, and reports that the Bush Administration, and "the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon", were determined to ignore them. They even went so far, he says, as to believe that "the C.I.A. had been fooled."

"According to this theory," Eichenwald writes, "Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat."

"In response," to the months of ignored reports --- including a May 1 briefing warning that "a group presently in the United States" was planning an attack and that, as a June 22 brief noted, an attack by al-Qaeda could be "imminent" --- on June 29, "the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real."

"The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden," that briefing read. It warned that Bin Laden operatives were planning attacks very soon that would have "dramatic consequences" and major casualties.

Another brief from July 1, according to Eichenwald, warns that the operation was delayed, but "will occur soon." On July 9, according to "intelligence I reviewed", says Eichenwald, an extremist linked to al-Qaeda "told his followers that there would soon be very big news." But the report, even after all of the others, still failed launch the White House into action. There were more. All, it seems, were downplayed, marginalized or all but ignored

On September 4, 2001 Richard Clarke, terrorism czar, wrote an infamous memo to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It asked ‘when are we going to get serious about the al Qaeda threat. Decision makers need to imagine a future day when hundreds of Americans lying dead in several countries including the United States. That future day may happen anytime’. It happened seven days later.
Bush should have done an FDR and rounded up all Middle Eastern males, amiright Libturds?

No, Clinton said that "Bin Laden determined to attack," so Bush knew that on September 11, at 8:46 a 757 would crash into the WTC, because "Bin Laden determined to attack." I mean, it's right there, exactly what would happen; any fool knows that "Bin Laden determined to attack" means that 5 airliners would be hijacked on 9/11 - how could he miss it?

So Bush should have "put back" the alert that never exist under Clinton - the one that stopped the Blind Sheik and McVeigh from terrorist attacks....

Clinton Administration Counter Terrorism Initiative

Bill Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Measures

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton
Anti-Terrorism Bill, Thanks to Lott & Hatch

10-16-01, Since all the republicans want to blame clinton for all the worlds problems these articles should open some eyes. I wonder why the mainstream media or O'Reilly or Rush or FOX news never mention these facts when they blame Clinton for everything ?

7-30-1996, WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton urged Congress Tuesday to act swiftly in developing anti-terrorism legislation before its August recess.

"We need to keep this country together right now. We need to focus on this terrorism issue," Clinton said during a White House news conference.

But while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-terrorism measures.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, doubted that the Senate would rush to action before they recess this weekend. The Senate needs to study all the options, he said, and trying to get it done in the next three days would be tough.

One key GOP senator was more critical, calling a proposed study of chemical markers in explosives "a phony issue."

Taggants value disputed

Clinton said he knew there was Republican opposition to his proposal on explosive taggants, but it should not be allowed to block the provisions on which both parties agree.

"What I urge them to do is to be explicit about their disagreement, but don't let it overcome the areas of agreement," he said.

The president emphasized coming to terms on specific areas of disagreement would help move the legislation along. The president stressed it's important to get the legislation out before the weekend's recess, especially following the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park and the crash of TWA Flight 800.

"The most important thing right now is that they get the best, strongest bill they can out -- that they give us as much help as they can," he said.

Hatch blasts 'phony' issues

Republican leaders earlier met with White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta for about an hour in response to the president's call for "the very best ideas" for fighting terrorism.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, emerged from the meeting and said, "These are very controversial provisions that the White House wants. Some they're not going to get."

Hatch called Clinton's proposed study of taggants -- chemical markers in explosives that could help track terrorists -- "a phony issue."

"If they want to, they can study the thing" already, Hatch asserted. He also said he had some problems with the president's proposals to expand wiretapping.

Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, said it is a mistake if Congress leaves town without addressing anti-terrorism legislation. Daschle is expected to hold a special meeting on the matter Wednesday with Congressional leaders.

April 16, 1996, WASHINGTON (CNN) -- By Friday, the first anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Congress is expected to pass an anti- terrorism bill which addresses some, though not all, of the concerns the bombing raised over Americans' safety.

.... The bill, which would cost $1 billion over four years, also calls for "tagging" plastic explosives to better trace them. The bill calls for a study on tagging methods for other explosives such as fertilizer and black powder. Critics say the study provision is a concession to groups opposed to restrictions on explosive materials.

The Republicans also dropped the additional wire-tap authority the Clinton administration wanted. U.S. Attorney general Janet Reno had asked for "multi-point" tapping of suspected terrorists, who may be using advanced technology to outpace authorities.

Rep. Charles Schumer, D-New York, said technology is giving criminals an advantage. "What the terrorists do is they take one cellular phone, use the number for a few days, throw it out and use a different phone with a different number," he said. "All we are saying is tap the person, not the phone number."

Still, Schumer said the bill is "better than nothing" and should get some Democratic votes.

The measure, which the Senate passed overwhelmingly Wednesday evening, is a watered-down version of the White House's proposal. The Clinton administration has been critical of the bill, calling it too weak.

Note: The senate was controlled by the republicans in 1996. Trent Lott was the majority leader.

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton Anti-Terrorism Bill

"Clinton's advisors met nearly weekly on how to stop bin Laden ...I didn't detect that kind of focus from the Bush adminsitration." Two Star General Donald Kerrick

I will make a bargain with the Republicans.
If they will stop telling lies about Democrats,
we will stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai Stevenson

Based on what?

"Bin Laden determined to attack?"

Did Clinton have the airlines on high alert? The attack on the WTC under Clinton was using a truck bomb - so a repeat attack by the same group would be assumed to use the same means. After all, it was Al Qaeda who trained Terry Nickles to make the truck bomb used for OKC, with great effect. To Al Qaeda crafted successes, what would have made Bush think that a Kamakazi attack was in the works?

Just because you're a partisan hack and hate him? Seriously, are you fools really this fucking retarded?

Bush shut down the alert.

Shut down what alert? There was no alert. The fact that you have to lie, demonstrates just how stupid the shit you post is.

He could have and should have put it back in effect when the top anti terror official in the government told him an attack was imminent.

You can't put "back in effect" what was never in effect. And read the brief, there is nothing there. Nothing about airlines, nothing about targets, just ethereal reference to the fact that Muslims hate us.



As 2001 began, counterterrorism officials were receiving frequent but fragmentary reports about threats. Indeed, there appeared to be possible threats almost everywhere the United States had interests-including at home.

To understand how the escalation in threat reporting was handled in the summer of 2001, it is useful to understand how threat information in general is collected and conveyed

There were more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to September 10, 2001, that related to Bin Ladin. The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is distributed to only a handful of high-level officials

The Drumbeat Begins

In the spring of 2001, the level of reporting on terrorist threats and planned attacks increased dramatically to its highest level since the millennium alert.

Over the next few weeks, the CIA repeatedly issued warnings-including calls from DCI Tenet to Clarke-that Abu Zubaydah was planning an operation in the near future.

The interagency Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG) that Clarke chaired discussed the Abu Zubaydah reports on April 19.The next day, a briefing to top officials reported "Bin Ladin planning multiple operations." When the deputies discussed al Qaeda policy on April 30, they began with a briefing on the threat.

In May 2001.."Bin Ladin public profile may presage attack" and "Bin Ladin network's plans advancing." In early May, a walk-in to the FBI claimed there was a plan to launch attacks on London, Boston, and New York. Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA on May 15 regarding al Qaeda generally and the current threat reporting specifically. The next day brought a report that a phone call to a U.S. embassy had warned that Bin Ladin supporters were planning an attack in the United States using "high explosives." On May 17, based on the previous day's report, the first item on the CSG's agenda was "UBL: Operation Planned in U.S."

High Probability of Near-Term "Spectacular" Attacks

Threat reports surged in June and July, reaching an even higher peak of urgency.


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

The following is the text of an item from the Presidential Daily Brief received by President George W. Bush on August 6, 2001.37 Redacted material is indicated by brackets.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US

....We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a [-] service in 1998 saying that Bin Ladin wanted to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Shaykh" 'Umar 'Abd al-Rahman and other US-held extremists.

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of Bin Ladin supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
Clinton was the main reason for 9-11....He was the one that made inter agency sharing of information impossible he also made intelligence gathering impossible by making it illegal to pay informant that might have committed a crime.....As if you get info of terrorists from a saint. You sit there and blame Bush for not doing what ? Shut down all travel? When was he to do that and for how long based on nothing but people saying a terrorist MIGHT at some day hijack a plane?

Too many of you guys are to young to remember what the world was like BEFORE 9-11
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