Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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"There was ZERO actionable intel."

Good thing, because after 40+ high level warnings, wouldn't had wanted Dubya to take time out of his fishing schedule to have ONE meeting on 40+ high level warnings from his intell community!

Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” W

How is that actionable, dumbfuck?

You don't know, because you lack the capacity of thought. You're just mindlessly flinging shit.

Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.
Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.

You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.
Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.

You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.
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Frank57 needs a reminder. He drank the Raygun kool aid and refuses to take the remedy :(

As to the OP- The Gipper was the worst President in my lifetime :thup: [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION]
Reagan: beat inflation at home and beat the USSR abroad.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all.

Well, except most economists give credit to Carter's guy, Volker on the Nixon/Ford inflation thing

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan



You can't spin the truth FuckWad
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You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.

Again, your rulers are lying to you. Osama bin Laden got no "foot" in Afghanistan and was expelled after the Soviet withdrawal. bin Laden fled to the Sudan, where he stayed until 1996, after his attempt to assassinate Egyptian president Mubarak (which Barack Obama later succeeded at.) bin Laden fled to Somalia, where he sought refuge from the Taliban, who had defeated the old Mujahideen and wrested control of Afghanistan. He then went to Afghanistan.

So facts are exactly the opposite of what you claim; the group funded by Reagan drove Osama OUT of Afghanistan, but the group indirectly funded by Clinton brought him back.

Hey, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright or well informed, now are you?
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You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.

Again, your rulers are lying to you. Osama bin Laden got no "foot" in Afghanistan and was expelled after the Soviet withdrawal. bin Laden fled to the Sudan, where he stayed until 1996, after his attempt to assassinate Egyptian president Mubarak (which Barack Obama later succeeded at.) bin Laden fled to Somalia, where he sought refuge from the Taliban, who had defeated the old Mujahideen and wrested control of Afghanistan.

So facts are exactly the opposite of what you claim; the group funded by Reagan drove Osama OUT of Afghanistan, but the group indirectly funded by Clinton brought him back.

Hey, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright or well informed, now are you?

Where does all that come from? Can you provide any sources or links. Sometimes links are difficult, but have you based these things on a book or something you have read?
American history is taught by our enemies; Progressives who lie about FDR's greatness, LBJ's Civil Rights Record, McCarthy's Red Scare and Reagan's extraordinary record.
You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.

Again, your rulers are lying to you. Osama bin Laden got no "foot" in Afghanistan and was expelled after the Soviet withdrawal. bin Laden fled to the Sudan, where he stayed until 1996, after his attempt to assassinate Egyptian president Mubarak (which Barack Obama later succeeded at.) bin Laden fled to Somalia, where he sought refuge from the Taliban, who had defeated the old Mujahideen and wrested control of Afghanistan.

So facts are exactly the opposite of what you claim; the group funded by Reagan drove Osama OUT of Afghanistan, but the group indirectly funded by Clinton brought him back.

Hey, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright or well informed, now are you?

Where does all that come from? Can you provide any sources or links. Sometimes links are difficult, but have you based these things on a book or something you have read?

Here's a hint, he's full of shit.
Urban Terrorism: Myths and Realities - N. C. Asthana, Anjali Nirmal - Google Books
You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

bin Laden (bin is a title and not capitalized) was a foreign fighter, who actually never fought. He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.

Ah, conspiracy theories, how fun.

Of course there is no evidence that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was funded by the CIA, and he was warring against the main Muja far more than fighting Soviets from the start. He too fled after the Soviet defeat, back to Pakistan from where he came. Reemerging with bin Laden after the Taliban bloody coup.
You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.

Again, your rulers are lying to you. Osama bin Laden got no "foot" in Afghanistan and was expelled after the Soviet withdrawal. bin Laden fled to the Sudan, where he stayed until 1996, after his attempt to assassinate Egyptian president Mubarak (which Barack Obama later succeeded at.) bin Laden fled to Somalia, where he sought refuge from the Taliban, who had defeated the old Mujahideen and wrested control of Afghanistan.

So facts are exactly the opposite of what you claim; the group funded by Reagan drove Osama OUT of Afghanistan, but the group indirectly funded by Clinton brought him back.

Hey, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright or well informed, now are you?

Where does all that come from? Can you provide any sources or links. Sometimes links are difficult, but have you based these things on a book or something you have read?

You're kidding me, right?

Al-Qaeda involvement in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Again, your rulers are lying to you. Osama bin Laden got no "foot" in Afghanistan and was expelled after the Soviet withdrawal. bin Laden fled to the Sudan, where he stayed until 1996, after his attempt to assassinate Egyptian president Mubarak (which Barack Obama later succeeded at.) bin Laden fled to Somalia, where he sought refuge from the Taliban, who had defeated the old Mujahideen and wrested control of Afghanistan.

So facts are exactly the opposite of what you claim; the group funded by Reagan drove Osama OUT of Afghanistan, but the group indirectly funded by Clinton brought him back.

Hey, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright or well informed, now are you?

Where does all that come from? Can you provide any sources or links. Sometimes links are difficult, but have you based these things on a book or something you have read?

Here's a hint, he's full of shit.
Urban Terrorism: Myths and Realities - N. C. Asthana, Anjali Nirmal - Google Books

Uh sploogy, nothing in your link contradicts what I posted.... It confirms Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia, as I posted, and after the Afghan war, bin Laden fled to Sudan to pursue Jihad.

Can you say "fail?" I knew you could....
Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

Most of you are just stupid, a few are shameless liars.

The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance. The Taliban arose from Pakistan, the "great democracy" funded and promoted by Clinton. (And later, that idiot Bush funded them as well.) Al Qaeda came out of Saudi Arabia. What you fucktard Communists are not told by your rulers is not one dime of U.S. funds EVER went to bin Laden - not one bullet or gun - not ever. What your rulers won't tell you - because they need your stupid an pliable, is that the whole reason rich boy bin Laden was allowed to fight with the Mujahideen was that he had money and could buy weapons.

You can spin this anyway you like but the fact of the matter is that Reagan provided material support to Islamic militants to undermined the Soviets giving the same Islamic militants which included Bin Laden, a foothold in Afghanistan for which the rest is history. Sorry to break it to you bud, but blowback is a bitch.
That was started by Carter, when Zbigniew Brzezinski famously said, "Now we'll give them their own Vietnam."

Damned if it didn't work! The rest of your drivel is ignorance.
You are just wrong. The Mujahideen were not just the tribes of the north that eventually formed the northern alliance. Bin Laden was part of the Mujahideen.

bin Laden (bin is a title and not capitalized) was a foreign fighter, who actually never fought. He was allowed to be with the Mujahideen PURELY because he had money. At the end of the war, he was shown the door.

Bin Laden was associated and allied with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. That is the CIA Bin Laden connection.

Ah, conspiracy theories, how fun.

Of course there is no evidence that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was funded by the CIA, and he was warring against the main Muja far more than fighting Soviets from the start. He too fled after the Soviet defeat, back to Pakistan from where he came. Reemerging with bin Laden after the Taliban bloody coup.

So does the capitalization rule about bin not needing to be capitalized supersede the rule about the first word in a sentence needing to be capitalized?

And you still haven't said where you got all this stuff. I think I saw a wikipedia thing. Is that all of it? A basically off topic wikipedia thing?
So does the capitalization rule about bin not needing to be capitalized supersede the rule about the first word in a sentence needing to be capitalized?

And you still haven't said where you got all this stuff. I think I saw a wikipedia thing. Is that all of it? A basically off topic wikipedia thing?

Wiki just shows how common the information is.

The "bin" thing is an Arabic deal, sort of "from the tribe."
Afghanistan under Soviet rule

Afghanistan under Taliban rule

Wow. Such freedom. So Liberated.
Clinton was the main reason for 9-11....He was the one that made inter agency sharing of information impossible he also made intelligence gathering impossible by making it illegal to pay informant that might have committed a crime.....As if you get info of terrorists from a saint. You sit there and blame Bush for not doing what ? Shut down all travel? When was he to do that and for how long based on nothing but people saying a terrorist MIGHT at some day hijack a plane?

Too many of you guys are to young to remember what the world was like BEFORE 9-11

Got it, 40+ HIGH LEVEL warnings to Dubya from Jan 20th Sept 2001, and he held not ONE meeting on it, meant it was Clinton's fault *shaking head*

the paid trolls are out in full force now getting worried the truth about reagan is being exposed.:D
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

Some of us are pissed off that he equipped, trained and funded the group that attacked the US on 9/11.

He didn't you idiot .

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