Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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When Obama was elected the Republicans announced their goal. shut down the government, and to that end Republicans have been fairly successful. It seems like this tactic to shut down government if not elected, is not good for the nation. Will it now become a Democratic tactic also? Should we now expect this shut-down-the-government after every election?
Is the answer to this shut-down-the-government to only elect Republicans in the future?
Why can't Republicans just win elections on their own and not shut down the country?
You can't shut down the country, as you put it, if you haven't won elections.

Obama's pretty much fudged up everything he's touched. The sense of shutting down government is pretty sound. If you expect anything else in a lame-duck period, you're going to be disappointed.

So If you win one half of one branch then it's OK to shut down government?
This is not a lame duck period, there has been no election and no one is serving that has not been reelected.
Yup, if your opponent is weak and unwilling to negotiate you damn well impede. That's politics/life.

I refer you to the second definition of "lame duck". Obama has been one effectively for at least 4 years.

: an elected official whose time in an office or position will soon end

: a person, company, etc., that is weak or unsuccessful and needs help
How Progressives "Think"

The Coolidge 20's: Couldn't find an unemployed person. Bad! BAD! BAD!

The FDR Depression: 20% average unemployment over his first 2 terms. The Messiah has returned to save Capitalism!!

Pretty fucked in the head, right?
Funny how Reagan could work with Congress...Clinton could work with Congress...Bush could work with Congress...but Obama can't and it's all the fault of Congress!

Even funnier is that we DIDN'T elect Mitt Romney who had a proven track record of working across the aisle when he was a Republican Governor in a solidly Democratic State.

Got it, Clinton the guy who the GOP fought EVERY step of the way, 'worked with' the GOP Congress *shaking head*

Shows how extreme the GOP has become the past 20 years

Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges.

“Both sides do it” or “There is plenty of blame to go around” are the traditional refuges for an American news media intent on proving its lack of bias, while political scientists prefer generality and neutrality when discussing partisan polarization. Many self-styled bipartisan groups, in their search for common ground, propose solutions that move both sides to the center, a strategy that is simply untenable when one side is so far out of reach.

It is clear that the center of gravity in the Republican Party has shifted sharply to the right. Its once-legendary moderate and center-right legislators in the House and the Senate — think Bob Michel, Mickey Edwards, John Danforth, Chuck Hagel — are virtually extinct.

The post-McGovern Democratic Party, by contrast, while losing the bulk of its conservative Dixiecrat contingent in the decades after the civil rights revolution, has retained a more diverse base.

Let?s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

You really believe the R party is extremist? Really?

Do you get your information from MSLSD and the DNC (pretty much one in the same).

Apparently if an R congress does not rubber stamp everything your Messiah demands, they are to be considered extreme.

The R party is a progressive party...apparently not progressive enough for you though.

The problem with the GOP is they have the TP extremists like you less than 20% with undue influence over them, not relative to their size, but money backing by those 'populist' Kochs, Heritage, AEI, etc...

Weird how RINO has been used for about 20 years and 'liberal' and moderates have basically been forced out. Yeah, I know, the only guys you can run for the national office of Prez isn't the TP flavor, BECAUSE the rest of US don't like your extreme bullshit! Weird how Failin Palin and Ryan 'appealed' to the low informed TP
Got it, Clinton the guy who the GOP fought EVERY step of the way, 'worked with' the GOP Congress *shaking head*

Shows how extreme the GOP has become the past 20 years

Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges.

“Both sides do it” or “There is plenty of blame to go around” are the traditional refuges for an American news media intent on proving its lack of bias, while political scientists prefer generality and neutrality when discussing partisan polarization. Many self-styled bipartisan groups, in their search for common ground, propose solutions that move both sides to the center, a strategy that is simply untenable when one side is so far out of reach.

It is clear that the center of gravity in the Republican Party has shifted sharply to the right. Its once-legendary moderate and center-right legislators in the House and the Senate — think Bob Michel, Mickey Edwards, John Danforth, Chuck Hagel — are virtually extinct.

The post-McGovern Democratic Party, by contrast, while losing the bulk of its conservative Dixiecrat contingent in the decades after the civil rights revolution, has retained a more diverse base.

Let?s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

You really believe the R party is extremist? Really?

Do you get your information from MSLSD and the DNC (pretty much one in the same).

Apparently if an R congress does not rubber stamp everything your Messiah demands, they are to be considered extreme.

The R party is a progressive party...apparently not progressive enough for you though.

The problem with the GOP is they have the TP extremists like you less than 20% with undue influence over them, not relative to their size, but money backing by those 'populist' Kochs, Heritage, AEI, etc...

Weird how RINO has been used for about 20 years and 'liberal' and moderates have basically been forced out. Yeah, I know, the only guys you can run for the national office of Prez isn't the TP flavor, BECAUSE the rest of US don't like your extreme bullshit! Weird how Failin Palin and Ryan 'appealed' to the low informed TP

You think repeating the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT STORY we heard from Jake, Bucs90 and JosefBStalin is going to impress us this time??


Hope you getting paid well for this
So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?

Funny, you hack Communists blame Bush for 9/11, when he was in office less than 8 months.

But then, you're not rational, you are a paid demagogue.

LOL, NATIONAL ECONOMY versus ignoring 40+ PDB's and CIA warnings of an 'imminent attack'?

George W. Bush and the Aug. 6, 2001, PDB
Bush to briefer: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."

Dude crusader retard IS correct that Hoover is to blame for that.Calvin Coolidge was our last decent republican president we had.the last one who wasnt corrupt and evil who served the people. Crusader retard is right about that.he just lives in denial that Reagan at the time was the most corrupt president we ever had till the rest of them afterwards started topping him and I see you STILL havent watch that video The Obama deception yet.:cuckoo: Looks like I am going tohave to ask THE LIQ since i cant get an answer from you on that,

Hoover is indeed to blame for that indeed..Harding and Coolidge had us on the right track and Hoover came and wrecked the economy.thats a historic fact.Every president since Hoover other than JFK was a puppet for the bankers and served them. american became a facist dictatership once Hoover got in office.we never recoverd after that,

So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?

The 20's were a failure?


What I love about you paid Progressive Talking Points Spewers is there's no end to the lies you must tell. If you had any shame or brains, you'd be embarrassed

Yep for most everyone when it ended, you know like Bush's ponzi scheme too?
So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?

The 20's were a failure?


What I love about you paid Progressive Talking Points Spewers is there's no end to the lies you must tell. If you had any shame or brains, you'd be embarrassed

Yep for most everyone when it ended, you know like Bush's ponzi scheme too?

You mean after the Fed decided to strangle the US economy, right?

You mean under Hoover and not Coolidge right?
How Progressives "Think"

The Coolidge 20's: Couldn't find an unemployed person. Bad! BAD! BAD!

The FDR Depression: 20% average unemployment over his first 2 terms. The Messiah has returned to save Capitalism!!

Pretty fucked in the head, right?

MORE conservative myth making, I'm shocked

You realize the 1920's mirrored Dubya's period right? Cheap and easy credit without regard top regulators or the bubble economy they created?

When the lack of demand (because of low wages) that had been created because of the war interrupted the Harding/Coolidge bubble, ARTIFICIALLY built on the lack of demand of the war period, then the Banksters saw the war bond money and decided to allow the average person to invest by leverage, it popped

FDR? Steady increase every year, until he listened to the GO/conservative deficit hawks in 1937 and cut spending 10% and took US back into the GOP great depression!
The 20's were a failure?


What I love about you paid Progressive Talking Points Spewers is there's no end to the lies you must tell. If you had any shame or brains, you'd be embarrassed

Yep for most everyone when it ended, you know like Bush's ponzi scheme too?

You mean after the Fed decided to strangle the US economy, right?

You mean under Hoover and not Coolidge right?

Yeah, same as Obama did right? NOT that US household debt doubled in 7 years under Dubya, he stripped the US treasury of trillions AS he went o wars AND gave US a Medicare expansion that was UNFUNDED and costs as much as Obamacares this decade according to the CBO, no, it's ALWAYS the guy needing to clean up the 'laizze affair' garbage (or closest to it) that gets the blame from low informed ideologues like you!
You really believe the R party is extremist? Really?

Do you get your information from MSLSD and the DNC (pretty much one in the same).

Apparently if an R congress does not rubber stamp everything your Messiah demands, they are to be considered extreme.

The R party is a progressive party...apparently not progressive enough for you though.

The problem with the GOP is they have the TP extremists like you less than 20% with undue influence over them, not relative to their size, but money backing by those 'populist' Kochs, Heritage, AEI, etc...

Weird how RINO has been used for about 20 years and 'liberal' and moderates have basically been forced out. Yeah, I know, the only guys you can run for the national office of Prez isn't the TP flavor, BECAUSE the rest of US don't like your extreme bullshit! Weird how Failin Palin and Ryan 'appealed' to the low informed TP

You think repeating the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT STORY we heard from Jake, Bucs90 and JosefBStalin is going to impress us this time??


Hope you getting paid well for this

I get it you are part of the type that doesn't let facts or data get in your way. TP/GOP was born at the time AFTER Dubya went hog wild on the debt/deficits and spending WHILE gutting revenues, US Corp taxes hit their lowest point in 40 years, US avg tax burden sunk to 1950's lows, but the black guy won so TP came out for 'good fiscal policies' lol
exactly.:eusa_clap: also the religious views that were told to us by the controlled media and what they ACTUALLy were are like night and day.The religious views of reagan that were crammed down our throuts were that he has a god fearing christian.he fooled people very well in that by wanting prayer in school.But this was the REAL Ronnies religious views.

Ronald Reagan: No Hero

Much of the activity of the Reagan years can be explained by the fact that Ronnie and Nancy were devout supporters of Satanists. So devout that they insisted the head of the satanic Temple of Set, Colonel Michael Aquino, visit the White House wearing his satanic high-priest robe. With Reagan's support Aquino was able to get Satanism recognized as a protected religious belief in the military. Aquino was investigated by the military as well as the San Francisco Police Dept. when children identified him as head of a "Devil Worship Club" that ritually molested, murdered and cannibalized children. The court document notes that several members of the Army thought there was probable cause to "Title" Aquino with offenses of indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing - but the case was dismissed under pressure from the highest levels.

Daughter Maureen Reagan was close to Larry King, head of the failed Franklin Community Credit Union, Republican darling and leader of a child abduction, pornography and prostitution ring. Larry King was well known in the 1980's for his lavish parties attended by Republican power-elite. Less well known was the fact that some of his events came with party favors of child sex-slaves. King was involved with the satanic CIA child abduction and mind control program that kidnapped Johnny Gosch while he was delivering newspapers.

The June 29, 1989 Washington Times ran an article under the headlines of "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,'' with the kicker "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The article said that "A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite."

When the FBI and Omaha police refused to investigate allegations against King, the Nebraska State Legislature conducted an investigation that uncovered a satanic criminal trail that led to the what longtime CIA Director William Colby called "the highest levels." Fifteen of the people involved in the investigation died under mysterious circumstance, included William Colby - who was acting as a consultant to the investigation. King was ultimately convicted of fraud for his part in the theft of over $40 million from the credit union and served five years in prison but was never convicted of his more heinous offences.

The Republican party kept King in its innermost circle even after his indictment. He sang the Star Spangled Banner at the Republican National Convention in 1988 while under investigation. It wasn't until his arrest that the Republican party finally turned its back on him.

In 1998 & 1999, a U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, heard testimony in the case of Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King in which Bonacci charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring liked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment. Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, in Federal prison at the time, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

America's worst financial disaster since the Great Depression occured under Reagan with the collapse of the Savings & Loan system. Nearly $500 billion was looted from thousands of Savings & Loans by a criminal ring that included the Mafia, CIA and the Bush family. Neil Bush was involved in the collapse of Silverado Savings & Loan but never served any jail time. By the time the Federal government and elite is done milking the scam further, US taxpayers will have paid well over a trillion dollars.

The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978 Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of Reagan era documents. Given that Reagan lacked the intelligence to carry out some of the more elaborate crimes, the records are likely to shed light on the true role of the Bush crime family.

Let us remember Reagan as he really was...

Mass murderer
Supporter of abortion
War criminal
Traitor of the American people
Destroyer of freedom
Destroyer of the environment
Corporate whore
Supporter of Satanists and child murderers
While Reagan may have not been entirely aware of what he was doing and how his decisions would impact the world, he was also much more sinister than the media has portrayed him.

this link here is along read but it exposes the REAL ronald reagan though.its well worth the read.

A Despository of Information: Ronald Reagan

whats really funny though is the foolish sheep who hate obama so much but love reagan.Like alex jones says so well in this link,Obama has done everything that reagan did.reagan was a far better actor though so he fooled people better than obozo does.

» The Great Reagan Legacy? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hey Dad,this was the only post of mine I noticed you dit not comment on,did you read through it and the links as well? I know the reaganut worshippers wont so I hope you at least will.thanks.

Read about a dozen books on the misery of Reagan/Reaganomics, I have a minor in history, I recognize the horrors of the conservatives/libertarians policies!

You can't shut down the country, as you put it, if you haven't won elections.

Obama's pretty much fudged up everything he's touched. The sense of shutting down government is pretty sound. If you expect anything else in a lame-duck period, you're going to be disappointed.

So If you win one half of one branch then it's OK to shut down government?
This is not a lame duck period, there has been no election and no one is serving that has not been reelected.
Yup, if your opponent is weak and unwilling to negotiate you damn well impede. That's politics/life.

I refer you to the second definition of "lame duck". Obama has been one effectively for at least 4 years.

: an elected official whose time in an office or position will soon end

: a person, company, etc., that is weak or unsuccessful and needs help

Obama will be a lame duck president when not reelected in the next presidential election, and remain a lame duck until January 20th of the following year. School kids might be watching so....
Interesting concept...correct me if I'm wrong, Joe...but last time I checked, it's Congress that controls the purse's Congress that controls spending. So if Reagan was working with Tip O'Neil for the bulk of his Presidency...wouldn't that mean that Democrats controlled spending just as much as Dutch Reagan?

Or are you trying to make the point that Tip O'Neal and his fellow Democrats just rubber stamped anything that Reagan wanted?

So it's NOT the Prez policy (Obama) that matters but Congress? PLEASE make up your mind. Reagan had a GOP Senate for 6 years too, Dems?

love the hypocrisy of trollstyle.:D:lol:
So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?

Funny, you hack Communists blame Bush for 9/11, when he was in office less than 8 months.

But then, you're not rational, you are a paid demagogue.

LOL, NATIONAL ECONOMY versus ignoring 40+ PDB's and CIA warnings of an 'imminent attack'?

George W. Bush and the Aug. 6, 2001, PDB
Bush to briefer: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."


Today, 10:26 AM
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View Post Today, 10:43 AM
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five farts in a row from the disinfo trolls.:D:9::9::9::9::9:
How Progressives "Think"

The Coolidge 20's: Couldn't find an unemployed person. Bad! BAD! BAD!

The FDR Depression: 20% average unemployment over his first 2 terms. The Messiah has returned to save Capitalism!!

Pretty fucked in the head, right?

MORE conservative myth making, I'm shocked

You realize the 1920's mirrored Dubya's period right? Cheap and easy credit without regard top regulators or the bubble economy they created?

When the lack of demand (because of low wages) that had been created because of the war interrupted the Harding/Coolidge bubble, ARTIFICIALLY built on the lack of demand of the war period, then the Banksters saw the war bond money and decided to allow the average person to invest by leverage, it popped

FDR? Steady increase every year, until he listened to the GO/conservative deficit hawks in 1937 and cut spending 10% and took US back into the GOP great depression!

The perfect Liberal Total Reality Inverse.

There was no Bubble economy in the 1920's we had at least two transformative technologies: Electricity and mass production driving the economy.

Your "bankster" stuff is just ignorant Marxist spewage

The GOP had NOTHING to do with the FDR Depression, they were bystanders. FDR owns it all
Today, 10:26 AM
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View Post Today, 10:43 AM
Remove user from ignore listCrusaderFrank

five farts in a row from the disinfo trolls.:D:9::9::9::9::9:

Tell your Boss HW Bush, he should go fuck himself
The problem with the GOP is they have the TP extremists like you less than 20% with undue influence over them, not relative to their size, but money backing by those 'populist' Kochs, Heritage, AEI, etc...

Weird how RINO has been used for about 20 years and 'liberal' and moderates have basically been forced out. Yeah, I know, the only guys you can run for the national office of Prez isn't the TP flavor, BECAUSE the rest of US don't like your extreme bullshit! Weird how Failin Palin and Ryan 'appealed' to the low informed TP

You think repeating the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT STORY we heard from Jake, Bucs90 and JosefBStalin is going to impress us this time??


Hope you getting paid well for this

I get it you are part of the type that doesn't let facts or data get in your way. TP/GOP was born at the time AFTER Dubya went hog wild on the debt/deficits and spending WHILE gutting revenues, US Corp taxes hit their lowest point in 40 years, US avg tax burden sunk to 1950's lows, but the black guy won so TP came out for 'good fiscal policies' lol

I Loathe and Despise W. I've said that if Dante were still assigning seats to the Inferno W would be down with Brutus, Cassius and Judas as one of history's biggest traitors.

He had a chance to be the next Coolidge, the first time in 70 years we had an opportunity to try freedom but instead he fucked us
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