Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Yes, because we are so much better off with all those crazy Jihadists Reagan Armed to fight them.

THERE we go.Maybe NOW we can get back to the topic of this thread.The corruption run by that evil traiterous bastard Ronald Reagan.I'm probably hoping for too much here though.:D

Well, what more can be said, and why bother? Nothing sticks to the teflon president, and posters will continue to fart in here.


No, those people liberated themselves. And then some of them like the Poles voted the Communists back in when the Free Market guys couldn't produce services.

Ray-Gun had nothing to do with it.

Reagan openly challenged Soviet Communism and vowed to defeat them.

Some people, like JoeB, love being slaves -- and hate Reagan

Actually, I loved Reagan at the time. Campaigned for him and voted for him.

Now I have the benefit of hindsight and perspective.

The point was, Reagan "challenging" the USSR had nothing to do with why it fell. It fell because ultimately, it was stuck with the same design flaw the Tsarist Russian Empire had.

Too few Russians ruling over too few not-Russians. After a certain point, the Russians just didn't think it was worth the bother anymore.

who couldnt love reagan back then? it was easy to fall for his charm and charisma and the facts of his corruption were suppressed from us by the CIA controlled media back then of course.
Reagan liberated whole countries from Soviet Communism; freeing hundreds of millions of people from its crushing, dehumanizing oppression

No, those people liberated themselves. And then some of them like the Poles voted the Communists back in when the Free Market guys couldn't produce services.

Ray-Gun had nothing to do with it.

Crusader Retard is obviously a close cousin of rayguns so he of course is going to make up lies about his distant cousin so he can remain in denial and continue living in this fantasyworld he lives in.
Reagan liberated whole countries from Soviet Communism; freeing hundreds of millions of people from its crushing, dehumanizing oppression

No, those people liberated themselves. And then some of them like the Poles voted the Communists back in when the Free Market guys couldn't produce services.

Ray-Gun had nothing to do with it.

Crusader Retard is obviously a close cousin of rayguns so he of course is going to make up lies about his distant cousin so he can remain in denial and continue living in this fantasyworld he lives in.

You are proof that the youth in this country a bordering on retarded
No, those people liberated themselves. And then some of them like the Poles voted the Communists back in when the Free Market guys couldn't produce services.

Ray-Gun had nothing to do with it.

Crusader Retard is obviously a close cousin of rayguns so he of course is going to make up lies about his distant cousin so he can remain in denial and continue living in this fantasyworld he lives in.

You are proof that the youth in this country a bordering on retarded
Joe's problem is he wanted to be rich and failed badly. The conspiracy idiot's problem is that he's an a paranoid idiot.
Why do people think the most corrupt administration in American history was led by a great President? Wouldn't and shouldn't the leader of that kind of administration be considered one of the worst President's?
So how many members of his adminstration got indicted? How many got convicted? How many got pardoned? Is this what is meant by "Teflon President"? All that crime went on under his command but none of it sticks to him. The old geezer gets forgiven because why? He was an old geezer that didn't know what was going on around him? Yet some claim he at the same time was some kind of brilliant genius that brought down the USSR.
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Countries freed by Reagan

East Germany

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all
Countries freed by Reagan

East Germany

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all

coming from a fucking liar who ignores facts that reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the soviet union we REALLY should listen to a troll like you.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Why do people think the most corrupt administration in American history was led by a great President? Wouldn't and shouldn't the leader of that kind of administration be considered one of the worst President's?
So how many members of his adminstration got indicted? How many got convicted? How many got pardoned? Is this what is meant by "Teflon President"? All that crime went on under his command but none of it sticks to him. The old geezer gets forgiven because why? He was an old geezer that didn't know what was going on around him? Yet some claim he at the same time was some kind of brilliant genius that brought down the USSR.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: they only see what they WANT to see which is why they wont read this link full of those facts you just mentioned of all those officials that served under him that got indicted.:lol:

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

presidents NEVER get indicted so of course he escaped it the fact that there is one different law for presidents than there is for us.:cuckoo:

all these things below is what Reagan REALLY was.

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "

the trolls like Crusader Retard and Trollstyle can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol:
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You can't bring yourself to admit that communism is a failed system...can you, Joe?

If one of my history students had ever handed in a paper with a statement like the one I highlighted I would have circled it in red pencil and asked "The Russians didn't think it was worth the "bother", Joe? Really? On what do you base that comment?"

Well, how about during the 1991 Coup, when the Communist Party and Soviet Military kidnapped Gorby, and Yeltsin and other Russians formed a human chain around the Duma and said, "Uh-uh"... (Or the Russian equivlent.)

Or the fact that a lot of those former Soviet Republics and Satellites have either retained the same Communist Party aparaticks or voted them back into Power.

Poland was happy to see the Russians go, but then they turned around and voted in the SLD (Socialist Labor Party) into power in 1995 when it was obvious Lech Walesa didn't know how to run the country.

Also, absolutely frightening a right wing mutant is out there teaching kids much of anything.
Why do people think the most corrupt administration in American history was led by a great President? Wouldn't and shouldn't the leader of that kind of administration be considered one of the worst President's?
So how many members of his adminstration got indicted? How many got convicted? How many got pardoned? Is this what is meant by "Teflon President"? All that crime went on under his command but none of it sticks to him. The old geezer gets forgiven because why? He was an old geezer that didn't know what was going on around him? Yet some claim he at the same time was some kind of brilliant genius that brought down the USSR.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: they only see what they WANT to see which is why they wont read this link full of those facts you just mentioned of all those officials that served under him that got indicted.:lol:

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

presidents NEVER get indicted so of course he escaped it the fact that there is one different law for presidents than there is for us.:cuckoo:

all these things below is what Reagan REALLY was.

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "

the trolls like Crusader Retard and Trollstyle can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol:

the reaganuts always see this and usually say-okay you lost your credibility right there saying he was a satanist.sure it SOUNDS loony but the facts are,he was a regular attendee of Bohemian Grove in california where they do mock trials of devil worship and human sacrifice.past presidents that are and were members include Obama,Bush sr,Bush Jr,Clinton,Ford,Johnson,Nixon,AND REAGAN. as you can see for yourself in this link below.

all taken from this link below.

Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were Bohemian Grove members and they were photographed at meeting in 1957

(Reagan's first astrologer Carrol Righter, Time Magazine's cover on Astrology Joan Quigley's book )

Ronald Reagan

To Read about RR's first Astrologer Click Here
To Watch a film about the Reagans & Quigley Click Here
To Read about Reagan's fascination with the occult Click Here
To Watch Joan Quigley discuss her astrological work for the Reagans Click Here
To Read how the Reagans consulted with Astrologer Joan Quigley (Time Magazine) Click Here
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You can't bring yourself to admit that communism is a failed system...can you, Joe?

If one of my history students had ever handed in a paper with a statement like the one I highlighted I would have circled it in red pencil and asked "The Russians didn't think it was worth the "bother", Joe? Really? On what do you base that comment?"

Well, how about during the 1991 Coup, when the Communist Party and Soviet Military kidnapped Gorby, and Yeltsin and other Russians formed a human chain around the Duma and said, "Uh-uh"... (Or the Russian equivlent.)

Or the fact that a lot of those former Soviet Republics and Satellites have either retained the same Communist Party aparaticks or voted them back into Power.

Poland was happy to see the Russians go, but then they turned around and voted in the SLD (Socialist Labor Party) into power in 1995 when it was obvious Lech Walesa didn't know how to run the country.

Also, absolutely frightening a right wing mutant is out there teaching kids much of anything.

Jesus, look at countries that for two generations knew nothing but communism and collective planning and then struggled to implement free market economies and come to the conclusion that they went BACK to communism because IT worked and capitalism didn't. Yes, there were people in Poland that took comfort in being told what to do and wanted the return of the communists because the new freedoms scared the shit out of them. It took awhile for that sentiment to die out.

So tell me, the SLD still running Poland these days? Are the communists in control? The TRUTH is that communism is in such ill repute in Poland these days that it is illegal to display the hammer & sickle or even Che Guevara tee shirts. You do so and they'll put you in prison for up to 2 years! Yeah...they are just LOVING communism in Poland!!! (eye-roll)
Jesus, look at countries that for two generations knew nothing but communism and collective planning and then struggled to implement free market economies and come to the conclusion that they went BACK to communism because IT worked and capitalism didn't. Yes, there were people in Poland that took comfort in being told what to do and wanted the return of the communists because the new freedoms scared the shit out of them. It took awhile for that sentiment to die out.

So tell me, the SLD still running Poland these days? Are the communists in control? The TRUTH is that communism is in such ill repute in Poland these days that it is illegal to display the hammer & sickle or even Che Guevara tee shirts. You do so and they'll put you in prison for up to 2 years! Yeah...they are just LOVING communism in Poland!!! (eye-roll)

Again, because the hammer and sickle are seen as symbols of RUSSIA, not communism.

And, yeah, the next group of idiots who ran Poland decided to chuck free speech and democracy and you think this is a good thing? really?

Here's the reality. The fall of the USSR was a failure of Imperialism, not Communism.

Now, quite the contrary, I'm not defending Communism per se. It's kind of hard to have that discussion with people who think the glory of capitalism is that we should let poor children starve because their parents can't find jobs, and anyone who suggests otherwise is a Communist. That's the SICKNESS that has overtaken the GOP, and why I had to walk away from it.

But from a realistic, historical persective, the fall of the USSR was the failure of a nation, not a system. And it certainly had nothing to do with a senile old actor making a speech. Or spending us into 3 trillion in debt buying $600 toilet seats.
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Countries freed by Reagan

East Germany

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all

coming from a fucking liar who ignores facts that reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the soviet union we REALLY should listen to a troll like you.:lmao::lmao::lmao:


Gorby woke up on day and said, "I know!! I'll dismantle the USSR! And I'll take down the Berlin Wall too!!"
Countries freed by Reagan

East Germany

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all

coming from a fucking liar who ignores facts that reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the soviet union we REALLY should listen to a troll like you.:lmao::lmao::lmao:


Gorby woke up on day and said, "I know!! I'll dismantle the USSR! And I'll take down the Berlin Wall too!!"

No, ofcourse not. It was a long time coming awakening by millions of people in those listed counties and millions more in Russia. Without those millions, hell, tens and tens of millions, the USSR would still be here. Reagan was a long time gone when they woke up.
Reagan gave them hope on which they capitalized. With weak-ass presidents like Carter or Obama in office, the USSR might still be here.

Reagan set out to change America after the Johnson-Nixon/Ford-Carter string of disasters, he ended up changing the world.
coming from a fucking liar who ignores facts that reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the soviet union we REALLY should listen to a troll like you.:lmao::lmao::lmao:


Gorby woke up on day and said, "I know!! I'll dismantle the USSR! And I'll take down the Berlin Wall too!!"

No, ofcourse not. It was a long time coming awakening by millions of people in those listed counties and millions more in Russia. Without those millions, hell, tens and tens of millions, the USSR would still be here. Reagan was a long time gone when they woke up.

Yeah that's why it worked so well in Hungary in 1956, amiright?

Gorby woke up on day and said, "I know!! I'll dismantle the USSR! And I'll take down the Berlin Wall too!!"

No, ofcourse not. It was a long time coming awakening by millions of people in those listed counties and millions more in Russia. Without those millions, hell, tens and tens of millions, the USSR would still be here. Reagan was a long time gone when they woke up.

Yeah that's why it worked so well in Hungary in 1956, amiright?

Good point. Efforts to end Russian occupation and the USSR were going on for 25 years before Reagan became President and over a decade more before it was accomplished.
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