Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Are you seriously that misguided? You think they should tear down the heritage of over a 1000 years of western history and architecture to make it look like a another American shit hole like yours?!

You are one sick puppy!

Um, yeah, I think it's called "Progress".
I think it's called unadulterated stupidity Joe. I can't believe even a moron such as yourself would come up with something like that. Your mind must be syphilitic.
Are you seriously that misguided? You think they should tear down the heritage of over a 1000 years of western history and architecture to make it look like a another American shit hole like yours?!

You are one sick puppy!

Um, yeah, I think it's called "Progress".
I think it's called unadulterated stupidity Joe. I can't believe even a moron such as yourself would come up with something like that. Your mind must be syphilitic.

Saving a few buildings is nice.

Keeping all the old buidlings because no one wants to be bothered building new ones, and your architecture is so backwards that movies use you as a set to replicate the past... meh, not so much.

Amadeus was filmed in Prague because it looked more like 18th century Vienna than Vienna did.
Um, yeah, I think it's called "Progress".
I think it's called unadulterated stupidity Joe. I can't believe even a moron such as yourself would come up with something like that. Your mind must be syphilitic.

Saving a few buildings is nice.

Keeping all the old buidlings because no one wants to be bothered building new ones, and your architecture is so backwards that movies use you as a set to replicate the past... meh, not so much.

Amadeus was filmed in Prague because it looked more like 18th century Vienna than Vienna did.
Yeah Joe, we know you have a degree in history. ROTFLMAO!

Amadeus was filmed in Prague because it was cheaper than Vienna, especially then.

If America was a "shithole" before FDR...then why were millions of people leaving their homelands to move here? How do you explain the mass migrations of people to the US that took place all through the 1800's and early 1900's? In 1790 we had a population of a little less than 4 million people. A mere hundred years later that population had grown to almost 63 million. By 1930 it was up to 123 million. People don't move to "shitholes", Joe...and your contention that the US was one is absurd.

Just one more example of you spouting nonsense because you're so blinded by hatred of anyone who's successful.

Dogstyle, go back and read what I said about Europe being worse shitholes.

It should be pointed out that a LOT of people who came here went back the minute they figured out they had been had. For instance, about half the Italians who immigrated here between 1900 and 1940 went back as soon as they figured out they had been had.

Please, guy, America became great not because a few rich assholes exploited slaves and immigrants, the good old days the GOP wants to take us back to. It became great when we said, 'Hey, the promise of AMerica needs to apply to everyone."

And once, both Republicans and Democrats used to get that.

Half the Italians who immigrated here between 1900 and 1940 went back and THAT proves that the US was a "shithole"? What that proves is that the US was the land of opportunity where people came to make the money that they couldn't make in Italy. The Italians who came and went back didn't do so because they'd been "had"...they did so because they had achieved their objective of making enough money that they could improve their lot in life back in their home country. That same thing occurs here now with workers from Mexico, Jamaica, Brazil and Guatemala.

Once again, Joe...your perception of what was taking place is completely misguided because of the slanted view you start out looking at the situation with.

The Electoral College is hardly a "technicality", Joe. It's part of the process that we have used to elect a President since the 1700's, a process that has provided the US with one of the most orderly transfers of power anywhere. Bush won the election in 2000 because he won the most electoral votes and THAT is the way our system works. The Electoral College system works but if you'd like to change that system, fine...but to sit here 13 years later STILL whining about Gore's loss in 2000 is a waste of everyone's time.

The Electoral College is SHIT. Its a horrible system that distorts democracy, and gives us terrible results.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, even Richard Nixon didn't do what Bush did. In 1960, he could have insisted on recounts and challenged voting irregularities in IL and TX, but he didn't. He respected MORE PEOPLE voted for JFK. What does it say that Bush has less honor than Tricky Dick?

the result of Bush's theft 13 years later is that the country is a wreck. We've lost our prosperity and our honor. And frankly, if anyone should be concerned, it should be Republicans. Bush destroyed your national brand.

Once again you're confused about your history, Joe. It isn't Bush that insisted on recounts and challenged voting irregularities...that was Al Gore. Bush was perfectly happy with the results because he won. It was Gore that demanded recounts in Florida.

And solely blaming Bush for the "wreck" this country now is ridiculous. Blame for the situation we find ourselves in now lies with both political parties. Only a blinders wearing ideologue would blame one man for problems that can be traced all the way BACK to the policies of FDR! This situation has been coming down the pike for a LONG time.
Guy, unlike the Eastern European Whorehouse you live in, I live in the third largest city in the US and the most prosperous city in the midwest.

My City...


your city...

Your point?

Your city is the economic and architechual equivlent to Grandma's apartment that hasn't been redecorated since the 1960's....

Gee, about you show some pictures of Chicago's South Side?

Portrait of Black Chicago

Speaking of "shitholes"...
In the Eurostat research, Prague ranked fifth among Europe's 271 regions in terms of gross domestic product per inhabitant, achieving 172 percent of the EU average. It ranked just above Paris and well above the Czech Republic as a whole, which achieved 80 percent of the EU average.[53][54]

source WIKI.
[Just because you live in a shit hole does not mean the rest of the country does. You can get a passport and travel easily, unlike you Soviet and Cuban comrades of yore. Go someplace else you can enjoy the livestock, just don't try to pollute their gene pool. A lot of fat gypsies in Eastern Europe, feel free there.

Guy, unlike the Eastern European Whorehouse you live in, I live in the third largest city in the US and the most prosperous city in the midwest.

My City...


your city...


yes your city ran by idiots like you.


Guy, unlike the Eastern European Whorehouse you live in, I live in the third largest city in the US and the most prosperous city in the midwest.

My City...


your city...

Your point?

Your city is the economic and architechual equivlent to Grandma's apartment that hasn't been redecorated since the 1960's....

Please STFU


Your stupid is actually painful


No unemployment, people buying cars, people having money....was a shithole compared to 7 straight years of 20% Average unemployment????

Guy, correcting your ignorance of history would be a full time job.

Hey there's a reason why there are thousand monuments to FDR,and none to Coolidge and Hoover.


well they are correct and not giving any to Hoover,for there should be none for him.

If this was a great country and there was justice however, there would be none for that other bastard FDR though and plenty for Coolidge.Its too complicated for that warped brain of his to understand or comprehend why there are none for Coolidge and why there are for that traiter FDR.cant reason with someone on crack.
Old worn out propaganda and talking points gets old and boring. 9/11 thinks they smell like farts. Joe gives interesting and often original analysis and interpretations of historical events based on factual data.

I'm sorry, Camp but Joe has made claims that are not factually based and his interpretations of history are NOT what one would expect from a history major. 9/11 makes his fart comments because he's not intelligent enough to come back with an intelligent counter-argument.

At this point Joe has been shown to be incorrect on SO many of his contentions that he's resorted to the same childish retorts as 9/11...only with him it's labeling people as "retards" instead of talking about "farts".

Well, perhaps you are being unfairly placed in the small few posters on this thread that pretty much continuously pepper this thread with insults and name calling anytime anyone makes a negative comment towards Reagan. I find your post interesting as I find Joe's interesting.

you find Trollstyles posts interesting?:lol: the guy laughs at you when you point out facts to him how the CIA is an evil organization for instance and when you provide proof for him like videos posted that congress discovered in the 70's that the CIA indeed has agents in the mainstream media,he ignores the video like you never posted it and THEN you provide ACTUAL LIVE BROADCASTS of the 80's of newscasters themselves exposing how reagan betrayed the middle class,he blatantly ignores those videos or links you post like the troll he is refusing to acknowledge he has been proven wrong acting like you never posted it,and yet you find this trolls posts interesting?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

He shows off his hypocrisy ignoring facts that prove reagan was evil and yet he says JOES claims are not correct?

I havent followed every single post of Joes but the ones that I HAVE seen, are FAR more accurate and far more correct than TROLLSTYLES bullshit he keeps posting.He is a fucking hypocrite.

The way he has acted throughout this entire thread,refusing to address facts you bring up,he has brought all that name calling on himself deservedly.

Till he grows up and address the facts of his opponent and answer a simple question asked to him and all the other reaganuts that him and they refused to do,then he brought it on himself the name calling that he has gotten.He has done nothing but troll this thread ever since he got on here mixing in truths with lies and B.S AND ignoring facts that prove he is wrong in the process.:cuckoo:
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Once again you're confused about your history, Joe. It isn't Bush that insisted on recounts and challenged voting irregularities...that was Al Gore. Bush was perfectly happy with the results because he won. It was Gore that demanded recounts in Florida.

And solely blaming Bush for the "wreck" this country now is ridiculous. Blame for the situation we find ourselves in now lies with both political parties. Only a blinders wearing ideologue would blame one man for problems that can be traced all the way BACK to the policies of FDR! This situation has been coming down the pike for a LONG time.

Sorry, man. Bush was president. Totally his fault.

He inherited surpluses, peace, prosperity and managed to fuck all that up in 8 years. And lose a major city in the process. Seriously, people have killed themselves over less incompetence.

And you guys keep acting like electing him was a good idea.
"Dogstyle, calling you retarded is an insult to Retards..." JoeB

You know what, Joe? I've patiently responded to each of your "views" in this thread...showing why it is that I think you're wrong. I haven't called you childish names. You on the other hand have decided that insults are an argument. In what way is that different than 9/11 and his "fart" comments?

Old worn out propaganda and talking points gets old and boring. 9/11 thinks they smell like farts. Joe gives interesting and often original analysis and interpretations of historical events based on factual data.

yeah he sure does.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

and fart comments are the only thing paid shills are worthy of.since they are incapable of answering ONE SIMPLE QUESTION asked to them over A HUNDRED TIMES ON THIS THREAD and ignore videos of broadcasts of the media THEMSELVES from back in the 80's announcing how reporters back THEN even spoke of how reagans policys betrayed the middle class,since they ignore it and cant admit they have been proven wrong,fart jokes are all these paid trolls are worthy of.:lol::lol:

I said it before,its NOT ME making these claims.It was actual media broadcasts back then that announced it.the truth hurts so they ignore those actual live broadcasts and shoot the messenger to feel good about themselves.:D:D

that being said,since you cant have any kind of rational discussion with them,was wondering,did YOU see those videos I posted of actual live broadcasts from the media back then in the 80's where they themselves were talking about how reagans policys betrayed the middle class? the open minded, objective people here watched it and thanked me for the please let me know if you missed it,would like you to see it since i know YOU wont ignore it.
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Once again you're confused about your history, Joe. It isn't Bush that insisted on recounts and challenged voting irregularities...that was Al Gore. Bush was perfectly happy with the results because he won. It was Gore that demanded recounts in Florida.

And solely blaming Bush for the "wreck" this country now is ridiculous. Blame for the situation we find ourselves in now lies with both political parties. Only a blinders wearing ideologue would blame one man for problems that can be traced all the way BACK to the policies of FDR! This situation has been coming down the pike for a LONG time.

Sorry, man. Bush was president. Totally his fault.

He inherited surpluses, peace, prosperity and managed to fuck all that up in 8 years. And lose a major city in the process. Seriously, people have killed themselves over less incompetence.

And you guys keep acting like electing him was a good idea.

I hate to agree here with Trollstyle but for once,he is actually correct that its rediculous to blame EVERYTHING on Bush for the wreck this country is in now.People forget how bad things were when Obama took over because of how things are much worse now with Obomination in office now.

Things were disasterous when Bush got in but because fo Obama,they are even worse now.always will be as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats.

The Electoral College is hardly a "technicality", Joe. It's part of the process that we have used to elect a President since the 1700's, a process that has provided the US with one of the most orderly transfers of power anywhere. Bush won the election in 2000 because he won the most electoral votes and THAT is the way our system works. The Electoral College system works but if you'd like to change that system, fine...but to sit here 13 years later STILL whining about Gore's loss in 2000 is a waste of everyone's time.

The Electoral College is SHIT. Its a horrible system that distorts democracy, and gives us terrible results.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, even Richard Nixon didn't do what Bush did. In 1960, he could have insisted on recounts and challenged voting irregularities in IL and TX, but he didn't. He respected MORE PEOPLE voted for JFK. What does it say that Bush has less honor than Tricky Dick?

the result of Bush's theft 13 years later is that the country is a wreck. We've lost our prosperity and our honor. And frankly, if anyone should be concerned, it should be Republicans. Bush destroyed your national brand.


Obomination is as much a criminal though.every president that gets in always ignores all the crimes the previous one did since they are both part of the good old boy network being a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.
Yes, because we are so much better off with all those crazy Jihadists Reagan Armed to fight them.

THERE we go.Maybe NOW we can get back to the topic of this thread.The corruption run by that evil traiterous bastard Ronald Reagan.I'm probably hoping for too much here though.:D
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