Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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"Dogstyle, calling you retarded is an insult to Retards..." JoeB

You know what, Joe? I've patiently responded to each of your "views" in this thread...showing why it is that I think you're wrong. I haven't called you childish names. You on the other hand have decided that insults are an argument. In what way is that different than 9/11 and his "fart" comments?

Old worn out propaganda and talking points gets old and boring. 9/11 thinks they smell like farts. Joe gives interesting and often original analysis and interpretations of historical events based on factual data.

I'm sorry, Camp but Joe has made claims that are not factually based and his interpretations of history are NOT what one would expect from a history major. 9/11 makes his fart comments because he's not intelligent enough to come back with an intelligent counter-argument.

At this point Joe has been shown to be incorrect on SO many of his contentions that he's resorted to the same childish retorts as 9/11...only with him it's labeling people as "retards" instead of talking about "farts".

Well, perhaps you are being unfairly placed in the small few posters on this thread that pretty much continuously pepper this thread with insults and name calling anytime anyone makes a negative comment towards Reagan. I find your post interesting as I find Joe's interesting.
Old worn out propaganda and talking points gets old and boring. 9/11 thinks they smell like farts. Joe gives interesting and often original analysis and interpretations of historical events based on factual data.

I'm sorry, Camp but Joe has made claims that are not factually based and his interpretations of history are NOT what one would expect from a history major. 9/11 makes his fart comments because he's not intelligent enough to come back with an intelligent counter-argument.

At this point Joe has been shown to be incorrect on SO many of his contentions that he's resorted to the same childish retorts as 9/11...only with him it's labeling people as "retards" instead of talking about "farts".

Well, perhaps you are being unfairly placed in the small few posters on this thread that pretty much continuously pepper this thread with insults and name calling anytime anyone makes a negative comment towards Reagan. I find your post interesting as I find Joe's interesting.

While one could definitely call Joe's posts "interesting", Camp...I'd be hard pressed to call them informed. He's made claims such as that communism in the USSR didn't fail because Russia still exists. I find that to be an "interesting" claim...but totally lacking in factual basis. I also find his claims that Cuba's experiment with communism has been successful to be amusing at best. My amusement stems from my personal experience with Cuba and how bad the situation there has been.
I'm sorry, Camp but Joe has made claims that are not factually based and his interpretations of history are NOT what one would expect from a history major. 9/11 makes his fart comments because he's not intelligent enough to come back with an intelligent counter-argument.

At this point Joe has been shown to be incorrect on SO many of his contentions that he's resorted to the same childish retorts as 9/11...only with him it's labeling people as "retards" instead of talking about "farts".

Well, perhaps you are being unfairly placed in the small few posters on this thread that pretty much continuously pepper this thread with insults and name calling anytime anyone makes a negative comment towards Reagan. I find your post interesting as I find Joe's interesting.

While one could definitely call Joe's posts "interesting", Camp...I'd be hard pressed to call them informed. He's made claims such as that communism in the USSR didn't fail because Russia still exists. I find that to be an "interesting" claim...but totally lacking in factual basis. I also find his claims that Cuba's experiment with communism has been successful to be amusing at best. My amusement stems from my personal experience with Cuba and how bad the situation there has been.

I understand Joe's meaning in both situations. Never been to Cuba, but I took his view to mean Cuba was no worse off under communism than it was under Batista. I have been to the old USSR many times since the fall of the USSR. Depending on the country, the "old USSR" influence can still be felt by Russia. So, I understand his meaning and where he is coming from on that score.
Well, perhaps you are being unfairly placed in the small few posters on this thread that pretty much continuously pepper this thread with insults and name calling anytime anyone makes a negative comment towards Reagan. I find your post interesting as I find Joe's interesting.

While one could definitely call Joe's posts "interesting", Camp...I'd be hard pressed to call them informed. He's made claims such as that communism in the USSR didn't fail because Russia still exists. I find that to be an "interesting" claim...but totally lacking in factual basis. I also find his claims that Cuba's experiment with communism has been successful to be amusing at best. My amusement stems from my personal experience with Cuba and how bad the situation there has been.

I understand Joe's meaning in both situations. Never been to Cuba, but I took his view to mean Cuba was no worse off under communism than it was under Batista. I have been to the old USSR many times since the fall of the USSR. Depending on the country, the "old USSR" influence can still be felt by Russia. So, I understand his meaning and where he is coming from on that score.

You and Joe should be on the next inner tube to the Cuban Worker Paradise
What you are failing to comprehend is that government was a willing partner in the corruption. They allowed it to happen. No sector of our economy is more regulated than the financial sector. Wall Street and the government are one. The regulations were in place, they were merely ignored.

You might do a little research on Fannie and Freddie...and a guy named Franklin Raines. Many in the D party including Dodd and Frank, who ironically passed a law named after themselves that has allowed the too big to fail banks to get bigger...and thus give lots of cash to politicians, were willing partners in the corruption...and that corruption continues unabated today. The housing market is once again in bubble territory all thanks to the big government you so love.

I'm not going to waste my time playing "Seven Degrees of Barney Frank" with you.

Yes, the banks bought off both parties.

No, the financial sector was NOT regulated enough. More importantly, there was no enforcement or sanctions.

Point is, it wasn't because poor people were buying houses. Blaming the government for not overseeing the crooks is like blaming the homeowner for not having a good enough lock on the door.

Raising tax rates, imposing minimum wage and establishing social security isn't what made us prosperous, Joe. We became "Great" because in America people were allowed to become prosperous by dint of their own ambitions and hard work. People have been coming to America for centuries BECAUSE it was a place where you were allowed to raise your station in life and weren't trapped in a caste system. That made America prosperous long before FDR was even born.

What I "bewail" is the death of the spirit that made this country prosperous. What I "bewail" is an America where the majority is no longer ambitious or hard working. What I "bewail" is an America where people wait for government to help them rather than helping themselves. What I "bewail" is the gradual erosion of what made America special.

America was a shithole before FDR, guy. Seriously.

It was less of a shithole than Europe was, but it was still a shithole.

And then we got FDR that made it less of a shithole. Then he won World War II, and made Europe and Japan less of shitholes, and people stopped coming over here from there after that.

Frankly, what you show is that Conservatism has become a form of Stockholm syndrome.

You are staring to empathize with your abusers.

Bush did win in 2000...just as he did again in 2004...just as Obama won in 2008...and again in 2012. We have an electoral college. It determines who our President will be. It's determined that for quite some time. Calling someone who points out that reality "retarded" is simply childish.

Who's been trained to hate, or me? I don't hate the poor. Never have...never will. You on the other hand have a seething hatred of the wealthy that seems to be based on the treatment that you received from your last boss. You have the naive notion that redistribution of wealth will cure all ills...a notion based on what? Revenge? So your old boss treated you badly...get over it and move on. This is America. You get to choose who you work for. For every asshole boss treating people badly there are five that understand their employees are their greatest asset and treat them right. Go work for them...OR BETTER YET WORK FOR YOURSELF!!!

Guy... More Americans voted for Gore. The fact that Bush STOLE the election is an indictment of him. (And yes, I voted for that retarded fucker, and I'm paying for it now.)

Decent thing- "The American people have spoken, I will respect their wishes."

Scummy thing- "The American people have spoken, but FUCK that. I'm going to use a technicality to take office, get us into two wars, give huge tax cuts to the rich and then totally fuck over the economy and screw everyone out of their life savings. "

We need to turn Bush and his cronies over the Hague as war criminals.

Bush did win in 2000...just as he did again in 2004...just as Obama won in 2008...and again in 2012. We have an electoral college. It determines who our President will be. It's determined that for quite some time. Calling someone who points out that reality "retarded" is simply childish.

Who's been trained to hate, or me? I don't hate the poor. Never have...never will. You on the other hand have a seething hatred of the wealthy that seems to be based on the treatment that you received from your last boss. You have the naive notion that redistribution of wealth will cure all ills...a notion based on what? Revenge? So your old boss treated you badly...get over it and move on. This is America. You get to choose who you work for. For every asshole boss treating people badly there are five that understand their employees are their greatest asset and treat them right. Go work for them...OR BETTER YET WORK FOR YOURSELF!!!

Guy... More Americans voted for Gore. The fact that Bush STOLE the election is an indictment of him. (And yes, I voted for that retarded fucker, and I'm paying for it now.)

Decent thing- "The American people have spoken, I will respect their wishes."

Scummy thing- "The American people have spoken, but FUCK that. I'm going to use a technicality to take office, get us into two wars, give huge tax cuts to the rich and then totally fuck over the economy and screw everyone out of their life savings. "

We need to turn Bush and his cronies over the Hague as war criminals.

The Electoral College is hardly a "technicality", Joe. It's part of the process that we have used to elect a President since the 1700's, a process that has provided the US with one of the most orderly transfers of power anywhere. Bush won the election in 2000 because he won the most electoral votes and THAT is the way our system works. The Electoral College system works but if you'd like to change that system, fine...but to sit here 13 years later STILL whining about Gore's loss in 2000 is a waste of everyone's time.

Raising tax rates, imposing minimum wage and establishing social security isn't what made us prosperous, Joe. We became "Great" because in America people were allowed to become prosperous by dint of their own ambitions and hard work. People have been coming to America for centuries BECAUSE it was a place where you were allowed to raise your station in life and weren't trapped in a caste system. That made America prosperous long before FDR was even born.

What I "bewail" is the death of the spirit that made this country prosperous. What I "bewail" is an America where the majority is no longer ambitious or hard working. What I "bewail" is an America where people wait for government to help them rather than helping themselves. What I "bewail" is the gradual erosion of what made America special.

America was a shithole before FDR, guy. Seriously.

It was less of a shithole than Europe was, but it was still a shithole.

And then we got FDR that made it less of a shithole. Then he won World War II, and made Europe and Japan less of shitholes, and people stopped coming over here from there after that.

Frankly, what you show is that Conservatism has become a form of Stockholm syndrome.

You are staring to empathize with your abusers.

If America was a "shithole" before FDR...then why were millions of people leaving their homelands to move here? How do you explain the mass migrations of people to the US that took place all through the 1800's and early 1900's? In 1790 we had a population of a little less than 4 million people. A mere hundred years later that population had grown to almost 63 million. By 1930 it was up to 123 million. People don't move to "shitholes", Joe...and your contention that the US was one is absurd.

Just one more example of you spouting nonsense because you're so blinded by hatred of anyone who's successful.

The Electoral College is hardly a "technicality", Joe. It's part of the process that we have used to elect a President since the 1700's, a process that has provided the US with one of the most orderly transfers of power anywhere. Bush won the election in 2000 because he won the most electoral votes and THAT is the way our system works. The Electoral College system works but if you'd like to change that system, fine...but to sit here 13 years later STILL whining about Gore's loss in 2000 is a waste of everyone's time.

The Electoral College is SHIT. Its a horrible system that distorts democracy, and gives us terrible results.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, even Richard Nixon didn't do what Bush did. In 1960, he could have insisted on recounts and challenged voting irregularities in IL and TX, but he didn't. He respected MORE PEOPLE voted for JFK. What does it say that Bush has less honor than Tricky Dick?

the result of Bush's theft 13 years later is that the country is a wreck. We've lost our prosperity and our honor. And frankly, if anyone should be concerned, it should be Republicans. Bush destroyed your national brand.

If America was a "shithole" before FDR...then why were millions of people leaving their homelands to move here? How do you explain the mass migrations of people to the US that took place all through the 1800's and early 1900's? In 1790 we had a population of a little less than 4 million people. A mere hundred years later that population had grown to almost 63 million. By 1930 it was up to 123 million. People don't move to "shitholes", Joe...and your contention that the US was one is absurd.

Just one more example of you spouting nonsense because you're so blinded by hatred of anyone who's successful.

Dogstyle, go back and read what I said about Europe being worse shitholes.

It should be pointed out that a LOT of people who came here went back the minute they figured out they had been had. For instance, about half the Italians who immigrated here between 1900 and 1940 went back as soon as they figured out they had been had.

Please, guy, America became great not because a few rich assholes exploited slaves and immigrants, the good old days the GOP wants to take us back to. It became great when we said, 'Hey, the promise of AMerica needs to apply to everyone."

And once, both Republicans and Democrats used to get that.

If America was a "shithole" before FDR...then why were millions of people leaving their homelands to move here? How do you explain the mass migrations of people to the US that took place all through the 1800's and early 1900's? In 1790 we had a population of a little less than 4 million people. A mere hundred years later that population had grown to almost 63 million. By 1930 it was up to 123 million. People don't move to "shitholes", Joe...and your contention that the US was one is absurd.

Just one more example of you spouting nonsense because you're so blinded by hatred of anyone who's successful.

Dogstyle, go back and read what I said about Europe being worse shitholes.

It should be pointed out that a LOT of people who came here went back the minute they figured out they had been had. For instance, about half the Italians who immigrated here between 1900 and 1940 went back as soon as they figured out they had been had.

Please, guy, America became great not because a few rich assholes exploited slaves and immigrants, the good old days the GOP wants to take us back to. It became great when we said, 'Hey, the promise of AMerica needs to apply to everyone."

And once, both Republicans and Democrats used to get that.
Just because you live in a shit hole does not mean the rest of the country does. You can get a passport and travel easily, unlike you Soviet and Cuban comrades of yore. Go someplace else you can enjoy the livestock, just don't try to pollute their gene pool. A lot of fat gypsies in Eastern Europe, feel free there.
[Just because you live in a shit hole does not mean the rest of the country does. You can get a passport and travel easily, unlike you Soviet and Cuban comrades of yore. Go someplace else you can enjoy the livestock, just don't try to pollute their gene pool. A lot of fat gypsies in Eastern Europe, feel free there.

Guy, unlike the Eastern European Whorehouse you live in, I live in the third largest city in the US and the most prosperous city in the midwest.

My City...


your city...


Raising tax rates, imposing minimum wage and establishing social security isn't what made us prosperous, Joe. We became "Great" because in America people were allowed to become prosperous by dint of their own ambitions and hard work. People have been coming to America for centuries BECAUSE it was a place where you were allowed to raise your station in life and weren't trapped in a caste system. That made America prosperous long before FDR was even born.

What I "bewail" is the death of the spirit that made this country prosperous. What I "bewail" is an America where the majority is no longer ambitious or hard working. What I "bewail" is an America where people wait for government to help them rather than helping themselves. What I "bewail" is the gradual erosion of what made America special.

America was a shithole before FDR, guy. Seriously.

It was less of a shithole than Europe was, but it was still a shithole.

And then we got FDR that made it less of a shithole. Then he won World War II, and made Europe and Japan less of shitholes, and people stopped coming over here from there after that.

Frankly, what you show is that Conservatism has become a form of Stockholm syndrome.

You are staring to empathize with your abusers.

No unemployment, people buying cars, people having money....was a shithole compared to 7 straight years of 20% Average unemployment????
[Just because you live in a shit hole does not mean the rest of the country does. You can get a passport and travel easily, unlike you Soviet and Cuban comrades of yore. Go someplace else you can enjoy the livestock, just don't try to pollute their gene pool. A lot of fat gypsies in Eastern Europe, feel free there.

Guy, unlike the Eastern European Whorehouse you live in, I live in the third largest city in the US and the most prosperous city in the midwest.

My City...


your city...

Your point?

No unemployment, people buying cars, people having money....was a shithole compared to 7 straight years of 20% Average unemployment????

Guy, correcting your ignorance of history would be a full time job.

You do realize that few people owned cars in the 1920's, right?

That we had race riots and people were so panicked by the immigrants that were coming here that they all joined the fucking Ku Klux Klan...

Hey there's a reason why there are thousand monuments to FDR,and none to Coolidge and Hoover.
[Just because you live in a shit hole does not mean the rest of the country does. You can get a passport and travel easily, unlike you Soviet and Cuban comrades of yore. Go someplace else you can enjoy the livestock, just don't try to pollute their gene pool. A lot of fat gypsies in Eastern Europe, feel free there.

Guy, unlike the Eastern European Whorehouse you live in, I live in the third largest city in the US and the most prosperous city in the midwest.

My City...


your city...

Your point?

Your city is the economic and architechual equivlent to Grandma's apartment that hasn't been redecorated since the 1960's....
Are you seriously that misguided? You think they should tear down the heritage of over a 1000 years of western history and architecture to make it look like a another American shit hole like yours?!

You are one sick puppy!
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