Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Yeah its those damn rich people...all while behind the curtain, the government is the main culprit screwing you and most Americans, but you can't see that. Why?

Probably because I've never been screwed by government. In fact, government has been pretty good to me. Paid for my college, taught me a trade in the miitary, helped me buy a house through the VA, not to mention providing thousands of needed services to make a civilized society work seemlessly.

I have been screwed by rich people. I can honestly say most of my setbacks in life have usually involved a rich person capriously throwing an obstacle in my way because they could.

So seriously. Fuck the rich. Tax them, regulate them, villify them.

Gore's people tried counting and recounting and then counting the Florida votes AGAIN...and they STILL couldn't work out a way to have Al come out on top. Jeb Bush did not engage in voter suppression. The only voter suppression that took place during that election cycle in Florida was the main stream media calling the race before the polls closed in the conservative Panhandle section of the State (different time zone that the rest of Florida) which caused many Republican voters to not vote.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. We went into Iraq because a sadistic dictator refused to abide by the sanctions he had agreed at the close to the First Gulf War.

Osama bin Laden just "happened" to be in Afghanistan? Did you really just say that? The Taliban were running Afghanistan and the Taliban were supporting Al Queda. Extradite him? Are you kidding? We demanded that Afghanistan extradite Bin Laden and expel Al Queda and the Taliban refused saying there was not enough "evidence" that he was behind the attacks. Mind you that this was AFTER Osama bin Laden had gone public taking credit for the 9/11 attacks. Bush did what needed to be done.

As for when unemployment hit 10%? The Obama stimulus was passed as one of the first pieces of legislation of the Obama Presidency on Feb 19th of 2009. Unemployment hit 10% in October of 2009 a full 8 months after the stimulus was passed. So you are claiming that not a dollar of the stimulus was spent in that 8 month period? Gotta tell you, Joe...for a self proclaimed history major you have an awful tendency to get your history completely WRONG!

You might want to hold off on the "retarded" insults until you make a post that shows some intelligence...just saying...:cuckoo:

Corky, I honestly have to conclude you are some kind of inbred retard who listens to talk radio all day.

1) There was never a complete count of Florida. Most counties didn't bother with a complete recound and just resubmitted the same numbers. Then there was a count of four counties, and Cruella or whatever her name was refused to count one of them. Another mobs of Republicans refused to let them count. Then the Supreme Court of Florida demanded a COMPLETE recount, which SCOTUS put a stop to. In short, the election was stolen.

But let's leave that to the side for the moment. Was is not in dispute is that a majority of AMERICANS voted for Gore. Gore got more votes nationally. Bush tried to win on a technicality after working the refs. He didn't win on his own merits. Most Americans didn't want him. They knew he was an idiot.

2) The only reason we went into Iraq was Bush claimed that they had WMD's (they didn't) and they were pals with Al Qaeda (they weren't.)

3) Stimulus was broken up into three parts, most of it spent in 2010, very little spent in 2009. While it passed in Feb 2009, it didn't take effect until later. Thanks to Bush, the Economy was shedding half a million jobs a month. It should also be pointed out that Stimulus was mostly tax cuts and payments to states. It was completely inadequate to the task.

4) Sorry, man, Al Qaeda fled Afghanistan in 2001. But yet we are still there, propping up drug dealer Karzai... It's like taking over management of a crack house after the drug dealers left. Truly, we could have gotten a lot more done with drone strikes and special forces teams, which is eventually what we ended up doing in other places anyway.
Do you enjoy getting bitch-slapped?

Well, if Toro ever did that, not really.

Mostly he just whines because I don't love big corporations...

I don't whine about anything.

I just point out that you're a bigot who advocates violence and has serious anger management problems.

i don't have anger management problems.

Most people have the good sense NOT TO PISS ME OFF!!!

I'm also pretty forgiving. If someone wrongs me but is apologetic and makes up for it, I usually forgive.
Boy this thread sure has topic drifted away from its original point hasn't it?

I mean are we ever going to get back to the issue of how big an asshole Regan was, or not?

Well, if Toro ever did that, not really.

Mostly he just whines because I don't love big corporations...

I don't whine about anything.

I just point out that you're a bigot who advocates violence and has serious anger management problems.

i don't have anger management problems.

Most people have the good sense NOT TO PISS ME OFF!!!

I'm also pretty forgiving. If someone wrongs me but is apologetic and makes up for it, I usually forgive.
Do you really think people are afraid of your whining?! It's annoying for sure, but you make it sound like their fear could be physical. Big words for someone who's bosses took him to the woodshed on seemingly countless occasions.:lol:
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Gore's people tried counting and recounting and then counting the Florida votes AGAIN...and they STILL couldn't work out a way to have Al come out on top. Jeb Bush did not engage in voter suppression. The only voter suppression that took place during that election cycle in Florida was the main stream media calling the race before the polls closed in the conservative Panhandle section of the State (different time zone that the rest of Florida) which caused many Republican voters to not vote.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. We went into Iraq because a sadistic dictator refused to abide by the sanctions he had agreed at the close to the First Gulf War.

Osama bin Laden just "happened" to be in Afghanistan? Did you really just say that? The Taliban were running Afghanistan and the Taliban were supporting Al Queda. Extradite him? Are you kidding? We demanded that Afghanistan extradite Bin Laden and expel Al Queda and the Taliban refused saying there was not enough "evidence" that he was behind the attacks. Mind you that this was AFTER Osama bin Laden had gone public taking credit for the 9/11 attacks. Bush did what needed to be done.

As for when unemployment hit 10%? The Obama stimulus was passed as one of the first pieces of legislation of the Obama Presidency on Feb 19th of 2009. Unemployment hit 10% in October of 2009 a full 8 months after the stimulus was passed. So you are claiming that not a dollar of the stimulus was spent in that 8 month period? Gotta tell you, Joe...for a self proclaimed history major you have an awful tendency to get your history completely WRONG!

You might want to hold off on the "retarded" insults until you make a post that shows some intelligence...just saying...:cuckoo:

Corky, I honestly have to conclude you are some kind of inbred retard who listens to talk radio all day.

1) There was never a complete count of Florida. Most counties didn't bother with a complete recound and just resubmitted the same numbers. Then there was a count of four counties, and Cruella or whatever her name was refused to count one of them. Another mobs of Republicans refused to let them count. Then the Supreme Court of Florida demanded a COMPLETE recount, which SCOTUS put a stop to. In short, the election was stolen.

But let's leave that to the side for the moment. Was is not in dispute is that a majority of AMERICANS voted for Gore. Gore got more votes nationally. Bush tried to win on a technicality after working the refs. He didn't win on his own merits. Most Americans didn't want him. They knew he was an idiot.

2) The only reason we went into Iraq was Bush claimed that they had WMD's (they didn't) and they were pals with Al Qaeda (they weren't.)

3) Stimulus was broken up into three parts, most of it spent in 2010, very little spent in 2009. While it passed in Feb 2009, it didn't take effect until later. Thanks to Bush, the Economy was shedding half a million jobs a month. It should also be pointed out that Stimulus was mostly tax cuts and payments to states. It was completely inadequate to the task.

4) Sorry, man, Al Qaeda fled Afghanistan in 2001. But yet we are still there, propping up drug dealer Karzai... It's like taking over management of a crack house after the drug dealers left. Truly, we could have gotten a lot more done with drone strikes and special forces teams, which is eventually what we ended up doing in other places anyway.

Supporters of Al Gore have tried over the years to come up with a scenario where their guy won Florida, Joe and whine incessantly that the election was "stolen" from them. The truth of the matter is that if voters in the Panhandle hadn't been encouraged to not vote because the State race was called in Gore's favor before the polls closed the race most likely wouldn't have been as close as it ultimately was. The ironic thing about the election is that a poorly designed "butterfly" ballot (which was the work of a Democrat to make the ballot larger and easier to see for elderly voters in Palm Beach County) led to votes being cast for Pat Buchanon that most likely would have been cast for Gore. That wasn't something done by Republicans was the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot. As for Americans not wanting Bush because he won the electoral college and not the popular vote? That's the way our system works. Deal with it. The fact that Bush was reelected four years later belies your point that he wasn't wanted by Americans.

Iraq did indeed have WMD's because they used them in the past against both their own people and the Iranians. This notion that because we never found WMD's that they didn't exist is rather fanciful. We never knew Libya had nuclear research facilities hidden in the desert until Ghadafi volunteered their whereabouts. Does that mean they didn't exist? The truth of the matter is that Iraq had found ways to get around UN sanctions and was beginning the process of rearming itself by secretly selling oil to nations like France and Russia in return for arms. It was seeking yellow cake in Africa and only the truly naive would see that as a benign thing.

I thought you said that zero stimulus money was spent before unemployment went to 10%, Joe! Now you're walking that claim back after I showed you how ridiculous it was? Over the eight months from when the Obama Stimulus was passed until unemployment hit 10%, hundreds of millions of dollars from the stimulus was spent.

Al Queda fled Afghanistan for one reason...we went into Afghanistan and drove them out. If we hadn't they would still be there and Osama bin Laden would have probably continued his active plotting against the United States instead of being forced to hide in Pakistan.

Funny how the "retarded" guy always has an easy response to your wildly inaccurate portrayals of what has occurred in the past, Joe. Would that be you resorting to insults because you can't hold up your end of the debate? :lol::lol::lol:
Well, if Toro ever did that, not really.

Mostly he just whines because I don't love big corporations...

I don't whine about anything.

I just point out that you're a bigot who advocates violence and has serious anger management problems.

i don't have anger management problems.

Most people have the good sense NOT TO PISS ME OFF!!!

I'm also pretty forgiving. If someone wrongs me but is apologetic and makes up for it, I usually forgive.

If you don't have anger issues, Joe then why would people show good sense to NOT PISS YOU OFF? It's quite obvious that you do indeed have anger issues. You think that you've been unfairly treated by ex-bosses and display a simmering hatred for them and all other people who own businesses. You're the type of guy that shows up at work with an Uzi because someone else got promoted instead of you.

Yeah its those damn rich people...all while behind the curtain, the government is the main culprit screwing you and most Americans, but you can't see that. Why?

Probably because I've never been screwed by government. In fact, government has been pretty good to me. Paid for my college, taught me a trade in the miitary, helped me buy a house through the VA, not to mention providing thousands of needed services to make a civilized society work seemlessly.

I have been screwed by rich people. I can honestly say most of my setbacks in life have usually involved a rich person capriously throwing an obstacle in my way because they could.

So seriously. Fuck the rich. Tax them, regulate them, villify them.

You are not informed if you fail to recognize the heinous nature of big uncontrolled government.

You are also a bigot due to your illogical hatred of wealthy people.
[]Do you really think people are afraid of your whining?! It's annoying for sure, but you make it sound like their fear could be physical. Big words for someone who's bosses took him to the woodshed on seemingly countless occasions.:lol:

You're so brave you're hiding on the other side of the planet... chickenshit...

Most people have the good sense not to get on my bad side.

And, yeah, my last boss paid me $10,000 not to sue him.... so there was that.
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You are not informed if you fail to recognize the heinous nature of big uncontrolled government.

You are also a bigot due to your illogical hatred of wealthy people.

Actually, I have a very logical hatred of the wealthy. They are too fucking greedy and they cause too much misery in the world.

Sorry, man, just not seeing the government as a problem. The biggest problem with government is that it tends to give us what we want.

If you don't have anger issues, Joe then why would people show good sense to NOT PISS YOU OFF? It's quite obvious that you do indeed have anger issues. You think that you've been unfairly treated by ex-bosses and display a simmering hatred for them and all other people who own businesses. You're the type of guy that shows up at work with an Uzi because someone else got promoted instead of you.

I have a simmering hatred for the stupidity that passes for modern business. you know, there's a reason why Dilbert is the most popular comic strip. We've all worked in that office.

These fuckers would HAPPILY kill us all to make a profit.

I.E. Global Warming. Going to kill us all, but as long as someone makes a profit, who cares, right?

At least my anger is directed in the right direction.
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we have the best gov't Big Business can buy.


But they couldn't do it without useful idiots like DogStyle who think the real problem is the rest of us don't work hard enough to make the rich wealthier...

Don't look now but someone's been taking a beating in this string and is now resorting to name calling...

Don't post nonsense if you can't handle being called on it, Joe...
Unlike you, Joe...I don't feel the need to take away things from somebody else in order to be successful and I'm not jealous of folks that have more than I. You view a big government redistributing wealth as a good thing. I see it as the beginning of the end of what made America great.
we have the best gov't Big Business can buy.


But they couldn't do it without useful idiots like DogStyle who think the real problem is the rest of us don't work hard enough to make the rich wealthier...

exactly ;) Poor people are just lazy :rolleyes: Kasich called out the Repubs on this ginormous mischaracterization/war on the poor as well.

GOP GOVERNOR: 'There Seems To Be A War On The Poor' With Republicans In Washington

The people who are lazy are the ones who want government handouts to enable them to have a lifestyle they haven't earned. I was raised to respect anyone who works hard...and that goes for the poor AND the rich. I'm sorry but I don't have any respect for able bodied people who don't have any ambition...don't work hard...but think it's "fair" to take from those people who do have ambition and have worked hard.
Unlike you, Joe...I don't feel the need to take away things from somebody else in order to be successful and I'm not jealous of folks that have more than I. You view a big government redistributing wealth as a good thing. I see it as the beginning of the end of what made America great.

Guy, America was not great because a bunch of rich assholes exploited those who did the work.

America became great when we freed the slaves, and had a labor movement.

It's why we have a "Memorial Day" to celebrate those who died freeing the slaves, and a "Labor Day" to celebrate those who fought for the dignity of the working man.

We do not have a "Rich Douchebag Day" to celebrate those who starved children to buy another dressage horsie.....

In fact, we had our greatest prosperity when FDR raised the top marginal rate to 93%, imposed a minimum wage and established social security.... EXACTLY the kind of "Communist" redistribution you bewail.

That's when America became "Great".
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