Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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You'd think someone so used to losing would handle it better.

Wouldn't know, guy, I don't lose. I adapt.

But pointing out that shit, the GOP really, really fucked everything up is hardly losing.

In 2000, we had peace, we had prosperity, we had 3% unemployment, the rich paid their fair share, we had surpluses as far as the eye could see and Americans said, "Yeah, man, let's have more of that!" and voted for Gore.

But then the GOP stole the election, and we got trillion dollar debts, tax giveaways to the rich, wars, two recessions, 10% unemployment when it was all said and done.

And I used to support the GOP. Until I saw that they really, really don't know what they are doing. Or maybe they know what they are doing, and they are total sociopaths. Either way, they can't be trusted.

The GOP "stole" the election in 2000? You're one of the naive ones that actually buys that nonsense, Joe? Al Gore didn't even carry his home State of Tennessee. The people that know him best voted for the other guy. The rest of your rant is equally flawed. We got war because Islamic terrorists flew planes loaded with innocent civilians into targets here in the United act that would have taken place no matter WHO was President. It was a war that Democrats supported almost as much as Republicans! As for the 10% unemployment rate? That took place after Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's badly conceived "stimulus" failed miserably. How can someone who claims to be a history major be so oblivious to what took place in history?
Simply put, when people can't get where they want to go through hard work, because someone with more money will always try to cheat them, they will simply vote themselves a living.
Ah, the Greek model! Greeks were voting themselves an easy living for years. Now, of course, they're on a street corner with hat in hand looking for alms from their more responsible European cousins.

You mean the ones that screwed them over to start with.

Greece's problem was that it joined the Euro and can't control the value of its own currency.

Has very little do to with their moderate social programs.

Ireland is in exactly the same boat despite doing everything the conservatives suggested.

Moderate social programs? Greece? Did you REALLY just make that claim? God, keep showing your knowledge of world events to be paper thin. You seem to think that Greece's problems would be solved if they could just print their own money which is laughable.
As much as you might wish it, Russia is considerably smaller that the USSR. History degree :lol:.

Yeah, what's your fucking point, or did you completely miss it again.

Okay, one more time. The USSR did not fall because, "Communism sucks".

The USSR Fell because Uzbeks and Kazaks and Lithuanians decided they didn't want to be ruled by Russians, and Russians decided they really didn't want to rule them directly. (Although Russia does dominate the economies of these places still.)

But you guys will dance around the ruins of your middle class life style and say, "We won the cold war."

Well, sorry, guy, I look around, see that my generation isn't living as good as my father's generation, and the generation following me has even worse prospects than I have, and I guess I just don't see it. I think what you had was two empires that ground themselves into exhaustion.

In 1980, a PolSci professor said to me, the real threat to the US is not the USSR, it's the Third World.

2013, I'm seeing that as having come pretty much true.

The USSR failed because communism is an economic system that does not work.

Sadly, America and much of the West resembles the USSR more every day.

boy you aint very true.ESPECIALLY the last setence.
No, guy, I read your posts and have to conclude you are a borderline retard.

I was talking about economic improvement and you were discussing abortion

No, you were insisting China's growth has been due to Capitalism, when in fact, nothing of the sort is true. The fact the right wing sees China as a model of even greater corporate exploitation of working folks is kind of fuckin' scary.

But the Corporatists can't move American jobs over there fast enough, despite the bad treatment of workers, shitty quality and environmental degradation.

- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."
I was talking about economic improvement and you were discussing abortion

No, you were insisting China's growth has been due to Capitalism, when in fact, nothing of the sort is true. The fact the right wing sees China as a model of even greater corporate exploitation of working folks is kind of fuckin' scary.

But the Corporatists can't move American jobs over there fast enough, despite the bad treatment of workers, shitty quality and environmental degradation.

- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."

It's obvious that Joe has some "anger issues" with an ex-boss that let him go...some SERIOUS anger issues!
No, you were insisting China's growth has been due to Capitalism, when in fact, nothing of the sort is true. The fact the right wing sees China as a model of even greater corporate exploitation of working folks is kind of fuckin' scary.

But the Corporatists can't move American jobs over there fast enough, despite the bad treatment of workers, shitty quality and environmental degradation.

- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."

It's obvious that Joe has some "anger issues" with an ex-boss that let him go...some SERIOUS anger issues!

It's not just with an ex-boss.

The GOP "stole" the election in 2000? You're one of the naive ones that actually buys that nonsense, Joe? Al Gore didn't even carry his home State of Tennessee. The people that know him best voted for the other guy. The rest of your rant is equally flawed. We got war because Islamic terrorists flew planes loaded with innocent civilians into targets here in the United act that would have taken place no matter WHO was President. It was a war that Democrats supported almost as much as Republicans! As for the 10% unemployment rate? That took place after Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's badly conceived "stimulus" failed miserably. How can someone who claims to be a history major be so oblivious to what took place in history?

1) Who carried TN is irrelevant. Gore got more votes in the country as a whole, and he probably got more in Florida. He would have gotten more if Jeb Bush hadn't engaged in voter suppression.

2) I'm sorry, what did Iraq have to do with 9/11. Exactly? Afghanistan didn't really attack us, either. They guy who was responsible just happened to be there, and instead of extraditing him, we decided to take sides in a 30 year civil war. So. No. Bush got us into wars we didn't need to be in.

3) Sorry, we hit 10% unemployment long before a single dollar of stimulus was spent. After that it went down. (Oct 2009). We can thank your boy Bush for that one

4) I'm really trying to convince my self you aren't retarded, but you're giving me nothing to work with.

Moderate social programs? Greece? Did you REALLY just make that claim? God, keep showing your knowledge of world events to be paper thin. You seem to think that Greece's problems would be solved if they could just print their own money which is laughable.

Yeah, guy, I know you see a starving child and see progress, but those of us with humanity don't.

You know when I started to lose faith in the GOP? It's when it became such a mean-spirited philosophy.

- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."

This would be the same Deng who ran over college students with Tanks when the asked for the same things we take for granted.

Interesting heroes you have, Toro....
- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."

It's obvious that Joe has some "anger issues" with an ex-boss that let him go...some SERIOUS anger issues!

It's not just with an ex-boss.

Guy, if I'm pissed off you someone, they PROBABLY did something pretty shitty.

- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."

This would be the same Deng who ran over college students with Tanks when the asked for the same things we take for granted.

Interesting heroes you have, Toro....
Do you enjoy getting bitch-slapped?
I'm always skeptical about the history of former Republican posters who openly advocate for Communism.

I'm skeptical of people who live though the biggest failure of the last century and then still try to claim they have good ideas.
The communist parties in Europe are an excellent example. They garnered 15% in the Czech elections last weekend which means idiots like Joe are out there and voting. Whew!

I'm surprised they garnered that much, given Czech history....

But that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

Guy, I'm an AMerican. We dont have communists here... get it?

- "It's glorious to get rich." - Deng Xiaopeng, Communist leader of China.

- "The rich are parasites. The 1% are the enemy. Beat you ex-boss with a baseball bat if he fires you. Hang CEOs who outsource." - JoeB131, "Republican."

This would be the same Deng who ran over college students with Tanks when the asked for the same things we take for granted.

Interesting heroes you have, Toro....
Do you enjoy getting bitch-slapped?

Well, if Toro ever did that, not really.

Mostly he just whines because I don't love big corporations...
I'm skeptical of people who live though the biggest failure of the last century and then still try to claim they have good ideas.
The communist parties in Europe are an excellent example. They garnered 15% in the Czech elections last weekend which means idiots like Joe are out there and voting. Whew!

I'm surprised they garnered that much, given Czech history....

But that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

Guy, I'm an AMerican. We dont have communists here... get it?

Oh...yeah GUY...we have lots of communists here. The democrat party is full of them...and the guy in the White House just might be one....

Socialists in the U.S. Congress
A list of seventy alleged American Socialist Party members has been winging its way around the internet.

Unfortunately, while most of those listed are indeed socialists, there is no such organization as the American Socialist Party. There is a small Socialist Party USA and the U.S.'s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America - which works largely inside the Democratic Party.

The list actually appears to be a membership roster of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

This organization was formed in 1991 by openly socialist independent Congressman Bernie Sanders, the far left Institute for Policy Studies, and Democratic Socialists of America.

Because the Progressive Caucus was hosted for many years on the D.S.A. website, some have claimed that all Progressive Caucus membership D.S.A. membership are synonymous. That may possibly have been the case, in the early years, but I have seen no evidence that it still applies.

What is beyond doubt is that most Progressive Caucus members are indeed socialists. In a European country, most would be comfortable in either the Socialist, Communist or green parties.

Several current or former Progressive Caucus members appear to have been members of D.S.A. including Neil Abercrombie, Danny K. Davis, Ron Dellums, Jerry Nadler and Major Owens.

Some members like Barbara Lee and Luis Gutierrez have been involved in Marxist-Leninist parties.

Many others have ties to D.S.A., the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, the Institute for Policy Studies, or other far left groups.

Many also have maintained ties to Cuba, Venezuela, Saddam Hussein's Iraq or other anti U.S. regimes.

Prominent recent former members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus include Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Obama's Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Obama Transition Team member and former Democratic Party whip, David Bonior. Since leaving the house, David Bonior has formally joined D.S.A.

At more than 70 members, the Progressive Caucus is the most powerful bloc in the U.S. Congress, leading several powerful committees, including Judiciary (John Conyers) and until recently, Ways & Means (Charles Rangel).

It is also important to note that many far left Senators and Congressmen and NOT members of the Progressive Caucus - Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa and Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy (one time D.S.A. member) from Ohio being good examples.

If you follow the blue links on this page it will lead you to biographies of all those listed on this post, from our sister site KeyWiki - our online encyclopedia of the American left. The KeyWiki Congressional Progressive Caucus page also lists former members of the organization.

Many profiles are still only only "stubs", but some are comprehensive. We welcome contributions from readers to "flesh them out". We also welcome more volunteer KeyWiki editors and contributors. Contact details here

Check out the socialists in your Congress!

The current members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are as follows:


* Raul Grijalva (AZ-07)
* Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)

Vice Chairs

* Diane Watson (CA-33)
* Keith Ellison (MN-05)
* Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
* Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
* Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
* Donna Edwards (MD-04)
* Alan Grayson (FL-08)

Senate Members

* Bernie Sanders (VT)
* Tom Udall (NM)
* Roland Burris (IL)

House Members

* Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
* Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
* Earl Blumenauer (OR-03)
* Robert Brady (PA-01)
* Corrine Brown (FL-03)
* Michael Capuano (MA-08)
* André Carson (IN-07)
* Donna Christensen (VI-AL)
* Yvette Clarke (NY-11)
* William (Lacy) Clay (MO-01)
* Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)
* Steve Cohen (TN-09)
* John Conyers (MI-14)
* Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
* Danny Davis (IL-07)
* Peter DeFazio (OR-04)
* Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
* Sam Farr (CA-17)
* Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
* Bob Filner (CA-51)
* Barney Frank (MA-04)
* Marcia Fudge (OH-11)
* Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
* John Hall (NY-19)
* Phil Hare (IL-17)
* Alcee Hastings (FL-23)
* Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)
* Michael Honda (CA-15)
* Jesse Jackson Jr (IL-02)
* Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
* Hank Johnson (GA-04)
* Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
* Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)
* Barbara Lee (CA-09)
* John Lewis (GA-05)
* David Loebsack (IA-02)
* Ben Lujan (NM-3)
* Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
* Edward Markey (MA-07)
* Jim McDermott (WA-07)
* James McGovern (MA-03)
* George Miller (CA-07)
* Gwen Moore (WI-04)
* Jim Moran (VA-08)
* Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
* Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL)
* John Olver (MA-01)
* Frank Pallone (NJ-06)
* Ed Pastor (AZ-04)
* Donald Payne (NJ-10)
* Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
* Jared Polis (CO-02)
* Charles Rangel (NY-15)
* Laura Richardson (CA-37)
* Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34)
* Bobby Rush (IL-01)
* Linda Sanchez (CA-47)
* Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
* José Serrano (NY-16)
* Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
* Pete Stark (CA-13)
* Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
* John Tierney (MA-06)
* Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)
* Maxine Waters (CA-35)
* Mel Watt (NC-12)
* Henry Waxman (CA-30)
* Peter Welch (VT-AL)

Every effort should be made to vote out as many as possible CPCers in the November mid term elections.
Does the word 'sustainable' have multiple meanings? It is not a trick question.

Chris Hedges puts it rather well with this...

I just might take up drinking...a lot of drinking.

Fuck Chris Hedges.

Here's the problem. There's plenty of work to be done in this country. Just simply put, the rich don't want to pay the working man a fair wage to do it.

They'd rather automate, outsource, offshore or otherwise find a way not to.

That's what unsustainable.

Plutocracy always fails... and what follows is often pretty bad.
Does the word 'sustainable' have multiple meanings? It is not a trick question.

Chris Hedges puts it rather well with this...

I just might take up drinking...a lot of drinking.

Fuck Chris Hedges.

Here's the problem. There's plenty of work to be done in this country. Just simply put, the rich don't want to pay the working man a fair wage to do it.

They'd rather automate, outsource, offshore or otherwise find a way not to.

That's what unsustainable.

Plutocracy always fails... and what follows is often pretty bad.

Yeah its those damn rich people...all while behind the curtain, the government is the main culprit screwing you and most Americans, but you can't see that. Why?
This would be the same Deng who ran over college students with Tanks when the asked for the same things we take for granted.

Interesting heroes you have, Toro....
Do you enjoy getting bitch-slapped?

Well, if Toro ever did that, not really.

Mostly he just whines because I don't love big corporations...

I don't whine about anything.

I just point out that you're a bigot who advocates violence and has serious anger management problems.

The GOP "stole" the election in 2000? You're one of the naive ones that actually buys that nonsense, Joe? Al Gore didn't even carry his home State of Tennessee. The people that know him best voted for the other guy. The rest of your rant is equally flawed. We got war because Islamic terrorists flew planes loaded with innocent civilians into targets here in the United act that would have taken place no matter WHO was President. It was a war that Democrats supported almost as much as Republicans! As for the 10% unemployment rate? That took place after Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's badly conceived "stimulus" failed miserably. How can someone who claims to be a history major be so oblivious to what took place in history?

1) Who carried TN is irrelevant. Gore got more votes in the country as a whole, and he probably got more in Florida. He would have gotten more if Jeb Bush hadn't engaged in voter suppression.

2) I'm sorry, what did Iraq have to do with 9/11. Exactly? Afghanistan didn't really attack us, either. They guy who was responsible just happened to be there, and instead of extraditing him, we decided to take sides in a 30 year civil war. So. No. Bush got us into wars we didn't need to be in.

3) Sorry, we hit 10% unemployment long before a single dollar of stimulus was spent. After that it went down. (Oct 2009). We can thank your boy Bush for that one

4) I'm really trying to convince my self you aren't retarded, but you're giving me nothing to work with.

Gore's people tried counting and recounting and then counting the Florida votes AGAIN...and they STILL couldn't work out a way to have Al come out on top. Jeb Bush did not engage in voter suppression. The only voter suppression that took place during that election cycle in Florida was the main stream media calling the race before the polls closed in the conservative Panhandle section of the State (different time zone that the rest of Florida) which caused many Republican voters to not vote.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. We went into Iraq because a sadistic dictator refused to abide by the sanctions he had agreed at the close to the First Gulf War.

Osama bin Laden just "happened" to be in Afghanistan? Did you really just say that? The Taliban were running Afghanistan and the Taliban were supporting Al Queda. Extradite him? Are you kidding? We demanded that Afghanistan extradite Bin Laden and expel Al Queda and the Taliban refused saying there was not enough "evidence" that he was behind the attacks. Mind you that this was AFTER Osama bin Laden had gone public taking credit for the 9/11 attacks. Bush did what needed to be done.

As for when unemployment hit 10%? The Obama stimulus was passed as one of the first pieces of legislation of the Obama Presidency on Feb 19th of 2009. Unemployment hit 10% in October of 2009 a full 8 months after the stimulus was passed. So you are claiming that not a dollar of the stimulus was spent in that 8 month period? Gotta tell you, Joe...for a self proclaimed history major you have an awful tendency to get your history completely WRONG!

You might want to hold off on the "retarded" insults until you make a post that shows some intelligence...just saying...:cuckoo:
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