Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Yawn, guy, getting kind of bored with you guys reliving the Cold War.

I guess it was the only time anyone ever took the far right seriously.
The Cold War is over, except in your embattled brain. You lost, get over it!

Actually, both sides lost.

America is 16 trillion in debt with a busted middle class. I'm still not seeing that as "Winning".
The USA is still here, albeit with incompetent leadership, but still a superpower. Where is the USSR?

You lost! Move on to some other failed cause like keeping a job.:lol:
The Cold War is over, except in your embattled brain. You lost, get over it!

Actually, both sides lost.

America is 16 trillion in debt with a busted middle class. I'm still not seeing that as "Winning".
The USA is still here, albeit with incompetent leadership, but still a superpower. Where is the USSR?

You lost! Move on to some other failed cause like keeping a job.:lol:

Um, sorry, man, Russia is still there.

And you really think we aer still a superpower? We can't even beat a country like Iraq into submission....
Russia is still there? Where was it going to go?! I asked you about your beloved Soviet Union (USSR). You're always good for a laugh and a bit of ridicule Joey, but inane dialogue like this gets tedious after a while.
Russia is still there? Where was it going to go?! I asked you about your beloved Soviet Union (USSR). You're always good for a laugh and a bit of ridicule Joey, but inane dialogue like this gets tedious after a while.

Actually, what is tedious is watching all those good paying jobs go to Communist China, and then claiming we somehow "won" the Cold War.

Someone needs to tell the Chinese.
Russia is still there? Where was it going to go?! I asked you about your beloved Soviet Union (USSR). You're always good for a laugh and a bit of ridicule Joey, but inane dialogue like this gets tedious after a while.

Actually, what is tedious is watching all those good paying jobs go to Communist China, and then claiming we somehow "won" the Cold War.

Someone needs to tell the Chinese.

China, Vietnam and Russia all recently rejected Progressive economic and are prospering, if only the "American" Left would realized they were humped and left at the alter.

It's funny watching the Left call for a system their ideological leaders have abandoned
Russia is still there? Where was it going to go?! I asked you about your beloved Soviet Union (USSR). You're always good for a laugh and a bit of ridicule Joey, but inane dialogue like this gets tedious after a while.

Actually, what is tedious is watching all those good paying jobs go to Communist China, and then claiming we somehow "won" the Cold War.

Someone needs to tell the Chinese.

China, Vietnam and Russia all recently rejected Progressive economic and are prospering, if only the "American" Left would realized they were humped and left at the alter.

It's funny watching the Left call for a system their ideological leaders have abandoned

No, they are still ruled by the COMMUNIST party and they still call themselves "COMMUNIST" states.

Frankly, you actually really need to read about how China does business... It isn't the kind of Free Market shit you guys claim it is...
Actually, what is tedious is watching all those good paying jobs go to Communist China, and then claiming we somehow "won" the Cold War.

Someone needs to tell the Chinese.

China, Vietnam and Russia all recently rejected Progressive economic and are prospering, if only the "American" Left would realized they were humped and left at the alter.

It's funny watching the Left call for a system their ideological leaders have abandoned

No, they are still ruled by the COMMUNIST party and they still call themselves "COMMUNIST" states.

Frankly, you actually really need to read about how China does business... It isn't the kind of Free Market shit you guys claim it is...

I listed three countries all of which are at least a whole order of magnitude better than they were as your Workers Paradise.
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Hey, guy, what do you think if Al Qaeda flew some planes over the US right now, spreading Islamist propaganda? You don't think they'd do the same thing Castro did to those exile assholes?

We are still hitting Cuba with inhumane sanctions because the Douchebags in Florida have all our politicians pissing themselves.

Those two planes Castro shot down were flying over international waters looking for Cubans on rafts escaping your "workers paradise", Joe! How THAT equates with Islamic terrorists over American is a stretch even for you.

yeah, somehow, I don't think we'd wait for Al Qaeda planes to enter our airspace at this point.

Frankly, if we stopped offering Cubans incentives to get into leaky rafts, they'd stop doing it.

When Clinton imposed the "Wet Feet/Dry Feet" rule, guess what, that sort of thing dropped off quickly and Bush-43 didn't change it.

Cubans are NOT braving a hundred and fifty miles of shark infested ocean on small rafts because of "incentives" we've offered, Joe...they risk their lives to leave Cuba because life there is so bad. What part of that concept don't you grasp?
Raygun lived his whole life in fantasy land. His greatest accomplishment was BEDTIME FOR BONZO.
What I find shocking is you think regurgitating cold war propaganda is an intellectual argument.


We're having an intellectual argument, Joe? Gee, I thought you were spouting left wing talking points about the joys of Cuban communism...and I was pointing out the glaring fallacies in your contentions since I've actually visited Cuba and know something about the country and the conditions there.

Dismissed? LOL Really?

I'm having an intellectual argument. You are regurgitating whatever shit you've heard from anti-Communist websites.

Not that I believe you'd ever actually visit Cuba. Seriously, how'd you get in if it's a Communist prison?

Two ways actually, I can fly directly there directly from Costa Rica where I have a home. When you land in Cuba you ask that your passport not be stamped. Or you can fly directly from the US on a humanitarian passport, something I had for a number of years before the US government made them harder to obtain. Before, if you were bringing in "medical supplies", you you have to belong to specific "approved" groups.

I have friends on the Isla de la Juventud that I've been visiting for coming up on 30 years. Every trip there my suitcases are filled with things my Cubano friends can't get that we take for granted. A bottle of Tums is like gold. What you don't seem to understand is that it isn't hard to get into a place like's like visiting someone in prison. Just because you can get in...doesn't mean that the prisoners can get out.

No, they are still ruled by the COMMUNIST party and they still call themselves "COMMUNIST" states.

Frankly, you actually really need to read about how China does business... It isn't the kind of Free Market shit you guys claim it is...

I listed three countries all of which are at least a whole order of magnitude better than they were as your Workers Paradise.

I don't know, I think I would have rather live in Cuba where I get free health care than China, where they chop you up for transplant organs....

Incidently, work for a large, international corporation that does business in the US and China, and recently got to spend some time with a co-worker from there.

Some of the highlights.

She was amazed that our major cities have clean air and clean water compared to hers. (Again, due to Government, not Private Enterprise).

She mentioned that she and her husband only had one child, and if they wanted a second, they'd have to pay $20,000 to do so. (No mention if she found herself pregnant by accident, because I didn't really want to hear the answer.)

She was really curious about the election of 2012 (this was September of last year) and was amazed that we had real choices in our elections.

So, really, guy, if you want to cite China as a place that is SOOOOOO much better now that they haven't really rejected Communism all that much, have at it.

Just admit you don't know what you are talking about.

Two ways actually, I can fly directly there directly from Costa Rica where I have a home. When you land in Cuba you ask that your passport not be stamped. Or you can fly directly from the US on a humanitarian passport, something I had for a number of years before the US government made them harder to obtain. Before, if you were bringing in "medical supplies", you you have to belong to specific "approved" groups.

I have friends on the Isla de la Juventud that I've been visiting for coming up on 30 years. Every trip there my suitcases are filled with things my Cubano friends can't get that we take for granted. A bottle of Tums is like gold. What you don't seem to understand is that it isn't hard to get into a place like's like visiting someone in prison. Just because you can get in...doesn't mean that the prisoners can get out.

So what you are admitting here, whether you realize it or not, is that MOST of the misery in Cuba is caused by the Sanctions were are imposing out of spite.

Not that you'll ever admit that.

How about this. Let's lift the sanctions, let Cubans come here and visit our shopping malls, let companies trade there. and then we'll see if Cubans throw out Castro or not.

My guess is they won't.

No, they are still ruled by the COMMUNIST party and they still call themselves "COMMUNIST" states.

Frankly, you actually really need to read about how China does business... It isn't the kind of Free Market shit you guys claim it is...

I listed three countries all of which are at least a whole order of magnitude better than they were as your Workers Paradise.

I don't know, I think I would have rather live in Cuba where I get free health care than China, where they chop you up for transplant organs....

Incidently, work for a large, international corporation that does business in the US and China, and recently got to spend some time with a co-worker from there.

Some of the highlights.

She was amazed that our major cities have clean air and clean water compared to hers. (Again, due to Government, not Private Enterprise).

She mentioned that she and her husband only had one child, and if they wanted a second, they'd have to pay $20,000 to do so. (No mention if she found herself pregnant by accident, because I didn't really want to hear the answer.)

She was really curious about the election of 2012 (this was September of last year) and was amazed that we had real choices in our elections.

So, really, guy, if you want to cite China as a place that is SOOOOOO much better now that they haven't really rejected Communism all that much, have at it.

Just admit you don't know what you are talking about.

Joe you didn't read my post so it makes no sense for me to respond

Two ways actually, I can fly directly there directly from Costa Rica where I have a home. When you land in Cuba you ask that your passport not be stamped. Or you can fly directly from the US on a humanitarian passport, something I had for a number of years before the US government made them harder to obtain. Before, if you were bringing in "medical supplies", you you have to belong to specific "approved" groups.

I have friends on the Isla de la Juventud that I've been visiting for coming up on 30 years. Every trip there my suitcases are filled with things my Cubano friends can't get that we take for granted. A bottle of Tums is like gold. What you don't seem to understand is that it isn't hard to get into a place like's like visiting someone in prison. Just because you can get in...doesn't mean that the prisoners can get out.

So what you are admitting here, whether you realize it or not, is that MOST of the misery in Cuba is caused by the Sanctions were are imposing out of spite.

Not that you'll ever admit that.

How about this. Let's lift the sanctions, let Cubans come here and visit our shopping malls, let companies trade there. and then we'll see if Cubans throw out Castro or not.

My guess is they won't.

You really don't understand this you? It isn't the US Government that is preventing Cubans from coming here and visiting our shopping's the Cuban Government that won't allow it's people to come and go. Castro holds his own people hostage and has been doing so for fifty years while blaming the US.

Joe you didn't read my post so it makes no sense for me to respond

No, guy, I read your posts and have to conclude you are a borderline retard.

I was talking about economic improvement and you were discussing abortion

No, you were insisting China's growth has been due to Capitalism, when in fact, nothing of the sort is true. The fact the right wing sees China as a model of even greater corporate exploitation of working folks is kind of fuckin' scary.

But the Corporatists can't move American jobs over there fast enough, despite the bad treatment of workers, shitty quality and environmental degradation.
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