Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Reagan spend borrowed money like a Keynesian.

Not surprising given that he was a Keynesian and a STATIST, too.
yeah, guy, I know you need your own version of history where Hoover was a great president and McCarthy really did have Commies hiding under his bed...

reality bites!

Hoover sucked, Coolidge and Haring were truly great

FDR stole Hoover's Progressive Stalinist economic ideas and mutated them into the worst economy in human history

McCarthy was right, more people in the FDR White House reported to Stalin than to FDR. I call that a disaster, you call that victory
yeah, guy, I know you need your own version of history where Hoover was a great president and McCarthy really did have Commies hiding under his bed...

reality bites!

Hoover sucked, Coolidge and Haring were truly great

FDR stole Hoover's Progressive Stalinist economic ideas and mutated them into the worst economy in human history

Herbert Hoover was a Stalinist now?

You know what the toughtest part of being a Republican is? Your inability to even like your own guys.
yeah, guy, I know you need your own version of history where Hoover was a great president and McCarthy really did have Commies hiding under his bed...

reality bites!

Hoover sucked, Coolidge and Haring were truly great

FDR stole Hoover's Progressive Stalinist economic ideas and mutated them into the worst economy in human history

Herbert Hoover was a Stalinist now?

You know what the toughtest part of being a Republican is? Your inability to even like your own guys.

He was a Soviet-style central planner. Are you totally ignorant of history? DO you know anything about Hoover?

He was a Soviet-style central planner. Are you totally ignorant of history? DO you know anything about Hoover?

Central Planning? OMG!!! THe HORROR of it all!

Seriously, dude?

I'm starting to wonder what kind of crazy you are.

I don't know the depth of your ignorance, it may be a Laurentian Abyss, but it's clear you don't know anything about Hoover, Coolidge or FDR
Alan D. Fiers
Rita LaVelle
Richard Secord
John Poindexter

Four people who helped make the Reagan administration the most corrupt andministration in American history.

That's highly significant

Here are some to add to the list

James Watt
Robert McFarlane
Elliot Abrams
Claire George

All these folks committed crimes.
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Over 1200 posts and for what? Reagan's place as a great American leader is secure. No amount of butt hurt and whining is ever going to change that.

Get over it, that bird has flown. You need to start looking for excuses for Obama now. That would be more difficult than trying to effect even Reagan's legacy, and far more contemporary.
Alan D. Fiers
Rita LaVelle
Richard Secord
John Poindexter

Four people who helped make the Reagan administration the most corrupt andministration in American history.

That's highly significant

Here are some to add to the list

James Watt
Robert McFarlane
Elliot Abrams
Claire George

All these folks committed crimes.

Uh huh and Poland is still free from Soviet Communism...go figure

From your post...

Poland's equality minister, Elzbieta Radziszewska, wants to expand a Polish law prohibiting the production of fascist and totalitarian propaganda so that it includes clothing and anything else that could carry an image related to an authoritarian system.

So they didn't ban it, they just WANT TO. Because, clearly, nothing says capitalism like banning an image on a t-shirt worn by disaffected college kids.

Did the kid in the Che T-shirt bang the cheerleader you had your eye on after reading her some passages from The Motorcycle Diaries? Cause ya got to let it go, man.

(Pssst. At this point, I'm just mocking you, Corky!)

The fact is...Poland hates communism because under that system the Russians committed countless atrocities against the Polish people. They executed 22,000 Poles in one instance...killing army officers...police owners...basically anyone of standing in the country that could offer resistance to the communist take-over in the Katyn Forest Massacre.

Yeah, that's what you do when you conquer a country. But again, you miss the point. They hate RUSSIANS, not COMMUNISTS. And Russians were doing nasty things to Poles long before the bad old Commies came along.

The USSR failed because it brutally repressed people both in the Soviet Union and in it's satellite nations like Poland. When you compare the Soviets to other empires reflect on the fact that the Soviets flamed out in spectacular fashion in a mere fifty years. The Roman Empire lasted about 500 years. The British Empire had a run of about 350 years. The United States has lasted over 220 years. Communist Cuba on the other hand has only been around about 50 years and is now abandoning communism because their economy is in such bad shape. Communist China brought in "trade zones" to spur economic growth because it's economy was floundering so badly.

Actually, lots of empires flame out pretty quickly. Alexander's Empire only lasted as long as he did. Same with Napoleon's.

Also, the US didn't really practice imperialism that much (Unless you count the genocide of the Native Americans, but you wingnuts like to pretend that didn't happen.) Our one attempt at it, subjectgating the Philippines was an absolute fucking disaster. We killed half a million Filipinos for really nothing.

But keep pretending this is about "systems" that were never really put into practice and not so much about nations and how they relate to each other. Because really, somewhere, you hope that cheerleader sees the error of her ways.

They not only "wanted" to ban communist images...THEY DID! Poland: Your Ché Guevara T-shirt can land you in jail - Before you "mock" might want to make sure they weren't CORRECT! Duh?

When you conquer a country the thing to do is march tens of thousands of the leading citizens out into the woods and shoot them? Really? Kindly name all the countries that have done that, Joe! Kindly name where Russians prior to the Communists taking over had done anything remotely like that to Poland! The truth is, despite your doing ethical gymnastics to excuse what communists have done, they have a long history of committing atrocities on the people they rule. Mao did it...Stalin did it...Castro did it.

As for Alexander and Napoleon? Those "empires" were less of a political system then they were a cult of personality. Both were created by a single strong figure and both faded away upon the demise of that person.

The United States didn't practice Imperialism? Really? So I guess we didn't take over and run Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, a large part of Panama, Samoa and the Virgin Islands? I have news for you...we practiced Imperialism...we just didn't carry it to the extreme of other European nations but then again we didn't really HAVE to considering we were in possession of vast quantities of land and resources that they didn't possess.

The person here who is "pretending" is yourself,'re "pretending" that communism as practiced in the last century in different places around the globe hasn't failed rather dramatically.
Reagan gave them hope on which they capitalized. With weak-ass presidents like Carter or Obama in office, the USSR might still be here.

Reagan set out to change America after the Johnson-Nixon/Ford-Carter string of disasters, he ended up changing the world.

He was the only good president we all ever had. heck we named our son after him back in the 80s.

Now I know this poster is being sarcastic and trying to be funny obviously.:lol::lol::lol:

Meatbrain troll here is right that Reagan changed the world,he changed the world alright,getting us into a deficit larger than all previous presidents COMBINED and setting the record for the most corrupt administration ever at the time.:D:lmao:

He changed the world alright,changed it in the WORST way imiaginable for a president being all these things below.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "
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Once again, kind of know a little bit about what you're talking about but your knowledge is so superficial that in the end you're totally clueless.

Bush didn't just give tax cuts to "rich people"...Bush gave tax cuts to everyone. He had this radical concept that the American people should be able to spend their OWN money better than the Federal Government. But since you hate rich people SO much that pisses you off to no end.

No, what pisses me off is that we are going TRILLIONS into debt while the rich are living large at the expense of the rest of us....

The rich didn't need tax cuts. At least not until we paid off the 6 Trillion in debt that Bush's Daddy and Ray-Gun incurred. Instead, Bush gave tax cuts to the rich and then spent Trillions avenging his Daddy on Saddam. So when he left, we had 11 Trillion in debt, a busted economy and now way to pay our obligations. And you think the guy was a good president, apparently.

you just to love the logic of TROLLSTYLE.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Only the truly ignorant buy into the notion that Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance and failed to act. The truth is that he was given a vague warning that Al Queda wanted to strike against the US in a daily briefing that was one of many briefings that warned of the same thing. Blaming Bush for failing to act from THAT briefing is a cheap shot. Always was...always will be.

Again, he was given a warning and did ... nothing. Sometimes you got to take the cheap shots because they are so obvious. I'd give Bush a pass for his conduct before 9/11 if his conduct after 9/11 wasn't so much worse. Invading the wrong country, blowing billions of dollars, wasting thousands of lives, ignoring the advice of his generals, torture, spying, and so on.
TROLLSTYLE always ignores that you take him to school all the time.hee hee.

As for the tragedy in New Orleans? George Bush didn't build a city below sea level in an area prone to hurricanes. George Bush didn't alter the wet lands that had previously offered some protection to that city. George Bush didn't line his pockets with the Federal dollars that New Orleans received for decades to fix it's levies. George Bush wasn't the Mayor who declined to issue a timely mandatory evacuation order as a possible category IV hurricane headed directly towards New Orleans. George Bush wasn't one of the idiots that lived in a hurricane prone area yet didn't do the first thing to prepare for an imminent storm. The Federal response to something like a hurricane is ALWAYS slow...that's why if you live in an area like the Gulf you're told constantly to prepare to go days without power, food and water. People suffered in New Orleans because THEY were totally unprepared and then expected FEMA to be there immediately for them. I'm sorry, Joe but you can't fix stupid...and there was a LOT of stupid in New Orleans for Katrina! Blaming the result on Bush is simply another cheap shot.

This sounds like blaming a rape victim for her attack. "Well, she shouldn't have been dressed like that, in that neighborhood, at that time of night. She really has no one to blame but herself."

again you got to love the logic of TROLLSTYLE.comedy gold.:D:D:D:lol:

Incidently, before they put the Horse Show Guy, Heckava Job Brownie in charge of FEMA, FEMA was pretty good at its job. That's because it had professionals in charge. Not political hacks. And when Obama put professionals back in charge, it did a pretty good job.

Notice that during Sandy, Obama didn't blame Christy and Bloomberg for the problems. The job just got done.

sure was fun watching you take trollsytley to school.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:lol:
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Jesus, look at countries that for two generations knew nothing but communism and collective planning and then struggled to implement free market economies and come to the conclusion that they went BACK to communism because IT worked and capitalism didn't. Yes, there were people in Poland that took comfort in being told what to do and wanted the return of the communists because the new freedoms scared the shit out of them. It took awhile for that sentiment to die out.

So tell me, the SLD still running Poland these days? Are the communists in control? The TRUTH is that communism is in such ill repute in Poland these days that it is illegal to display the hammer & sickle or even Che Guevara tee shirts. You do so and they'll put you in prison for up to 2 years! Yeah...they are just LOVING communism in Poland!!! (eye-roll)

Again, because the hammer and sickle are seen as symbols of RUSSIA, not communism.

And, yeah, the next group of idiots who ran Poland decided to chuck free speech and democracy and you think this is a good thing? really?

Here's the reality. The fall of the USSR was a failure of Imperialism, not Communism.

Now, quite the contrary, I'm not defending Communism per se. It's kind of hard to have that discussion with people who think the glory of capitalism is that we should let poor children starve because their parents can't find jobs, and anyone who suggests otherwise is a Communist. That's the SICKNESS that has overtaken the GOP, and why I had to walk away from it.

But from a realistic, historical persective, the fall of the USSR was the failure of a nation, not a system. And it certainly had nothing to do with a senile old actor making a speech. Or spending us into 3 trillion in debt buying $600 toilet seats.


Now matter how many times you explain that to Crusader Retard,you might as well be talking to a got to remember,you are talking to a loyal cousin of reagans so he is going to ignore every single bad thing you say about him.:D
Once again, kind of know a little bit about what you're talking about but your knowledge is so superficial that in the end you're totally clueless.

Bush didn't just give tax cuts to "rich people"...Bush gave tax cuts to everyone. He had this radical concept that the American people should be able to spend their OWN money better than the Federal Government. But since you hate rich people SO much that pisses you off to no end.

No, what pisses me off is that we are going TRILLIONS into debt while the rich are living large at the expense of the rest of us....

The rich didn't need tax cuts. At least not until we paid off the 6 Trillion in debt that Bush's Daddy and Ray-Gun incurred. Instead, Bush gave tax cuts to the rich and then spent Trillions avenging his Daddy on Saddam. So when he left, we had 11 Trillion in debt, a busted economy and now way to pay our obligations. And you think the guy was a good president, apparently.

you just to love the logic of TROLLSTYLE.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Again, he was given a warning and did ... nothing. Sometimes you got to take the cheap shots because they are so obvious. I'd give Bush a pass for his conduct before 9/11 if his conduct after 9/11 wasn't so much worse. Invading the wrong country, blowing billions of dollars, wasting thousands of lives, ignoring the advice of his generals, torture, spying, and so on.
TROLLSTYLE always ignores that you take him to school all the time.hee hee.

As for the tragedy in New Orleans? George Bush didn't build a city below sea level in an area prone to hurricanes. George Bush didn't alter the wet lands that had previously offered some protection to that city. George Bush didn't line his pockets with the Federal dollars that New Orleans received for decades to fix it's levies. George Bush wasn't the Mayor who declined to issue a timely mandatory evacuation order as a possible category IV hurricane headed directly towards New Orleans. George Bush wasn't one of the idiots that lived in a hurricane prone area yet didn't do the first thing to prepare for an imminent storm. The Federal response to something like a hurricane is ALWAYS slow...that's why if you live in an area like the Gulf you're told constantly to prepare to go days without power, food and water. People suffered in New Orleans because THEY were totally unprepared and then expected FEMA to be there immediately for them. I'm sorry, Joe but you can't fix stupid...and there was a LOT of stupid in New Orleans for Katrina! Blaming the result on Bush is simply another cheap shot.

This sounds like blaming a rape victim for her attack. "Well, she shouldn't have been dressed like that, in that neighborhood, at that time of night. She really has no one to blame but herself."

again you got to love the logic of TROLLSTYLE.comedy gold.:D:D:D:lol:

Incidently, before they put the Horse Show Guy, Heckava Job Brownie in charge of FEMA, FEMA was pretty good at its job. That's because it had professionals in charge. Not political hacks. And when Obama put professionals back in charge, it did a pretty good job.

Notice that during Sandy, Obama didn't blame Christy and Bloomberg for the problems. The job just got done.

sure was fun watching you take trollsytley to school.he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:lol:

Only a totally oblivious person would see what's happened in this string as Joe taking ANYONE to school! He's been shown to be completely incorrect on one contention after another. Stick to making fart's what you do best.
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