Reagan, how nice it ws to have him.


If anyone is a traitor, it's the current Occupier-in-Chief. Hasn't done one thing to help the country. The one or two things he has done hasn't yielded shit. If running up the debt and enslaving your children and grandchildren with debt is your idea of success, then we are in worse trouble then we all think.

Don't deflect, start a thread and I will show you who is responsible for this national debt. But this thread is about the traitor Reagan. Reagan trades weapons to Iran if they would hold the hostages until after the elections and undermines U.S. policy. In time of war he could be hung for that and would have been jailed if he were not elected.

And then lied on the stand, under oath. Why don't these fools remember that bastard saying, over and over, "I don't know", "I can't recall", "I can't remember"?

Was he already so sick with Alzheimer's that he really didn't remember? Or, was he really that ignorant about what he was doing? Why did America let him get away with treason?

Remember how he dodged reporters? How he would walk across the lawn with his hand cupped to his ear, grinning vacantly and shaking his head - pretending he couldn't hear in order to get out of facing the American public.
Reagan, how nice it ws to have him.

[ame=]An American Genocide - Guatemala - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Reagan Sends Military To Central America To Back Police State Military Regimes (1983) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]El Salvador in the 1980's - YouTube[/ame]


"President George W. Bush is seeking to prevent the planned release of some 68,000 pages of documents from the Reagan-Bush administration (1981-1989), documents which may well contain embarrassing information about the way in which the government funded, supported, and even created terrorist groups in Central America and elsewhere. He has issued an "executive order" to halt the release of the documents. The release is required by the Presidential Records Act passed by Congress."​

Reagan/Bush Years
Man when its reagan debt they just love it for some reason.

The man had to play stupid to keep from being caught for selling arms to our enemies for christ sake
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If anyone is a traitor, it's the current Occupier-in-Chief. Hasn't done one thing to help the country. The one or two things he has done hasn't yielded shit. If running up the debt and enslaving your children and grandchildren with debt is your idea of success, then we are in worse trouble then we all think.

Why do people believe this even though it is not true? President Obama has incurred less debt and has done more for the working class than Reagan ever even thought about. Reagan literally put us deeper in debt than ALL other presidents, COMBINED. Bush and Bush then added even more.

Reagan was a fraud, corrupt down to his toenails and our country will never recover from what he did. Like the Bush's, the best part of his presidency is that he spent most of it on tax payer funded vacation.

The Ronald Reagan Years - The Real Reagan Record

Welcome to

This site tracks the current Reagan Bush Debt.
The Reagan-Bush Debt is how much of the national debt of the United States is attributable to the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and
the Republican fiscal policy of Borrow-And-Spend.

As of Sunday, August 19, 2012 at 5:56:18AM CT,
The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.

Great post would rep you again but will not let me .
And this OP is not classed as trolling?

Glad I'm not alone in my estimation of that president.
If anyone is a traitor, it's the current Occupier-in-Chief. Hasn't done one thing to help the country. The one or two things he has done hasn't yielded shit. If running up the debt and enslaving your children and grandchildren with debt is your idea of success, then we are in worse trouble then we all think.

Why do people believe this even though it is not true? President Obama has incurred less debt and has done more for the working class than Reagan ever even thought about. Reagan literally put us deeper in debt than ALL other presidents, COMBINED. Bush and Bush then added even more.

Reagan was a fraud, corrupt down to his toenails and our country will never recover from what he did. Like the Bush's, the best part of his presidency is that he spent most of it on tax payer funded vacation.

The Ronald Reagan Years - The Real Reagan Record

Welcome to

This site tracks the current Reagan Bush Debt.
The Reagan-Bush Debt is how much of the national debt of the United States is attributable to the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and
the Republican fiscal policy of Borrow-And-Spend.

As of Sunday, August 19, 2012 at 5:56:18AM CT,
The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.

Great post would rep you again but will not let me .

Thanks, I opted out of the whole rep thing but I do appreciate the compliment.
"Thanks, I opted out of the whole rep thing but I do appreciate the compliment."

What is the story with 'rep', anyway? How does it change so much and who does it? What is it for?
"Thanks, I opted out of the whole rep thing but I do appreciate the compliment."

What is the story with 'rep', anyway? How does it change so much and who does it? What is it for?

its popularity points for people who cant debate with facts and need to feel better about themselves
The lesson here is that a president can start America on its economic downward spiral but if he has a goofy little grin, can speak like presidents do in the movies, have a pithy little saying for various occassions the American people will love him and believe him to be a good president.
[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Reagan was a liar and a traitor.
when the corporate news helps him lie that is.

Now with that series of tubes called the internets they cant say one thing to a group of people and another to a different group of people without getting caught on tape.

See that is why the republican party is dying
Telling Lies - YouTube

Reagan was a liar and a traitor.
when the corporate news helps him lie that is.

Now with that series of tubes called the internets they cant say one thing to a group of people and another to a different group of people without getting caught on tape.

See that is why the republican party is dying
Hell.....ReRon did what he needed-to, when Daddy Bush....

......much the way The DICK; Cheney rode herd over Lil' Dumbya.
The lesson here is that a president can start America on its economic downward spiral but if he has a goofy little grin, can speak like presidents do in the movies, have a pithy little saying for various occassions the American people will love him and believe him to be a good president.

Reagan started the greatest economic expansion in US peace time history that is the truth. Clinton rode it out until his recession and his 9/11. Or are you saying that the Clinton years were a failure? No, I don't think you will say that. Yet I seriously doubt you can give a reason why Clinton was successful. The free trade agreements that Clinton signed will screw all future generations as they are today. The result of what Clinton did was predicted and came true. The results of what Reagan did was predicted, by the democrats, and did not happen. You need to read a book. What Reagan did caused him to win reelection by a biggest landslide ever, hell I will bet even Mondale voted for Reagan. The only state Mondale won was his own and he only won it by less then 4000 votes. The people then knew the greatness of Reagan, you can only try and diminish it for some hateful reason.
The Taliban loved him. The millions of illegals who gained amnesty loved him. The Rightwing Death Squads in Central America loved him. The Jelly Belly company loved him.

As will the Muslim Brotherhood love Obama. As with the ME love Obama for bombing the crap out of them.

You were not around back then so you don't know. Reagan didn't support the Taliban he supported the opposition to Russia's invasion of Afganistan. Same with Central America. But I refuse to argue with you that would make me a hypocrite considering what I posted earlier.

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