Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

The right wing didn't have a problem calling Kerry a did it.

Personally..I don't think Reagan was a coward. In fact..he handled the assassination attempt in a very brave and admirable fashion.

However..dealing with an enemy while not having an mandate to do so and circumventing the Constitution to support pet despicable.
Nobody called Kerry a coward but he was a fraud. There's a difference. As a Swift Boat commander, Kerry was authorized to recommend his men for certain awards and they would always be authorized. What he did was recommend himself for a Purple Heart for a self inflicted wound when he caught a splinter in his ass from throwing a grenade into a cache of rice. Another Heart was self recommended when his finger was bleeding after a mine went off. Kerry recommended himself for a Silver Star for chasing and shooting an unarmed kid who had allegedly fired and missed the boat with an RPG. The Silver Star must have been the holy grail for future democrat politicians. LBJ recommended himself for a Silver Star for being a passenger in a plane that flew over enemy territory in WW2.
Reagan was all about bowing to Wall Street...
Open Borders that resulted in wage suppression for minorities and Blue Collar workers in construction.
Raygun partnered with Democrat Patrick Moynahan and every other US senator to pass laws that allowed Chinese and Japanese Business Visas to replace millions of Americans in the workforce.
Raygun signed the COBRA Act giving free health care to trespassers.
Raygun encouraged Off-Shoring in the guise of spreading Democracy and Capitalism when all it did was make the rich richer.

Funny. But you support "open borders" yourself, right? So, why are you pretending to be offended by it?
Don't you think it says something that those allegations have been investigated for more than 40 years and never proven?
Reagan had no power to negotiate with Iran as a civilian. Even when you consider the fact that the CIA was an incompetent bunch of political opportunists they would have caught on to a civilian negotiating with a foreign government for political gain.
Nobody called Kerry a coward but he was a fraud. There's a difference. As a Swift Boat commander, Kerry was authorized to recommend his men for certain awards and they would always be authorized. What he did was recommend himself for a Purple Heart for a self inflicted wound when he caught a splinter in his ass from throwing a grenade into a cache of rice. Another Heart was self recommended when his finger was bleeding after a mine went off. Kerry recommended himself for a Silver Star for chasing and shooting an unarmed kid who had allegedly fired and missed the boat with an RPG. The Silver Star must have been the holy grail for future democrat politicians. LBJ recommended himself for a Silver Star for being a passenger in a plane that flew over enemy territory in WW2.

Rubbish. He saw more of the war than Saint Ronald did, as well as more than a lot of other Republicans, small as it was. The last Republican to see combat was .... who? Teddy Roosevelt?
Rubbish. He saw more of the war than Saint Ronald did, as well as more than a lot of other Republicans, small as it was. The last Republican to see combat was .... who? Teddy Roosevelt?
Have you forgotten George H.W. Bush?
Reagan had no power to negotiate with Iran as a civilian. Even when you consider the fact that the CIA was an incompetent bunch of political opportunists they would have caught on to a civilian negotiating with a foreign government for political gain.

Why didn't they?
No one is even sure that LBJs aircraft was even fired on.

According to the same author cited in the OP, Dallek, it was, and it was a mission type where 25% losses were the norm. He decided he was going to help a turret gunner and stayed there and watched through the bubble the whole trip, instead of hiding somewhere. I don't think it rated a Silver Star, though, but MacArthur wanted to brown nose a little hoping to get a bigger budget and LBJ never ran around bragging about it. He was a Reserve officer and in the military; whether the LBJ haters like it or not isn't a real point.
According to the same author cited in the OP, Dallek, it was, and it was a mission type where 25% losses were the norm. He decided he was going to help a turret gunner and stayed there and watched through the bubble the whole trip, instead of hiding somewhere. I don't think it rated a Silver Star, though, but MacArthur wanted to brown nose a little hoping to get a bigger budget and LBJ never ran around bragging about it. He was a Reserve officer and in the military; whether the LBJ haters like it or not isn't a real point.
They don't come anywhere remotely equaling George H.W. Bush's two dozen or so combat missions.
Appointing people to their position does not mean you will automatically get favors from them.

Didn't work for Donald Trump.

Yes, it does mean you get favors, and Trump was never part of the Good Ole Gimps Club, and pissed in a lot of the establishments' Wheaties on the left and right both, not that there is any big difference between the RNC and DNC anyway. If there weren't favors involved or protection money to pay, nobody would ever donate to their campaigns at all, knowing how many of them are pure scum.
They don't come anywhere remotely equaling George H.W. Bush's two dozen or so combat missions.

He got like 6 medals or something for one raid, and was the only survivor. When you're a Senator's and a big banker's relative you tend to win a lot of medals in wars.
He got like 6 medals or something for one raid, and was the only survivor. When you're a Senator's and a big banker's relative you tend to win a lot of medals in wars.

He flew 58 combat missions. And he didn't have to fly them in the first place as he lied about his age to become one of he youngest combat pilots in the U.S. military.
He flew 58 combat missions. And he didn't have to fly them in the first place as he lied about his age to become one of he youngest combat pilots in the U.S. military.

lol he didn't lie about his age, he simply had the political pull from Daddy to get his rank and choose his own slot. '58 missions'? According to who?

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