Reagan vs Obama

Oh my, am almost hyperventilating at that, desiderata_deo. That is the funniest post here in a while. My deflection is supposedly from some lame position on some bad thing that happened. I have forgotten what the specific issue was, but my empathy was insufficient for d-d. But there was no deflection; I honestly don't care and d-d seemed to believe there is some requirement for me to go on about it.

Folks, I am a very bad man. That is d-d's position - and perhaps yours. But that isn't what brought these posts to the main column, it was d-d's false claim my focus is on the past.

It isn't. It never was. It never will be. As those who follow the link will discover (and most bright sixth graders would figure out), I don't worry too much about the past. My primary focus is here and now; whatever focus remains is directed forward.

Again, d-d, thanks for tattling on me. It's been about fifty-five years since that happened and the laugh is welcome if only because it so clearly identifies you as a postmodern.

Are you denying that these are your own words;

There were fewer mass murders when Americans shared a fairly narrow set of values into a melting pot culture. When we get back to that a lot of the problems will go away.
Care to explain exactly how it is a "lie" to interpret what you said as a focus on the past?


This part is instructive.

This part - the remedy - is focus on the future.

Does this do it, or is there more tediousness yet to be inflicted?


"When we get BACK to" the FUTURE? :cuckoo:


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