Reagan vs Obama

Yes, while it wasn't apparent at the time - and so halfwits praised the lowlife cocksucker - that filthy god damned scum Reagan destroyed at least 20 million industrial jobs tripling the national debt creating a fake economy.

On the other hand my opinion is Obama is also a failure. I wasn't aware Obama had created that many jobs.

the economy was strong under Reagan, it is weak under Obama. those are the simple facts.

A more accurate statement is "The United States was strong when Reagan took office, weaker when he left, and twenty-five years of ReagaNUT policies have the nation at risk today."

The fact is Reagan tripled the national debt to create the appearance that monetarism works. It doesn't.

Don't believe me? Take a look around. I knew and plenty of others including David Stockman (who quit the cocksucker) understood there is no basis for asset-based economies. None.

Obama is a mere idiot. Reagan was filthy god damned scum. There is the signal difference.

you are wrong, I lived through both. It was a lot better under Reagan. Yes, he increased the debt which was wrong, but his increase was tiny compared to obozo's.
Reagan's legacy
1. Reagan tripled the national debt in peacetime
2. Economic growth under Reagan was created by debt and inflation in asset valuations - growth was built on canned heat.
3. Reagan granted amnesty to illegal aliens 4million took it and 4million more benefited from less enforcement of the law
4. Reagan's amnesty for illegals was the first wide open hammer blow by Republicans against American citizens in the workforce
5. Reagan was the first president to bail out banks (S&Ls) by making taxpayers pay debts of bankers
6. Reagan was the first president to bail out Wall Street (FED first bought private securities under Greenspan) - taxpayers fucked again
7. Net taxes paid by blue collar wage earners were higher in 1988 than they were in 1980; taxes on high incomes were lower.
8. Reagan was a filthy god damned corporate shill whose policies continue to damage the United States of America
Obama's legacy
1. Too soon to list, but it won't be any better than the bobbleheaded cocksucker people are trying to compare him with.
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the economy was strong under Reagan, it is weak under Obama. those are the simple facts.

A more accurate statement is "The United States was strong when Reagan took office, weaker when he left, and twenty-five years of ReagaNUT policies have the nation at risk today."

The fact is Reagan tripled the national debt to create the appearance that monetarism works. It doesn't.

Don't believe me? Take a look around. I knew and plenty of others including David Stockman (who quit the cocksucker) understood there is no basis for asset-based economies. None.

Obama is a mere idiot. Reagan was filthy god damned scum. There is the signal difference.

you are wrong, I lived through both. It was a lot better under Reagan. Yes, he increased the debt which was wrong, but his increase was tiny compared to obozo's.

No, it wasn't. There is a difference between "Being There" and "Understanding It". I understood that halfwits cheering in the street isn't the same thing as a good future. I was right.

If you don't understand that you were living a lie and worse, can't understand simple proportion, there is no point continuing the discussion.


Once upon a time, back in the 1980's, there was a war going on in Nicaragua between the Sandinistas and the Contras. Even though the Contras consisted mostly of Somoza's men (he was the brutal dictator who was overthrown by the Sandinistas), the US decided to throw their support behind the Contras because the Sandinistas were considered communists. In fact, the Sandinistas were backed/funded by communist Russia.

St. Ronnie decided that the US had had enough of war and still had a very sour taste in its collective mouth because of Viet Nam. There was no way he was going to sell a war to the American people. So, he circumvented congress and decided to call the US involvement in Nicaragua a "humanitarian effort." However, it wasn't. As I mentioned, it's a proven fact that the US was in fact engaged in actual fighting along with all of the mercenary work they were doing as well.

Now, I haven't even touched on the whole "arms for hostages" thingy, but the bottom line is this:

If we are in the middle of a Cold War with Russia and there is a war going on in a third country, but both the major parties in the Cold War are "secretly" participating, then that is "shots being fired."

The fact that people were indicted and charged with illegal activity during the Iran/Contra scandal also proves that St. Ronnie's administration wasn't as saintly and heroic as you claim. And before you make a complete fool of yourself, I'll just give you a hint and tell you that Oliver North was not in fact "exonerated." The charges were dropped on a technicality.

I realize that's the Cliff Notes version of what happened, but I seriously doubt you can even handle that much.
The facts are the Grieving Parents asked Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

true story

At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.
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end of story.

Obama made deals with enemy governments against the explicit legislation of congress, when exactly?

Then lied about national tv?

That's the legacy of Ronald Reagan. A true Traitor and Treasonous bastard.
Once upon a time, back in the 1980's, there was a war going on in Nicaragua between the Sandinistas and the Contras. Even though the Contras consisted mostly of Somoza's men (he was the brutal dictator who was overthrown by the Sandinistas), the US decided to throw their support behind the Contras because the Sandinistas were considered communists. In fact, the Sandinistas were backed/funded by communist Russia.

St. Ronnie decided that the US had had enough of war and still had a very sour taste in its collective mouth because of Viet Nam. There was no way he was going to sell a war to the American people. So, he circumvented congress and decided to call the US involvement in Nicaragua a "humanitarian effort." However, it wasn't. As I mentioned, it's a proven fact that the US was in fact engaged in actual fighting along with all of the mercenary work they were doing as well.

Now, I haven't even touched on the whole "arms for hostages" thingy, but the bottom line is this:

If we are in the middle of a Cold War with Russia and there is a war going on in a third country, but both the major parties in the Cold War are "secretly" participating, then that is "shots being fired."

The fact that people were indicted and charged with illegal activity during the Iran/Contra scandal also proves that St. Ronnie's administration wasn't as saintly and heroic as you claim. And before you make a complete fool of yourself, I'll just give you a hint and tell you that Oliver North was not in fact "exonerated." The charges were dropped on a technicality.

I realize that's the Cliff Notes version of what happened, but I seriously doubt you can even handle that much.
I realize that you just got here, but that's a puny excuse. We are not in the same league, as I said before. I am 57 years old with a post graduate degree attained in the 1980s. I lived and worked in DC shortly after graduation and today work in Prague in a field very closely related to the topic.In fact, I met Colonels McFarlane and North during my stint in DC. I did not approve of what they did, but of course, was in no position to tell them so.

Likewise, I have to be diplomatic at work, dealing with various people both American and foreign ranging from the erudite to the dingbat. I find this a bit of a release from the professional conduct to which I am compelled to adhere. I suppose I should be more tolerant of the vapid, especially those that think that they can lecture others about they knowl ittle about by disingenuously cherry-picking talking points form some dingbat website.

Again, my apologies for not doing so. Still, it's not a good idea to bend over in a place like this. Use caution in the future. Good luck.
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I realize that you just got here, but that's a puny excuse. We are not in the same league, as I said before. I am 57 years old with a post graduate degree attained in the 1980s. I lived and worked in DC shortly after graduation and today work in Prague in a field very closely related to the topic.In fact, I met Colonels McFarlane and North during my stint in DC. I did not approve of what they did, but of course, was in no position to tell them so.

Likewise, I have to be diplomatic at work, dealing with various people both American and foreign ranging from the erudite to the dingbat. I find this a bit of a release from the professional conduct to which I am compelled to adhere. I suppose I should be more tolerant of the vapid, especially those that think that they can lecture others about they knowl ittle about by disingenuously cherry-picking talking points form some dingbat website.

Again, my apologies for not doing so. Still, it's not a good idea to bend over in a place like this. Use caution in the future. Good luck.

Tell it to someone who actually gives a shit.

And I haven't "cherry picked" from a website. I posted nothing but facts. You just choose to ignore them because the facts don't fit your myopic world view. Too bad.

And the day you get the best of me is the day you claim Barack Obama is the best president EVAH.
The facts are the Grieving Parents asked Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

true story
At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.

Do you feel that way about the grieving families of 9/11?
One big government expansionist vs another big government expansionist.

Lefties never stop playing the Alinsky game. If Reagan was a big government expansionist y'all should love him but you don't because ignorant lefties have been indoctrinated by 40 years of left wing propaganda.

Alinsky Alinsky Alinsky the rightwing morons with the brains of inbred dung beetle yell over and over again, of course not knowing who Alinsky was. Just yelling what their puppeteers tell them to yell.

Adam Brandon, spokesman for FreedomWorks, which has been organizing tea-party activists and includes Mr. Armey as chairman, says the group gives Mr. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to its top leadership members. A shortened guide called "Rules for Patriots" is distributed to its entire network.

Mr. Brandon called the effort to associate Mr. Obama with Mr. Alinsky "a double-edged sword." While Mr. Alinsky was an avowed liberal Democrat, "his tactics when it comes to grass-roots organizing are incredibly effective," Mr. Brandon said.

Two Ways of Invoking Saul Alinsky -
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The facts are the Grieving Parents asked Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

true story
At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.

Do you feel that way about the grieving families of 9/11?

2 wars, a department of homeland security, guantamo and about several trillion dollars spent..later..

The facts are the Grieving Parents asked Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

true story

At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

So you consider the grief of the bereaved parents of 20 innocent small children to be noting but "shit through a fan"?

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.

And you blame Obama for not telling them to keep their grief to themselves and not burden gun owners with the consequences of the mindless kneejerk obstruction of universal background checks?
The facts are the Grieving Parents asked Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

true story
At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.

Do you feel that way about the grieving families of 9/11?

No. That Saudis attacked the US bothered me. That people in the financial services sector died wasn't any more of an issue to me than any war death list is. Any consideration I had for the families evaporated when the government made all of us pay them off.

One wonders how much Pearl Harbor families got. Or Manilla families. Or the families on Bataan were paid.
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At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.

Do you feel that way about the grieving families of 9/11?

Since the mid 1980s it doesn't bother me when bad things happen to people working at corporate level in the financial services sector.

Does that include the "bad things" that happened to the first responders too? Do you not care about the grieving families of the firefighters and police who gave their lives on 9/11? What about those who were in the subway station? Are they also beneath your concern?
The facts are the Grieving Parents asked Obama and Congress to pass Gun Legislation

true story

At one point I felt sorry for these people. Now it looks like they just want to spread their grief all over America like shit through a fan.

So you consider the grief of the bereaved parents of 20 innocent small children to be noting but "shit through a fan"?

And Obama is too stupid to pat them on the shoulder and tell them he wishes it might have been different before sending them on their way. The man is about as inspiring of a leader as Junebug was.

No decent person believes that kneejerk bogusness is the path to good law.
And you blame Obama for not telling them to keep their grief to themselves and not burden gun owners with the consequences of the mindless kneejerk obstruction of universal background checks?

A. Acknowledging a nominal leader's limits is not the same thing as "blame". Smart people don't blame dogs for being dogs (aka, for their limits).

B. It isn't a perfect world. Background checks can't change enough to pass a cost/benefit smell test.
And you blame Obama for not telling them to keep their grief to themselves and not burden gun owners with the consequences of the mindless kneejerk obstruction of universal background checks?
Nobody blames Obama for anything! It is verbotten! It is either Bush's or Reagan's fault (preferably both). Did you not get the directive?!

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