Reagan, worst prez in our lifetime

Nope, Obama will become the worst President and over take Carter where he will be the second worst

but you on the left need it to be someone else and it makes you Fweeel better, so go for it..

no one is buying it but you

Remember, Fair Trade, not Free Trade.
May I ask why everything Putin does becomes a concern?
You may ask, but what Li Keqiang does is far more of a concern.

He literally owns us thanks to Reaganomics.
A Ricardian legacy would never have led us down this path.
And yes, Clinton/GW/Obama accelerated this.
Not a terribly agile backdown. Anyway, plan B isn't much either. Anyway, I've neither the time nor the inclination to school you.
You may ask, but what Li Keqiang does is far more of a concern.

He literally owns us thanks to Reaganomics.
A Ricardian legacy would never have led us down this path.
And yes, Clinton/GW/Obama accelerated this.
Not a terribly agile backdown. Anyway, plan B isn't much either. Anyway, I've neither the time nor the inclination to school you.

Your history lesson has been rather too deep for me.
Reagan was likely the best president of our lifetime

Wait a second ! Whaaa ? WTF ?
Candy, are you drinking again ? Either that, or they're putting on parkas in hell as we speak !

what else do you expect from government agent troll candyass? He defends the corruption of government events to know end no matter HOW absurd and redicules they are.

Still having trouble coming up with your false claim on how ronnie defeated the USSR. I stated before, you are full of shit.

what else do you expect from the biggest reagan worshipper troll of them all?
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He literally owns us thanks to Reaganomics.
A Ricardian legacy would never have led us down this path.
And yes, Clinton/GW/Obama accelerated this.
Not a terribly agile backdown. Anyway, plan B isn't much either. Anyway, I've neither the time nor the inclination to school you.

Your history lesson has been rather too deep for me.
You might toy with the idea of informing yourself. Obviously, you are on line.
I wish you half-wits would make up your fucking minds.
One time you say that the USSR collapsed within because of it being a communist country.
Now it's the 3rd rate actor that pulls the bullshit up so hi you right-wing idiots are standing in all his shit and you believe it.
Still waiting for how this one man army beat the shit out of the USSR.

Crusader Retard ignores facts that the USSR did not collapse until 3 years later after his speech in 1991.:lol: yet somehow Reagan gets the credit for it.:cuckoo:
I wish you half-wits would make up your fucking minds.
One time you say that the USSR collapsed within because of it being a communist country.
Now it's the 3rd rate actor that pulls the bullshit up so hi you right-wing idiots are standing in all his shit and you believe it.
Still waiting for how this one man army beat the shit out of the USSR.

Crusader Retard ignores facts that the USSR did not collapse until 3 years later after his speech in 1991.:lol: yet somehow Reagan gets the credit for it.:cuckoo:
You think that's bad, the economy collapsed 20 years after he left office, but it's Reagan's fault. ROFLMAO!
He dismantled them alright.
But the logic fails.
I thought Communism dismantles itself.
Does it really need an outside force to dismantle it?
And it seems that the U.S.S.R., now referred to as the Russian Federation is slowly, but surely, returning because we sent our business everywhere but to the former Soviet nations.

The USSR had a consumptive economy. To survive, a steady influx of conquest was required. If the Soviets failed to conquer new countries to loot and pillage, then they would collapse.

Reagan used this to bring them down. Yes, they were unstable, which Reagan recognized and leveraged. Halting their forward momentum triggered the immediate collapse.

It was utterly brilliant.
Reagan was puppet for his handlers, particularly in his second term when he couldn't remember what he ate for breakfast.


Reagan like every president since LBJ was a willing puppet for the establishment there to serve them and the bankers instead of the people.
I wish you half-wits would make up your fucking minds.
One time you say that the USSR collapsed within because of it being a communist country.
Now it's the 3rd rate actor that pulls the bullshit up so hi you right-wing idiots are standing in all his shit and you believe it.
Still waiting for how this one man army beat the shit out of the USSR.

Crusader Retard ignores facts that the USSR did not collapse until 3 years later after his speech in 1991.:lol: yet somehow Reagan gets the credit for it.:cuckoo:

that applys to you as well meathead warped brain.:lol:
I wish you half-wits would make up your fucking minds.
One time you say that the USSR collapsed within because of it being a communist country.
Now it's the 3rd rate actor that pulls the bullshit up so hi you right-wing idiots are standing in all his shit and you believe it.
Still waiting for how this one man army beat the shit out of the USSR.

Crusader Retard ignores facts that the USSR did not collapse until 3 years later after his speech in 1991.:lol: yet somehow Reagan gets the credit for it.:cuckoo:

that applys to you as well meathead warped brain.:lol:
You certainly are a whack job, ain't cha?
Nope, Obama will become the worst President and over take Carter where he will be the second worst

but you on the left need it to be someone else and it makes you Fweeel better, so go for it..

no one is buying it but you

How pathetic. :lol: Carter unlike that evil bastard Reagan did not let the CIA rum amok and engage in illegal covert wars overseas.Carter got in office and fired Ford's appointee BUshwacker as CIA director and replaced with him with Stansfield Turner who went and cleaned house firing all the covert operation specialists in the CIA.

Bastard Reagan got in and gave the green light to illlegal CIA covert activites around the world again firing Turner and replacing him with Willaim Casey. man oh man our school system is failing society.Everytime i mention this fact you reagan worshippers evade theswe facts and change the subject knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

Oh and Carter wasnt any of thes things below that reagan was either .:cuckoo:

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

oh and all that is documented as well as this link proves,you wont read it thoughh cause the truth scares you reaganut worshippers.:cuckoo:

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans
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back to fart and troll as always I see meatbrain troll farting after my last post previously.

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