Reagan, worst prez in our lifetime

Reagan cut taxes for the Rich, increased taxes on the Middle Class.

No real need to read further.

Reagan put huge cuts in place for EVERYONE who paid income taxes. Later he removed a few tax loopholes.

Con artists like "luddly neddite" constantly point to the second, while ignoring or lying about the first.

Most of these disingenuous liars have been exposed and debunked. But a few still persist.

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Reagan cut taxes for the Rich, increased taxes on the Middle Class.

No real need to read further.

Reagan put huge cuts in place for EVERYONE who paid income taxes. Later he removed a few tax loopholes.

Con artists like "luddly neddite" constantly point to the second, while ignoring or lying about the first.

Most of these disingenuous liars have been exposed and debunked. But a few still persist.


I am not going to get into a debate about Ronald Reagan from a bunch of "Lil" thumb sucking Einsteins that were not born yet or were in diapers. What I will tell you--is that I was alive then--and just started our own small business (electrical contracting) when Jimmy Carter was in office--(whom I now consider the 2nd worst President--over our now first one--Barack Obama.

Reagan is still the greatest President of my memory. He took an economy with 10% unemployment in this nation-22% interest rates-and through tax cuts for EVERYONE--gave us the largest--longest economic boom in this nations history--that Bill Clinton enjoyed. Deficits back then where 300 billion dollars compared to today's deficit under Obama of over 17 TRILLION dollars.

JFK also believed that lowering taxes would stimulate an economy and he was the 1st President to give large tax cuts to the American public to do it. He believed and he was correct that a rising tide--lifted all boats.

Never before have we had a President who has lied 40 TIMES to the American public--about being able to keep the insurance policies they liked. Never before have we had a President--who never accepts responsibility for his own actions and continually blames others for his failures. THIS IS WHY BARACK HAS NOW TAKEN JIMMY CARTER'S PLACE AS BEING THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE LAST 150 YEARS.

Welcome to your hope and change

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I am not going to get into a debate about Ronald Reagan from a bunch of "Lil" thumb sucking Einsteins that were not born yet or were in diapers. What I will tell you--is that I was alive then--and just started our own small business (electrical contracting) when Jimmy Carter was in office--(whom I now consider the 2nd worst President--over our now first one--Barack Obama.

Reagan is still the greatest President of my memory. He took an economy with 10% unemployment in this nation-22% interest rates-and through tax cuts for EVERYONE--gave us the largest--longest economic boom in this nations history--that Bill Clinton enjoyed. Deficits back then where 300 billion dollars compared to today's deficit under Obama of over 17 TRILLION dollars.

JFK also believed that lowering taxes would stimulate an economy and he was the 1st President to give large tax cuts to the American public to do it. He believed and he was correct that a rising tide--lifted all boats.

Never before have we had a President who has lied 40 TIMES to the American public--about being able to keep the insurance policies they liked. Never before have we had a President--who never accepts responsibility for his own actions and continually blames others for his failures. THIS IS WHY BARACK HAS NOW TAKEN JIMMY CARTER'S PLACE AS BEING THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE LAST 150 YEARS.

Welcome to your hope and change


Yep he was the greatest president ever.thats why he did ALL these things you reaganuts always run off from and cant face when cornered with these facts since the truth hurts.:lol::lol::lmao::lmao:

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

Like clockwork,the reaganut trolls run off with their tails between their legs when cornered with these pesky little facts.never fails.:lol::lol::lol:

love how you conveinetely forgot to mention how he only lowered taxes on the rich as well.:lol:
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Great thread, Puddly Pillowbite! Let your inner retard run free!

he always does:lol:

you reaganut trolls always make these childish one liner posts like this of his he made when your cornered with pesky facts you cant refute that reagan at the time,was the most evil and corrupt president ever.:cuckoo:

None of you reaganut worshippers can stand toe to toe in a debate about him.every one of you have been a chickenshit coward running off from that link of mine i have posted here hundreds of times,you wont talk about it cause you all know its true and cant refute it.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:
Great thread, Puddly Pillowbite! Let your inner retard run free!

he always does:lol:

you reaganut trolls always make these childish one liner posts like this of his he made when your cornered with pesky facts you cant refute that reagan at the time,was the most evil and corrupt president ever.:cuckoo:

None of you reaganut worshippers can stand toe to toe in a debate about him.every one of you have been a chickenshit coward running off from that link of mine i have posted here hundreds of times,you wont talk about it cause you all know its true and cant refute it.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:
You took it up the ass and you're venting because it obviously still hurts. :lol: That is greatness!
you reaganut trolls always make these childish one liner posts like this of his he made when your cornered with pesky facts you cant refute that reagan at the time,was the most evil and corrupt president ever.:cuckoo:

None of you reaganut worshippers can stand toe to toe in a debate about him.every one of you have been a chickenshit coward running off from that link of mine i have posted here hundreds of times,you wont talk about it cause you all know its true and cant refute it.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

Isn't it time for you to take your meds?

You know that if you don't take your meds, space aliens will read your thoughts and find out what you know about George W. Bush on the grassy knoll, then personally setting charges in Tower #7 before retreating back to Rosewell with the men in black to perform cattle mutilations.

Oh, and what a nice Christmas pose of you - is that a new jacket?

It's funny when you think about it.

Reagan appealed to the patriotic working man. Some would call them the Reagan Democrats. And they responded quite favorably to his message. Or should I say they responded favorably to the carefully crafted messaging developed by men like Michael Deaver. No matter, it's not really important.

Anyway, like I said, the Reagan Democrats responded well to the Republican message. However, little did they know at the time that Reagan and the GOP were engaged in dismantling the longstanding economic system which had been in place for decades in favor of corporate ascendency. The result of those changes has essentially made the working man's world and his economic security little more than a distant memory. Nowadays, the working man finds that he can't support himself like his father once did.

Reagan cut taxes for the Rich, increased taxes on the Middle Class. Reagan was a serial tax raiser.
Tripled the National Debt, made the United States a debtor nation
Reagan funded Terrorists
Unemployment issues; Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously - even more than the Bush Dynasty.
Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million Undocumented Immigrants
Ignoring AIDS; he refused to even utter the word
His attack on Unions and the Middle Class

"A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?" -- Ronald Reagan (Governor of California), quoted in the Sacramento Bee, opposing expansion of Redwood National Park, March 3, 1966

"All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk." --Ronald Reagan (Republican candidate for president), quoted in the Burlington (Vermont) Free Press, February 15, 1980

"It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and still be home by Christmas." --Ronald Reagan (candidate for Governor of California), interviewed in the Fresno Bee, October 10, 1965

"...the moral equal of our Founding Fathers." --President Reagan, describing the Nicaraguan contras, March 1, 1985

"Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal." --Ronald Reagan, quoted in Time, May 17, 1976

"...a faceless mass, waiting for handouts." --Ronald Reagan, 1965. (Description of Medicaid recipients.)

"Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders." --California Governor Ronald Reagan, in the Sacramento Bee, April 28, 1966

"We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry every night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet." --Ronald Reagan, TV speech, October 27, 1964


US: 8 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst President of our lifetime -- Puppet Masters --

Criminalize Conservatism: Reagan: Worst President of Our Lifetime

Anyone want to add anything?

pos-repped & friend's request sent :cool:

Seriously though, Regan was bad news.
Yes, Reagan cut federal taxes on everyone- then states and localities raised taxes and fees to make up for lost federal aid- which hit the non rich much harder...and the rich triple quadruple their weath while everyone else and the country go to hell. Reagan was a fool of the greedy rich...
Reagan was puppet for his handlers, particularly in his second term when he couldn't remember what he ate for breakfast.


Reagan like every president since LBJ was a willing puppet for the establishment there to serve them and the bankers instead of the people.


Can you explain the event of 3/30/81?

I dont know why I even bother with you when half the posters see you here for the true troll you are.Not a paid one like meatbrain,just someone in Reagans family obviously.

Yep. easy as pie to do Reagans nephew.That was a warning to him to do what they told him to do or NEXT time,he would suffer the same fate as Kennedy our last REAL president.

Reagan got the message and started being their new world order puppet serving wall street and them instead of the people and betraying them after that.

same with Ford.He apparently wasnt pleasing the establishment either at the time so they fired a warning shot to him as well to play ball with them or he would also suffer the same fate as JFK.

Ford being in on the warren commission,knew all too well if he did not play ball with them and be their puppet thats what would happen to him so he did what they wanted him to do.same with Reagan.:cuckoo:

Oh and thats why both Ford and Reagan got to be president was their participation in the JFK coverup which even YOU have acknowledged was an inside job by our government.:cuckoo:

Ford for his participation on the warren commission recording the members conversations handing them over to J Edgar Hoover and Reagan as govenor of california for blocking Garrisons subpeonas of high officials in government for his trial.this video proves it all that Reagan did and Garrison has a book on it as well but you wont watch this video of course as we both know. you never read that link that I have posted over a hundred times exposing how evil he was so no reason to believe you will watch this video either.:cuckoo:


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you reaganut trolls always make these childish one liner posts like this of his he made when your cornered with pesky facts you cant refute that reagan at the time,was the most evil and corrupt president ever.:cuckoo:

None of you reaganut worshippers can stand toe to toe in a debate about him.every one of you have been a chickenshit coward running off from that link of mine i have posted here hundreds of times,you wont talk about it cause you all know its true and cant refute it.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

Isn't it time for you to take your meds?

You know that if you don't take your meds, space aliens will read your thoughts and find out what you know about George W. Bush on the grassy knoll, then personally setting charges in Tower #7 before retreating back to Rosewell with the men in black to perform cattle mutilations.

Oh, and what a nice Christmas pose of you - is that a new jacket?


my ignore list grows usual,like the agent troll you are,everytime you are cornered with pesky facts you cant refute, you change the subject like all paid trolls.have fun talking to yourself.
pos-repped & friend's request sent :cool:

Seriously though, Regan was bad news.

It's funny watching you hate filled retards tell lies to each other and the beam at how clever you are.

That damned Reagan, took a nice comfortable double digit inflation, high unemployment and fucked it all up, leading to 30 years of sustained growth.

Not only that, a Soviet Union that Jimmy Carter declared "vastly superior in military might" that posed a very real threat of thermal nuclear war was defeated without firing a shot.

Man, Reagan sank all of your hopes and dreams.

Well, you have Dear Leader to return us to those days of malaise and nuclear brinkmanship! (And this time with Iran, insane Muslims with no love of life!) So cheer up Scheiß Mause, misery is right around the corner!
pos-repped & friend's request sent :cool:

Seriously though, Regan was bad news.

It's funny watching you hate filled retards tell lies to each other and the beam at how clever you are.

That damned Reagan, took a nice comfortable double digit inflation, high unemployment and fucked it all up, leading to 30 years of sustained growth.

Not only that, a Soviet Union that Jimmy Carter declared "vastly superior in military might" that posed a very real threat of thermal nuclear war was defeated without firing a shot.

Man, Reagan sank all of your hopes and dreams.

Well, you have Dear Leader to return us to those days of malaise and nuclear brinkmanship! (And this time with Iran, insane Muslims with no love of life!) So cheer up Scheiß Mause, misery is right around the corner!

Would you say that Financialization of America, as culminated in GW's Presidency, stands on firm ground?
pos-repped & friend's request sent :cool:

Seriously though, Regan was bad news.

It's funny watching you hate filled retards tell lies to each other and the beam at how clever you are.

That damned Reagan, took a nice comfortable double digit inflation, high unemployment and fucked it all up, leading to 30 years of sustained growth.

Not only that, a Soviet Union that Jimmy Carter declared "vastly superior in military might" that posed a very real threat of thermal nuclear war was defeated without firing a shot.

Man, Reagan sank all of your hopes and dreams.

Well, you have Dear Leader to return us to those days of malaise and nuclear brinkmanship! (And this time with Iran, insane Muslims with no love of life!) So cheer up Scheiß Mause, misery is right around the corner!

Reagan was a great president, not perfect but still great. Nothing the libtardians can say will change that historical fact. Ignore the idiots.

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