

Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Not sure what you're talking about, I know lots of people who hate Reagan because their government cheese jobs went away under Reagan. My ex-wife's father being one of them. He spits on the ground at hearing Reagan's name because his cushy Dept of Agriculture job went bye bye when the agencies were scaled back. Is it any wonder they are Sanders supporters? That whole family believes the federal government should be the employer of everyone in the country, and government management is the only way to efficiently manage work flow. Needless to say none of them (my ex wife included) have ever held a private sector job.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan had to work with a Congress that was heavily dominated by Democrats in both houses. On many occasions, he made deals with Congress, compromises, in which they promised to deliver certain reductions in government, or other concessions that Reagan wanted, in exchange for Reagan agreeing to sign into law bills containing stuff that they wanted.

And in way too many cases, after the Democrats in Congress got what they wanted, they refused to deliver what they had promised in return.

And now, decades later, too many people continue to blame Reagan for the excesses of the Democrat-controlled Congress.

The same pattern continued under President Bush the First. Everyone remembers Bush as having reneged on his “Read my lips—no new taxes!” pledge, but nobody, it seems, remembers how Congress got him to concede on that, by offering concessions of their own, which they failed to make good on after they got Bush to approve a tax increase.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan had to work with a Congress that was heavily dominated by Democrats in both houses. On many occasions, he made deals with Congress, compromises, in which they promised to deliver certain reductions in government, or other concessions that Reagan wanted, in exchange for Reagan agreeing to sign into law bills containing stuff that they wanted.

And in way too many cases, after the Democrats in Congress got what they wanted, they refused to deliver what they had promised in return.

And now, decades later, too many people continue to blame Reagan for the excesses of the Democrat-controlled Congress.

The same pattern continued under President Bush the First. Everyone remembers Bush as having reneged on his “Read my lips—no new taxes!” pledge, but nobody, it seems, remembers how Congress got him to concede on that, by offering concessions of their own, which they failed to make good on after they got Bush to approve a tax increase.

Holy hell, man. Stop trying to justify 17 debt ceiling increases, 4 tax increases, the Brady law and all the other BS Reagan shoved down our throats. Like the trillion bucks he and the democrats spent. He nearly bankrupted this country. He alone, set us on a financial road of no return. He allowed the MIC to become owners of our politicians. Completely dismantling our "republic."
FYI, one of THE greatest thing about this country (was) being a republic, is having our congressmen represent us. Thanks to Reagan, the MIC, ACA, Insurance lobbyist and a few others get represented long before "we the people" get represented. They now own our government.
Holy hell, man. Stop trying to justify 17 debt ceiling increases, 4 tax increases, the Brady law and all the other BS Reagan shoved down our throats. Like the trillion bucks he and the democrats spent. He nearly bankrupted this country. He alone, set us on a financial road of no return. He allowed the MIC to become owners of our politicians. Completely dismantling our "republic."
FYI, one of THE greatest thing about this country (was) being a republic, is having our congressmen represent us. Thanks to Reagan, the MIC, ACA, Insurance lobbyist and a few others get represented long before "we the people" get represented. They now own our government.

Holy hell, man. Stop trying to justify 17 debt ceiling increases, 4 tax increases, the Brady law and all the other BS Reagan shoved down our throats. Like the trillion bucks he and the democrats spent. He nearly bankrupted this country. He alone, set us on a financial road of no return. He allowed the MIC to become owners of our politicians. Completely dismantling our "republic."
FYI, one of THE greatest thing about this country (was) being a republic, is having our congressmen represent us. Thanks to Reagan, the MIC, ACA, Insurance lobbyist and a few others get represented long before "we the people" get represented. They now own our government.

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If you can't prove what I'm saying is wrong, then why bother proving you can't.
Not sure what you're talking about, I know lots of people who hate Reagan because their government cheese jobs went away under Reagan. My ex-wife's father being one of them. He spits on the ground at hearing Reagan's name because his cushy Dept of Agriculture job went bye bye when the agencies were scaled back. Is it any wonder they are Sanders supporters? That whole family believes the federal government should be the employer of everyone in the country, and government management is the only way to efficiently manage work flow. Needless to say none of them (my ex wife included) have ever held a private sector job.
And there are millions more out there just like them!
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Agree, but it was Reagan-Thatcher that brought about the watershed events that toppled the USSR, It was a period of uniquely powerful leadership in the West perhaps rivalled by Trump-Johnson today. We shall see.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Agree, but it was Reagan-Thatcher that brought about the watershed events that toppled the USSR, It was a period of uniquely powerful leadership in the West perhaps rivalled by Trump-Johnson today. We shall see.

Socialism, coupled with communism will never work. There are many examples of this. Too many to list them all. Reagan and HW had almost nothing to do with the frustrations of the soviet citizens. A lack of support for their communist government is the biggest factor in the fall of the USSR.
Decreases in their currency value, shortages in their basic things like food, out of control inflation etc etc etc

The USSR was doomed to fail from the start. Which is why it only lasted 70 or 80 years. Gorbachev tried to bring democracy. But it was too late. The commie's didn't wanna let go. Too many people holding on to something that was unsustainable.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Agree, but it was Reagan-Thatcher that brought about the watershed events that toppled the USSR, It was a period of uniquely powerful leadership in the West perhaps rivalled by Trump-Johnson today. We shall see.

Reagan, Thatcher, Waleska and The Pope collapsed the USSR. What a great period of history!
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

His inability to control the deficit is a valid point AGAINST Reagan.

To pretend that simply citing that one historical fact, invalidates everything he did, is just partisan trolling.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

His inability to control the deficit is a valid point AGAINST Reagan.

To pretend that simply citing that one historical fact, invalidates everything he did, is just partisan trolling.

Congress passed the Unconstitutional Budget Impoundment Act in 1974 ending the Presidents role as a meaningful partner in the budgeting process
Does the poster not understand you are never going to agree with everything any President does. Poster also leaves out initial tax cuts that fired off the economy
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Agree, but it was Reagan-Thatcher that brought about the watershed events that toppled the USSR, It was a period of uniquely powerful leadership in the West perhaps rivalled by Trump-Johnson today. We shall see.

Reagan, Thatcher, Waleska and The Pope collapsed the USSR. What a great period of history!

The USSR collapsed themselves. Americans just gave our president the credit. Sort of like they do with Trump now. Obama supporters did with Obama. And so forth and so on.
Does the poster not understand you are never going to agree with everything any President does. Poster also leaves out initial tax cuts that fired off the economy

Tax cuts with HUGE spending increases is just stupid. Tax cuts with spending cuts is "conservative." You can't spend your way out of debt.
BTW, the tax cuts were enough to shake a stick at. Hell, even Obama cut income taxes.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Agree, but it was Reagan-Thatcher that brought about the watershed events that toppled the USSR, It was a period of uniquely powerful leadership in the West perhaps rivalled by Trump-Johnson today. We shall see.

Reagan, Thatcher, Waleska and The Pope collapsed the USSR. What a great period of history!

The USSR collapsed themselves. Americans just gave our president the credit. Sort of like they do with Trump now. Obama supporters did with Obama. And so forth and so on.

America collapsed them. Primarily through isolation and forcing them to spend insane amounts of money to keep up in the nuclear arms race.

This is where America has to learn. Many global socialists want to bankrupt you.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan had to work with a Congress that was heavily dominated by Democrats in both houses. On many occasions, he made deals with Congress, compromises, in which they promised to deliver certain reductions in government, or other concessions that Reagan wanted, in exchange for Reagan agreeing to sign into law bills containing stuff that they wanted.

And in way too many cases, after the Democrats in Congress got what they wanted, they refused to deliver what they had promised in return.

And now, decades later, too many people continue to blame Reagan for the excesses of the Democrat-controlled Congress.

The same pattern continued under President Bush the First. Everyone remembers Bush as having reneged on his “Read my lips—no new taxes!” pledge, but nobody, it seems, remembers how Congress got him to concede on that, by offering concessions of their own, which they failed to make good on after they got Bush to approve a tax increase.

Holy hell, man. Stop trying to justify 17 debt ceiling increases, 4 tax increases, the Brady law and all the other BS Reagan shoved down our throats. Like the trillion bucks he and the democrats spent. He nearly bankrupted this country. He alone, set us on a financial road of no return. He allowed the MIC to become owners of our politicians. Completely dismantling our "republic."
FYI, one of THE greatest thing about this country (was) being a republic, is having our congressmen represent us. Thanks to Reagan, the MIC, ACA, Insurance lobbyist and a few others get represented long before "we the people" get represented. They now own our government.

This is the very bedrock on why America is tearing itself apart as detailed in skews13 thread.

When Republicans try and compromise with Democrats, they are torn apart and assassinated with lies just as this clown as done.

Instead of pointing out how to compromise between the parties leads to better policy (after all, Reagan with the help of Congress, managed to turn Carter's malaise into a good economy), they froth at the mouth and spew hate.

It is and has been in the past, the lefts childish hatred that has and continues to tear this country apart.
Does the poster not understand you are never going to agree with everything any President does. Poster also leaves out initial tax cuts that fired off the economy

Tax cuts with HUGE spending increases is just stupid. Tax cuts with spending cuts is "conservative." You can't spend your way out of debt.
BTW, the tax cuts were enough to shake a stick at. Hell, even Obama cut income taxes.

And Reagan fired off the conservative movement which eventually led to Repub Congress that balanced the budget with Clinton. Bush and the Congress during his terms threw it away. Teabaggers gave it another shot. Cant remember the last lib who gave a damn about it.
Here's why Reagan was considered the great conservative. An awesome speaker. He spoke of conservatism like no other. He made people believe him, because conservatism is extremely awesome. it works. It keeps the economy sound and the government limited.

But if you know anything about conservatism, you'll realize that Reagan was all talk. Notice at the beginning how he complains about the debt ceiling was raised twice. That's something to complain about. It should never be increased.

But not too far into the distant future, after this video, Reagan was elected president. And during his administration, he increased the programs and government agencies. He increased the size and scope of government. Increased spending and taxes.
Completely opposite of things he spoke about. That part of Reagan never changed.

Reagan was great. He and Mulroney made a great North American duo. Those were good times. I only wish I had lived in my prime during those years.
Agree, but it was Reagan-Thatcher that brought about the watershed events that toppled the USSR, It was a period of uniquely powerful leadership in the West perhaps rivalled by Trump-Johnson today. We shall see.

Reagan, Thatcher, Waleska and The Pope collapsed the USSR. What a great period of history!

The USSR collapsed themselves. Americans just gave our president the credit. Sort of like they do with Trump now. Obama supporters did with Obama. And so forth and so on.

No they didn't. We know you Sleeper Cell Commies like to keep spouting that crap to save face, but Reagan called them Evil, said they would collapse, and made them collapse. Sucks to be a Sleeper Cell for the losing team

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