Reagan's Forgotten Tax Record

Reagan was as a matter of fact a mediocre hollywood hack and big government New Dealer whose best known stage performance ending up tripling the national debt.

The numbers in those charts prove the bobble headed clown cut potential revenues, so based on the fact in evidence that NeoCon Ron Reagan TRIPLED THE US NATIONAL DEBT in peactime there can no longer be any doubt the bobble headed hack actor was a big spender on a credit card jag.

Worse, they don't show that Reagan cut taxes on corporations and the people who owned him while increasing taxes on the middle class.

In short, Reagan was the worst of both worlds in terms of results to the white trash who couldn't get enough of that bobble headed clown then and who are stupid enough to continue to admire him.
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Governor Reagan? Groan. When is the left ever going to talk about the current mess?

NEVER, I guess they used Bush all up so now they have to go all the way back to Reagan:cuckoo:
What is your problem? You just do not believe in looking back at our economic history? You prefer to listen to politicians and well paid pundits and lobbiests?
Reigan ended up with a very good economy. Maybe it would be useful to see how that occurred. He had extremely high unemployment by 1982, but things turned around from there. Or, go forward and look at Bush 1, and Clinton, or even W.
But your endless pronouncements of con concepts is not of much value. History is really helpful. It tends to show what has actually helpful.
Here's a summary of Reagan's real tax record; his tax cuts are more than double the increases, for an overall reduction.

rdean Phears Teh Math.



Did you draw that chart yourself? It's links back to you.
Reagan was as a matter of fact a mediocre hollywood hack and big government New Dealer whose best known stage performance ending up tripling the national debt.

The numbers in those charts prove the bobble headed clown cut potential revenues, so based on the fact in evidence that NeoCon Ron Reagan TRIPLED THE US NATIONAL DEBT in peactime there can no longer be any doubt the bobble headed hack actor was a big spender on a credit card jag.

Worse, they don't show that Reagan cut taxes on corporations and the people who owned him while increasing taxes on the middle class.

In short, Reagan was the worst of both worlds in terms of results to the white trash who couldn't get enough of that bobble headed clown then and who are stupid enough to continue to admire him.

Reagan was no neocon so either you don't know what the word means or you only know it as an insult. Either way you don't know the meaning of the word.
Governor Reagan? Groan. When is the left ever going to talk about the current mess?

NEVER, I guess they used Bush all up so now they have to go all the way back to Reagan:cuckoo:

I do nit understand your desire not to talk about or learn from the past on a political message board.

May I suggest an example. Lets say one party had a number of one issue voters who for three decades were loyal to it. During that time the one party does nothing on the issue but give some speeches. Would you keep voting for that party or learn from recent history?
Of course the bobbleheaded fucking idiot Reagan was not a neocon. What was I thinking. The man didn't have enough sense to think a political philospohy through. Howsomever...

Ever hear of Irving Kristol? Jeanne Kirkpatrick? Cap Weinberger? Dick Cheney? Oliver North? Donny Rumsfeld? Here is how it works, admiral: lay down with pigs and end up smelling like shit.

The best your team is going to do here is admit Ron was a neocon or admit NeoCon Ron was a simpleton surrounded by neocons. Totally your call.
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The man didn't have enough sense to think a political philospohy through.

Reagan was best friends with Wm. F. Buckley Jr. to the end because they shared a common philosophy to the end which ended the cold war and freed billions of people around the world, most notably in China and Russia.

Buckley did not hold Reagan responsible for domestic policy because he understood a president is not an emperor, rather someone who must please the independents to get reelected, and compromise with the party opposite to get anything done!

Dugdale lacks the IQ to understand very simple things.
Here is something Dugdale understands: the difference between being "friends" and "agreeing". Buckley wanted access to power early on and the company of fame as he aged. He'd have sucked Reagan's dick on camera to stay in the limelight. So much for friendships of that nature.

On the other hand, only a nutball moron would deny Buckley had SERIOUS disagreements with Reagan. It is hilarious that there are people too stupid to understand "buyer's remorse". Something both Buckley and Goldwater came to understand very well indeed as their bobbleheaded puppet shifted political allegiance to the NeoCon element. All that kept Goldwater from publicly breaking with Reagan was that despite neocon tendencies moving inverse to the quality of Reagan's mind, Reagan stayed bought by the financial services community.

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Governor Reagan? Groan. When is the left ever going to talk about the current mess?

We talk about it now, but the right insists it's all Obama's fault. If they can't admit to where it came from, how can they come up with a plan to reduce it?

Ok just for shits and giggles,why don't you post a scathing indictment of the Dems,they have screwed up just as much as any,yet you can't ever bring yourself to call them out.

Spend at least a small fraction of your time here being a balanced person instead of a simple minded hack for one party.
The "American" Left hates Reagan because he called their home team an Evil Empire then tossed them on the ash heap of history

Frank, at first I listened to these idiots who called Reagan conservative like he goose stepped the line.

More I see and read the more random and a man Reagan was.

I still don't think I would have voted for him. Them savings and loan bailouts set a bad precident.

Yeah, random. First word that comes to mind with Reagan who set out to turn the US economy back to entrepreneurs and defeat Soviet Communism
Here's a summary of Reagan's real tax record; his tax cuts are more than double the increases, for an overall reduction.

rdean Phears Teh Math.



Did you draw that chart yourself? It's links back to you.

I copied a picture from a website, which referred to OMB data. It's clear you can't refute the data, so you are quibbling over sources.

Here's a link. Knock yourself out.

Reagan?s Tax Increases | The Big Picture

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