Reagan's Pyrrhic Victory over Moscow


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

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What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

"URGENT: No to cuts that hurt working people!
Tea Party Republicans are attempting to hold the country hostage by refusing to allow a routine adjustment in the nation's debt ceiling...

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Yeah, Ronnie really was a loser. :cool:
Reagan did not crush the Soviet empire. Thats just another con wet dream about their messiah Ronnie. Just like he did not expand government and did not have the largest tax increase in US history.
Better question is, if Reagan crushed the Soviet Union, why do rightwingers keep citing Russia as a reason we have to spend ourselves bankrupt on defense?
Better question is, if Reagan crushed the Soviet Union, why do rightwingers keep citing Russia as a reason we have to spend ourselves bankrupt on defense?

We can wipe out the entire Russian conventional military with the firepower on the CVN-76, the USS Ronald Reagan. Where do you get your silly ideas?
Reagan did not crush the Soviet empire. Thats just another con wet dream about their messiah Ronnie.

The above is leftwing revisionist history (actually an EXCEPTIONALLY dimwitted dupe version) that they started to cover up their decades long kowtowing to, apologizing for, and even propping up of the worst murder machine that ever existed.
Better question is, if Reagan crushed the Soviet Union, why do rightwingers keep citing Russia as a reason we have to spend ourselves bankrupt on defense?

Whaaaaaaat? What are you talking about? US defense policy isn't at all oriented toward russia except for the nuke missiles to counter their nukes. You want us to dismantle THOSE?? :cuckoo:
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

Snoopy had about as much to do with "crushing the Soviet Empire" as did Reagan. Reagan just happened to be in the White House when the USSR ran out of money and folded.

As for embracing the Communist Party Platform - do you even know what that is or who is and who isn't embracing the Communists. You do know Communist China holds us by our assets - or don't you? Or that practically everything is made there like clothes, shoes, electronics, toys - you know just about everything we buy.

What I'd like to know is this - does the Right have a clue what its talking about, ever? More like they just make stuff up as they go and pray like hell no one pays close attention?

By the way, terms such as Commie, Pinko, and rather Dead than Red went out with Reagan, in case you hadn't noticed that either.
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

Snoopy had about as much to do with "crushing the Soviet Empire" as did Reagan. Reagan just happened to be in the White House when the USSR ran out of money and folded.

They ran out of money because Reagan bankrupted them in an arms buildup of a size and technological sophistication that their socialist system couldn't match - read a history book dumbass. :lol:
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

Snoopy had about as much to do with "crushing the Soviet Empire" as did Reagan. Reagan just happened to be in the White House when the USSR ran out of money and folded.

They ran out of money because Reagan bankrupted them in an arms buildup of a size and technological sophistication that their socialist system couldn't match - read a history book dumbass. :lol:

He did. Howard Zinn's. :lol:
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

Snoopy had about as much to do with "crushing the Soviet Empire" as did Reagan. Reagan just happened to be in the White House when the USSR ran out of money and folded.

As for embracing the Communist Party Platform - do you even know what that is or who is and who isn't embracing the Communists. You do know Communist China holds us by our assets - or don't you? Or that practically everything is made there like clothes, shoes, electronics, toys - you know just about everything we buy.

What I'd like to know is this - does the Right have a clue what its talking about, ever? More like they just make stuff up as they go and pray like hell no one pays close attention?

By the way, terms such as Commie, Pinko, and rather Dead than Red went out with Reagan, in case you hadn't noticed that either.

The Pershing and Minuteman missiles were just going to place themselves in Europe?

The Berlin Wall fell from deferred maintenance?

You Libs and your Goofy love of Gorby and Moscow are so predictably stupid
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

Snoopy had about as much to do with "crushing the Soviet Empire" as did Reagan. Reagan just happened to be in the White House when the USSR ran out of money and folded.

They ran out of money because Reagan bankrupted them in an arms buildup of a size and technological sophistication that their socialist system couldn't match - read a history book dumbass. :lol:

Hmmm....... And now where are we? Or does two wars off of the books ring a bell?

As for technological sophistication, today even South Korea is graduating more engineers than we are. India and China are so far ahead of us in this regard that we don't even show on a graph in comparison.

And the Teabaggers and GOP are doing everything they can to prevent us from even making a showing in higher education. To them, defunding all science in the US that has nothing to do with killing other people is a good idea.
What was the point of Reagan crushing the Soviet Empire if the ultimate effect was that Democrats would fully and proudly embrace the Communist Party Platform?

Snoopy had about as much to do with "crushing the Soviet Empire" as did Reagan. Reagan just happened to be in the White House when the USSR ran out of money and folded.

As for embracing the Communist Party Platform - do you even know what that is or who is and who isn't embracing the Communists. You do know Communist China holds us by our assets - or don't you? Or that practically everything is made there like clothes, shoes, electronics, toys - you know just about everything we buy.

What I'd like to know is this - does the Right have a clue what its talking about, ever? More like they just make stuff up as they go and pray like hell no one pays close attention?

By the way, terms such as Commie, Pinko, and rather Dead than Red went out with Reagan, in case you hadn't noticed that either.

The Pershing and Minuteman missiles were just going to place themselves in Europe?

The Berlin Wall fell from deferred maintenance?

You Libs and your Goofy love of Gorby and Moscow are so predictably stupid

Now Franky boy, the USSR fought some unfunded wars and ran their economy into the ground. Sould familiar?

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