Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?
“Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President”

Given the
kind of tripe Dimocraps put forward it is not an unreasonable choice

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't argue his point. What do you think?

Wow, he really nails it.
Trump started preaching hate the minute he descended the escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015.
Ranting about how the Mexicans were all rapists and murderers.
He knows his audience: white trash rednecks.
We need a new term for this. “Reductio ad GOPdum”? “Argument to GOP authority”? The “straw republican argument”? “Argument to RINO moderation”?
Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.
Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Well, since you ask, I think that if this is true you should give up yelling “Russia” now. Trumps base is as firmly in support as they were in 2016. Probably more. And you wondered why you can’t ahake it?
Mystery solved.
If I were Ron Reagan and I wanted to troll me some liberals, the best place to do it would be on Chris Matthews' show on MSNBC.

The left is really being played. :laughing0301:

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Partisan politics is more important than anything else. But we knew this already.
I don't know how the establishment GOP gets away with bashing Trump after the disaster they defended in George W Bush.
For heaven's sake, if Jesus returned and ran as a Democrat and Trump came out as the anti-Christ, Trump would still get 80% of the Republican vote and probably a majority of the evangelical vote as well!

So yeah, most Republicans would vote Putin over a Democrat...I have absolutely no doubt about it.
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Ron Reagan is a good man. He'd make a fine president. He's also not burdened by religious fairy tales.

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