Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.

Then you must not like trump either.

He caused the farmers of our nation to be facing bankruptcy with his tariffs so he's using socialism to bail them out. From a situation trump created with his tariffs.

trump announce he's giving farmers 12 billion dollars of socialism the other day.
Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.

Then you must not like trump either.

He caused the farmers of our nation to be facing bankruptcy with his tariffs so he's using socialism to bail them out. From a situation trump created with his tariffs.

trump announce he's giving farmers 12 billion dollars of socialism the other day.

What happened to the European tariffs?
Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.

Then you must not like trump either.

He caused the farmers of our nation to be facing bankruptcy with his tariffs so he's using socialism to bail them out. From a situation trump created with his tariffs.

trump announce he's giving farmers 12 billion dollars of socialism the other day.
Did ewe object when obummer bailed out the auto makers?
Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

That probably sounds about right. I mean, considering what we already KNOW we'd be getting with a DEMOCRAP, what can there be to lose trying Putin? Both are socialist-lite; at least Putin is HONEST about what he's trying to do. One thing I know for sure is that he looks a lot better than Hillary with his shirt off and he can also walk about without constantly falling down the damn steps! He also really looks out for what's best for his own country. That's already big three marks in his favor.

What do you think?
Who Cares What Ballerina Thinks ??

Besides Russia's Gov't Is Less Communistic
That The Newer Up-And-Comers Of The Democrat Party
Who Are Really Just Letting The Well-Known Cat Out Of The Democrat Bag

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't argue his point. What do you think?

Wow, he really nails it.
Trump started preaching hate the minute he descended the escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015.
Ranting about how the Mexicans were all rapists and murderers.
He knows his audience: white trash rednecks.

He didn’t say all Mexicans were rapists and murderers. When you guys say this stupid shit it makes everyone realize that you are trying to write your own history in order to support your narrative.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't argue his point. What do you think?

Wow, he really nails it.
Trump started preaching hate the minute he descended the escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015.
Ranting about how the Mexicans were all rapists and murderers.
He knows his audience: white trash rednecks.

He didn’t say all Mexicans were rapists and murderers. When you guys say this stupid shit it makes everyone realize that you are trying to write your own history in order to support your narrative.

That’s one of my favorite lies. It’s so pathetic.

They never tell he truth of the quote.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

He did not call All Mexicans rapists.

Anyone who says that is a straight up fucking piece of shit liar.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Trump supporters clearly have an unwarranted hatred for Democrats.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Trump supporters clearly have an unwarranted hatred for Democrats.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

I wonder why...
ColonelAngus said:
He did not call All Mexicans rapists.
Anyone who says that is a straight up fucking piece of shit liar.
Well, They ARE Leftists

And As Obama Would Say:
"It's In Their DNA"
He said when Mexico sends their people, they are not sending their best.

Why is that part of the quote always purposely left out?

Because the left are liars.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Trump supporters clearly have an unwarranted hatred for Democrats.

Left Wingers are violent crackpots

What happened to the European tariffs?
The ones they already had in place? Nothing.

The ones Trump suggested to apply to their imported goods to America.

What did the EU do?
So, Trump made a "deal" not to do what he hasn't done yet, if the EU would continue doing what they are already doing....impressive....haha

Why leave out the deal to increase Natural gas exports to Europe?

Why spin? Just deal with facts. That’s a good thing. When you omit or lie, you lose the impact of your statements.

Just like when left wingers lie about Trump calling all
Mexicans rapists.

It’s stupid and it did not help Hillary win the election.

Hillary lost because she was an awful candidate who refused to make a last swing through the so called blue wall.

That is why she lost.

Blame her, not Trump.
Why leave out the deal to increase Natural gas exports to Europe?
No such deal exists. What was signed? Where is the deal? it does not exist.

And Europe would be buying more already, if ours were cheaper. And we would be selling them more already, if we weren't getting better prices for it elsewhere than what the european market pays. So, how do you propose this happens? We accept less for the gas we could sell elsewhere for more?
Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.
The difference is, Putin doesn't hate America and Americans like democrats do. Absolutely without a doubt I would pick Putin over any democrat.
Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President
Why would I care what Ronnie's flaming atheist liberal offspring has to say on the subject?

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