Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.
The difference is, Putin doesn't hate America and Americans like democrats do. Absolutely without a doubt I would pick Putin over any democrat.
Of course, Putin hates America. you, however, just hate Americans.
Both Putin and democrats love communism and there really any difference between the two? I think not.
The difference is, Putin doesn't hate America and Americans like democrats do. Absolutely without a doubt I would pick Putin over any democrat.
Of course, Putin hates America. you, however, just hate Americans.
Don't sell yourself short. Liberals want to put American's out of work and in food lines. Dependent on welfare. Just like Putin.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't argue his point. What do you think?

Wow, he really nails it.
Trump started preaching hate the minute he descended the escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015.
Ranting about how the Mexicans were all rapists and murderers.
He knows his audience: white trash rednecks.

Are you sure about that?
It looks like anything trash voted for the fat, lying, scamming liberal

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

I’d vote for Putin over a Mexicrat all day, everyday

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

I don't know if Ron intended this to be an insult to Democrats, but fuck....

Is this like saying I would rather have Satan and a team of demons running shit than the Goddamn Democrats?

I would.

At least Putin is no trying desperately to hide his communist tendencies.
...and fuck the Reagans. Ronald Reagan is the 2nd most overrated president ever. He only looked great because Jimmy fucking Carter was so pathetic.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Washington redskin, the divide in this country is rural and urban, they do not have the same interests whatsoever.
...and they should not

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't argue his point. What do you think?

Wow, he really nails it.
Trump started preaching hate the minute he descended the escalator in Trump Tower in June 2015.
Ranting about how the Mexicans were all rapists and murderers.
He knows his audience: white trash rednecks.

Progressivism is all about hate
For heaven's sake, if Jesus returned and ran as a Democrat and Trump came out as the anti-Christ, Trump would still get 80% of the Republican vote and probably a majority of the evangelical vote as well!

So yeah, most Republicans would vote Putin over a Democrat...I have absolutely no doubt about it.
Says a control freak
That probably sounds about right. I mean, considering what we already KNOW we'd be getting with a DEMOCRAP, what can there be to lose trying Putin? Both are socialist-lite; at least Putin is HONEST about what he's trying to do. One thing I know for sure is that he looks a lot better than Hillary with his shirt off and he can also walk about without constantly falling down the damn steps! He also really looks out for what's best for his own country. That's already big three marks in his favor.

And then you get mad when Trump voters are called morons. :lol:

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Trump supporters clearly have an unwarranted hatred for Democrats.

Progressives are the most hate filled people out there, second only to Muslims
That probably sounds about right. I mean, considering what we already KNOW we'd be getting with a DEMOCRAP, what can there be to lose trying Putin? Both are socialist-lite; at least Putin is HONEST about what he's trying to do. One thing I know for sure is that he looks a lot better than Hillary with his shirt off and he can also walk about without constantly falling down the damn steps! He also really looks out for what's best for his own country. That's already big three marks in his favor.

And then you get mad when Trump voters are called morons. :lol:

WHAT'S really stupid is a jerk like you thinking Putin for President would be a total disaster, but having someone like Obama The Dodging Apologist or Hillary The Incompetent Crook would be just GREAT. You don't seem to understand that if Putin were our president here, he'd now be working for THIS country, this would now be his country and he'd be looking out for our interests here just as he does for Russia. And in general, he seems pretty well damned liked in Russia!
For heaven's sake, if Jesus returned and ran as a Democrat and Trump came out as the anti-Christ, Trump would still get 80% of the Republican vote and probably a majority of the evangelical vote as well!

So yeah, most Republicans would vote Putin over a Democrat...I have absolutely no doubt about it.
Because Putin is better than Democrats....

Democrats are souless demons.

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