Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Fort Fun Indiana said:
They have given in to nothing. The only agreement made was to work toward the same goals announced years ago.
And Things Are Getting Worse
There Aren't Any Real Jobs
We're All Going To Bake
The Sky Is Gonna Fall
And We're All Gonna DIE !!

It is a very sad state of affairs that the Democrat Party has got so bat shit crazy that even a Russian would seem to be a better alternative.

No wonder they have lost a thousand national offices, Congress and the Presidency.

No Flash, it is you rightwing nutters that got so hopped up on coolaid that you can longer tell fellow Americans from foes.
Putin isn't qualified to run for president.

i would think this would be obvious to any thinking person
LOL!!! Ron Reagan has been an ardent liberal for decades. So it's no surprise that he would say something so extreme and insulting.
mikegriffith 1 said:
LOL!!! Ron Reagan has been an ardent liberal for decades.
"Ardent" ??
Ron, 'Daddy Didn't Love Me Enough' Jr. ??

More Like 'Flaming'
Last edited:
That fairy ain't Reagan's kid any more than Chelsea is Slick's kid....somebody else slipped those two past the goalie.
"I think not"

Correct, you don't. Of course there is a difference.
Putin hates communism because it destroyed his country.

Democrats love communism because it will destroy America and the west.

Putin is infinitely better than Democrats.
He'd love to have you. Can I help you pack?
I trust Putin far less than I trust Trump.

Putin betrayed the white nationalists in his country despite the general support that white nationalists have in Russia.

I doubt Trump would throw white nationalists under the bus if pro-white activism became as accepted as pro-black activism.

I still know that Putin isn’t trying to destroy Russia though, and Democrats can’t say that haven’t been trying to destroy America.
ptbw, in all seriousness I have Democrats been trying to destroy America?
When have Democrats not supported lawlessness?

When have Democrats respected the Constitution and our founding fathers?

Get a clue.
That's not an answer. I asked respectfully and seriously how Democrats have been trying to destroy America and when they have not supported lawfulness and you whip out some unsupportable bumper sticker charge mouthed by Trump-bots. Verify your charge, please.
Pete7469 said:
I think Putin is less of a commie than most democrooks are.
But He's A TYRANT !!
A TYRANT, I Tell Ya...

Mother Russia Is Under The Iron Boot Of The KGB !!

bullwinkle said:
ptbw, in all seriousness I have Democrats been trying to destroy America?
Did You Miss This Culmination ??

Immigration And Naturalization Act Of 1965
Bernie Sanders For President
Commie Fraud Babe In NY For Congress
Muslims For Congress
Raving Loons Running The DNC

Or Is The Whole Thing Since The Beginning Of The 'Progressive' Movement
Things You Are Incapable Of Understanding
Because You Are A Prog As Well ??

So How Much Do You Know About History ??
You Can Start Only As Far Back As Alger Hiss

Was The War Between The States Fought In Europe Against The Germans ??
Some College Students Think It Was...
Pete7469 said:
I think Putin is less of a commie than most democrooks are.
But He's A TYRANT !!
A TYRANT, I Tell Ya...

Mother Russia Is Under The Iron Boot Of The KGB !!

Putin is a Christian and that's why the American communists hate him.
Pete7469 said:
I think Putin is less of a commie than most democrooks are.
But He's A TYRANT !!
A TYRANT, I Tell Ya...

Mother Russia Is Under The Iron Boot Of The KGB !!

Putin is a Christian and that's why the American communists hate him.
Say what?
LOL!!! Ron Reagan has been an ardent liberal for decades. So it's no surprise that he would say something so extreme and insulting.

It's not "extreme and insulting" if it's true.

Just read the comments from rightwingers in this thread that confirm exactly what Ron said.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

I’d vote for Putin over a Mexicrat all day, everyday

Scary that you mean it.
Pete7469 said:
I think Putin is less of a commie than most democrooks are.
But He's A TYRANT !!
A TYRANT, I Tell Ya...

Mother Russia Is Under The Iron Boot Of The KGB !!


You don't think they taught how to fool people over in KGB? :rolleyes:

Putin is about as religious as he is a monkey.

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