Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Pete7469 said:
I think Putin is less of a commie than most democrooks are.
But He's A TYRANT !!
A TYRANT, I Tell Ya...

Mother Russia Is Under The Iron Boot Of The KGB !!

Putin is a Christian and that's why the American communists hate him.
Putin was KGB, certainly no christian. My God you're stupid.

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

He's right. Putin loves his country and knows firsthand that Progressives democrat Socialism leads to ruin, poverty and misery. Between Putin, Lizzy Cheekbones, Bernie Sanders or that Commie chick from the Bronx, its Uncle Vlad all the way!

Idiots, Putin is an IMPEREAL AUTHORITARIAN first and foremost.

NOTHING happens in his country without his consent (see Trump trying to put up one of his towers there).

Putin will NEVER allow free market in bussiness, media and politics. Will never give up his fundamentally corrupt choke on Russia.

well since the left is hellbent on socialism, what the fuck do they need free business for?

You think Putin allows free business?
Political Junky said:
My God you're stupid.
And You're So Sophisticated
Thank Gawd You're Here
To Set Us All Straight On The Ways Of The World

You Seem To Have Missed The Whole Point Of The Conversation
Does Your Head Hurt Often ??
Last edited:
Pete7469 said:
I think Putin is less of a commie than most democrooks are.
But He's A TYRANT !!
A TYRANT, I Tell Ya...

Mother Russia Is Under The Iron Boot Of The KGB !!

Putin is a Christian and that's why the American communists hate him.
Putin was KGB, certainly no christian. My God you're stupid.
My God you are not only stupid but ill informed as well.

Putin has always been a Christian.

Redirect Notice

Putin Hails 'Eternal Christian Values' Amid Orthodox Christmas Celebrations
Putin would be better than Hillary, honestly.
Gatsby, Have you a single scintilla of Hillary's 'crookedness', other than the the mouthings of America's most famous flamer?
I can't imagine why you live in America when you could go live in Russia. When Trump is gone and if his successors act like him, repealing if not replacing all he has torn down and threatening jail time for his actions and policies, it will be hard for you. Maybe moving to the Moscow Utopia now would be a smart choice for you.
Well, this thread proves Ron Reagan was right.
Proved Nothing

As Democrats Are A Dangerous Three Ring Circus
That Offers No Better Alternative To Anything

Che T-Shirts With Hamers & Sickels
Are Young Democrat's 'Anti-Fascist' Badges Of Honor

So Who Votes Worse ??

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Isn’t he a fag?
"when la patrie est en danger" Robespierre said, one should fearlessly state the fact that the nation is betrayed!
there can be democratic elections which enact an event of Truth, elections in which the majority momentarily awakens and votes against the hegomonic ideological opinion...the exceptional status of such a surprising electoral result proves that elections are not a medium of truth!

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Isn’t he a fag?

Fag? His female wife of 34 years passed away in 2014.

Ron Reagan lives in Seattle.[1] He married Doria Palmieri, a clinical psychologist, in 1980. She died in 2014 from neuromuscular disease. They had no children.[15]

Ron Reagan - Wikipedia

“The most important thing to them is that Trump seems to hate the same people they hate,” Ron Reagan says.

The son of former President Ronald Reagan believes Donald Trump’s political base is so consumed by hatred for the Democrats that they would vote for Vladimir Putin to be America’s president instead of virtually any member of that party.

“They really aren’t in touch with reality. The most important thing to them [is that Trump] seems to hate the same people that they hate,” Ron Reagan told Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday. “That’s the real Trump derangement syndrome.”

On the other hand, they like the people Trump likes, Reagan said. Russian President Putin’s popularity is rising, he noted.

“If it was left just up to Trump’s base, they would elect Vladimir Putin as president of the United States over virtually anybody with a D after their name,” he added. “If Trump seems to love Putin, they’ll love Putin, too.”

Reagan’s Son: Trump’s Base Would Pick Putin Over Any Democrat As U.S. President

Far out, but I honestly can't disagree with him. What do you think?

Isn’t he a fag?

Fag? His female wife of 34 years passed away in 2014.

Ron Reagan lives in Seattle.[1] He married Doria Palmieri, a clinical psychologist, in 1980. She died in 2014 from neuromuscular disease. They had no children.[15]

Ron Reagan - Wikipedia

Bet he didn’t hit that shit right.
Putin would be better than Hillary, honestly.
Gatsby, Have you a single scintilla of Hillary's 'crookedness', other than the the mouthings of America's most famous flamer?
I can't imagine why you live in America when you could go live in Russia. When Trump is gone and if his successors act like him, repealing if not replacing all he has torn down and threatening jail time for his actions and policies, it will be hard for you. Maybe moving to the Moscow Utopia now would be a smart choice for you.
But it would not scrub democrats out of our national fabric and that's what needs to happen. Democrats should give up the opportunity in Trump's second term.
If Republicans would gladly let the elderly and babies die in this country, of course, they would want a murderer to lead them.


Putin would be better than Hillary, honestly.
Gatsby, Have you a single scintilla of Hillary's 'crookedness', other than the the mouthings of America's most famous flamer?
I can't imagine why you live in America when you could go live in Russia. When Trump is gone and if his successors act like him, repealing if not replacing all he has torn down and threatening jail time for his actions and policies, it will be hard for you. Maybe moving to the Moscow Utopia now would be a smart choice for you.

I can't take anyone seriously that thinks Hillary is somehow not corrupt.

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