Real Americans have had enough...First Kirsjsten Neiljssens and now SARAH!!!

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REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018

But if this was a bakery it would be illegal, right?
Not remotely true, actually. There are just hardcore psychos like you who see it that way. Most people are somewhere in the middle and are just confused about WTF is going on.

You're not in the middle though, you are radical left and seeking to crush America.

Shooting time is getting close, Comrade.

Yeah sure. Was that a threat? Someone should probably report you to police.
Sarah's job is to lie and obfuscate, to deceive the American people. To some extent, it's the role of every press secretary, but she and Spicey took it to a whole new level.

Sounds like what you and the other Stalinist do here.

Say lying fuckwad, did Trump send children to showers to "never be seen again" as the Stalinist press reported?

Sanders is a great women (you Communist fucks can't stand a woman who doesn't obey you) who openly exposes you lying kunts as what you are.

Rage issues? Lol. Sarah's lies are well-documented. Not much I can do about that.

Traitor issues?

Sanders is far more open and honest than the Obama propaganda ministers were.

You and your fellow traitors are outraged that she would DARE stand up to you.

Go ahead and mansplain how she needs to submit to Jim Acosta, Comrade...
Hate to further burst the rightwing Trumpanzee bubble, but here's the voting results from the 2016 election.

Rockbridge County, VA (Lexington where the Red Hen Restaurant is located)
Clinton 3,508
Trump 6,680

So you see, REAL Americans are getting sick and tired of Trump.

Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington Va...THANK YOU!!!!

That's probably why the voice mail for the restaurant is full this morning. That manager might want to update her resume.

Sarah's job is to lie and obfuscate, to deceive the American people. To some extent, it's the role of every press secretary, but she and Spicey took it to a whole new level.

Sounds like what you and the other Stalinist do here.

Say lying fuckwad, did Trump send children to showers to "never be seen again" as the Stalinist press reported?

Sanders is a great women (you Communist fucks can't stand a woman who doesn't obey you) who openly exposes you lying kunts as what you are.

Rage issues? Lol. Sarah's lies are well-documented. Not much I can do about that.

Traitor issues?

Sanders is far more open and honest than the Obama propaganda ministers were.

You and your fellow traitors are outraged that she would DARE stand up to you.

Go ahead and mansplain how she needs to submit to Jim Acosta, Comrade...

So ... just gonna keep trolling, huh? Have fun.

Aee, look at you lie.

Well, you are a traitor and a scumbag.

The subject is the hatred you Stalinists have for women like Sarah Sanders who don't lower their eyes to their leftist massahs.

You slander and libel her because she dares defy your Bolshevik party.

Go ahead and mansplain how she needs to submit to Jim Acosta, Comrade.
REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018

You like that? You're human garbage. Typical leftist, shut up your opposition no matter what it takes
Sarah's job is to lie and obfuscate, to deceive the American people. To some extent, it's the role of every press secretary, but she and Spicey took it to a whole new level.
And this is a reason to disrupt my dinner?

When I go to a restaurant to have an enjoyable meal, I expect to get what I pay for.

When you interrupt her meal, you are interrupting my meal.

I will leave the premises and inform the Manager that he can contact the Police, but I am not paying for the unfinished meal.

Never to return.
“I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”

The problem is, her boss refuses to do the same.

Did you notice while you advocated condemning their actions, you actually didn't?
You little Lefty children really do not want to start a "street level" battle.
You'll lose.
Sarah's job is to lie and obfuscate, to deceive the American people. To some extent, it's the role of every press secretary, but she and Spicey took it to a whole new level.
And this is a reason to disrupt my dinner?

When I go to a restaurant to have an enjoyable meal, I expect to get what I pay for.

When you interrupt her meal, you are interrupting my meal.

I will leave the premises and inform the Manager that he can contact the Police, but I am not paying for the unfinished meal.

Never to return.

Well I personally wouldn't have kicked her out, but I guess if it's legal for them to do it, that's their deal.
Ha! The story is now hitting cable news.

Let's see what people on Twitter have to say to Sorry-Assed Sarah's getting kicked out of the REd Hen.....OOoooh, not good. They are blasting her fat ass:

    1. Faris Moad‏ @UrAverageFaris 4m4 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      Then you must've been devastated by the news of Supreme Court siding with the baker who refused to make the gay wedding cake.

      0 replies0 retweets33 likes

    1. Michelle Clare‏ @mpyke1989 3m3 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      You know what’s fucked? Not baking cakes for gay people, and you whining about being asked to leave based on the constant lies you tell to protect that piece of shit POTUS. You’re complicit, and to be honest I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near you either.

      0 replies0 retweets23 likes

    1. Linda‏ @HexDivine 4m4 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      I’ve seen your press conferences. You do not treat people with respect.

      0 replies0 retweets20 likes

    1. Diana LeBrun‏ @denali1223 4m4 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      You don’t treat people with respect, neither one of you. You reap what you sow.

      0 replies1 retweet16 likes

    1. dave t‏ @DavidTosques 4m4 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      They are just asserting their religious freedom by denying service to lying, ignorant, traitorous, evil people. Religious freedom really is under attack.

      0 replies1 retweet19 likes
      1. Engaged & Enraged Citizen‏ @EngagednEnraged 4m4 minutes ago
        Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
        Her actions say that she is a proud, patriotic American who is rightfully appalled at the direction in which this country is going. You treat those with whom you disagree with rudeness, condescension, and contempt. Stop the self-righteousness!! #ReapingWhatYouSow

        0 replies0 retweets20 likes

      1. Anna Inez‏ @annainezFINEART 3m3 minutes ago
        Replying to @PressSec @POTUS sad...womp womp

        0 replies0 retweets8 likes

      1. DDay‏ @qedigiv 3m3 minutes ago
        Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
        Your party wants to allow people to refuse service because the customer was born gay. You made a choice to work for trump. Gays do not choose their orientation.

        0 replies2 retweets14 likes

  1. Alt US Cyber Command‏ @AltCyberCommand 1h1 hour ago
    Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
    It was because of your actions and decisions, Sarah. Respect is earned, Sarah. You're not being oppressed. You're just a willing party to constant lying, which now includes lying about child abuse. I'd kick you out twice.
Whew, they really hate the bitch on Twitter:

    1. bbq‏ @LorenzoBarbara 56m56 minutes ago
      This isn't just about immigration, its about the other 3000 plus lies she has lied and covered up for Trump. Get it straight most people see the everyday accumulation not just 1 single subject. #Wearesickofthelies.

      0 replies0 retweets4 likes

      End of conversation

    1. Ellen Datlow‏ @EllenDatlow 3m3 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      No she's a patriot. You're a traitor. Good for her.

      0 replies0 retweets5 likes

    1. Zoe Contros Kearl‏ @zoecontros 3m3 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      Fuck you

      0 replies0 retweets5 likes

    1. Andy Lego‏ @_andylego 4m4 minutes ago
      Replying to @PressSec @POTUS
      Liar! Is this respect?


Sarah's job is to lie and obfuscate, to deceive the American people. To some extent, it's the role of every press secretary, but she and Spicey took it to a whole new level.
And this is a reason to disrupt my dinner?

When I go to a restaurant to have an enjoyable meal, I expect to get what I pay for.

When you interrupt her meal, you are interrupting my meal.

I will leave the premises and inform the Manager that he can contact the Police, but I am not paying for the unfinished meal.

Never to return.

Well I personally wouldn't have kicked her out, but I guess if it's legal for them to do it, that's their deal.
What they should have done was to keep it personal and respectfully request that she not return, in person.

Legal or not, I find it troubling that others have to be affected by their decision.
When you see "Christians" like Scott Pruitt and Sarah Sanders, Jeff Sessions and all these other transparently fake supporters of a pathological liar like Trump, you realize just how corrosive, toxic and putrid Republicanism is.

Leftists are inspiring their minions like you to assault people even with their families in public. What's more corrosive, toxic and putrid than that?

Why don't you just propose a law making it illegal to not be a leftist? That's what you're clearly advocating
Surely there are some businesses willing to throw democrats out.

The country is dividing. Now it's getting personal. This is street level. Good.
What do you see as virtuous in division? What good has social division ever brought? Why encourage it?

Why is the left encouraging all of this hate and social division?
I guess those Alt-Right marchers are easily forgotten.

Yes, I forgot. Remind me who you're talking about
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