'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.

Bullshit. Here again we see the far right wingnuts telling really big lies, and hoping that the rest of us swallow that shit. Here is are the facts;

And, yes, there are really stupid people that do not realize how much of what we have is the result of government funded research. Including the way in which we are communicating right now.

Sucking class-warfare dick? Gross.
Liberals and Democrats flunked economics.

Im not sure Republicans have done much better

That's because they BUILT infrastructure and schools within the wrong country. They flunked sadly because they did that elsewhere.:eek:


You realize that our Constitution gives the state and local governments the power over education, right? And you also realize that Republicans don't have control over the Federal government, right?

If you want to improve education in your local communities, work in your local communities to do so. You don't even have to participate in the government to strengthen education. That's the dirty little secret.

It's not government that educates us. We are the ones who educate ourselves. We are the ones who have to educate one another. We are obligated to study and learn ourselves. We don't need the governments permission or even it's assistance to be educated. Our Founders didn't have public education and most of them were far more educated then a typical person today.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

Why not just make it $50/hour? then every burger flipper could buy a Porsche.

Burgers might cost $75, and no one would buy them, but who cares, the workers are getting a "fair wage". But they have no jobs, no problem sign them up for welfare, unemployment and food stamps.

You are an idiot, Matt.

How does calling anyone an idiot persuade them to listen to you?

Sure it makes you feel good about yourself. But who cares if the nation still goes to hell because we can't persuade anyone to listen to us?
The more and more I think about, the more I think we should require certain education milestones before we allow someone to vote. If nothing else, we should require Intro to Macro & Microeconomics.

1. That would be anti-democratic.
2. I'd pass it as I've passed hundreds of test ;)

You people think a worker should die within a sweat shop working long hours. Shouldn't be this way in this country.

Well we aren't a Democracy, we are a Republic.

Is your position really so insecure that you have to create straw men? You think anyone wants people to die in a sweat shop? Seriously? That's just a straw man used to poison the well. How does that help us make this nation better?

People should work. Any honest work should be applauded. We used to have a work ethic in this nation. Our jobs are the way we have been called to serve people. There is nothing to be ashamed of in working hard. Or even working long hours. Sure it's not pleasant all the time. But it's better than being dishonest.
The moronic legislation of changing the floor, thinking that every other part of the room is going to settle for the level they were and not rising with it

This does nothing for poverty..

And the idiot progressives lap it up like a dog laps up vomit
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

Why not just make it $50/hour? then every burger flipper could buy a Porsche.

Burgers might cost $75, and no one would buy them, but who cares, the workers are getting a "fair wage". But they have no jobs, no problem sign them up for welfare, unemployment and food stamps.

You are an idiot, Matt.

How does calling anyone an idiot persuade them to listen to you?

Sure it makes you feel good about yourself. But who cares if the nation still goes to hell because we can't persuade anyone to listen to us?

sorry, av. but I call em like I see em. I am not here to try to turn libtards into thinking human beings. I am trying to influence the 20% or so who are on the fence. I don't think they are offended when I call a poster an idiot for making an idiotic statement.

We are never going to convert the far left loons.
for matt

proper grammer is: It should have been in America. "Should of" is wrong.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

You're such a dumbass progressive it hurts to watch you make posts.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

You're such a dumbass progressive it hurts to watch you make posts.

the defective liberal gene is alive and active in our little friend matthew.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

You're such a dumbass progressive it hurts to watch you make posts.

the defective liberal gene is alive and active in our little friend matthew.

It's strange seeing people like Matt and Jake claim to being the real conservatives...
I know so many of you justify being jerks to others as "calling you as you see it". But that doesn't make it right.

How are we supposed to unite the nation behind the truth if we use it to gratify our own pride rather than to reach out and lift up our fellow citizens?

You realize that being unkind to people just gives them ammunition to completely ignore the message and go after you? It solves nothing. You think it persuades people on the fence to come to you when you treat others like they are pieces of crap? Im sorry, but that's nonsense.

Our goal should be reconiliation behind the truth. With Malice towards none and charity towards all. The Robbers win when we act like them.
I know so many of you justify being jerks to others as "calling you as you see it". But that doesn't make it right.

How are we supposed to unite the nation behind the truth if we use it to gratify our own pride rather than to reach out and lift up our fellow citizens?

You realize that being unkind to people just gives them ammunition to completely ignore the message and go after you? It solves nothing. You think it persuades people on the fence to come to you when you treat others like they are pieces of crap? Im sorry, but that's nonsense.

Our goal should be reconiliation behind the truth. With Malice towards none and charity towards all. The Robbers win when we act like them.

I personally paid a good wage when I ran my own small company for a while... but I will not tell some company that a burger flipper, who could be replaced by 99.9999% of all working adults or teens, a machine, or a trained chimp needs to be paid high wages.. it is ludicrous... if one wants a higher wage, one is responsible for THEMSELVES to make themselves in demand, up their skills, and do what it takes to earn what they want/need
I know so many of you justify being jerks to others as "calling you as you see it". But that doesn't make it right.

How are we supposed to unite the nation behind the truth if we use it to gratify our own pride rather than to reach out and lift up our fellow citizens?

You realize that being unkind to people just gives them ammunition to completely ignore the message and go after you? It solves nothing. You think it persuades people on the fence to come to you when you treat others like they are pieces of crap? Im sorry, but that's nonsense.

Our goal should be reconiliation behind the truth. With Malice towards none and charity towards all. The Robbers win when we act like them.

I personally paid a good wage when I ran my own small company for a while... but I will not tell some company that a burger flipper, who could be replaced by 99.9999% of all working adults or teens, a machine, or a trained chimp needs to be paid high wages.. it is ludicrous... if one wants a higher wage, one is responsible for THEMSELVES to make themselves in demand, up their skills, and do what it takes to earn what they want/need

I completely agree. But does that mean we need to start insulting everyone who disagrees with us? How does that help others recognize that we need to improve our own skills and ability to produce instead of artificially increasing the cost of labor and making absolutely nothing better while pretending things are better?
How loud are they going to complain when their Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top (apagotto style) with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped price goes up?

Or when the grocery stores, gas stations, and fast food joints in town close?

Let me guess, in the year we'll hear sob stories about food deserts because the Piggly Wiggly closed.

Remember the last time this happened? Wait no, I meant, remember the last TIMES Republicans said this would happen? Remember when it didn't?

Shit even Papa Johns tried to get in on the act warning everyone Pizzas were going to go up .15 cents because of ACA. There were crickets everywhere and not a fuck was given

Same thing here
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Lol. That 200k house just went to 300k.

Three young men from Searsport just left for the Seattle area.

Time to get job for two of them? 48 hours.

Pay rate per hour for the work? $12.50 ph.

In the Seattle region, making anything below $15 an hour is considered poverty wage

I think the region will continue to thrive.

That's a long way to go for a poverty level wage. Is it that bad in maine?
How loud are they going to complain when their Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top (apagotto style) with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped price goes up?

Or when the grocery stores, gas stations, and fast food joints in town close?

Let me guess, in the year we'll hear sob stories about food deserts because the Piggly Wiggly closed.

Remember the last time this happened? Wait no, I meant, remember the last TIMES Republicans said this would happen? Remember when it didn't?

Shit even Papa Johns tried to get in on the act warning everyone Pizzas were going to go up .15 cents because of ACA. There were crickets everywhere and not a fuck was given

Same thing here

Yeah, who cares about unemployed teens? You sure as hell dont.
I know so many of you justify being jerks to others as "calling you as you see it". But that doesn't make it right.

How are we supposed to unite the nation behind the truth if we use it to gratify our own pride rather than to reach out and lift up our fellow citizens?

You realize that being unkind to people just gives them ammunition to completely ignore the message and go after you? It solves nothing. You think it persuades people on the fence to come to you when you treat others like they are pieces of crap? Im sorry, but that's nonsense.

Our goal should be reconiliation behind the truth. With Malice towards none and charity towards all. The Robbers win when we act like them.

I personally paid a good wage when I ran my own small company for a while... but I will not tell some company that a burger flipper, who could be replaced by 99.9999% of all working adults or teens, a machine, or a trained chimp needs to be paid high wages.. it is ludicrous... if one wants a higher wage, one is responsible for THEMSELVES to make themselves in demand, up their skills, and do what it takes to earn what they want/need

I completely agree. But does that mean we need to start insulting everyone who disagrees with us? How does that help others recognize that we need to improve our own skills and ability to produce instead of artificially increasing the cost of labor and making absolutely nothing better while pretending things are better?

Yes we do.
When we present logical arguments, supported with facts and the response is "Republicans are only for the rich" then there is no arguing with people like that.
You might as well have a little fun and insult their stupidity. You sure aren't doing anything worthwhile talking to them.
I personally paid a good wage when I ran my own small company for a while... but I will not tell some company that a burger flipper, who could be replaced by 99.9999% of all working adults or teens, a machine, or a trained chimp needs to be paid high wages.. it is ludicrous... if one wants a higher wage, one is responsible for THEMSELVES to make themselves in demand, up their skills, and do what it takes to earn what they want/need

I completely agree. But does that mean we need to start insulting everyone who disagrees with us? How does that help others recognize that we need to improve our own skills and ability to produce instead of artificially increasing the cost of labor and making absolutely nothing better while pretending things are better?

Yes we do.
When we present logical arguments, supported with facts and the response is "Republicans are only for the rich" then there is no arguing with people like that.
You might as well have a little fun and insult their stupidity. You sure aren't doing anything worthwhile talking to them.

The facts and logistics have been explained to these retards over and over and over again.. they blow them off and keep with their crap... so they are then called out for being the idiots they are

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