'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election

I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

How about if we require intelligence tests to vote? Then we won't have to worry about you reading about the latest idiocy to come down the pike.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?
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I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.
You can complain about how the economy works. Or you can learn the natural laws of economics and use how the economy works to make your life better. Your choice.
What happened to the union workers who worked at Hostess?
These workers will get $15.00 an hour, except they won't have a job at all. Unemployment is richly deserved too.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.

How about instead of these people blaming the hard working small businessman who makes a couple million, or even the McDonald's Ceo, they blame the bankers(Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc etc) and the FED who helped them rob the roost. Oh wait, Goldman and JP Morgan are the top Democratic party donors, can't talk about that.

One of the greatest cons of the Obama administration is that he claims to represent the middle class and working class.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It will put the middle class small business owner under.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It will put the middle class small business owner under.

This, I am sure all big businesses wouldn't mind this law at all. It creates another barrier to entry for small firms and reduces competition.
When will people realize that when government artificially increases the cost of labor, the amount of labor decreases?
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Liberals and Democrats flunked economics.

Im not sure Republicans have done much better

That's because they BUILT infrastructure and schools within the wrong country. They flunked sadly because they did that anywhere.:eek:

Amazing how the GOP could have done that without the votes and support of Democrats, huh?

Or you could just admit you're lashing out mindlessly.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

Why not just make it $50/hour? then every burger flipper could buy a Porsche.

Burgers might cost $75, and no one would buy them, but who cares, the workers are getting a "fair wage". But they have no jobs, no problem sign them up for welfare, unemployment and food stamps.

You are an idiot, Matt.
The more and more I think about, the more I think we should require certain education milestones before we allow someone to vote. If nothing else, we should require Intro to Macro & Microeconomics.
The more and more I think about, the more I think we should require certain education milestones before we allow someone to vote. If nothing else, we should require Intro to Macro & Microeconomics.

1. That would be anti-democratic.
2. I'd pass it as I've passed hundreds of test ;)

You people think a worker should die within a sweat shop working long hours. Shouldn't be this way in this country.
The more and more I think about, the more I think we should require certain education milestones before we allow someone to vote. If nothing else, we should require Intro to Macro & Microeconomics.

1. That would be anti-democratic.
2. I'd pass it as I've passed hundreds of test ;)

You people think a worker should die within a sweat shop working long hours. Shouldn't be this way in this country.

Anti-Democratic is a good thing.
I can't believe you've passed anything other than a large stool.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.

Bullshit. Here again we see the far right wingnuts telling really big lies, and hoping that the rest of us swallow that shit. Here is are the facts;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

And, yes, there are really stupid people that do not realize how much of what we have is the result of government funded research. Including the way in which we are communicating right now.
Lol. That 200k house just went to 300k.

Three young men from Searsport just left for the Seattle area.

Time to get job for two of them? 48 hours.

Pay rate per hour for the work? $12.50 ph.

In the Seattle region, making anything below $15 an hour is considered poverty wage

I think the region will continue to thrive.

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