'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election

Obviously, many books have been written about the idiocy of minimum wages (or, as in this case, raising minimum wages). Among the many things that Democrat movers & shakers have never really grasped is that an entry level job (aka a "Minimum Wage Job") CANNOT pay a "living wage," because an entry level employee cannot provide that much VALUE to an employer. Most of the proponents of a "high" minimum wage have never worked a MW job, so have no frame of reference. If you are 40 years old and trying to support a family on a minimum wage job, you are either retarded (archaic term, but apt) or have some other fatal flaws as an employee.

Any time the price of ANYTHING is raised to a level that is significantly above its economic value, three things will result:

--> The consumers of it will use less of it,

--> Consumers of it will seek alternatives, and

--> A black market will emerge.

It doesn't matter whether you are talking about labor, gold, gasoline, or potato chips. If the price goes above the commodity's economic value, these three things will occur.

Make the minimum wage $15/hr and people with minimal skills will never get hired. For that wage, you can easily get a candidate with a Masters in Fine Arts, or some other useless university degree. Who would hire a black HS dropout for ANYTHING at that wage? Employers will try to automate everything possible, and to demand much greater productivity from everone. The semi-slacker is tolerable at $7.50/hr, but will be quickly jettisoned for a better employee at $15. Retired people who decline to work now would be attracted back into the workforce at that wage, and employers would much rather have someone with a lifetime work history who is on Medicare, rather than some pimple-faced high school kid cleaning off tables.

Most tellingly, a $15 minimum wage is SO incredibly stupid that it isn't even proposed in the U.S. Congress, where stupid ideas are their main work product!
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

Hey, why not $50/hr?
I float this idea and the lefties, like you, can never tell me why it isn't a good idea. If 9/hr is good then why not 50?

Because that would be too high.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

Hey, why not $50/hr?
I float this idea and the lefties, like you, can never tell me why it isn't a good idea. If 9/hr is good then why not 50?

More or less a balance of fairness to the workers and staying within the boundaries of economics. A large business CAN pay its workers more as there profits are sky high over the past 5-10 years. Minimum wage nationally are set at 1990's levels.:doubt:

On the other hand I would exclude small businesses for the reasons of start up cost and growth of the business. They just don't have the cash.

See BIG businesses can afford it.

Of course that would also leave small businesses having to employ the dregs of the labor pool.
Who are the targets? Small businesses are exempt and most big businesses as well as government pay more than 15 per hour. It seems like a typical left wing smoke and mirrors game.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

Hey, why not $50/hr?
I float this idea and the lefties, like you, can never tell me why it isn't a good idea. If 9/hr is good then why not 50?

Because that would be too high.

So who decides what is too high? And why is it too high? don't you want everyone to become millionaries?
Can Rabbi explain how being against higher min wages creates more jobs?

Not increasing the minimum wage doesn't create more jobs. It prevents us from losing jobs that already exist. It's called common sense. You increase the cost of something and less people can purchase it.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor decreases the amount of labor that will be purchased.

Letting the market dictate prices will increase people working. Market forces can determine what the minimum wage is much better than the government can. It also prevents government from inflating the currency. Which is the real problem.

I think you already know this and are just going to pretend as though nothing I said matters. Feel free.
How loud are they going to complain when their Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top (apagotto style) with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped price goes up?

That extra $1 per is not going to faze anyone who already believes that is a purchase that they are willing to make. What is interesting is that everyone who will be earning that living wage will be putting every penny of it back into the local economy because none of them have massive stock portfolios where they can just park it to earn dividends for themselves.
Can Rabbi explain how being against higher min wages creates more jobs?

Not increasing the minimum wage doesn't create more jobs. It prevents us from losing jobs that already exist. It's called common sense. You increase the cost of something and less people can purchase it.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor decreases the amount of labor that will be purchased.

Letting the market dictate prices will increase people working. Market forces can determine what the minimum wage is much better than the government can. It also prevents government from inflating the currency. Which is the real problem.

I think you already know this and are just going to pretend as though nothing I said matters. Feel free.

Heres the thing. If a business is successful they will hire people. If not, they wont.

We've let the market dictate for decades and now we're here. How long does it take to come to the conclusion that the market has its finger on the scale?
Hey, why not $50/hr?
I float this idea and the lefties, like you, can never tell me why it isn't a good idea. If 9/hr is good then why not 50?

Because that would be too high.

So who decides what is too high? And why is it too high? don't you want everyone to become millionaries?

In this case, the voters. And $50/hr is too high because it fails the reasonable person test. That whole argument is an appeal to absurdity fallacy. Just like arguing that if lower taxes improve the economy, then why not 0%.
Can Rabbi explain how being against higher min wages creates more jobs?

Not increasing the minimum wage doesn't create more jobs. It prevents us from losing jobs that already exist. It's called common sense. You increase the cost of something and less people can purchase it.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor decreases the amount of labor that will be purchased.

Letting the market dictate prices will increase people working. Market forces can determine what the minimum wage is much better than the government can. It also prevents government from inflating the currency. Which is the real problem.

I think you already know this and are just going to pretend as though nothing I said matters. Feel free.

Heres the thing. If a business is successful they will hire people. If not, they wont.

We've let the market dictate for decades and now we're here. How long does it take to come to the conclusion that the market has its finger on the scale?

The market is always way ahead of the govt.
'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election


Another victim of government "education".

If employers must pay $15.00 a hour and can not afford to do so they will

(a) fire some employees

(b) pass the cost on to consumers , many of them who are poor or on a fixed income

(c) will force employers to move to a less criminal location

For example: CEO pay has gone thru the roof since the 70's. There hasn't been huge price increases and everyone says its ok.

Employee pay has remained the same but don't give them more money because we'll all be hurt by it.

CEO pay has increased enough to give every worker more dough.
Can Rabbi explain how being against higher min wages creates more jobs?

Not increasing the minimum wage doesn't create more jobs. It prevents us from losing jobs that already exist. It's called common sense. You increase the cost of something and less people can purchase it.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor decreases the amount of labor that will be purchased.

Letting the market dictate prices will increase people working. Market forces can determine what the minimum wage is much better than the government can. It also prevents government from inflating the currency. Which is the real problem.

I think you already know this and are just going to pretend as though nothing I said matters. Feel free.

You are forgetting that those that receive the higher income now have more disposable income which does create more jobs. Henry Ford increased the pay of his workers and ended up selling more vehicles because the rising tide of incomes created more affluence.

If the pay of everyone making under $70k pa was increased by $10/hr that would result in a booming economy within a year. Corporations would take it as tax deductions because it is an expense and individuals would have an additional $2k pa in their paychecks. Since it is conservative dogma to state that individuals know better how to spend their money than government does the 130 million people with that extra $2k are going to put it to good use.

The math works, the conservative principles are sound and while the corporations and shareholders might see an initial dip but it will be more than offset by the subsequent benefits that come from a booming economy.
I looked over the rest of the article and like the idea of raising the minimum wage on larger businesses. They're the ones making the insane profit.

How about going from 7.25/hour to 9/hour nationally on all businesses making more then 20 million a year??? This would help build a stronger middle class in this country...Also takes away the rights talking point how we're going to hurt small business.

You do understand that you have to put on a minimum of about 10.00 an hr more for every hr these employees work, right? Effectively making it 25.00 an hr. Add Obamacare mandates for employees working over 29 hrs a week and you effectively strangle business growth. It's math -period. People do not go into business to cut their own economic throats. You will see more business in Setac close up then grow...fucking idiots.
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9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.

Bullshit. Here again we see the far right wingnuts telling really big lies, and hoping that the rest of us swallow that shit. Here is are the facts;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

And, yes, there are really stupid people that do not realize how much of what we have is the result of government funded research. Including the way in which we are communicating right now.

So how does increasing taxes middle to upper middle class Americans(even those making a couple million a year) do to correct the income inequality created by the financial system(The Federal Reserve and Wall Street)? You are falling for a Democrat Party con job. They are creating false scapegoats to distract you from who is really running the country(Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan among them) because it is to the benefit of their biggest donors(the banks I mentioned above).

But go ahead, tax the hell out of the business man making a couple mil a year and regulate him up the wazoo, see how far it gets you in addressing the the deterioration of the American standard of living.
Just like the Katy Texas football stadium, it's a local matter decided by a vote.

Pretty amusing the different reactions from some of the same players. :lol:

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