Real Clear Politics (Average): Obama 48.7 Gingrich 43 (SPREAD: Obama +5.7)

Thank Bush and those who voted for him...

Clinton spent 432 million dollars a day.
G.W. Bush spent 1.6 billion dollars a day.

Barack Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.

Barack Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.

No shit, Sherlock. After the Bush clusterfuck - he didn't have much choice!
Barack Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.

No shit, Sherlock. After the Bush clusterfuck - he didn't have much choice!

You're such a fucking retard..

No, he only told congress to spend money....

If your brains weren't in your ass and you supported Obama you'd be blaming congress..

You're not even smart enough to do that...

Do you know who authorizes spending???
Barack Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.

No shit, Sherlock. After the Bush clusterfuck - he didn't have much choice!

You're such a fucking retard..

No, he only told congress to spend money....

If your brains weren't in your ass and you supported Obama you'd be blaming congress..

You're not even smart enough to do that...

Do you know who authorizes spending???

Are you a natural born hateful foul-mouth prick or did you have to work at it?
No shit, Sherlock. After the Bush clusterfuck - he didn't have much choice!

You're such a fucking retard..

No, he only told congress to spend money....

If your brains weren't in your ass and you supported Obama you'd be blaming congress..

You're not even smart enough to do that...

Do you know who authorizes spending???

Are you a natural born hateful foul-mouth prick or did you have to work at it?

No it's natural....

Besides calling me a prick would contradict your assertion wouldn't it?
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Newt is already starting to self district. His illegal immigration statements will certainly not win over the Tea Party. From a political standpoint, his statements about child labor laws were just plain stupid. Democrats will have a field day with them in the general election. Newt just can't seem to control his mouth. I wonder if he pays any attention to his political advisers.

Considering the economic situation, Republicans could win the White House, if they would come up with a decent candidate, which they have not done so far. Romney changes his position on the issues so often, I doubt he even knows where he stands from one day to the next plus the public just doesn't like him. Newt is a warmed over 90's political failure with more baggage that he can carry. Paul is such a libertarian, he wouldn't even be able to carry the Republican vote. Cain and Perry have demonstrated repeatedly that they are totally incompetent.

Obama polls higher against all these candidates even thou he doesn't have an opponent to campaign against.
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Roger Ailes has chosen Newt as the Republican nominee.

Thus, the bashing of Romney on FoxNews, and Newt's softball interview on Hannity.

Thank you, Roger Ailes!
Roger Ailes has chosen Newt as the Republican nominee.

Thus, the bashing of Romney on FoxNews, and Newt's softball interview on Hannity.

Thank you, Roger Ailes!

Romney is a RINO, not a republican outside of Mass. It isn't bashing to point to his support of Romneycare, the archetype of Obamacare, and other non conservative stances.
I dont like Newt. But of course I'd take either one of them, or Roger Ailes for that matter, than the Bozo currently occupying the White House.
Newt is already starting to self district. His illegal immigration statements will certainly not win over the Tea Party. From a political standpoint, his statements about child labor laws were just plain stupid. Democrats will have a field day with them in the general election. Newt just can't seem to control his mouth. I wonder if he pays any attention to his political advisers.

Considering the economic situation, Republicans could win the White House, if they would come up with a decent candidate, which they have not done so far. Romney changes his position on the issues so often, I doubt he even knows where he stands from one day to the next plus the public just doesn't like him. Newt is a warmed over 90's political failure with more baggage that he can carry. Paul is such a libertarian, he wouldn't even be able to carry the Republican vote. Cain and Perry have demonstrated repeatedly that they are totally incompetent.

Obama polls higher against all these candidates even thou he doesn't have an opponent to campaign against.

could you perhaps explain to the audience the process one goes through to "self district"? Curious minds wanna know.
Newt is already starting to self district. His illegal immigration statements will certainly not win over the Tea Party. From a political standpoint, his statements about child labor laws were just plain stupid. Democrats will have a field day with them in the general election. Newt just can't seem to control his mouth. I wonder if he pays any attention to his political advisers.


So much magical thinking, I don't know where to start.

Let's start with the obvious one. Newt's position on illegal immigration is actually to the right of BUsh and McCain, who wanted to do a lot more than Newt is suggesting. McCain still won the nomination in 2008.

The "child labor" thing is one of those things that liberals get upset about, but here in the real world where parents make their kids clean their rooms, and remember when they had a paper route or raked leaves... not so much.

Sweet Evil Jesus, maybe I am getting old. I remember when I was a "tween", I raked leaves, I shoveled snow, I took work doing stuff.

I remember when I was 12, and my dad didn't want to hire professionals to put a garage on the fishing cabin, he gave me and my brothers hammers and nails and had us go at it while he "supervised". (Oddly, "supervision" often involved a glass of Cutty Sark. But I digress!) That garage still stands today, 40 years later.

Considering the economic situation, Republicans could win the White House, if they would come up with a decent candidate, which they have not done so far. Romney changes his position on the issues so often, I doubt he even knows where he stands from one day to the next plus the public just doesn't like him. Newt is a warmed over 90's political failure with more baggage that he can carry. Paul is such a libertarian, he wouldn't even be able to carry the Republican vote. Cain and Perry have demonstrated repeatedly that they are totally incompetent.

Obama polls higher against all these candidates even thou he doesn't have an opponent to campaign against

Again, you are reading WAAAAAY to much into this. Nobody really thought about Carter being gone in 1979, and no no really thought about Bush-41 being gone in 1991.

It becomes real to the 'not" partisans after the candidates are chosen, not before.

Polls in 1991 showed Bush way ahead of any Democrat, and Clinton was barely on the radar. Even well into 1992, Clinton was running in third place behind Bush and H. Ross "Crazier than batshit" Perot.
Newt is already starting to self district. His illegal immigration statements will certainly not win over the Tea Party. From a political standpoint, his statements about child labor laws were just plain stupid. Democrats will have a field day with them in the general election. Newt just can't seem to control his mouth. I wonder if he pays any attention to his political advisers.

Considering the economic situation, Republicans could win the White House, if they would come up with a decent candidate, which they have not done so far. Romney changes his position on the issues so often, I doubt he even knows where he stands from one day to the next plus the public just doesn't like him. Newt is a warmed over 90's political failure with more baggage that he can carry. Paul is such a libertarian, he wouldn't even be able to carry the Republican vote. Cain and Perry have demonstrated repeatedly that they are totally incompetent.

Obama polls higher against all these candidates even thou he doesn't have an opponent to campaign against.

could you perhaps explain to the audience the process one goes through to "self district"? Curious minds wanna know.
Ask Newt. He seems to have it down pat.
Newt is already starting to self district. His illegal immigration statements will certainly not win over the Tea Party. From a political standpoint, his statements about child labor laws were just plain stupid. Democrats will have a field day with them in the general election. Newt just can't seem to control his mouth. I wonder if he pays any attention to his political advisers.


So much magical thinking, I don't know where to start.

Let's start with the obvious one. Newt's position on illegal immigration is actually to the right of BUsh and McCain, who wanted to do a lot more than Newt is suggesting. McCain still won the nomination in 2008.

The "child labor" thing is one of those things that liberals get upset about, but here in the real world where parents make their kids clean their rooms, and remember when they had a paper route or raked leaves... not so much.

Sweet Evil Jesus, maybe I am getting old. I remember when I was a "tween", I raked leaves, I shoveled snow, I took work doing stuff.

I remember when I was 12, and my dad didn't want to hire professionals to put a garage on the fishing cabin, he gave me and my brothers hammers and nails and had us go at it while he "supervised". (Oddly, "supervision" often involved a glass of Cutty Sark. But I digress!) That garage still stands today, 40 years later.

Considering the economic situation, Republicans could win the White House, if they would come up with a decent candidate, which they have not done so far. Romney changes his position on the issues so often, I doubt he even knows where he stands from one day to the next plus the public just doesn't like him. Newt is a warmed over 90's political failure with more baggage that he can carry. Paul is such a libertarian, he wouldn't even be able to carry the Republican vote. Cain and Perry have demonstrated repeatedly that they are totally incompetent.

Obama polls higher against all these candidates even thou he doesn't have an opponent to campaign against

Again, you are reading WAAAAAY to much into this. Nobody really thought about Carter being gone in 1979, and no no really thought about Bush-41 being gone in 1991.

It becomes real to the 'not" partisans after the candidates are chosen, not before.

Polls in 1991 showed Bush way ahead of any Democrat, and Clinton was barely on the radar. Even well into 1992, Clinton was running in third place behind Bush and H. Ross "Crazier than batshit" Perot.
This is politics not reality. Perception is everything. You don't attack child labor laws no matter what party you represent and you certainly don't go against your party on key issues such as immigration. I guarantee you, this guy will self destruct if he's nominated. He can't resist expressing his opinion even if it disagrees with the party line or is at odds with the beliefs of the voters. That's a recipe for disaster in a presidential campaign.
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Still way too early.

However, the poll that has Gingrich kicking Romney's butt here in Florida also has Gingrich losing to Obama by 5 points in this state.
Polls mean jack squat right now. Check back next september, let's see how it's going then. Cuz until then most Americans don't give a crap.

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