Real Life in Business


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

I just had a disturbing conversation with a couple of CPAs in my firm. I'm sure there will be those who deny the following, your call. In about five minutes, they threw out the following examples of what some of their small to mid-sized business clients are dealing with:

  • A drywall company that literally can't find anyone to work; they get a ton of applications (including manager positions) from people who are on unemployment (to keep their checks coming), but few even show up for the interview. A couple of them have said straight to the business owner's face, "I have another 25 weeks of unemployment, I'll call you back then, I'll need the job."
  • A restaurant owner who had a new employee fake an injury on their third day and demand worker's compensation. When worker's comp laughed it out of their office, the employee brought in a lawyer, and the business owner is now dealing with that.
  • A business owner (don't know the industry) who has 46 employees and will not go above 50 after Obamacare kicks in. They'll just outsource, hell with it.
  • A software firm that currently employs 55 and will get down under 50 for Obamacare by outsourcing. Just not worth it.

I left the conversation after that, and they were still going. When I'm speaking to a business owner about this kind of stuff, they aren't looking for sympathy or thanks. They just sit there looking like they're wondering what kind of truck just hit them.

Yes, I know, all business owners are "rich" and don't work as hard as they think they do, and they're not as smart as they think they are. I get it. Just wanted to toss in a little real world for a change.

The company I work for covered 100% medical in anticipation of OCare and growth -- a different approach. Many unemployed pull that stunt, then only take a job once theyre totally desperate.

I just had a disturbing conversation with a couple of CPAs in my firm. I'm sure there will be those who deny the following, your call. In about five minutes, they threw out the following examples of what some of their small to mid-sized business clients are dealing with:

  • A drywall company that literally can't find anyone to work; they get a ton of applications (including manager positions) from people who are on unemployment (to keep their checks coming), but few even show up for the interview. A couple of them have said straight to the business owner's face, "I have another 25 weeks of unemployment, I'll call you back then, I'll need the job."
  • A restaurant owner who had a new employee fake an injury on their third day and demand worker's compensation. When worker's comp laughed it out of their office, the employee brought in a lawyer, and the business owner is now dealing with that.
  • A business owner (don't know the industry) who has 46 employees and will not go above 50 after Obamacare kicks in. They'll just outsource, hell with it.
  • A software firm that currently employs 55 and will get down under 50 for Obamacare by outsourcing. Just not worth it.

I left the conversation after that, and they were still going. When I'm speaking to a business owner about this kind of stuff, they aren't looking for sympathy or thanks. They just sit there looking like they're wondering what kind of truck just hit them.

Yes, I know, all business owners are "rich" and don't work as hard as they think they do, and they're not as smart as they think they are. I get it. Just wanted to toss in a little real world for a change.


When I had my office open a woman came in to apply for a job I had advertised. She was in nightgown, robe, slippers and her hair in curlers. She said she had to apply for work to get welfare and asked me to sign her job application slip.

A black woman had all the skills and qualifications. She left for lunch and never came back. I never heard from her until I got a letter from her lawyer that seeing me vacuuming the floor was racial harassment.

After I closed that office and opened a dog grooming shop, a young man applied for and got a position as clean up person. He showed up for the first day of work in sportcoat and tie saying he had reconsidered and felt that he would be better as front desk, except we had no front desk.

A recent high school grad begged for a job doing anything because she intended to go to veterinary school. I hired her as my assistant. She arrived on her first day and immediately locked herself in the bathroom until her mother came to pick her up. Mother demanded that the girl be paid for a half day of "work".

The real world isn't like the mythical democrat world.
When I owned a bar in Atlanta I had a bartender working for me that use to pressure customers for tips. I told the manager to tell her to knock it off. She didn't, I got complaints..and I told the manager to fire her. Well the bartender came back with a sob story about how she was pregnant and would comply with my rules if I kept her on. I did..and she didn't. I had to personally fire her..because my manager was way to wimpy. She told me "Fuck you" and that she would sue me. Later..she called and asked if she could use me as a reference.

My brother had a restaurant where he hired a lawyer from Ecuador to do prep and clean the staging area in the morning. Well one day she "stupidly" took a vat of boiling water from the stove (which she wasn't supposed to touch) and put it on the ground. She then stepped in it accidently..badly burning her foot. She was part time..with no health care. No brother paid her hospital expenses and for her time off...and paid her as a full timer. Well the paid part went into 3 months..and my brother told her to go on workmen's comp. She threatened to sue him as well.

Anyone who's owned a business..has these sorts of stories.

So what?

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